广东版五上Unit 3 Dates-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:814c7).doc

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1、广东人民出版社广东人民出版社英语英语五五年级年级上上册册 UnitUnit 3 3 DatesDates (VacaburaryVacaburary) 教学设计教学设计 学学 情情 分分 析析 本课教学的对象为五年级学生,通过几年的学习积累,他们已储备一定的 英语知识,他们已掌握 1-6 月的相关词汇,并且对英语很感兴趣,他们喜欢在 做中学,在玩中学,喜欢观察与思考。孩子们能听懂基本的课堂用语,养成了 主动倾听、积极思考、善于观察图片、乐于回答问题、敢于用英语表达自己的 想法的好习惯;本年段的学生活泼好动,好奇心强,喜欢表现自己,但是也存 在学习稳定性不强、注意力不易长时间集中等问题,所以在教

2、学中采用以旧引 新、游戏、听说领先、歌谣、TPR 等教学法,贯彻趣味性原则、主体性原则、 目的性原则、词不离句原则,循序渐进地打造有效课堂,让学生在活动中感知 语言,掌握和运用语言。 教教 材材 内内 容容 分分 析析 本节课教授的内容是广东人民出版社英语五年级上册 Unit 3 Dates (Vacaburary) ,本单元围绕 Dates 这一话题展开。本节课是第一课时,课型 是词汇课,在第二单元,学生已经学过如何表达 1-6 月;本课内容的重点是用 学生能够准确地、熟练地听、说、认读和写出月份的单词 July 、 August 、 September、October、November、D

3、ecember。难点是通过对单词和句型的学习 和理解,使学生能够将所学的知识运用于生活。 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识知识 技能技能 目标目标 A通过课件, 图片等, 学生在语境中感知, 并能理解下列单词:July, August, September, October, November, December. B通过课件,教师引导,以及听,读,练,游戏等活动,学生能熟练 运用句型:- Whens sbs birthday? -My birthday is in +月份. 语言语言 能力能力 目标目标 (1) 能够听、 说、 认读单词: July, August, September, Oct

4、ober, November, December. (2)能够听、说、读句型 : -Whens sbs birthday? - My birthday is in +月份. a. 培养学生的爱心及团队意识; b. 增强学生学习英语的兴趣与自信心,体验学习成就感,能通过学 习和模仿,将学到的英语知识应用于生活。 情感情感 态度态度 2 目标目标 教教 学学 重重 点点 学生能够准确地、 熟练地听、 说、 认读和写出月份的单词 July 、 August 、 September、October、November、December。 教教 学学 难难 点点 听、说、认读功能句“Whens your

5、birthday?”以及回答“My birthday is in+月份.”通过对单词和句型的学习和理解,使学生能够将所学知识应用 于生活,能运用重点句型询问对方的生日。 学学 法法 指指 导导 自主学习,小组合作学习,探究学习。 教教 学学 方方 法法 全身动作反应法、整体语言教学法、多感官参与教学法、情境教学法、任务型 教学法,游戏教学法,语音教学法。 辅辅 助助 手手 段段 多媒体课件、实物道具(帽子,日历) 、生词图片、评价图,磁铁,卡片。 设设 计计 意意 图图 本课采用整体教学的方式,设置情境导入新课,从整体引入,整个教学过程紧 紧围绕 Li Jies family 这一话题展开,由

6、整体感知到细节单词处理,再回归整 体,在学习过程中,通过感知、体验、讨论,合作、探究的学习模式开展 教学活动,并延伸拓展。 3 板板 书书 设设 计计 LESSON PROCEDURES StepsStepsTeacherTeacher doesdoesStudentsStudents dodoPurposePurpose Warm-upWarm-up (3(3 min)min) 1. Greet and say Merry Christmas to students. 2. Sing a song.(Merry Christmas) 1. Greet and say Christmas to

7、 the teacher. 2. Sing and clap the hands together. Break ice and inspire the interests of learning English. Lead-inLead-in (2(2 min)min) 1. Ask a question what the kids often do on Christmas day. 2. Show 3 pictures and let students know how the children celebrate the Christmas Day. 1.Answer the ques

8、tions. 2. Look at the pictures. Motivate the feeling of sympathy. Get ready for the following teaching process. In-putIn-put (16(16 min)min) 1. Tell the kids: Today is Chritmas Day. Its also her birthday. 2. Teach the word: birthday and the sentence: Whens your birthday? 3. Teach the new word: Decem

9、ber. 4. Show a picture of the girls wish and let the kids to be the Santle Clause to help the girl achieve her wish 5.Show a photo of her 1. Learn the word: birthday and the sentence. 2.Ask the question: (Whens your birthday?) together. 3.Learn the new words. 4. Look and listen. 5. Learn the word: N

10、ovember by the old words. In-put the words and sentences by different kinds of teaching methods. 4 family and a short passage about her family. 6. Let students listen to the tape. 7. Use the same way to lead out other words 8. Teach other words by different kinds of Teaching methods 6.Read the words

11、 :September/Oc tober after the little teacher. 7. Play a game(Bomb game). 8. Learn the word: July StepsStepsTeacherTeacher doesdoesStudentsStudents dodoPurposePurpose In-putIn-put (16(16 min)min) Eg: November(old /no November) 9.Let the kids play a game: Bomb Game 10.Teach the word: July 【(put/push)

12、,(fly/by )July】 11. Teach the word: August (Let kids listen and choose the answer) 12. Let students listen and read after the tape. 9. Learn the word: August by listening. 10. Listen and read after the tape. PracticePractice andand consolidconsolid ationation (6(6 min)min) 1. Ask a student to be a l

13、ittle teacher 2. Review the words quickly by Calendar. 3. Let the kids play a game(Whos the lucky dog?) in order to let them remember the words. 4. Let the kids guess: Whens sbs birthday? 5. Let students read and write the words 6. Help the kids check 1. Read after the little teacher 2. Read the wor

14、ds quickly by Calendar. 3. Play the games. 4. Guess. 5.Read again and write the words about months. 6. Check the Stimulate the interests of learning English and consolidate the words and sentences. 5 the answer.answers. ExtensionExtension (7(7 min)min) 1. Let the kids make a survey about their class

15、mates, friends, teachers. 2. Let the kids show out their survey. 3. Let the kids look at the pictures and say the dates 1. Group work (make a survey about your friends and your teacher). 2.Show the whole dialog with the partners. 3. Answer the questions. 1. Cultivate the spirit of team work. 2.Let t

16、he kids use what they have learned to communicate fluently. StepsStepsTeacherTeacher doesdoesStudentsStudents dodoPurposePurpose S Sum-upum-up andand moralmoral educationeducation (3(3 min)min) 1.Make a summary by PPT. 2.Make an assessment(Which group is the warmest?) 3. Moral education. 1. Listen a

17、nd find the ways to remember the words. 2. Read out the sentence about moral education. Encourage the kids to care the people who needs help. HomeworkHomework (3(3 min)min) 1.Let the kids listen and read the new words. 2. Let the kids copy the new words. 3. Let the kids make a survey about your family. 1. Listen and read the new words. 2. Copy the new words. 3. Make a survey about your family. Help transit to the next lesson ofdatesand story. 6


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