广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:30060).doc

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1、U Unit5nit5 SchoolSchool LunchLunch 第一课时 教学内容:教学内容:Book5Book5 Unit5Unit5 SchoolSchool LunchLunch 第一课时第一课时 教材分析:教材分析: 本课时为该单元的单词和句型的内容,重点是学习食品和饮料,还有句型 What do you have /need?I have/need some.Do you have/need any.? Yes, we do. No,we dont.来询问他人或自身的需求,贴近学生的生活。 学生分析:学生分析: 本课授课对象是小学五年级的学生,经过两年的英语学习,已经掌握了不

2、 少词汇和句型,形成一定的语感,自学能力强,学习积极性较高,表现欲望强。 这些学生已经学过本课的一些知识,学起来会更加容易。 设计思路:设计思路: 采用故事、歌曲、游戏等形式,把知识融入到故事、诗歌等形式当中,让学 生在快乐中掌握知识,同时把所学到知识进行扩充,让学生加强和巩固所学到的 知识,从而达到此节课的教学目的。 教学目标:教学目标: 1、语言知识: (1)学习单词:juice,rice,salt,sugar,meat,vegetables,tofu,fruit.need. (2)句型 What do you have /need?I have/need some.Do you have

3、/need any.? Yes, we do. No,we dont. 2、学习能力目标 (1)会听、说、读、写 vocabulary 部分的单词。 (2)学会句型 What do we have ? We have some.并能用该句型结合具体情 境做对话,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。 3、学习策略目标: (1)通过小组讨论学习的方法,TPR 学习法培养学生的自学能力,同时通过情 景,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。 (2)通过小组合作学习进一步提高单词的拼读能力。通过全班展示和教师点拨 熟练掌握知识并能在实际中运用。 4、情感态度目标:培养学生敢于用英语对食物进行描述,加深学习英语的兴趣。

4、通过帮助他人购物、煮食的环节,不仅巩固操练了所学知识,同时形成乐于助人 的良好品质。 教学重点教学重点 : 1、单词的拼读和识记。 2、学习句型 What do we have ? We have some.并能用该句型进行交际。 教学难点:教学难点: 熟练运用句式 What do we have ? We have some.进行交际。通过全班 展示和教师点拨熟练掌握知识并能在实际中运用。 教学用具教学用具 自制课件 、卡片 教学过程: StepStep 1 1 Warm-upWarm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Lets watch.Unlucky Bear 3. Lead in

5、. Do you know him? This is Unlucky Bear Bill, he doesnt have lunch. He need food. Teacher act the bear: Im hungry. I need food. (设计意图:通过观看“倒霉熊”的故事,提起同学们对于学习的兴趣,从而引 出句型和食物单词。 ) StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1. Can you help Bill? OK! Lets make our school lunch now. Lets see. What do we have? S

6、s: We have some(cake,bread,rice,juice) (通过故事引出句子和单词,单词归类,把单词放进句子中一起学习。 ) 2. Learn the word:rice. Do we have any rice?Yes, we do. Can you read the word? Ss : i-e /ai/ r-ai-s rice (设计意图:主要检测小学生所学过的内容,从而引出今天所学的内容,过渡自 然,还可以拉近师生之间的距离。 ) 3. Learn the words juice ,fruit. Bill: I dont like the rice. I want

7、some juice. Gogo:OK, here you are. Bill: Do we have any fruit? Gogo: No,we dont. We need some fruit. 4.Lets look and say. T: Look at the pictures and use the words “have ,need” to make sentences. 5.Lets chant:ui,ui,fruit,fruit,fruit Ui,ui,jiuce,juice,juice We need some fruit. To make some juice. (设计

8、意图:通过歌谣既能调动学生学习英语的积极性,位学生营造一个轻松学 习的环境,又符合小学生活泼好动的特点,满足他们好表现的欲望。 ) 6.We neeed some food. Lets go to the supermarket and buy some food for Bill. OK? 7.But do you have any money? Dont worry.We have some ideas. If you finish the tasks,you can get the money. Are you ready? Go,go,go .Lets go. 8. This is t

9、he shopping list. You must know the name of the food. (设计意图:通过记忆游戏、机械操练、创设情景巩固单词和句子。来培养学生 快速反应能力和竞争意识。 在巩固新单词的同时提高学生的注意力和参与课堂的 积极性。 ) StepStep 3.3. PracticePractice TaskTask 1:1: 1.Try to read the new words . 2.Learn the new words: sugar,salt,tofu. 3.Bill : I want to eat the meat. Listen and finish

10、the chant: Eat ,eat,eat. Meat,meat,meat. We have some meat. Lets eat. 4. Use the chant to learn “vegetables”. T:Vegetables are good for you. Do we need vegetables? Ss: Yes,we do. Chant:Vegetables,vegetables. Do we need vegetables? Vegetables,vegetables. Yes,we need vegetables. 5.Read the words after

11、 the tape. juicerocesaltsugar meatvegetablestofufruit (设计意图: 让学生边看书本边听录音跟读,可以进一步培养学生对单词和句子 的整体认读能力。 ) TaskTask 2:2: 1.Try to read the sentences. 2.Lets act. 3.Ask and answer. At the school lunch room, two cooks are talking. C1: What do we have?C2: We have some rice. C1:What do we need?C2: We need so

12、me meat. (设计意图:利用竞赛激发学生的竞争意识,同时培养各小组的合作精神。这种 形式能使学生对这部分知识认识更有条理,印象也更深刻了,加强记忆。 ) Task3:Task3: 1.Do you know more members of them: Fruit:(bananas,apples,lemons,pears,grapes,oranges) Meat: (pork ,fish,chicken,beef,duck) 2.Now , you can be a cook. Lets make lunch for Bill. (1) Lets make salad. What do w

13、e need ? We need some fruit and vegetables. (2) Lets make a hamburger! What do we need? We need some bread,meat,salt and vegetables. Bill: Thank you very much. Im not hungry now. (设计意图:让学生在模拟的情景中,通过角色扮演“身临其境”地运用和感受 所学语言的功能、意义,并进行交流活动,培养学生初步运用英语的能力。让学 生融会贯通,真正做到学以致用。 ) Step4Step4 ProductionProduction

14、 1.Lets make our own lunch! What do you like ?-I like _. What do you need?-I need some_. 2.Group work: Talk about the food what you like to cook. (设计意图:让学生调查了解同学们都爱吃什么午餐。并为母亲的生日做一个有 关食物的计划。 ) Step5Step5: SummarySummary What did you learn today? Step6:GoodStep6:Good toto know.know. Food is important for us. We must save food and eat heathily. (情感道德教育:教育大家要节约食物,吃健康的食品。 ) Step7:Step7: HomeworkHomework 1.Read the new words and sentences. 2.Write a plan for your dinner. BoardBoard Unit5 School Lunch What do we have/need?-We have/need some Do we have / need any?Yes, we do. No, we dont.


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