广东版五上Unit 6 Shopping for a School Party-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:c019d).zip

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Book 5 Unit 6 one two three four five six seven eight nine eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety twenty-one thirty-two forty-three fifty-four sixty-five seventy-six eighty-eight ninety-nine one yuan 1 five yuan 5 ten yuan 10 fifty yuan 50 one hundred yuan 100 one dollar $ 1 one hundred dollars $ 100 two dollars $ 2 港币 韩元 英镑欧元 buy things How much is the guitar? Its $85. $85 I like this guitar. 30 9 How much are those socks? Theyre $ 1 . 1 dollar I like those socks. 9 I like this . _ _is it? Its 14. 14 I like this . _ _ is it? Its one _ dollars. $100 I like those books. How much_ they? Theyre _ yuan. 18 I like this book. How much is it? Its forty dollars today. I like that chair. How much is it? Its eighty dollars today. I like that clock. How much is it? Its one hundred dollars today. What do they like? They like that chair that clock this book I like this guitar. How much is it? Its 18 dollars today. I like this hat. How much is it? Its 100 dollars today. I like those socks. How much are they? Theyre 1 dollar today. I like those books. How much are they? Theyre 90 yuan today. 1.How much is the pencil ? Its one yuan. 2. How much are the books? Theyre 90 yuan. $6 1 30 $9 200 5 14 90 68 21 they it Maybe you can use: Look at the I like the How much ? Its Theyre fruit, vegetables, meat, hat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 模仿例句写句子:模仿例句写句子: Model : How much is it? Its ten dollars. 1.they, five yuan 2. this pen, eight dollars 3. the pencil case, twenty dollars 4. those color pens, forty yuan How much are they? Theyre five yuan. How much is the pencil case? Its twenty dollars. How much is this pen? Its eight dollars. How much are those clolor pens? Theyre forty yuan. one two three four five six seven eight nine eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety twenty-one thirty-two forty-three fifty-four sixty-five seventy-six eighty-eight ninety-nine How much + is +单数? Its + 数字 + yuan / dollar(s). How much + are + 复数? Theyre + 数字 + yuan / dollar(s). 1.Talk about the things for the school party with your classmates. 2. Finish the task at Page 69 in groups. 1 Book 5 Unit 6 Shopping for a School Party 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1、知识与技能目标:、知识与技能目标: (1)使学生掌握数字 40-100、整百和整千,并在游戏、唱歌中熟悉 掌握它们。 (2)认识价钱的符号及表达方法。 (3)使学生掌握询问价钱的句型单复数的问答形式:How much is it? Its $85. How much are they? They are one yuan. 并能利用句型进行简单 的英语交流。 2、过程与方法、过程与方法 通过形式多样的教学方法,如 Sharp eyes 游戏、数字歌、Gogo 购物歌、改编歌曲让学生在游戏、歌曲中习得英语,在两两对话、 小组对话中引导学生主动参与、独立思考、合作交流,形成能力。 3、情感、态度与价值观、情感、态度与价值观 通过本课的学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语,乐于模仿,敢于开口、 积极参与合作,能够认识到学习英语的目的在于生活中运用英语进行 交流,从而让他们充分感觉到学习的美妙与魅力。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 认识 40 以上的数字和整百整千的表达,认识人民币与美元及其符 号,理解并掌握询问价钱的句型。 2 三、教学难点三、教学难点 难点是在真实或模拟生活场景中运用英语的能力。根据最后提供的 7 个情景进行小组合作,运用语言的能力。 四、教具准备四、教具准备 图片、录像、多媒体课件 五、学情分析五、学情分析 本节课的教学对象是江门市陈白沙小学五年级上学期的学生,该 班学生在英语学习上普遍存在着浓厚的兴趣,而且对一些新单词和句 型,学生能够用肢体语言来表达,或者进行角色扮演,能够积极按照 老师要求进行小组活动学习,他们在英语的听、说、读、写方面已经 奠定了比较坚实的基础。 学生已经在之前学习了数字 1-31,因为是跟班上课,之前教学数 字的时候也指导他们学习剩下数字的一些规则,所以有一部分学生对 百以内的数字又了一定的认知。本节课为了调动学生参与课堂,我设 计了多种评价方式,有个人评价,也有小组评价,并针对学生在课堂 上的表现,及时进行表扬,虽然时间有限,但是,我让学生参与评价, 不但节约了时间,而且使评价更具有公正性。 六、教学内容分析六、教学内容分析 英语课程标准 “强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平 出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教 3 学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程为学生形 成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自 主学习能力的过程。 ”本课教学内容为 Friends with English Book 5 Unit 6 Shopping for a School Party 第一课时。它以询问价钱和数字学习为单 元主题,所学内容贴近学生生活实际。主要的语言结构为:How much is/ are? Its / Theyredollar(s) / yuan.以及相关的单词:forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, cheap, expensive, dollar, yuan。我依据课程的总体目标和结合教学内容,并根据学生的年龄特 点和认知规律,我设计四个主要教学情境:Number Land, Money Land, Shopping Time 和 Show Time。采用听、说、读、玩、演、练等教学 方法,引导学生积极参与、大胆发言、自主探究、合作交流,完成知 识的自我构建,突破本节课的重难点,形成初步的能力。此外,在评 价方法的选择上,我采用了小组评价和个人评价相结合的评价方法, 极大的调动了学生的学习热情。 七、教学环节与活动:七、教学环节与活动: Step 1 Warm-up Step 2 New lesson 1. 引题:Boys and girls, I have good news for you. We are going to have a school party. Look! Gogo and his friends are shopping now. Lets see. (How much is it?歌曲视频) How happy they are! Do you want to shop for the party?(出题目,带读 1 次) Follow me, please. First, lets go to the Number Land. 【设计意图:此环节导入巧妙,视频激趣。老师与学生简单交流后, 马上引出本课的主线:Shopping for a school party。并引出 Gogo and 4 his friends 已经在 shopping 了,然后观看 Gogo and his friends 的购物 视频,这也是一段唱歌视频,以唱歌的形式吸引着学生的眼球,也为 下文做铺垫。接着老师马上转入引出让学生 Follow me.一起进入四大 环节的学习。 】 2. Number Land: 通过数字园地来学习数字。 (1)复习 1-39: Look at the numbers, lets count them. 与学生一起数到 39. (2)The next number is forty. Pay attention to this, yes, miss a letter u, (与 4, 14 对比) (3)快速教完整十数字,归纳十几与整十的后缀区别。 (4)教几十几。与学生一起数数。 I do you say 做我做你说游戏(老是举起手指,学生说数字) 口诀:十几后是 teen, 整十后是 ty,几十几中间加连接号。 (5)教百、千、零 Theyre numbers. (6)Sharp eyes: Let me check you. Who can read the numbers as quickly as you can? Ready? Go!(最后有掌声) (7)Song: Wow! Excellent! Lets count the numbers and sing together.(数字歌视频)(提醒学生拿出手指数数) 老师示范后找学生 上讲台做小老师跟同学一起数数唱歌。 This part you did a good job. Big hands for yourselves.(拍掌表扬自己) 【设计意图:Number Land 这个环节主要是通过数字园地来学习数字。 首先复习 1-39:与学生一起数到 39;接着教学 forty. 并与 14 对比;然 后快速教完整十数字、几十几 、百、千、零。通过这节课的系统学 习,让学生会说能拼读,形成“十几后是 teen, 整十后是 ty,几十几 中间加连接号。 ”的基本知识。最后归纳出 Theyre numbers. 并引出下 5 面的游戏。 (1)Sharp eyes: 这个游戏既锻炼了学生的专注力,激发他 们说数字的欲望,又能收获到给小组添加荣誉的光荣感。 (2)Song: 在游戏最后闪出的是单词 song,也很自然的过渡到用歌曲来巩固数字, 通过自制的数字歌曲,让学生边唱边用手指数数,帮助他们记忆数字, 把枯燥变成乐趣,老师在传递咪头的过程中更加激发了他们的兴趣, 学习气氛更高了。 】 3. Money Land 金钱园地 (1)人民币:Look at the money. We can say one yuan. (5, 10, 50, 100 元). (符号) (2)美元:How about this kind of money? Do you know it? Its one dollar, the money of the USA. Two dollars, one hundred dollars.(区别单 复数) (符号) T: 举例元和美元几个,然后说 Whatre the difference between yuan and dollar? Theres no s behind yuan. But more one dollar, we should add the letter s behind dollar.(指着 dollar 说) (3)Boys and girls, do you know more about money? Lets have a look.(4 个地方的钱币符号) This part you also did a good job. Big hands for yourselves.(拍掌表扬自 己) Money can buy things. (出 PPT,并拿出真钱) Come on. Lets go shopping. 【设计意图:Money Land 这个环节主要是通过钱币园地来学习人民 币和美元,通过学习,让学生找出 yuan and dollar 的不同,并用准备 好的价钱牌进行替换操练。在这个环节也做了拓展,展示了港币、韩 元、英镑和欧元的金钱符号,并很自然的引出下个环节:钱是用来买 6 东西的,那么我们就去购物吧。 】 4. Shopping Time (出示商场图片)Wow! So big! Do you have a shopping list? Look! Tony and Jenny are over there. Lets go and have a look. (1)Tony: I like this guitar. How much is it? Woman: Its eighty-five dollars. 教读 how much How much is it? How much is this toy car?(用自制的 价钱牌和实物操练一下) (在 PPT 中出现不同的图和价钱替换练习) 板书 (2)Jenny: I like those socks? How much are they? Man: Theyre one dollar.板书 (3)Jenny: I like this chair. How much is it? Tony: Its ¥14. (4)Jenny: I like this hat. How much is it?(划线填空)Tony: Its one hundred dollars. (5)Jenny: I like those books? How much are they? Tony: Theyre eighteen yuan. 【设计意图:在课开始出现了 Gogo and his friends 购物的视频,现在 过渡到 Tony and Jenny 也在商场购物,很自然引出本课的询问价钱的 句型,先在多媒体上用不同的图和价钱进行操练,然后又用自制的价 钱牌和实物进行操练。在学生操练熟悉后,再通过看看 Tony and Jenny 他们还喜欢什么,会买什么,再出现看图补充完整对话的 3 幅 图的练习,起到巩固新知的作用。 】 5. Show time (1) Sing the song: How much is it?视频 T: Tony and Jenny buy many things. How about Gogo and his friends? 7 Lets join them. Sing with them.(听 1 次,唱歌 2 次)What do they like? They like this book, that chair and that clock. (2) 改歌:I like many things, too. (出 PPT)Can you sing with me? 老 师带唱第一段,剩下找同学唱。 Wow! Wonderful! Youre good singers. (Big hands for you.) (3) 找规律:Look at the sentences. What can you find? (引学生找出单 复数的问与答) (4) Pair work: Ask and answer in pairs with the pictures or your things.(用 is it, are they) (5) 升级版 pair work: OK, let me change. I think theres a little difficult for you. Can you do that? (提问 2 对) (Big hands 拍掌) (6) Group work:(出示 7 幅图,让学生选做) T: Look at the pictures. You can choose one of them. Then talk about the picture in your group. (举例:与一同学用讲台的实物对话) For example T: Look at the _. I like it. How much is it? S1: Its _. OK, 2 minutes for you. (7)模仿例句写句子(4 小题) (印练习纸发给学生) (Big hands 拍掌) 【设计意图:首先,在新知教授完毕,就深入进一步操练的过程,这 时我回归导入新课时 Gogo and his friends 购物的视频,用唱歌的方式 再次巩固新知。然后,让学生进行改歌练习,模仿歌曲将新知的学习 编成一首新歌让学生试唱,学生学习气氛被推到另一个高潮。这首改 变歌曲,我是带着目的的,当学生演唱完后,我让他们找出单复数, 并把板书补完整,也当是一个阶段小结。接着,当学生对句型比较熟 悉时,我提供了很多图片和 7 张生活情景图让他们进行两两对话,小 8 组对话。最后,进行了书写练习:模仿例句写句子,通过模仿替换, 让学生对句型的记忆更长久更牢固。 】 6. Conclusion: Today we have learn the numbers(出数字图), money and how to ask and answer the price. Pay attention to this :(PPT 问价钱的单复数) 思德教育:Look at the money. We dont write or draw on it. Dont do that. We should protect it. Understand? 【设计意图:在小结的基础上引出要学生保护金钱的习惯,不能在钱 币上乱涂乱画。 】 7. Homework 8. Blackboard design U 6 Shopping for a School Day How much is it? Its one hundred dollars. (yuan) How much are they? Theyre $1. 八、课后反思八、课后反思 通过这节课,我的学生是快乐的,通过愉快的学习,让他们进行 模拟着自己正在快乐地购物,从中品味生活。在师生、生生互动过程 中,学生能够在老师指导下积极、主动地完成各项练习。这节课的每 一个环节都很紧凑,由浅到深,使学生很好地学习英语,运用英语, 发掘了学生的思维,学习目标完成较好。 本节课,我通过形式多样的教学方法,如 Sharp eyes 游戏、数字 歌、Gogo 购物歌、改编歌曲让学生在游戏、歌曲中习得英语,在两 两对话、小组对话中引导学生主动参与、独立思考、合作交流,形成 能力。 9 整节课的教学过程宗旨是层层递进,互相渗透,过度自然。1、 导入巧妙,视频激趣:通过观看 Gogo and his friends 的唱歌购物视频, 以唱歌的形式吸引着学生的眼球,也为下文做铺垫。2、注重能力, 层层深入。本节课从 Number Land- Money Land- Shopping Time- Show time 四个大环节来层层深入,从练习中注重培养学生的综合能 力。3、小结到位,渗透德育。在小结的基础上引出要学生保护金钱 的习惯,不能在钱币上乱涂乱画。4、评价反馈,个性张扬。首先我 在设计本课的练习活动中经常运用赏识教育,用掌声、表扬语、神态、 动作等对学生进行鼓励,给与他们信心。其次,课程即将结束前,对 全班四个小组的成绩给与适当的总结,并评出优胜小组。5、作业拓 展,重在合作。通过本课学习,回顾我们的问题 Do you have a shopping list?让学生小组合作去完成书本的任务:Planning for a School Party 表格,增强学生的合作能力。 当然,在教学过程中,也还存在着一些不足,如本课如能再加大 生生间的互动范围,效果定能更好。英语是流淌的,流淌在老师精心 设计的课上,流淌在学生心恳中,知识的沉淀,必定是喷发而出,形 成能力。我相信 40 分钟的课堂会是学生们领略英语流淌之美的过程。
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