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1、新高一必修一 Unit 4 Friends forever练习 一一Mean(vt)-meant-meant:意味着,意思是有意味着,意思是有.的目的,打算的目的,打算 (adj):吝啬的;刻薄的,不善良的吝啬的;刻薄的,不善良的 1. I didnt mean(eat) anything, but the ice cream looked so good that I couldnt help (try) it. 2. Dont be meanfabric(布料), otherwise curtains will end up looking ugly. 3. While sending f

2、lowers as gifts, we cant choose flowers arbitrarily (任意地) ,because different flowers may carry different(mean). 4. The earth is our home. We must take care of it. This means(keep) the land, water and air clean. 5. Add pictures to your journal. Even though your journal is meantwriting, pictures are s

3、till worth a thousand words. 二二Lose track of.:与与.失去联系;忘记;失去联系;忘记; 1. Do write me as often as you can. I dont want to lose trackyou. 2. -How did you get in touchthe travel agent,Robin? -Oh, thats easy. I surfed the Internet and then called one whose telephone number was provided. 3. Try to record the

4、 details of your life. Start a diary to keep trackthe beautiful things in your own life. 4. 有些年轻人总是抱怨自己的父母与现代生活脱节。 Some young people always complain that their parents aremodern life. 5. They read the newspaper every day tothe current events. 三三Familiar(adj):熟悉的熟悉的familiarity(n):熟悉,精通熟悉,精通 1. The sm

5、ell is very familiareveryone who lives near a bakery. 2. The theme park you are probably most familiaris Disneyland. 四四Prefer(vt):更喜欢,更愿意更喜欢,更愿意preference(n):偏爱;偏爱的事物;优惠偏爱;偏爱的事物;优惠 1. Many people prefer(purchase) Chinese goods as they are far cheaper. 五五Advance(n):进步,进展;前进,行进进步,进展;前进,行进 (v):前进,行进;发展

6、,进步;促进,推动前进,行进;发展,进步;促进,推动 1. I have worked here as a typist for about a year, and Id like to have a chance of. 2. There will be a discount on the cost of the 6-week English course if you payadvance. 3.China is building the worlds largest earthquake alert system and its possibly the most. 4. 当学生们在课前

7、得知这一令人兴奋的消息时,他们高兴得跳了起来。 When students were told the exciting newsthe class, they jumped with joy. 5.看!一群孩子正向动物园前进。 Look! A group of childrenthe zoo. 六六Remain(系(系 v):仍然是,保持;仍然是,保持;(vi):逗留,不离去;剩余,遗留(不用进行和被动逗留,不离去;剩余,遗留(不用进行和被动) ; 仍需做(或说,处理)仍需做(或说,处理) Remains(n):剩余物,剩饭菜;遗迹;遗骸剩余物,剩饭菜;遗迹;遗骸 1. The palace

8、 caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building (remain) now. 2.remains to be seen whether Jim will be fit enough to take part in the competition. 3. This painting was completed in 1988 and is one of the only four(remain) pieces in the world. 4. Whether we can raise

9、 enough money to carry out the project remains(discuss). 5. 这听起来是个好主意,可是它能否成功尚待观察。 It sounds like a good idea, butwhether it will succeed. 七七Be up to sth/sb:正在干,从事着(尤指坏事正在干,从事着(尤指坏事) ;在捣鬼;在捣鬼; 是是.的职责的职责/责任;由责任;由.决定决定 (体力或智力上)能胜任(体力或智力上)能胜任 1. 他表示,他们相信这些设备没问题,但他们的员工往往无法胜任这项工作。 They put their faith in

10、 the devices,he says, but their staffthe job. 八八Maintain(vt):保持;维持;坚称保持;维持;坚称maintenance(n):维护,保养维护,保养 1. 他坚称自己是无辜的,说这些指控很”荒谬” 。 Hehis innocence and said the accusations were “ridiculous”. 九九Enable(vt):使可能;使发生;使有机会;使成为可能使可能;使发生;使有机会;使成为可能 Disable(vt):使伤残;使残废使伤残;使残废 1. However, your willingness to de

11、al with these problems will finally(able) you to work them out. 2. In the past few weeks , to(courage) students for the Olympics, a large number of universities have begun to offer academic credits(学分). 3. Technological developments all through the years have enabled us(do) more with less effort. 十十

12、Unusual(adj):不寻常的,罕见的;独特的;与众不同的不寻常的,罕见的;独特的;与众不同的 Un-:表示:表示“相反的相反的”状态状态,动作,动作 1. Chopsticks are(usual) two long, thin pieces of wood or bamboo. They can also be made of plastic, animal bone or metal. 2. This time, we stayed together, is case anything else(usual) happened. 3. With Face ID,Apple says,

13、 you can(lock)your new iPhone by just looking at it. 4. 在英国找到一汪这么大的湖泊是不寻常的。 十一十一Keep. in mind:将将.记在心里;记起记在心里;记起 Keep in mind that.:记住记住. 1. If you keep this lessonmind, it will help you to stand up again when you fall. 2. Although Toms parents were opposed to his idea, he madehis mind to continue. 3

14、. Always keep in mindyour main task is to get this company running smoothly. 4. 记住,在把责任归咎于被人之前要先反思自己。 you should examine yourself before putting the blame on someone else. 十二十二Tend(v):往往会,常常就;趋向,倾向,易于做某事;照料,照管,护理往往会,常常就;趋向,倾向,易于做某事;照料,照管,护理 Tendency(n):倾向,趋势倾向,趋势 1. There is a widespread(tend) that

15、more and more young people choose online shopping rather than go to stores to buy what they like. 2. We tend(have) a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal to (吸引) our emotions than for straight facts. 3. Some people have a natural tendency(compare) themselves with others with the

16、 hope of getting satisfaction. 4. 他的工作是照看羊。 十三十三Present(v):展现展现,显示显示;把把.交给交给,颁发颁发,授予授予;到场到场,出现出现;(n):礼物礼物,赠品赠品;目前目前; (adj):当前的,现存的;出席,在场(后置定语)当前的,现存的;出席,在场(后置定语) 1. The Olympic Sports Center is being builtpresent in the city and is said to be open to the public in 2019. 2. I was the only one in our

17、class presentthe meeting yesterday. 3. No matter what country he visited, he called on the ruler of the land, presenting valuable gifts him to express Chinas sincere desire to develop friendly relations. 4. 他把宝剑(sword)捐赠给了博物馆。 十四十四表语从句位于系动词后表语从句位于系动词后,常用常用 Be 连接连接,where 引导的表语从句有时含有引申意义引导的表语从句有时含有引申意

18、义, : “在某一点上在某一点上” 1. The best moment for the football star washe scored the winning goal. 2. Grandma pointed to the hospital and said,” ThatsI was born.” 3. By boat is the only way to get here, which iswe arrived. 4. The family spent a great deal of money decorating their new house, and that isthey

19、have been stuck in debt. 5.is important in study is diligence rather than intelligence. 十五十五Prove(vt):证明,证实;证明,证实;(系系 v):证明是,被发现是证明是,被发现是proof(n):证据,证明证据,证明 1.(prove) his point, Professor Brown mentioned several other experiments which had similar results. 2. He proved himself(be) an amusing compani

20、on(伙伴). 十六十六Encouragement(n):鼓励,鼓舞;激励鼓励,鼓舞;激励encouragediscourage:使灰心;劝阻使灰心;劝阻 1. His parents tried to(courage) him from(be) an actor. 十七十七Comfort(vt):安慰,抚慰安慰,抚慰(un):安慰,慰藉;舒适感;安慰,慰藉;舒适感;(cn):安慰者;慰藉物安慰者;慰藉物 Discomfort(n):不舒服,不适不舒服,不适comfortable(adj)-(adv):comfortably -uncomfortable 1. Many businesses

21、started up by college students have taken off thanks to the (comfort) climate for business creation. 2. It is widely accepted that animal waster pollutes the environment, which makes people quite. 3. We brought our raincoats, which kept us dry and allowed us to fall asleep. 4. 知道她安然无恙是件令人安慰的事情。 十八十八

22、Patience(un):耐心,忍耐力;耐心,忍耐力;-(adj):patient-(adv):patiently Impatience:不耐烦,无耐心不耐烦,无耐心 1. With enough time and, gaining trust and changing wrong beliefs is possible. 2. In the following weeks, Sally worked out 10 class rules and posted them on the walls of the classroom. Sheexplained all the rules to t

23、he students and required everyone to follow them. 3. I called him several times, but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later. So I waited and waited, and was growingwith no call. 十九十九Quality(cn):人品,素质,品德;人品,素质,品德; (c/un):质量,品质质量,品质 1. In order to comp

24、ete with others, the restaurant should improve theof its service. A. quantityB.qualityC.valueD.reward 二十Anxious(adj):焦虑的焦虑的 ,担心的;渴望的,担心的;渴望的(adv):anxiously:焦虑地,不安地焦虑地,不安地 Anxiety(n):担心,忧虑;渴望担心,忧虑;渴望 1. According to Life in Likes, as children grew, they became more anxious(get) more public approval(认

25、可) 。 2. It has been pointed out that what plays a vital role in driving away ones(anxious) is ones sweet childhood memories. 3. Jack still cant help being anxioushis job interview. 4. 我进入房间时,她正在电话旁焦急地等待着。 When I entered the room, she was waitingby the phone.(anxiety) 二十一二十一 Be set in:以以.为背景为背景 Set:开

26、始开始:1: set off(for)=set out(for):动身出发动身出发(去去.) ;引发引发,激起激起(使使)爆炸爆炸 1. The movie is seta small town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down. 2. We set out(paint) the whole house but finished only the front part that day. 3. You had better setsome time every day for sports so that you c

27、an keep yourself energetic. 4. He is best knownhis novels(set) in his boyhood world on the river, such as The Adventures of Tome Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 二十二二十二Fortune(cn):巨款巨款(un):命运,运气;幸运命运,运气;幸运 Fortunate(adj):幸运的幸运的-unfortunate(adj):(adv):fortunately 1. Jamie, I cant tell y

28、ou howI felt when I received my lost wallet sent by you! 2., after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner. 3. - Im really depressed after so many failures. I cant see any hope. -Cheer up! An opportunity lies behind every. 4. Hework

29、edveryhard,tryingtopassthedrivingtestatthesecondattempt, but,he failed again. 二十三二十三Distance(vt):使与使与.保持距离;撇清与保持距离;撇清与.的关系的关系 (n):距离,间距,间隔;冷淡,疏远距离,间距,间隔;冷淡,疏远 Distant(adj):遥远的遥远的,久远的久远的;远处的远处的;远亲的远亲的-(adv):distantly:远地远地;冷淡地冷淡地;远远 亲关系地亲关系地 1. -Can you see the manthe distance? - Yes, I can . he is my

30、 neighbor Mr Smith, who is difficult to get along with because he always keeps everyonea distance. 2. We could see nothing in the thick foga distance of five metres, so we got lost. 3. His house stands on a hill and can be seen from aof two miles while my house is ten milesfrom his, and our two fami

31、lies arerelated.(distant) 二十四二十四Ought to do:=should:应该应该-不应该:不应该:oughtnt to do sth 1. -Ought he(get) down to his work at once? -Yes, he ought to. 2. We have done things we ought not toand left things we ought to undone.(do). 3. 她本该参加你的生日聚会,但她得在医院照顾她妈妈。 Sheyour birthday party, but she had to look aft

32、er her mother in the hospital. 二十五二十五Alive(adj):活着,有活力;激动兴奋活着,有活力;激动兴奋(-人人/物物-可表可后定)可表可后定)living,live,lively 1. At the end of the two weeks of the summer camp, the kids will perform ashow. 2. Air pollution is still the most serious. Its bad for allthings in the world;but it is not the only one kind

33、of pollution. 3. Early humans got the salt they needed to stayfrom the animals they killed. 4. Thiscity-once a small fishing village- is today an international business center. 5. The river was oncewith fishes, but now we find none as a result of pollution. 二十六二十六Worth(adj):(指行动)值得,有价值;(指行动)值得,有价值;(

34、用(用 well 修饰修饰) (表,后定)(表,后定) :有:有.价值,值价值,值.钱;钱;(n):价值价值=value;价值价值.的东西的东西 1. Sometimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is worthbecause when we weigh the risk and the reward(回报) , the risk seems worth(take). 2. The car was beautiful, and I thought it was worthwhileit. But my friend Jack sai

35、d it was not worthy of, because it was too expensive.(buy) 3. The young designer, whose design for the building won an international award, is worthy ( respect). 4. 参加这样的活动是值得的。 二十七二十七Turn up:调大声;偶然出现;到达,来到,露面调大声;偶然出现;到达,来到,露面; (尤指失去后偶然)被发现,被(尤指失去后偶然)被发现,被 找到找到 1. Tom had to turnthe invitation to th

36、e party last weekend because he was too busy. 2. I turnedand saw a pleasant woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip. 3. Suddenly wheat pennies began turningon the sidewalks of New York everywhere. 二十八二十八Appoint(vt):安排,确定(时间,地点安排,确定(时间,地点) ;任命,委任;任命,委任-(n):appointment 1. They

37、 ignore the(appoint) time and leave their homes only after the fixed time. 2. You are required to have a blood test, please eat and drink as always before your (appoint).there is no need to fast. 3. Kate was appointed(act) as secretary. Now she is having a discussion with the manager of the marketin

38、g department(市场部). 4. 我和我的顾问定了一个约定,因为我不确定是否要在建筑行业发展事业。 Imy adviser, because I was not sure whether to pursue a career in architecture or not. 二十九二十九Strike-struck-struck-striking(vt):划火柴划火柴;敲敲,报时报时;撞击撞击,碰撞碰撞;打击打击; (灾难灾难,疾疾 病病)侵袭侵袭,爆发爆发;给给.印象印象;打动打动,把把.迷住迷住;使使(寒气寒气,恐惧等恐惧等)侵入侵入,进入进入;突然想到突然想到 (n):罢工罢工 1

39、. Mr Wills, who was helped up onto the platform to take the prize, looked as if he had (strike) by lighting. 2. It struck mewe could advertise our products on the Internet. 3. The news that our team had won the competition struck excitementour hearts. 4. When he said something rude about my mother,

40、I wanted to strike him onface with the peanut butter and sandwiches. 三十三十. What if the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters that took ages to be delivered?如果如果.将会怎么样?将会怎么样?+陈述或虚拟陈述或虚拟 1.if this plan of yours fails? 2. WhatI should fall sick and not be able to work? 3. Wh

41、at if we stayed at home for a change? 4. What if we moved the sofa over there? Grammar 1.(2017 全国)But Sarah,has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty. 2. It is often the case that anything is possible for thosehang on to hope. 3. When walking

42、 down the street, I came across David,I hadnt seen for years. 4. My eldest son,work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment. 5. I live next door to a couplechildren often make a lot of noise. 6. many westernerscome to China cook much less than in their own countries once they real

43、ize how cheap it can be to eat out. 7.(全国)I refuse to accept the blame for somethingwas someone elses fault. 8. As a grassroots singer, she reads everythingshe can get hold of concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. 9.Please send us all the informationyou have about the candidate for the position. 10.-Only thosehave a lot in common can get along well. - I beg to differ. Opposites sometimes do attract.


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