人教版(新起点)一年级上册英语unit3 Animals lesson1 ppt课件(含教案).zip

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Unit Unit3Class 101 102 103 Period 第一课 时 Aims 基础性目标:基础性目标: 1.通过听音频、图文匹配以及指认的游戏,学生能够听懂、 会说五个动物的英文名称:dog, bird, tiger, monkey, cat. 2.通过听音频、做动作以及 参与“you act, I guess”的 游戏,学生能够听懂指令用语 Act like a . 并做出 相应的反应。 发展性目标:发展性目标: 学生能够自主唱歌谣 Cat cat what do you see? 情感类目标:情感类目标: 通过参与课堂游戏以及学唱歌谣,学生能够自信地用英语表 达各种动物的名称,在生活中也能更加乐于观察小动物。 Key and difficult points 重点:重点:认读 dog, bird, tiger, monkey, cat;能够听懂指令 用语 Act like a . 并做出相应的反应。 难点:难点:学唱歌谣 Cat cat what do you see? 歌谣的句式以及 长度比前两个单元难,因此要放慢节奏 Board design Cat, what do you see? I see a dog looking at me. Dog, a bird Bird, a monkey Monkey, a tiger Procedure StepsActivitiesPurposes Warm up: : Let Ss watch a video about animals and ask Ss “What do you 提前让学生感知关 于动物的词汇以及 chant 中的主要句 dog catbird monkeytiger see?” to guide Ss to say the sentence “I see a looking at me”. 型:what do you see? I see a looking at me. Presentation: : T: What did you see in the video? Ss: bird, bear, dog T: So today we will learn about animals. T: please listen carefully, and tell me what did you hear? Play the radio “dog, cat, monkey, bird, tiger” at least three times and let Ss say the words. 帮助学生听、说五 个单词:dog, cat, monkey, bird, tiger. Learning: : 1.First, let Ss listen to the radio “dog, cat, monkey, bird, tiger”; then show Ss the pictures; finally, ask most Ss to say the words. 2.Flashcards: first, show Ss the pictures; then, show Ss the words, ask Ss to say the words and put the pictures and the words on the board. 帮助学生熟悉五个 单词:dog, cat, monkey, bird, tiger. 帮助学生认读五个 单词:dog, cat, monkey, bird, tiger. Application: : 1.Game one: paly the radio of the words and ask Ss to choose the right pictures. 2.Game two: let Ss listen to the words and point at the right 提高学生“听”的 能力,再次巩固图 文配对 words (one student from each group) 3.Game three: let Ss listen to the sound of animals and ask them to guess which animal, when the cat appears, then ask Ss “Cat, cat, what do you see?”, play the sound of a dog to guide Ss say “I see a dog looking at me.” 4.Game four: T says “Act like monkey/ tiger/cat/dog/bird” and ask Ss to act. 5.You act, I guess: invite one student to come to the front and act, let others guess which animal. 6.Sing the chant: first, let Ss listen the chant (with music); second, ask Ss clap their hands in rhyme; third, T guides Ss to sing the chant one sentence by one sentence; finally, invite every group to show the chant. 再次帮助学生认读 单词 提前让学生感知 chant 中的句型 帮助学生听懂指令 语 Act like 并 做出相应的反应 再次巩固词汇 帮助学生唱出完整 的歌谣 Extension: : If time permits, T can invite Ss to come to the front to perform the chant. (wear the animals hat) 使学生能够有感情 地唱出歌谣并配上 动作 Summary: : Today, we learned about five words about animals: dog, cat, tiger, monkey, bird; and help students understand “Act like a” and do actions, we also learned the chant “Cat cat what do you see?” Homework: : 1. 跟着音频读词汇 dog, bird, tiger, monkey, cat; 2. 跟着音频复习歌谣 Cat cat what do you see? 做到能听懂并且会唱 Reflection: : PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT 素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT 图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT 教程: Word教程: Excel 教程: 资料下载: PPT 课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: 字体下载: Unit3 Animals Lesson1 Listen & Guess dog cat bird monkey tiger bird tiger monkey cat dog tiger dogcat bird monkey Act like a dog.cat.bird.tiger.monkey. You act I guess Cat, cat, what do you see? I see a dog looking at me. Dog, dog, what do you see? I see a bird looking at me. Bird, bird, what do you see? I see a monkey looking at me. Monkey, monkey, what do you see? I see a tiger looking at me. Chant Homework 1.听音频,指认单词dog, cat, bird, monkey, tiger. 2.听音频,跟唱歌谣Cat, cat, what do you see?
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