外研版(一起)四上Module 9-Unit 1 What happened to your head -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:a03d4).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_四年级上册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 9_Unit 1 What happened to your head _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:a03d4)
    • Accident.wmv
    • Be careful.wmv
    • What happened to your head .ppt--点击预览
    • What happened to your head 导学案.doc--点击预览
    • 教案a03d4.doc--点击预览


What happened to your head? NSE Book7 Module9 Unit1 Lets sing! Warm-up Guess the words and phrases. Preview guidance water run Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. watermelon Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. thirsty Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. bump Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. hungry Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. carry Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. play basketball Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. run for a bus Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. fall over Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. ride a bike Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. cut finger Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. fall off Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. The bear _ the tree yesterday. fall off fell off 过过 去去 式式 Preview guidance Try again ! He _ his bike fell off yesterday. fall off Preview guidance Try again ! He _ fall off fell off the bedyesterday. Preview guidance Try again ! Whats the difference between “fall off”and “fall over”? Preview guidance Try again ! She _ but she went on running. fell over fall over Preview guidance Try again ! She _ but she went on running. Preview guidance Try again ! fall over fell over -They _ their heads. bumped bump -What happened? Preview guidance Try again ! -They _ their heads. bumped bump -What happened? Preview guidance Try again ! -What _ to the boy? -He hurt his arm. happened happen Preview guidance Try again ! -What _ to the boy? - hurt his arm. happened happen Preview guidance Try again ! He hurt -(过去时过去时) 过去时与原形一致过去时与原形一致 He hurts -(一般现在时一般现在时) He What happened to the bear? Lead in. Lets watch ! He fell off the tree. What happened to the bear? Lead in. Look and say! Lead in. Look and say! steal What happened to Damings head? He bumped his head. Text- learning Read silently! Text- learning Lets watch a video. Text- learning 1.Why did Daming and Sam buy a watermelon? Because they were hungry and thirsty. Text- learning Try to answer. hungry Text- learning thirsty Text- learning hungry and thirsty fruits Text- learning 2. What happened to the watermelon? It was broken. Text- learning Try to answer. Text- learning humor幽默幽默 Humor is the art(艺术艺术) of speaking. A good sense of humor(良好的幽默感良好的幽默感 ) can make people around you happy. Rain cats and dogs. Enjoy humor time. Text- learning Text- learning What? Enjoy humor time. Text- learning Rain cats? Rain dogs? Enjoy humor time. Text- learning Enjoy humor time. rain heavily Enjoy humor time. A piece of cake. Text- learning Enjoy humor time. A piece of cake? Text- learning Enjoy humor time. Text- learning Enjoy humor time. Its very easy! Text- learning Enjoy humor time. Is it funny? Text- learning Enjoy humor time. Text- learning Listen and repeat. Text- learning Read aloud. Text- learning Lets act. 表演课文评价标准表演课文评价标准 能根据课文进行基本交流。能根据课文进行基本交流。 有一定的表情和动作。有一定的表情和动作。 Good 恰当运用课文,在情境中进行真实交恰当运用课文,在情境中进行真实交 流,语言较流畅。表情、动作符合人流,语言较流畅。表情、动作符合人 物情感。物情感。 Great 灵活运用课文,在情境中进行真实交灵活运用课文,在情境中进行真实交 流,语言流畅,表情、动作、神态到流,语言流畅,表情、动作、神态到 位,对课文内容有创新。位,对课文内容有创新。 Fantastic Text- learning Lets retell ! Did you buy some water? No, we bought a watermelon. Text- learning Look and say. Did you fall off your bike? No, Sam fell off his bike. Text- learning Look and say. _ you _ some water? No, we _ a watermelon. _ you _ your bike? No, Sam _ his bike. Text- learning Look and say. A: What happened to you ? B: I went to . I played . Then I . A: Im sorry to hear that. A: Did you ? Be careful next time. B: . Practice Ask and answer in pairs. Tell the accident to others. Production Talk in groups. Production Lets watch a video. What have we learnt today? Summary 必做必做: 1. Write the words and sentences. 2. Retell the accident of Daming and Sam. 选做选做: Describe an experience of getting hurt (yours or others). Homework Homework. Im sorry to hear that. What a pity! Bad luck. Practice NSE B7 M9 U1 What happened to your head?Studying Plan .Preview Checking 选出正确的选项。 ( )1. He _ the big school bag yesterday. A. carry B, carried C. carries D. is carrying ( )2. The bear _ the tree yesterday. A. fall off B. fell off C. fall over D. fell over ( ) 3. He _his head and hurt his head. A bumped B. bump C. bumps D. is bumping ( ) 4. What _ to your head? I bumped my head and hurt my knees. A. happened B. happen C. happens D. is happening .Text Learning 1. General question What happened to Damings head? 2. Details (1) Why did Daming and Sam buy a watermelon? (2) What happened to the watermelon? .Group work Listen and say. .Practice A: What happened to you? B: I went to_. I played _. Then I _ A: Im sorry to hear that. Be careful next time. .Production Tell the accidents to others . Summary & Homework 必做:1. Write the words and sentences. 2. Retell the accident of Daming and Sam. 选做:Describe an experience of getting hurt (yours or others). . Test(每题(每题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 单项选择. ( ) 1 - _? - I fell over yesterday. A. What did you do? B. What happened to you? C. Im sorry to hear that. ( ) 2. He was so naughty, he _ the wall and bumped his head. A. fell over B. fell off C. fall off ( ) 3. I jumped on the bed , then I fell off the bed. - It was dangerous. _ A. Be careful. B. What did you do? C. What happened D. Thank you. ( )4. Amy had an accident yesterday. She _ her head. A. bump B. bumps C.is bumping D. bumped 新标准英语新标准英语一起四上一起四上 Module 9 Unit 1 What happened to your head? 基于学科核心素养的教学设计基于学科核心素养的教学设计 课题:课题:What happened to your head? 课型:课型:New Teaching 教材分析教材分析: 这节课的情境是 Lingling 和 Amy 看到 Daming 头上绑着绷带,询问他发生了什么, Daming 描述了自己和 Sam 昨天遭遇的事故。通过对文章问题的深入挖掘与实际生活相联 系,进而培养并提升学生的学科核心素养,培养学生的全面发展。本单元的语言学习要 点是行为动词一般过去时的疑问句的综合运用,可利用这个契机为学生提供更多的练习 和运用的机会。 学情分析:学情分析:行为动词的一般过去式的疑问句学生在前面几个模块已经学习过,但是在应用时 动词的原形和过去时还是容易混淆,四年级学生在预习环节有一定难度和困惑,教师需 要引导他们帮助形成良好的学习习惯,学生对于分角色表演积极性特别高。 设计思路:设计思路:综合对教材和学情的分析,本课在各个环节设计中,关注学生阅读能力的培养, 通过层层深入的问题串设计,引导学生深度思考课文的细节要点,并将所学内容迁移到 生活中。以学生的学为主体,通过小组合作探究和教师的点拨,体验学习和思考的乐趣。 教学目标:教学目标: 1、 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 功能:谈论过去的行为,描述自己遭遇的事故。 语法:全体学生能够运用 What happened to your head? I bumped my head.等描述 过去发生的事故。 词汇:理解并掌握 water, carry, fall off, fall over, bump, thirsty, happen, bump, watermelon,bike ride. 语音:注意 fall off 和 fall over 之间的连读发音。 2、 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 听:能听懂他人描述过去发生的事故。 说:能借助图片等说出 What happened to your head? I bumped my head. 读:能模仿点读笔中的语音语调正确流利地朗读课文。 写:能正确书写文中的重点词汇。 运用:能运用 What happened?进行提问和回答,并能分角色进行表演。 3、 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:养成自主预习的学习习惯,以及积极与他人合作的学习态度。 4、 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:进一步注意到中外文化异同,了解英国人的幽默特点,并学会在听到他 人发生事故时要及时表达关心。 5、 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:发生意外时,要学会自救并帮助他人。平时在学习和生活中,不要马虎 大意,要小心谨慎,避免意外的发生 教学重点:教学重点:学习行为动词一般过去时的疑问句,会用 What happened?进行提问和回答。 教学难点教学难点: 一般过去时一般疑问句与特殊疑问句问与答的综合运用。 教学准备教学准备: Pads,Pads, 单词卡片,点读笔,微课,图片单词卡片,点读笔,微课,图片, ,表演道具。表演道具。 教学流程:教学流程: I.Preview guidance. 1. Sing a song. Sing the song “Be careful!”. 【设计意图】营造英语学习氛围,调动学生的学习热情。培养学生“乐学善学”的核 心素养。 2. Guessing game. Guess the words and phrases. 学生分两组竞赛。每组一名代表,背对屏幕,其余学生根据 PPT 呈现的单词或词组做 动作。猜对且速度快的一组加分。 【设计意图】游戏中的单词及词组均为本课重点或在运用环节将要用到的。旨在检验 学生预学的同时为下面的练习环节做铺垫。 3. Preview checking. 【设计意图】借助于 Pad,让学生在 Pad 上进行答题练习,并进行预习结果检测。了 解学生本课的课前预习情况,帮助学生搭建预学阶梯。 4. Try again. 【设计意图】老师提前对预学检测中可能会出错的问题进行预设,根据预学检测的结 果进行再次练习,让学生真正掌握本课重点词汇的用法。 II. Text learning 1. Lead in. Watch the video. “What happened to the bear?” 【设计意图】通过层层问题的追问,让学生了解课文,并对学生进行教育,不要随便 拿别人的东西,并导入到大课文的学习。 2. General question. “What happened to Damings head?” 【设计意图】初步感知课文。学生通过阅读课文得出结论,培养学生快速阅读课文的 好习惯。 追问:How did Daming bump his head? Why did he bump his head? What happened then? Did Sam hurt? Who hurt himself? What else? 【设计意图】学生无法从文中得出答案,只能通过看动画才能找到答案,培养学生仔 细观察的好习惯。通过一系列的追问,让学生深入了解课文,引发学生思考,同时构 建板书,引出微课“Accident” 。并对学生进行教育,不要马虎大意,否则容易引发一 些生活中的意外。 3. Details. (1) “Why did Daming and Sam buy a watermelon?” 追问:What do we eat when we are hungry? What do we drink when we are thirsty? What will we choose when we are hungry and thirsty? 【设计意图】对学生进行日常生活知识的教育,由饿了吃什么,渴了喝什么,又饿又 渴选择什么,告诉学生水果可以增加饱腹感,从而培养学生的人文素养。 (2) “What happened to the watermelon”? 【设计意图】引导学生辩证地思考问题,Sam 带着大明和西瓜去医院,医生给西瓜缠 纱布这件事是真的吗?培养学生“人文情怀、理性思维、批判质疑”的核心素养。 4Enjoy humor time: “Rain cats and dogs” “A piece of cake” 【设计意图】通过两个小幽默让学生感知英国式幽默,旨在让学生感受文化差异。让 学生知道幽默在与人交流沟通中的重要性,幽默会让周围的人喜欢自己。培养学生 “人文情怀”的核心素养。 5. Listen and read: 【设计意图】让学生大声模仿跟读课文。 6. Read aloud: 【设计意图】学生使用 E-Pen 自主读课文,有问题的地方可以反复点读。在学生充分 练习读之后对其朗读情况进行检测,纠音并强调语音语调。培养学生良好的朗读习惯。 7. Read one by one. 【设计意图】以开火车的形式检测学生的课文朗读能力,培养学生良好的朗读习惯。 8. Act the dialogue out. 【设计意图】给出表演课文的评价表,引导学生更好的表演,提升表演能力。 9. Retell the text. (1)went for a bike ride bought fell off bumped took (2)go for a bike ride buy fall off bump take 【设计意图】小组根据板书进行分层复述,难度逐渐加大,将带字的板书拿掉,个 人通过动态板书图片进行复述。复述难度递进,通过动态板书在本环节初步达到语言 输出的目的。培养学生“理性思考”的核心素养。 III. Practice. 1. Listen and say. 【设计意图】培养学生的听说能力,同时巩固重点句型。两人一组,以开火车的方式 进行汇报,培养学生“乐学善学”的核心素养。 2. Ask and answer in pairs. 【设计意图】巩固练习,让学生了解中西文化差异,并及时对他人表示关心,学会运 用 Im sorry to hear that. What a pity! Bad luck!完成语言能力目标中说的要求。 IV. Production. Tell the accidents to others. 【设计意图】通过教师角色扮演的引领,让学生能用所学知识完成任务,完成教学技 能目标中的运用。 微课 2 “Accident” 【设计意图】通过什么是 accident 的导入,让学生学会在意外发生时,应该如何自救 以及帮助他人。培养学生“乐于助人”的核心素养。 V. Summarize: What have we learnt today? 【设计意图】学生自主总结,回顾本课所学,培养学生“勤于反思”的核心素养。 VI. Homework. 【设计意图】设计分层作业意在照顾各个层次的学生,再次体现“人文情怀”的核心 素养。 VII.Test. 【设计意图】检测学生对本课所学知识的运用。 Summarize “Who are the winners?” 【设计意图】课前分两组进行比赛,课后获胜的小组,教师将本课获胜奖励-西瓜送 给获胜者,并鼓励获胜小组可以与同学分享胜利的果实。再次对学生进行情感教育。 【板书设计】
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