外研版(一起)五上Reading for Pleasure-Singing Colours-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:801f7).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_五年级上册 (2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Reading for Pleasure_Singing Colours_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:801f7)
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外研版(新标准)一起五上 执教教师:三明市实验小学 罗淑芳 指导教师:三明市教育科学研究所 林 茜 三明市实验小学 谢柳英 三明市实验小学 李 娟 Singing Colours problems Colours blue red yellow orange When I see,I think When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter sky and the icy moon. When I feel happy, I sing a golden tune about the summer sun in golden June. When I feel tired, my song is black as night. I sing about black skies and the clear moonlight. When I feel good, I sing a red tune. I sing about red dragons and big,red balloons. When Im bored, my song is grey. I sing about grey raindrops on a rainy day. When I feel sick, my song is white. I sing about snow and mountains. Then I feel all right. LucyLucyLucyLucy sad happy angry shy sick tired hungry feelings Read and Circle How does she feel? Read and think What does she do? When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter sky and the icy moon. blue What colours are the tunes? When I feel happy, I sing a golden tune about the summer sun in golden June. golden When I feel tired, my song is black as night. I sing about black skies and the clear moonlight. black When I feel good, I sing a red tune. I sing about red dragons and big,red balloons. red When Im bored, my song is grey. I sing about grey raindrops on a rainy day. grey When I feel sick, my song is white. I sing about snow and mountains. Then I feel all right. white When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter sky and the icy moon. What is the blue tune about? icy the icy moon When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter sky and the icy moon. What are the tunes about? When I feel happy, I sing a golden tune about the summer sun in golden June. When I feel tired, my song is black as night. I sing about black skies and the clear moonlight. When I feel good, I sing a red tune. I sing about red dragons and big,red balloons. When Im bored, my song is grey. I sing about grey raindrops on a rainy day. When I feel sick, my song is white. I sing about snow and mountains. Then I feel all right. When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter Sky and the icy moon. Rhyme 押韵 Read and find the rhyme. (有感情地朗读并找出押韵) When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter sky and the icy moon. Listen and repeat. When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter sky and the icy moon. Listen and repeat. When I feel happy, I sing a golden tune about the summer sun in golden June. Listen and repeat. When I feel happy, I sing a golden tune about the summer sun in golden June. Listen and repeat. When I feel tired, my song is black as night. I sing about black skies and the clear moonlight. Listen and repeat. When I feel tired, my song is black as night. I sing about black skies and the clear moonlight. Listen and repeat. When I feel good, I sing a red tune. I sing about red dragons and big,red balloons. Listen and repeat. When I feel good, I sing a red tune. I sing about red dragons and big,red balloons. Listen and repeat. When Im bored, my song is grey. I sing about grey raindrops on a rainy day. Listen and repeat. When Im bored, my song is grey. I sing about grey raindrops on a rainy day. Listen and repeat. When I feel sick, my song is white. I sing about snow and mountains. Then I feel all right. Listen and repeat. When I feel sick, my song is white. I sing about snow and mountains. Then I feel all right. Listen and repeat. When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter Sky and the icy moon. Rhyme 押韵 When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter Sky and the icy moon. Rhyme 押韵 When I feel happy, I sing a golden tune about the summer sun in golden June. When I feel tired, my song is black as night. I sing about black skies and the clear moonlight. When I feel good, I sing a red tune. I sing about red dragons and big,red balloons. When Im bored, my song is grey. I sing about grey raindrops on a rainy day. When I feel sick, my song is white. I sing about snow and mountains. Then I feel all right. 1. Rhyme.(押韵) 3. Express the emotion.(抒发情感) (诗歌的特点) 2.The similar structure.(相似的结构) Read in Groups correctly emotionally fluently When I feel sad, I sing a blue tune about the cold, blue winter sky and the icy moon. When I feel happy, I sing a golden tune about the summer sun in golden June. When I feel tired, my song is black as night. I sing about black skies and the clear moonlight. When I feel good, I sing a red tune. I sing about red dragons and big,red balloons. When Im bored, my song is grey. I sing about grey raindrops on a rainy day. When I feel sick, my song is white. I sing about snow and mountains. Then I feel all right. Lets create a poem. When I feel sad, I play with my pet cat. When I feel happy, I like drinking coffee. When I feel bored, I go to play football. Lets create a poem. When I feel sad, I When I feel happy, I When I feel , I . Happy Happy EveryEveryday!day! Homework: 1.Read the poem emotionally. 2.Try to create more poems with rhyme. Goodbye! Singing Colours 教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本节课的教学内容是一年级起点五年级上册 Reading for presure Singing Colours. 这是一首诗歌。英语诗歌对于提高提高学生的文化 知识和综合素质,培养探究和创造能力有着十分重要的作用。本节 课以Feelings 为主题,通过英语诗歌的学习,感受诗歌的美,了解 诗歌的节奏和押韵,并在学习和运用语言的同时提高学生的文化意 识,进而培养他们的文化能力。为了能在英语诗歌的教学过程中, 既能欣赏诗歌的美,又能理解诗歌的意义,我尝试采用模式“听诗 吟诗悟诗作诗”进行英语诗歌教学。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 日常教学中学生童谣接触较多,对英语诗歌接触不多,教材中 英语诗歌也较少,学生接触诗歌的机会少。本节课的学习对象是五 年级的孩子。从心理特点来看,他们正处在自我意识形成期,独立 思维能力迅速发展,对很多事物都有了自己的观点和看法。本节课 诗歌中有关颜色和情感的词汇已经学习过,因此,诗歌学习欣赏时, 他们很容易走入人物的内心世界,体会情感并产生共鸣。 三、教学目标与教学重难点三、教学目标与教学重难点 根据英语学科核心素养的四个方面,制定如下教学目标。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.100%学生能够理解诗歌内容,体会感受。 2.100%学生能体会“节奏、押韵、情感”,并有感情朗读诗歌。 3.80%学生能尝试进行诗歌创作。 4.学生能够学会处理自己的心情,培养乐观积极地生活态度。 教学重点教学重点 学生能够理解诗歌内容,有感情地朗读诗歌。 教学难点教学难点 学生能领悟诗歌的特点,感悟诗歌传递的感情。 四、教学用具四、教学用具 PPT,词卡 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Preparation 1.Greeting 【设计意图】通过问候拉近师生间的距离,调动学生学习积极性,在交流中 自然导入新课。 2. Guess, the title is singing colours. Q1:What is it about? Q2:What colours are they? Theyre 3.Free talk. Q3:When you see , what you think? 【设计意图】通过引导学生读题目猜测内容并简单描述,培养学生正确获取 信息的能力,提高文本意识。同时通过预测使学生进行发散性思考。 Step 2 Presentation 1.Enjoy the poem (1) Listen and think Q:What is the poem about?-feelings This is our new friend, Lucy.The poem is about her feeelings. 【设计意图】听诗歌朗诵,在第一个环节中,通过让学生整体听这首英文诗 歌朗诵,让学生体验语言的优美和旋律的和谐,在美的享受中导入本文的主题。 (2) Read and circle Q:How does she feel?板书 feelings (3)Think Q:What does she do? She sings some songs. T:When I, I sing different tune.板书句型 教 tune Q:What colours are the tunes? 板书逐一补上颜色,So thats why the title is singing colours. 4. Read the poem silently and underline the answer. Q:What are the tunes about? Whats the blue tune about? 5.Teach“icy” 【设计意图】带着问题,深入学习体验诗歌优美的旋律和和谐的朗诵技巧。 听这首诗歌朗诵,对同学们来讲,是一次享受美的过程,这种朗诵一下子抓住 了同学的注意力与兴趣,把他们带到了如诗如画的意境当中。 2.Read the poem with expression (1) Repeat the poem 【设计意图】让同学们参与朗诵诗歌,为了让他们亲身体验诗歌的优美和 平静他们的心灵。通过反复的朗诵,同学们会更深刻理解诗歌的意义与内涵。 3.感悟诗歌 (1)Find the rhythm (2)Read the poem with feelings 【设计意图】这个环节的焦点放在诗歌的意义与形式上,而“节奏、押韵、 意象、情感”是欣赏诗歌的几个基本方面。同学们听完诗歌朗诵,参与朗诵诗歌, 并给学生进行评分。在老师的帮助下,同学们通过对英语诗歌“节奏、押韵、情 感”更深层次的认识,他们领悟诗歌的特点,感悟诗歌传递的感情。同学们在欣 赏中加深对诗歌的理解,产生美得共鸣,并且强化对语言的诗性特征的习得。 Step 4 Production 1. Create the poem (1)Teachers poem 【设计意图】本环节通过教师创编诗歌作为例子进行展示,为学生的诗歌 创作提供脚手架的作用,为接下来的自己尝试写诗做准备,降低了创作的难度, 符合我校学生的认知水平。 (2)Pair work 【设计意图】通过小组合作学习,不仅为学生提供一个语言输出的机会, 促进知识向能力的转化和内化,激发学生思考、参与讨论的兴趣。通过表达不 同心情做的事,引导学生学会正确处理喜怒哀乐。 (3) Writing Step 5 Homework 1.Read the poem emotionally. 2.Try to create more poems with rhyme. 板书设计: 教学反思: 本堂课通过听诗、吟诗,了解诗歌的节奏和押韵;运用听、读、 悟等方法,采用回答问题、小组讨论、诗歌欣赏等方式,理解诗歌 内容,感受诗歌传达的意义,挖掘诗歌表达的内涵;并且在充分感 受、理解诗歌的基础上,通过讨论、小组合作学习创作诗歌。运用 “听诗吟诗悟诗译诗作诗”教学模式指导诗歌阅读,以 “feelings ”为主线开展各项教学任务,培养学生鉴赏诗歌的能力。培 养孩子们乐观积极的生活态度。综合整堂课学生的表现和课后老师 们的评价,这是一堂成功的诗歌示范课。但是,正如栾爱春所说, 英文诗歌,作为一种课程资源依然有着丰富而宝贵的潜质等待着我 们去挖掘。凭借已有的研究和英语教育同仁共同努力,英文诗歌教 学这朵奇葩一定会在学生的心目中开的更美,一定能够结出丰硕的 果实。
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