外研版(一起)六上Module 9-Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:d1684).docx

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1、课 题 外研社新标准小学英语(一起点)六年级上册 M9U2 I want to go to Shanghai. 学生 和 教材 内容 分析 六年级的学生有将近六年的英语学习经历。基于课标中对二级目标的要求,针对本节课的教学内容 在语言知识方面,学生能基本理解和运用关于旅游这个日常生活话题的表达形式。本课出现的“want to ”属于复现的内容,分别在第六、七、八、十册,甚至本册 Module 8 Unit 1 中出现过。学生对“want to ”的表达方式不陌生,能比较熟练地运用“Do you want to?”询问别人并用“Yes, I do.”和“No, I dont.” 回答并简单陈述原

2、因。学生也能用“I want to .”描述自己的意愿,能在老师构建的支架下介绍一个地方 的特征、位置和拥有的事物。 教 学 目 标 一、知识与技能目标 1、掌握新词 famous。 2、能用“I want to ( go to )”熟练表达自己的意愿和愿望。 3、能用以下句型介绍一个地方的特征、位置和拥有的事物。 Shanghai is very big and very famous. Kunming is in the south of China. It has got a beautiful lake. There are lots of mountains and lakes in

3、 Guilin. 二、情感态度目标 1、学生能在学习课文的过程中感受到 Smart一家人在讨论的过程中都能主动表达自己的观点,平等地 进行交流。 2、让学生能体会爱家乡,爱祖国的情感。 教 学 重 难 点 一、教学重点 1.能用“I want to ( go to )”熟练表达自己的意愿和愿望。 二、教学难点: 2、能根据课文录音内容,初步运用学会的句型延伸到其他城市, 能根据所学介绍一个地方的特征、 位置和拥有的事物。 教学 方法 听说法、情景教学法、小组合作探究法; 教学 准备 PPT课件, flash视频,单词卡片,课堂练习(每人一张) 教学 时间 40 分钟。 Step1 Greeti

4、ng (2min)Step2 Lead-in(3min)Step3 Text-learning(20min) Step4 Extension(13min)Step5 Summary and Home-work(1min) Step6 Say Goodbye.(1min)Step 7 Blackbord design. 教学过程设计 教学 环节 教师活动学生活动设计意图 Ss: .课前互相问候, Step1 Greeting (2min T: Hello, Im Miss Xie. Im from Yongan. Yongan is my hometown. Do you known about

5、 Yongan? T: Look, this is a map of Fujian. Here is Xiamen. This is Yongan. Its in the west of Fujian. Its a small but beautiful city. There are lots of beautiful mountains and bamboos in Yongan. Yongan is a beautiful place. I like it very much. 学生随老师一起了解永安 的位置、特征和拥有的事 物。 介绍自己,可以 亲近学生。同时 通过老师的家乡 永安引入

6、,激起 学生的好奇心。 通过介绍永安, 复习了旧的知 识,可以提高学 生学习英语的状 态,使其有效投 入学习中来。 Step2 Lead-in. (3min 1.There are lots of beautiful places in China. I want to go to Shanghai.(看板书)Today we are going to learn M9U2 I want to go to Shanghai. 2.I want to go to Shanghai. Where do you want to go? 3. All the places you want to go

7、 are beautiful places. Today we are going to learn more beautiful places. (板书) 4Todays task is: Learn to introduce a beautiful place. 学生跟读课题 M9U2 I want to go to Shanghai. 请部分学生根据 PPT 的提 示表达:I want to go to 学生明确今天的学习任 务:Learn to introduce a 学生通过与老师 的交流,复习“I want to go t o”的表达方式 此活动指向本课 时的语言技能目 标,同时引

8、出本 节课的学习任 务:学会介绍一 处美丽的地方。 (学会介绍一个漂亮的地方。)beautiful place. Step 3 Text- learning. (20min 1. The Smart family are going to beautiful places in China. Lets look and find the beautiful places. 2.Check out. The first beautiful place is Shanghai. Then Kunming and Guilin. 3.Listen and Match (the places they

9、 want to go). 4. Check out. Can you tell me who want to go to Shanghai? Sam wants to go to Shanghai. Read together. How about Mr. Smart? Read together. What about Amy? T:Read together. 5.Why do they want to go to these places?Lets read and find the answers. Open books, page 53, part 2. (动作示 范)You ca

10、n underline the answers. 1.Watch the flash and find the beautiful places. 2.Check out. 3.Listen to the radio. 4.Check out. S1: Sam. Ss: Sam wants to go to Shanghai. S2: Mr. Smart wants to go to Kunming. Ss: Mr. Smart wants to go to Kunming. S3: Amy wants to go to Guilin. Ss: 5.Read and underline the

11、 answers.(PPT显示) 通过听音连线找 出 Smart一家人 各自想去的地 方,任务明确, 难度不太,在于 激起学生阅读兴 趣,在学习开始 获得成就感。 同桌讨论,相互 交流信息,培养 学生的合作学习 Step 3 Text- learning. 6. Please discuss the answers with your partners.(同桌讨 论) 7. Check the answers. Feature. T: Who can tell me about Shanghai? 教学 famous ( togetherone by one) Xiamen is famous

12、 too. Do you agree? T: Look, its Shanghai. Can you talk about Shanghai? (1)What aspect of Shanghai is discussed? (这句话是从哪方面介绍上海的?) T: Thats right. Feature. (板书 2) _ is very _. (手写板书 1) Location. (1) T: Kunming is famous too. Do you known where is Kunming? 6. 同桌讨论 7. Check the answers. S1:Shanghai is

13、very big and very famous. 学习 famous S1:Shanghai is very big and very famous. Ss:Shanghai is very big and very famous. Ss: 特征、feature S1: Kunming is in the south of China. 能力,也为学生 大胆举手发言做 准备。 通过师生问答共 同归纳出描述特 征的句型: _ is very _. Step 3 Text- learning. Step 3 Text- learning. T: Kunming is in the south o

14、f China. Look, this is the south of China. (教读:south one by one) This is the north of China. (教读:north齐读) This is the east of China. (教读:the east 齐读) And the west of China. (教读: west 齐读) T: Where is Kunming? G1G2. G3G4 (2) Where is Shanghai, Beijing, and Xinjiang? Discuss with your partners. (3) T:

15、Where is Beijing? T: Where is Shanghai? T: Where is Xinjiang? (4) T: We can talk a place from feature and we can also talk about a place from_(手指板书引导学生答) T: Yes, location. ( 贴板书 3) Its in the _ of _. (手写板书 2) Possession. (1)T: Kunming is a beautiful place. Do you know what has Kunming got? 学习:north

16、学习:the east 学习 : west 同桌讨论 S1: Beijing is in the north of China. S2: Shanghai is in the east of China. S3: Xinjiang is in the west of China. Ss: 位置。Location. S1:It has got a beautiful lake. 通过图文练习巩 固位置的表达方 式,为后面拓展 练习奠定基础。 通过师生问答共 同归纳出描述位 置的句型: Its in the _ of_. Step 3 Text- learning. T: Dianchi is a

17、 beautiful lake in Kunming. So it has got a beautiful lake in Kunming. T: Boys, what has Kunming got? T: Girls, What has Kunming got? T: What has Beijing got?T: What has Xinjiang got? (2) T: Guilin is a beautiful place? Whats in Guilin? T: Whats in Beijing? T: Whats in Xinjiang? T:There is a great w

18、all. We can also say: It has got a famous wall. They are the same 学生操练句型 Boys:It has got a beautiful lake. Girls:It has got a beautiful lake. S1:It has got a great wall. S2:It has got many sheep and cows. S1: There are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin. Ss:Read together。 S1:There is a great wall

19、. S2:There are many sheep and cows. Ss read together:It has got a beautiful lake. There are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin. 通过图文练习、 师生问答共同归 Step 3 Text- learning. T:There are many sheep and cows. We can also say?(引 导学生说出) It has got lots of sheep and cows. They are the same. (3) What aspect a

20、re we talking about? (这两句话是从哪 方面讨论的呢?) (师指板书) Feature, location and _ T:Yes, Thats possession. ( 贴板书 4) It has got _. (手写板书 4) There is /are _ _. ( 手写板书 5 (4)小结 T: Can you talk about beautiful places now? T:Its about feature. Its about location. Its about possession. Retell. (脱离 PPT retell.) How is

21、Shanghai? Where is Kunming? Whats in Guilin? T: We can talk about beautiful places from three aspects: Ss: 有什么东西。 Ss:跟板书小结。 纳出描述拥有事 物的句型: It has got _. There is /are _. 师生在板书的帮 助下总结出可以 从特征、位置、 拥有的事物三方 面来介绍一个地 方。 feature, location and possession. Step4 Extension (13min Step4 Extension (13min 1、Talk a

22、bout Xiamen. (1) Look, its Xiamen. How beautiful is Xiamen? Can you introduce Xiamen to me? How is Xiamen? Where is Xiamen? What has Xiamen got? (2)Can you introduce Xiamen from these three aspects? Maybe these pictures can help you. (板书) Talk with your partners. (2 minute) (3)Report. (请 1个学生汇报) (4)

23、T:Xiamen is so beautiful. Do you like Xiamen? T:Xiamen is your hometown. I think we should love our hometown. 2、Talk about beautiful places. (1)T: There are lots of beautiful places in China. Lets 同桌讨论介绍厦门 (请 1 个学生汇报) Its in the It has got There are Ss: 配乐欣赏老师制作的关于 通过让学生介绍 熟悉的厦门来练 习从特征、位 置、拥有的事物 三方面

24、来介绍一 个地方。 请学生汇报目的 在了解学生的学 习情况,同时也 能给其他的学生 一个正确的示 范。激发学生爱 家乡的情感。 Step4 Extension (13min enjoy. Do you like it? They are beautiful places in China. Its so amazing. (2) T: Please choose one beautiful place. You can choose Shanghai, Guilin or any other places. And introduce from these three aspects: fea

25、ture, location and possession. Take out this paper. We can use the words bank and talk about it in groups of 4. Any question? OK, lets go. (3)Work in groups. (4) Ss report. T: OK, times up. Stop talking. Who want to share your beautiful place? (Be quite and listen carefully.) S1: 中国美丽地方 的 PPT。 四人一小组

26、讨论 beautiful places。 小组派代表汇报。 (请几个学生说。根据时间 安排汇报人数。) 通过一段自制的 关于这个 PPT 中 呈现的壮丽景色 以及配乐给学生 的视听冲击,学 生既了解中国美 丽的景色又激发 了学生主动参介 绍自己喜欢的一 处美丽地方。 结合地图、各地 精美图片、学生 通过与老师一起 探讨各地的美 景,更好地运用 famous, beauti -ful 等词汇形 容美丽的风景, 运用“ I want to go to _. Its very_. T: Thank you. (听了你的介绍我都想去看看了) Anyone else? Who want to share

27、 beautiful place? Itsinthe _of_. It has got _. There is/are_. ”等句子来表达 讨论自己的意 愿。这一部分达 到语言运用的目 标。激发学生爱 祖国山河的情 感。 Step 5 Summary and Home- work (1min Today we have learnt to introduce beautiful places. We can talk about a beautiful place from three aspects: feature, location and possession. Todays home

28、work:1.Try to write down a beautiful place 学生根据板书总结。 师生主动根据板 书进行回顾总 结,对本课知识 框架进行梳理, 记忆,内化成自 己的知识体系, 达到学以致用的 目的。 in this paper. 2.Read the text 3 times. 学生了解今天的作业。课后进行巩固提 升。 Step 6 Say goodbye. (1min) You all did a good job. Thank you very much. And class over. Goodbye everyone. 师对生的正面评 价,极大的激励 和促进学生的发 展。 Step 7 Blackbord Design. 采用思维导图的 板书形式,构建 了清晰完整的语 言支架,重点突 出,锻炼了学生 的思维,帮助学 生记忆,利于学 生提取运用,提 升学生的语用能 力。


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