外研版(一起)六上Module 2-Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-省级优课-(编号:90162).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2_Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_省级优课_(编号:90162)
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    • 桂林市英语教研员点评.mp4
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Module2 Unit1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. 桂林市育才小学 廖正良 课前小研究 1. 听、读课文P8-10三次并背诵重点句; 2. 写出下列动词的过去式并试着用其与同伴说句子; am / is _ are _ go _ eat _ listen _ like _ make _ see _ help _ watch _ do _ play _ 3.收集有关Chinatown的资料,并与同伴分享; _ 4.听读P8课文,完成下列练习; Daming is going to _. _ went to _. _ had a _. _ ate _. _ saw _. Simon wants to _. 5. 与同伴分享一次你的中秋或暑假游记,并试着用英语记录下来。 Pre-homework. 写出下列动词的过去式并试着用其与同伴说句子 am/ is_ are_ go_ eat_ listen_ like_ make_ see_ help_ watch_ do _ play_ waswerewent atelistenedliked madesawhelped watcheddid played West LakeWest Lake ChinatownChinatown ChinatownChinatown 1.1. What did What did DamingDaming see there? see there? 2.2. What did he do?What did he do? 3.3. What language did people speak there?What language did people speak there? He saw Chinese people everywhere. He saw lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants. He ate in a Chinese restaurant. He saw a lion dance in the street. People spoke Chinese and English. Can you ask?Can you ask? :声音响亮的朗读课文; :合理分工,声音响亮的朗读 ; :声音响亮,改编,并合理分 工,并分角色流畅地表演。 Lets talk!Lets talk! Where did you go ? What did you see ? What did you eat ? Last summer, Tom went to London with his parents. London was a very beautiful city. They visited the Big Ben and London Eye. They took many photos there. Tom ate fish and chips in an English restaurant. It was delicious. In London, all the people spoke English. He was very happy there. (1) Tom went to London with my friends. Read and judge true or false. (2) They ate an traditional English food there. Last summer, Tom went to London with his parents. London was a very beautiful city. They visited the Big Ben and London Eye. They took many photos there. Tom ate fish and chips in an English restaurant. It was delicious. In London, all the people spoke English. He was very happy there. (1) We _ some photos there. (2) People spoke _ in London. - A. bought B. take C. took - A. English B. Chinese C. French Choose. Last summer, Tom went to London with his parents. London was a very beautiful city. They visited the Big Ben and London Eye. They took many photos there. Tom ate fish and chips in an English restaurant. It was delicious. In London, all the people spoke English. He was very happy there. (1) Where did Tom visit in London? (2) What language did they speak in London? - He visited the Big Ben and London Eye. - They spoke English there. Answer. China is our motherland.China is our motherland. I love it.I love it. Im proud of it.Im proud of it. Because I am Chinese!Because I am Chinese! 外研社新标准英语(一起)第十一册外研社新标准英语(一起)第十一册 Module 2 Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. 一、教学目标与要求:一、教学目标与要求: 1、知识与能力目标: (1)词汇: 能够听说认读的单词和短语: 词:Chinatown, town, subject, everywhere, spoke, lion dance 词组:different from, lion dance, want to 能够听说读写的单词和短语: spoke (2)语句: I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. I saw a lion dance in the street. Where did you go? What did you see/eat? 2、情感态度目标: 学生能够运用所学的英语主动练习和实践,让学生通过本课的学习,能够初步 了解唐人街的文化,同时培养学生的爱国主义情怀和远大的理想。 二、教学重点及难点二、教学重点及难点 1、学会运用所学描述过去做的事情。 2、能够掌握重点词、句。 3、会总结归纳规则、不规则的动词过去式。 4、进行语篇的训练,描述和讨论自己或同伴过去做的事情。 三、课前准备:三、课前准备: 前置小研究、课件(PPT) 、课文配套动画、录音 四、教学步骤四、教学步骤 一) Warm up 1、Greeting and free talk. 2、Duty group: Game: I say you do. 复习之前学过的动词和词组。 3、Duty group: Game: I do you guess. 复习之前学过的动词和词组。 4、Duty group: Game: We say clean, you say cleaned. 复习动词和动词词 组跟过去式的转换。 5、Duty group: Sing a song together: The Great Wall. 6、Check the pre-homework. Now let me check your homework. Please take out you paper of Pre- homework and look at the screen. (PPT 展示学生前置作业内容,并抽查。) a. Practice 1. 写出单词对应的过去式并造句。 am / is _ are _ go _ eat _ listen _ like _ make _ see _ help _ watch _ do _ play _ Check it one by one, and read it together. 7、Talk about my favorite place, Ask students to guess. (通过讨论,复 习一般过去时的语句,让学生尽快回忆和融入到情境中。) T:I went to my favorite place this summer with my wife. Do you know where it is? Its a very beautiful place. Its a big lake. I saw an old tower near the lake. And there were some beautiful bridges and flowers on the lake. We ate some delicious fish in a Chinese restaurant. And we drank a cup of nice tea near the lake. So where is it? Can you guess? 8、Free talk about the vocation.(帮助学生复习过去时的语句,为之后的语 篇操练作铺垫) 二)Presentation 1、Lead in. You went to many beautiful places during the holidays. But where did Daming go yesterday? Do you know? (引出 Chinatown 与学生进行讨论,同时 检查学生前置小研究中资料收集的情况。)(前置小研究:附件 1) 2、Text study. a.引导进入课文,听第一遍录音,让学生带着问题听录音。 T: Now, Lets go to Chinatown with Daming. Please listen carefully and answer these questions. (学生回答问题并板书重要句型) 。 b. 第二次听录音,学生跟读课文,进一步熟悉和理解课文句型。 c. 全班齐读课文。 d. 课文延伸提问,学生自己就课文提出问题。(发挥学生主观能动性,创设问 题,加深学生们对课文的理解,强化学生们语言运用能力) T: Could you ask any questions about the text? e. 小组合作改编和表演课文。 T:Boys and girls, our text is an E-mail, can you make a dialogue to show it in your group? 三)Consolidation 1、拓展练习:New story. T:OK, just now we showed Damings story. Now, lets make a new story about our holidays, can you? (强化本模块复习的一般过去时的句型, 锻炼学生对所学知识的综合运用能力,找学生做示范,引导他们创设剧本。) a. Teacher asks some students to make an example, then prepare in groups. T:Two minutes for you, prepare in your groups. a. Ask some groups to show their new stories and talk with the others. 四)Practice 1、完成课件综合阅读训练。 (阅读训练旨在检查学生对本课复习句型的掌握情 况,通过判断、选择到问答的题型,由浅入深的检查,照顾全班能力不同的学 生) 五)Summary 1、情感教育:通过对唐人街的简单总结,让学生们体会到我们的祖国日益强大, 在世界上越来越受到尊重,我们作为中国人,应当感到高兴和自豪。 T: Boys and girls, today we learnt something about Chinatown in New York. As we know, there are many Chinatowns all over the word. Because our motherlandChina is becoming more and more powerful in the world. We should be happy and proud of it, because we are Chinese. Understand? 2. 全班齐读: China is our motherland. I love it. Im proud of it. Because I am Chinese! 六)Homework 1. 熟读 P8-10 课文及重点句,背诵重点句; 2.按照 E-mail 格式,给老师写一封关于记录自己假期所到之处所见所闻的邮件。 板书设计: Module2Module2 Unit1Unit1 I I wentwent toto ChinatownChinatown inin NewNew YorkYork yesterday.yesterday. I went to Chinatown yesterday. I saw a lion dance. I ate Chinese food. The people spoke Chinese and English. 附件一附件一 Module2 Unit1 课前小研究课前小研究 1. 听、读课文 P8-10 三次并背诵重点句; 2. 写出下列动词的过去式并试着用其与同伴说句子; am / is _ are _ go _ eat _ listen _ like _ make _ see _ help _ watch _ do _ play _ 4. 收集有关 Chinatown 的资料,并与同伴分享; _ _ _ 3. 听读 P8 课文,完成下列练习; I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. Daming is going to _. _ went to _. _ had a _. _ ate _. _ saw _. Simon wants to _. 5. 与同伴分享一次你的中秋或暑假游记,并试着用英语记录下来。
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