外研版(一起)六上Module 9-Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:709c6).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Module 9_Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai._ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:709c6)
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单位:坊子区凤凰街道沟西小学单位:坊子区凤凰街道沟西小学 姓名:姓名: 郑海玲郑海玲 时间:时间: 2018年年4月月 年级:六年级年级:六年级 学科:英语学科:英语 课题:课题:M9U2 I want to go to Shanghai. 外研社(一年级起点)小学英语六年级上册外研社(一年级起点)小学英语六年级上册 I want to go to Shanghai. 单位:潍坊市坊子区凤凰学区沟西小学单位:潍坊市坊子区凤凰学区沟西小学 执教教师:郑海玲执教教师:郑海玲 Review Game(砸金蛋)(砸金蛋). 1 2 3 4 5 Shandong Weifang Shanxi Xi an I think we should go to Where do they want to go? Listen 1st and answer: They want to go to Shanghai,kunming and Guilin. Who wants to go to this place? Sam Dad Amy Kunming Guilin Shanghai _ wants to go to_. Listen 2nd and connect Read 1st and answer. Where does Sam want to go? Why does Sam want to go there? Sam wants to go to Shanghai. Its in the _ of China. Shanghai is_.big and famous. east Read in groups and answer. Where does dad want to go? Why does dad want to go there? Kunming is a beautiful _. It is in the _ of China. Its got a beautiful_. place south lake 滇池,Dianchi Lake 滇池(din ch)是云 南省最大的淡水湖,有 高原明珠之称。位于云 南省昆明市的西南,古 名滇南泽,又称昆明湖 。滇池因周围居住着滇 部落或有水似倒流、 滇者,颠也之说,故曰 滇池。 the Dianchi lake Read by yourself and answer. Where does Amy want to go? Why does Amy want to go there? Gunlin is a beautiful _. It is in the _ of China. There are lots of _ in Guilin. place south mountains and lakes 广西桂林 桂林山水甲天下 Guilins scenery is the best in the world. Shanghai is_. very big and famous. Kunming is a beautiful _. It is in the _ of China. Its got a beautiful_. place south lake There are lots of _ in Guilin. mountains and lakes Shanghai Kunming Guilin Summary Kunming is a beautiful palce. Its in the south of China, and it has got a beautiful lake. Shanghai is very big and very famous. There are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin. Sam thinks they should go to _ places.all these There are lots of beautiful places to go in China. There are lots of beautiful places to go all over the world as well. 外国景点知多少?外国景点知多少? Free talk Which foreign country do you want to go? the British Museum London eye Big ben N W E London (伦敦) S the UN Building (联合国大楼联合国大楼) Chinatown (唐人街唐人街) New York (纽约) N S WE Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔埃菲尔铁塔)WE S N Paris (巴黎巴黎) Pair work: Guess and ask A: Do you want to go to? B: Yes, I do. No, I dont. I want to go to A: Why? B: The world is so big, Lets see it together. 世界这么大,让我们一起去看看世界这么大,让我们一起去看看 On Labours Day, I want to go to_. It is in the _ of _. There is/are_ there. _wants to go to_. It is in the _ of _. Its famous for_. . Group work: Ask and write 五一假期就要到来了,调查小组成员想去的地方,五一假期就要到来了,调查小组成员想去的地方, 并对所选的地方加以描述并对所选的地方加以描述。 1.Do a survy about your family members: Where do they want to go? (调查你家人想去的地方并做说明调查你家人想去的地方并做说明) 2.Share your report next time. Thank you! Love travel, love life. (爱旅游爱旅游 爱生活爱生活) 录制单位:潍坊市坊子区凤凰学区沟西小学录制单位:潍坊市坊子区凤凰学区沟西小学 录制时间:录制时间:2018.42018.4 Module9 Unit2 I want to go to Shanghai. 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 知识目标: (1)能听说、认读活动 1 和活动 2 的句子 。 (2)能够运用 Do you want to go to 来询问对方想要去哪里 , 能够运用 Yes, I do. / No, I dont 做出相应回答。 (3)能够运用 I want to go to.句型表达自己想去的地方, 并强化运用 There be 句型来描述地域特点。21cnjycom 2. 技能目标: 学生能够使用所学的新句型 Do you want to.和 I want to go to.来询问他人 的意愿并表达自己的意愿。 3. 情感目标: 通过让学生们参与多种多样的实境活动,激发学生运用学过的知识参与 描述自己想去的地方以及这些地方的特点,充分调动学生运用形容词来 描绘祖国的美丽河山,抒发自己的爱国情怀 。及引导学生走出去,了解 外国文化。www.21-cn- 教学重点:教学重点: (1)能听说、认读活动 2 的句子。 (2)学生能够使用所学的新句型 Do you want to.和 I want to go to.来询问 他人的意愿并表达自己的意愿。 教学难点:教学难点: 学生能够使用所学的新句型 Do you want to.和 I want to go to.来询问他 人的意愿并表达自己的意愿。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1: Review Talk about the pictures of the great places in China by a game.(砸金蛋) 每组选择一个金蛋砸开,用英语介绍所选的图片。 (一人一句,小组内每一句加一分) 板书提示: What: the name Where: Its in the north/south/west/east of What is the place famous for? 1. 长城图片 Its a great building in China. Its very long. Its very old. Its more than twenty kilometers long. Do you want to visit the Great Wall? 2. 长江图片 Its in China. It is about six thousand and three hundred meters long. It is very long. We can drink it. Do you want to see the Changjiang river? 3. 黄山的图片 There are many moutains in China . There is a famous mountain in Anhui. Its the Huangshan Mountain. There is a famous pine tree in the mountain. 4. 西湖图片 Its a famous lake in China. (What is the name of the place? Where is the place ? Its in the _ of China. What is the place famous for? There is/are_.) 【设计意图设计意图】在 warm-up 环节中通过“砸金蛋”这一游戏形式,可以让学生迅 速集中注意力进入英语课堂,同时又可以在游戏中复习之前所学的知识。 展示四副总图 These are all famous places in China. Do you want to visit the place? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Step 2: Presentation Leading in: If someone wants to travel in China. Whats your suggestion? I think we should go to 【设计意图设计意图】练习提建议句型“I think we should go to.”将重难点放在 具体的情境中处理,学生更容易理解,识记更加牢固。 Our foreign friend- Sam s family are planing for their trip in China. Lets look at their choice. 1、Listen1st and answer. Where do they want to go? 2、Listen 2nd and connect. _ wants to go to_. 3Read and answer.(follow/in groups/by youself) Why does Sam want to these places? Dad Amy 4. Summary: Fill the blank. 【设计意图设计意图】通过听音回答问题、听音跟读、小组读,自己读等形式学生对课 文已经比较熟练,最后以课文填空的形式学生运用提示尝试补充课文。这样的 课文处理环节流畅,由浅入深,层层递进,更有助于学生掌握。 Step 3: Expansion Free talk: 外国景点知多少? There are so many beautiful places in China. The world as well. Now class, Where do you want to go ? Foreign countries in the world. Review what we have learned before? London New York Paris Step 4: Exercise 1. Guess and ask What do you want to go? Think for 20 seconds.(Close your eyes) Lets have a guess. 师范 1.Work in pairs A:Do you want to go to? B: Yes, I do./No, I dont. A: Why do you want to go to ? B: 【设计意图设计意图】通过“Guess and ask”活动,让学生运用句型 Do you want to go to? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 猜想别人想去的地方,将语言的学习带入到具体的情境中。 2. Work in groups: Ask and write Our Labours Day is coming. Where do you want to go? Why? Ask your members in your group and write down. 【设计意图设计意图】通过小组调查、自我书写、小组展示等形式,对“My Holiday plan”这一主题展开讨论,既能帮助学生锻炼写作能力,又能增强学生的合作 学习意识。 Step 5: Homework Do a survy about your family members: Where do they want to go? Share your report next time. 【设计意图设计意图】布置开放性作业,从课堂向家庭、社会延伸,是对课堂教学的深 化和补充,也可以培养学生的学习兴趣,让他们乐于开口说英语、善于用英语。 板书设计:板书设计: Module 9 Unit2 I want to go to Shanghai. Sam (图片) Dad(图片)wants to Amy(图片)
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