(2021新外研版)高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 1 教学知识细解码 同步教材讲解 .doc

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1、1 1amuse vt.娱乐,消遣;使发笑amusing adj. (令人感到)有趣的,逗人笑 的amusement n娱乐;消遣 2entertain v使快乐entertaining adj. 有趣的;娱乐性的;令人愉快的 entertainment n. 娱乐,消遣 3examine v. 检查(身体)examination n. 检查;考试 4advertise v征聘,公布advertiser n. 广告商advertisement n广告 5employ vt.雇佣;使用employer n雇用者,雇主employee n雇员 employment n雇佣 examine vt.

2、检查(身体);调查;考试;仔细观察 It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out.调查 The doctor examined her carefully. 检查 The teacher will examine the students in English.考试 He went to the Congo to examine a new volcano.仔细观察 WordsAnd Phrases 知识要点 1mood n心情,情绪;气氛 (教材 P1)Lift the mood with a joke and

3、 explore the area. 用一个笑话提升情绪,探索这个地区。 例 1The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic. 这次会议的气氛显然很悲观。 例 2She was very tired,and in no mood for dancing. 她累极了,无心跳舞。 知识拓展 be in a good mood心情不错 be in a bad mood情绪不好 be in the mood for sth./to do sth.有心情做某事 2 be in no mood for sth./to do sth.没心情做某事 wh

4、en the mood takes sb.有心情的时候(也会) 即学即练单句语法填空 He is in a good mood this morning. We really felt in the mood for a party. Are you in the mood to go(go) for a ride? 知识要点 2amusement n消遣,娱乐;娱乐活动,娱乐用品 (教材 P2)an amusement park 一个娱乐场所 例 1He is responsible for the amusement activity. 他负责娱乐活动。 例 2The hotel offe

5、rs its guests a wide variety of amusements. 这家旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。 知识拓展 (1)in amusement开心地 to ones (great) amusement 令人感到(极)好笑的是 (2)amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快 amuse sb./oneself with以自娱 amuse sb.with sth.用某物使某人高兴 (3)amusing adj.有趣的;逗乐的 amused adj.感到快乐有趣的 be amused at/by对感到好笑 即学即练单句语法填空 The boys amused themselves

6、(them) (by) drawing caricatures of their teacher. We are amused(amuse) to see that he slid on a banana skin. To everyones amusement(amuse),the actor fell off the stage. 小片段助记 Seeing everyone was amused at the amusing joke, he kept silent, finding it was easier to amuse others than to amuse himself.

7、3 知识要点 3be designed for 打算做用;为所设计 (教材 P3)Although the doctors and nurses did a great job,hospitals werent really designed for children. 虽然医生和护士做得很好,医院并不是真正为儿童设计的。 例 1Its not designed for anyone under age eighteen. 它不是为 18 岁以下者设计的。 例 2This gun is designed for one purposeits basically to kill people.

8、这种枪只有一个用途就是用来杀人。 知识拓展 be designed to do/as. 为某目的或用途而制造或计划 design sth.for sb.为某人设计某物/某事 by design(on purpose)故意地 即学即练单句语法填空 He designed a beautiful house for us. The experiment is designed to test(test) the new drug. Whether this happened by design or not we shall never know. 知识要点 4entertain vt.&vi.使

9、快乐;款待,招待 (教材 P3)Being a clown doctor means I can help people by entertaining them. 作为一个小丑医生意味着我可以通过使人们快乐来帮助他们。 例 1We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。 例 2Barbecues are a favourite way of entertaining friends. 烤肉野餐是最受人喜爱的待客方式。 知识拓展 (1)entertain sb.to sth.用宴客/招待/款待某人(尤指在 自

10、己家中) entertain sb.with sth.sb.be entertained with sth. 用某物使某人快乐 entertain sb.as.把某人当招待 4 (2)entertainment n.娱乐活动;款待,招待 find entertainment in以为乐 give an entertainment to sb.招待某人 give a farewell entertainment to sb. 为某人举行欢送会 (3)entertaining adj.愉快的,有趣的,引人发笑的 entertainer n.款待者;表演娱乐节目的人 即学即练单句语法填空 Bob a

11、nd Lily entertained us to dinner last night. He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. This law applies to theatres , cinemas and other places of public entertainment(entertain) She was always so funny and entertaining(entertain) 小片段助记 My best friend entertained us to dinner last night

12、.After the dinner,he told us some entertaining jokes to make us laugh.All of us thought he was a good entertainer. 知识要点 5concentrate on 集中于;专注于 (教材 P3)While the doctor concentrates on examining Laras ankle,I get her attention by doing a magic trick. 当医生专注于检查劳拉的脚踝时,我变了一个魔术来引起她的注意。 例 1This year the co

13、mpany has concentrated on improving its efficiency. 这家公司今年已经把力量集中在提高效率方面。 例 2Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste instead of building new reservoirs. 自来水公司应该集中精力减少水浪费,而不是修建新水库。 知识拓展 (1)concentrate ones attention on/upon 把注意力集中在 (2)concentration n.专心;专注 5 keep ones concentration保持注意力

14、即学即练单句语法填空 He was calm and concentrated on judging(judge) how to play against Harry. I cant keep my concentration(concentrate) on my studies with all that noise going on. 知识要点 6in turn 轮流,依次;反过来 (教材 P3)Seeing their daughter so much happier has in turn made Laras parents more relaxed. 看到他们的女儿如此快乐,反过来

15、也让劳拉的父母更加放松。 例 1All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来为实践服务。 例 2This in turn will also have a negative impact on your productivity. 反过来,这些也会影响你的工作效率。 知识拓展 take turns to do sth./(at)doing sth.轮流做某事 Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 take ones turn依次,轮到某人 by turns

16、轮流,依次 即学即练单句语法填空 Its your turn to recite(recite) the passage. We take turns to make /at making(make) dinner. 名师点津 (1)in turn 表示“轮流;反过来”,而 in return (for)则表示“作为(对的) 回报”。 (2)by turns 和 take turns 中的 turn 用复数形式。 知识要点 7advertisement n广告 ( 教 材 P4)Organise information from the passage and complete the job

17、 advertisement. 整理文中信息,完成招聘广告。 例 1She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers. 6 她浏览了一下报纸的广告页。 例 2To their surprise,hundreds replied to the advertisement. 令他们吃惊的是,有几百人对广告做出了回应。 知识拓展 (1)advertise v做广告 advertise for sb./sth. 登广告招聘希望得到某人/某物 advertise sth.登广告宣传 (2)advertiser n.登广告的人;广告商 即学即练单句

18、语法填空 They advertised for a young girl to look after the children. The advertiser(advertise) may not demand the newspaper to reduce the rates. Sentence Patterns 重点句式 1动名词作主语 (教材 P3)Seeing their daughter so much happier has in turn made Laras parents more relaxed. 看到他们的女儿如此快乐,反过来也让劳拉的父母更加放松。 句式分析:Seei

19、ng their daughter so much happier 是动名词短语,在句中作主 语。 例 1Climbing mountains is really fun. 爬山真是有趣。 例 2Working in these conditions is not a pleasure but a suffer. 在这种工作条件下工作不是一件愉快的事而是一件痛苦的事。 造句被颁给诺贝尔奖金是极大的荣誉。 Being awarded a Nobel Prize was a great honour. 知识拓展 (1)动名词作主语的时候,谓语动词用单数。 (2)动名词作主语,还可以是复合结构,前面

20、可以有物主代词。 (3)为平衡句子结构,可以用 it 作形式主语。 翻译 7 Watching films (看电影) is my favourite pass time. Johns/John coming(约翰的到来) here will get us out of trouble. 即学即练单句语法填空 It is no use telling(tell) him to keep clean. Reading is(be) necessary for you to expand your knowledge. The presidents visiting(visit) China ma

21、rked an improvement to the relations between the two countries. 重点句式 2while 引导让步状语从句 (教材 P3)While there might be more hospital visits ahead for Lara and others, I hope that clown doctors help make it a friendlier place to visit. 虽然未来劳拉和其他人可能会很多次去医院, 我希望小丑医生能使这里成为 一个更友好的探视场所。 句式分析:句中的 while 意为“尽管;虽然”

22、,相当于 although,引导让步 状语从句。 例 1While I see what you say,I cant agree with you. 虽然我能理解你说的话,但是我不能同意你。 例 2While the work was difficult, it was interesting.虽然工作有难度, 但很 有趣。 造句虽然他很爱他的学生,但是他对他们要求很严格。 While he loves his students,he is strict with them. 知识拓展 (1)while 还可以作连词,意为“当时候;在期间”,引导时间状语 从句。 (2)while 可以作并列

23、连词,意为“然而”,连接并列句。 翻译 Jim Coulters will mind the store while Im away(我不在的时候) I like playing football while you like playing basketball(然而你喜欢打篮球) 即学即练单句语法填空 Stand still while I take your photograph. Sarah and I had a great time while the kids were away. 8 People sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs, loo

24、king through old magazines, all of which have been read hundreds of times previously. 分析这是一个复合句, looking through old magazines 在句中作伴随状语; all of which have been read hundreds of times previously 是 which 引导的非限制性 定语从句,修饰先行词 old magazines。 译文人们不舒服地坐在塑料椅子上,翻阅着旧杂志,这些杂志以前都被 读了几百遍。 教材高考 1.Which sentences co

25、ntain a clause with essential information and which with extra information? (2019天津卷)It is an essential part of who we are today and who we will become. 2.Watson is pleased with his answer which he thinks will impress Holmes. (2019江苏卷)Why does it matter that people are more impressed by the most rec

26、ent changes? 3.We all deserve a second chance,I guess. (2019全国卷)Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace? .单句语法填空 1Working(work) 12 hours a day exhausted me completely. 2In a word,while the prospects are bright,the road has

27、twists and turns. 3We have seen your advertisement(advertise) in Chinas Foreign Trade. 4Ted and I took it in turns to go(go) into hospital and sit with Emma. 5This helps you to be aware of time and concentrates(concentrate) your mind on the immediate task. 6 Televisionprovidesuswithawiderangeofinfor

28、mationand entertainment(entertain) 7The gloves were designed for extremely cold climates. 9 8Do not hesitate to laugh at anything you find amusing(amuse) 9With his work unfinished,he was in no mood to see(see) a film. 10They were entertained with all kinds of delicious food at a garden party. .短语填空

29、look through;be designed for;cheer up;feel like;concentrate on;in turn; after all 1You should be easy on these students.After all,they are kids. 2The girls took it in turn to wipe down the tables after meals. 3This house is designed for a large family. 4But if each of us concentrates on solving one

30、problem,the collective power cannot be underestimated. 5Cheer up!You can do better next time. 6He looked through the article and handed it back. .课文语法填空 Wearing my white coat,I look just like any other doctor.I walk into the waiting area and find it is full 1.of a familiar atmosphere of 2.boredom (b

31、ore) and tension.I spot a girl 3.crying(cry),4.whose ankle is twice its normal size.Trained clowns work can be 5.helpful(help) to make people feel better.I became a clown doctor because when I was young,I felt 6.frightened(frighten) and bored in hospital.Clown doctors use magic 7.tricks(trick) , music , storytelling and other clowning skills 8.to entertain(entertain) children and make the hospital feel more welcoming.I try my best to make Lara laugh ,9.which makes her parents feel relaxed.I want to make the hospital a 10.friendlier(friend) place to visit.


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