(2021新外研版)高中英语选择性必修第二册第二单元测评 课后练习(含听力) .zip

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  • 第二单元测评 【新教材】外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册课后练习(含听力)
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    • 第二单元测评 【新教材】外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册课后练习.docx--点击预览


第二单元测评第二单元测评 (时间:120 分钟满分:150 分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完 每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 M:My head is aching.I might need to go and see a doctor. W:I think you need more sleep rather than a doctor.You spent too much time playing computer games last night. 1.What does the woman suggest the man do? A.Get more sleep. B.See a doctor. C.Play computer games. 答案 A M:Come on,Mary.Its already 7.We will be late for the train. W:Take it easy,Tom.We still have 30 minutes.And it only takes 15 minutes to get there. 2.What time will the train leave? A.7:30.B.7:15C.7:00. 答案 A M:Excuse me.Do you know where the soccer stadium is? W:Yes.Go down the street and then turn left at the 1st corner,and you will find the soccer stadium. M:Thank you. 3.What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Neighbours.B.Close friends.C.Strangers. 答案 C M:Oh,no.I cant find my credit card again.Where on earth did I put it? W:You never learn your lesson,do you? 4.What does the woman mean? A.The man should go to more lessons. B.The man has a good memory. C.The man is too forgetful. 答案 C W:Whats up?You look annoyed. M:Ive decided to buy a car.But I dont know whether to buy a new car or a second-hand one. W:If I were you,I would buy a new car.It will save you a lot of money in the long run. 5.What are the speakers talking about? A.Selling a car.B.Renting a car.C.Buying a car. 答案 C 第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟 的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 W:John,what sports do you like? M:Well,my favourite sport is baseball.As you know,my father and most of his friends were baseball players,so I was always around baseball. W:Wow,thats great! M:Yeah.I played baseball pretty much through my high school and university. W:Then,why did you stop? M:Well,it wasnt exactly by choice.I didnt want to be a professional baseball player,so I ended up retiring from baseball and pursuing other things. 6.How did the man get interested in baseball? A.From his college friends. B.From his high school teachers. C.From the grown-ups around him. 答案 C 7.When did the man play baseball much? A.After his retirement. B.During his school years. C.When being a professional player. 答案 B 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 M:Oh my god.I cant believe that this happened.This is horrible. W:What?What happened? M:Well,this morning I took Lily out for a walk like I always do.We were practicing trick for the up- coming show.I threw the ball harder than I usually do and it bounced into the street.I tried to stop her but she just kept on running and.and.I couldnt stop the car from coming. W:Oh my gosh!Im so sorry.Is there anything that I can do for you? M:Well,we will need to start training a new dog for the show,I guess.You can also make me a cup of tea.I think I need to calm my nerves. 8.Why is the man so sad? A.His walk was ruined. B.His dog had an accident. C.He cant compete in the show. 答案 B 9.What do the speakers probably enjoy doing? A.Showing dogs. B.Running after cars. C.Playing baseball with his friends. 答案 A 10.Why does the man want tea? A.He feels cold. B.He is quite thirsty. C.He wants to calm himself down. 答案 C 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 M:My name is Steven.And I come from the North of England.A village called Gawsworth. W:Mm-hm.Is it a big place? M:No. W:Do you go back there often? M:Not so often.The last time I went back was Christmas. W:Oh,really!OK.Did you have a good time? M:Yeah,it was very nice.I saw old friends and family and did the usual Christmas things. W:What actually are the usual Christmas things? M:Oh,I guess,uh,a lot of eating and a lot of drinking and a lot of laughing.Just general fun and games I guess. W:How many of your family members still live in the village? M:Well.my mom and dad live in the village.um,my brother and sister actually live in the town,pretty close to the village,so my family is all in that general area. W:Oh,OK.Thanks a lot,Steven. 11.Where is the man from? A.A city.B.A town.C.A village. 答案 C 12.What does the man think of his last Christmas? A.Busy and special. B.Usual and boring. C.Exciting and funny. 答案 C 13.What do we know about the man? A.He isnt the only child. B.He lives with his parents. C.He knows the woman well. 答案 A 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。 W:Oh,no,George!I completely forgot what day today is. M:What day is it today,Emily?I thought it was just a regular Thursday. W:Well,it is Thursday.But today is School Spirit Day!I dont have my school sweater with me.I was really looking forward to it. M:Oh,thats right!I think I might have an extra one,though. W:If you have an extra one,that would be great.My science teacher said if we all wore our school sweaters today,we would earn a prize. M:Here is my extra sweater!It may be a little big on you,but it will still do. W:Thank you so much,George!I was spending so much time getting ready for your birthday party tomorrow that I forgot to bring mine this morning. M:Oh,no!I forgot that tomorrow is my birthday! W:How did you forget your own birthday! 14.What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Schoolmates. B.Teacher and student. C.Father and daughter. 答案 A 15.Why did the woman forget to bring her school sweater? A.She thought it was Wednesday. B.Her science teacher didnt tell her that. C.Her mind was occupied with something else. 答案 C 16.What does the man forget? A.His birthday. B.The science class. C.The day of the week. 答案 A 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 W:Mr.Bank,this is Lydia speaking.Sorry to bother you.I know youre on vacation today.As you know,I wont be able to come to work on Friday,so I just want to go over your plan for tomorrow.The most important thing is that Mrs.Green has called a staff meeting for Friday morning.It starts earlyshes asked for everyone to be in the main conference room at eight oclock.Also,one of our customers,Mr.King called.Can you meet him for lunch tomorrow?He suggested the Italian restaurant on the ground floor of our office building at about twelve.Is that OK?He asked you to give him a call at 555- 8756 to let him know.Mr.Suki called this morning,and hed like to play golf with you on Saturday at three,so I went ahead and made a reservation for the two of you at Spyglass.Oh,and there is a staff party tomorrow afternoon for Mrs.Benchs 50th birthday.Thats at five oclock in the recreation area.And finally,dont forget you have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning at eleven.Well,I think thats it.Ill be back in the office on Monday morning.See you then.Hope youre enjoying your day off. 17.For whom is the speaker leaving a message? A.Her boss.B.Her friend.C.Her client. 答案 A 18.What is the most important thing? A.A birthday party. B.A business lunch. C.A staff meeting on Friday. 答案 C 19.What does Mr.King expect? A.A reply. B.A vocation. C.A room reservation. 答案 A 20.What will Mr.Bank do tomorrow morning at eleven? A.Play golf.B.See a doctor.C.Attend a party. 答案 B 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A On my first day of high school,I asked an eleventh grader where my class was.And he told me it was “on the fourth floor,next to the pool”. I found out five minutes later that we dont even have a fourth floor and theres no pool either!Besides that,I didnt have any trouble with the older kids. I think the biggest differences between middle and high school are the homework load (工作量) and size of the school.I went from maybe fifteen minutes of homework a night to several hours,so I had to learn how to make full use of time!Our class size is around 55,but joining in clubs,sports,music,and other activities at school makes it easier to get to know people in every grade. The best advice I can give about the years you spend in high school is to learn things for yourself,not just to get a good grade.There have been so many tests that Ive prepared for the night before,gotten an A,and not remembered anything later.Ive changed that this year,and I enjoy school so much more.Dont take easy classes just to have a simple year.If you have a choice between chemistry and sports,the first will prove to be a lot more useful! While drinking and smoking might be present in some middle schools,theyre also around in high school.I have a lot of friends who promised theyd never drink or smoke,but are now partying every weekend.If you have “fun” and spend your nights wasted instead of studying,you will regret it when youre applying for (申请) a college.The “friends” who say youre a loser for not partying are really not your friends at all.Its hard to see your closest friends grow apart and go in different directions,but dont follow their footsteps.Create your own path in life and make your own decisions. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了一些对高中生的建议。 21.What does the author think of high school? A.There are very few activities. B.Its hard to meet new people there. C.It requires hard work. D.There isnt enough time for homework. 答案 C 解析细节理解题。根据第二段的“I think the biggest differences between middle and high school are the homework load (工作量) and size of the school.”可知高中的功课量很大,所以他要求我们更加努力。 故选 C 项。 22.The text is probably written by . A.a high school student B.a chemistry teacher C.a college student D.a sports player 答案 A 解析推理判断题。根据首句“On my first day of high school,I asked an eleventh grader where my class was.And he told me it was on the fourth floor,next to the pool.”他问别人自己的教室在哪里可以判 断作者是一名高中生。故选 A 项。 23.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us? A.The trouble caused by drinking and smoking. B.Students shouldnt go to any party in high school. C.Students shouldnt lose themselves in high school. D.The importance of making friends. 答案 C 解析主旨大意题。根据最后一段可知作者的一些朋友上了高中后开始抽烟、喝酒、虚度时光,作者 说要和这些所谓的朋友断绝往来,把握好自己的人生。由此可知,最后一段主要告诉我们在高中几年 的学习生活中,不要迷失了自我。故选 C 项。 B Daniella Wride was brushing her daughters long brown hair when she noticed that with each comb,masses of the hair were coming out.That was January 1,2017.Within 20 days,seven-year-old Gianessa Wrides hair was completely gone,and her doctor said the hair would never grow back.Gianessa had become one of the 6.8 million Americans with alopecia(秃头症),an auto-immune disease that causes hair loss. Alopecia isnt painful,but for kids who suffer from it,the severe pain comes from standing out from the crowd.For the most part,the students in Gianessas first-grade class in Salem,Utah,were understanding.But the occasional jokes of “Baldy”(秃子) made her feel like an abandoned child.“I didnt want her to feel that she wasnt like the other kids,” her mother said,“I tried covering her baldness,but the artificial hair was uncomfortable.” Then comes the schools traditional “Crazy Hair Day” in April,a great just-for-fun celebration where all the kids and their parents can express their wild sides a bit.Daniella and Gianessa decided that rather than hide Gianessas baldness under the artificial hair,they would celebrate it.Daniella bought scrapbook- sticker(贴纸) jewels and decorated her head with flowered designs and even a deer.“They just fit her personality,” Daniella smiled.“Shes so lovely.” On the morning of the competition,Gianessa was nervous.Would her friends think it was funny?However,with her mothers encouragement,she had nothing to fear.Impressive Gianessa was a hit and a winner of the crazy-hair competition.Gianessa is now glad that she dared to go bare.“I was sad at first when I lost all my hair,” she told people.“But now I love being bald.I can do things to my head that other kids cant.Im thinking now it might be fun to decorate my head with some colourful butterflies and flowers.” 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了患有秃头症的美国女孩在妈妈和同学的帮助下,在 一次比赛中认清自己并积极面对人生的挫折。 24.Why was Gianessa different from other kids? A.She was born bald. B.She suffered from hair loss. C.She was talented in hair designing. D.She had her head fully shaved. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段的“Within 20 days,seven-year-old Gianessa Wrides hair was completely gone,and her doctor said the hair would never grow back.”可知,小女孩的头发掉光了。结合 选项,故选 B 项。 25.How did others react to Gianessas disease? A.Her doctor was quite optimistic. B.Her mother gave her artificial hair. C.Her classmates were all considerate. D.Her school offered her special help. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段的“her mother said,I tried covering her baldness,but the artificial hair was uncomfortable.”可知,这个小女孩的妈妈曾经试图让小女孩戴假发,但这一点也不舒服。结 合选项,故选 B 项。 26.What could Gianessa do on the “Crazy Hair Day”? A.She could tease others. B.She could decorate her hair. C.She could shop scrapbook-stickers. D.She could show her personality. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“They just fit her personality, Daniella smiled.Shes so lovely.”可知,女儿的装扮特别适合她。结合选项,故选 D 项。 27.What is the main idea of the text? A.The girl faced her disease in a most beautiful way. B.The artificial hair built up the girls confidence. C.The competition served as a way to make a change. D.The disease was cured with mothers love and care. 答案 A 解析细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句话可知,女孩克服了没有头发的尴尬,并用乐观的心态面 对自己的疾病。结合选项,故选 A 项。 C Why play games?Because they are fun,and a lot more besides.Following the rules,planning your next move and acting as a team member are all “game” ideas that you will come across throughout your life. Think about some of the games you played as a young child,such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek.Such games are entertaining and fun.But perhaps more importantly,they translate life into exciting dramas that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives,such as taking turns and cooperating. Many childrens games have a practical side.Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups.For instance,some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones,which sharpens the hand-eye coordination (协调) needed in hunting. Many sports encourage national or local pride.The most famous games of all,the Olympic Games,bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition.People who watch the event wave flags,knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country,not just the athlete who earned it.For countries experiencing natural disasters or war,an Olympic win can mean so much. Sports are also an event that unites people.Soccer is the most popular sport in the world.People on all continents play itsome for fun and some for a living.Nicolette Iribarne,a Californian soccer player,has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer.He created a foundation to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a promising future. Next time you play your favorite game or sport,think about why you enjoy it,what skills are needed,and whether these skills will help you in other aspects of your life. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。本文讲述一些受欢迎的运动项目和游戏。有些游戏可以帮助孩 子们成长,而全球万众瞩目的奥林匹克运动会关系着整个国家的荣誉。因此,运动还和我们的生活息 息相关。 28.What are children expected to learn through playing hide-and-seek? A.Be a team leader. B.Obey the basic rules. C.Act as a grown-up. D.Predict possible danger. 答案 B
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