1、1 (背景:背景: 本课是参加 2016 年 11 月石家庄市小学英语评优课活动获一等奖的课 例,后又在 2016 石家庄市评优课展评活动中作汇报课。杨老师对故事课有她独 到的研究和理解,在本课设计中她以一个大的活动争做安全小卫士贯穿了整 个故事课中, 让学生在一系列精心设计的小活动中感受到了应该如何注意交通安 全。 -马桂平) 一、学习者分析一、学习者分析 六年级学生的知识结构日趋完善,心理逐渐成熟,思维活泼富有表现力。他 们已经掌握了一些英语基础知识,并且具备了一定的口语表达能力。在三年的英 语学习中,他们已经基本达到了课标所要求的二级目标。 二、学习内容分析二、学习内容分析 本节故事课“
2、Be Safe on the Way”是单元内容的拓展和延伸。讲述 Sam,Al, Oba 和 Neva 几个学生在开学的第一天等校车时探讨如何保证上学路上的安全, 在阅读故事的过程中巩固了本单元所学的频度副词。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、知识技能目标 (1)学生能借助视频、图片和文字听懂并理解故事。 (2)学生能问答关于这个故事的问题。 (3)能比较流畅的朗读故事,并在掌握故事内容的基础上,运用本课所学语言与 朋友交流道路交通安全规则。 2、情感态度目标 在讨论理解故事的过程中增强学生对道路交通安全的自我保护意识。 3、学习策略目标 引导学生在阅读和学习过程中逐渐培养略读、寻读等阅读策略
3、。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 教学重点 (1)学生能借助视频、图片和文字听懂并理解故事。 (2)学生能问答关于这个故事的问题。 教学难点 2 能比较流畅的朗读故事,并在掌握故事内容的基础上,运用本课所学语言与朋友 交流道路交通安全规则。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 、Pre-reading 1. Greeting T: Hello! Boys and girls! Ss: Hello! Miss Yang. T: Nice to see you! Ss: Nice to see you, too! 2. Game: True or false. T: Lets play a game. Th
4、ere are some pictures. If you think its right, you should say “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” If you think its wrong, you should say “No, no, no!” Are you clear? Lets go! Ss: (Play the game.) T: Can we do like him? S: No. T: Its very dangerous. We should be safe on the way. (出示课题 “Be Safe on the Way”) But many
5、people dont care about safe. So we need some security guards to help them. Do you want to be a security guard? S: Yes. T: Okay. You need to pass some tests to be a security guard. You can colour one star on your paper when you past a test. If you can get five stars, you will be a security guard.Are
6、you clear? S: Yes. 【设计意图设计意图: 从与学生实际生活息息相关的交通安全入手, 通过让学生判断人们 是否遵守规则引出争当“安全小卫士”这一主线,学生需通过一项项 Test 方可 完成本课学习,有效激活了学生的思维,激发了学生的学习兴趣。课堂上赋予学 3 生自我评价的主动权,有利于学生认识自我,有效调控自己的学习过程。 】 、While-reading Test1: Read and answer. (P1-2) T:(出示课件) Some children also want to be security guards. Look, they are coming. Wh
7、at do you want to know about them? S: . T: Maybe you can ask with these words. Who? When? Where? What? How? (出示课件) S1: Who are they? S2: When is it? S3: Where are they? S4: What are they doing? S5: How do they feel? . T: Good questions! Now read Picture1&2 quickly, try to find the answers. Ss: (Read
8、 P1&2 and find the answers.) T: Got it? Lets check. Who are they? S: They are Sam, Oba,Al and Neva. T: Who is he? S: He isAl. T: Yeah.Al and always are similar to each other. But their pronunciations are different. (贴板书 Al,Always) S:Al, always. T: Who is she? S: She is Oba. T: Oba is similar to Ofte
9、n. (贴板书 Oba, Often) Whats his name? S: He is Sam. T: Do you remember this word? (出示 sometimes) S: Sometimes 4 T: Sam, sometimes. Pay attention to their pronunciation. (贴板书 Sam, sometimes) S: Sam, sometimes. T: Whats the girls name? S: She is Neva. T: Neva, never. They are similar. (贴板书 Neva, never)
10、T: When is it? S: Its the first day of school. T: They will be back to school. Where are they? S: They are at the bus stop. T: What are they doing? S: They are waiting for the school bus. T: How do they feel? S: They are very happy. T: If your answers are right, colour one star, please. 【设计意图设计意图:呈现
11、故事主人公的照片,让学生自主发问,激发了学生的求知欲。 通过发现问题、积极思考和回答问题这几个过程加深语言知识的学习巩固。 】 Test2: Read and underline. T: They are waiting for the school bus. They are talking. What are they talking about? Lets watch! (Play the video of P3-5.) T: What are they talking about? Can you choose? S: Be safe on the way. 【设计意图设计意图: 以动
12、画的形式呈现故事, 激发学生探索文本的欲望, 尽快进入文本, 同时让学生整体感知文本。 】 T: How to be safe on the way? Read picture3-5 silently, try to underline the answer. S: (Read and underline.) T: Boys and girls, how to be safe on the way? S1:Always watch for cars and bikes. T:Yeah. We should always watch for cars and 5 bikes. Can you r
13、ead it? (贴板书) S:Always watch for cars and bikes. T: Very good. How to be safe on the way? What else? S: Play far from the street. T:Always? Often? Sometimes? Never? How often should we play far from the street? S:Always play far from the street. (师贴板书) T:Anything else? S: Often look to the left and
14、to the right before you cross the street. (师贴板书) T: Who can do it? S: (Act how to cross the street.) T: How to be safe on the way? Do you have any other ideas? S: Sometimes take your friends hand. (师贴板书) T: Why? S: Because it can keep my friends safe. T: Great! What else should we do to keep us safe
15、 on the way? S: Never stand too close to the street.(师贴板书) 【设计意图设计意图:教师分层次提问题,学生尝试运用寻读、略读等策略寻找答案,完 成不同的任务,加深对故事细节的理解。教师在此过程中进行板书,帮助学生梳 理故事情节。 】 Test3: Read and judge. T:(出示图片)The school bus is coming. What will happen on the bus? Read Picture6-8 carefully and then try to judge. 6 【设计意图设计意图: 通过判断考察学生
16、的提取信息的能力, 反馈学生对于故事内容是否 理解。】 Test4: Listen and imitate T: Listen and imitate. Pay attention to your voice and tone. S: . T: If you can read the sentences fluently, colour one star please. 【设计意图设计意图:每一课的跟读环节看似简单,却是必不可少的重要部分。听音模仿 训练有助于学生充分体会人物的情感,形成良好的语音语调,同时为后面的语言 输出做好铺垫。 】 、Post-reading Test5: Talk a
17、nd match. T: Now do you know how to be safe on the way? Ss:Always watch for cars and bikes. Always play far from the street. Always wear seat belts. Often look to the left and to the right before you cross the street. Sometimes take your friends hand. Never stand too close to the street. T: We learn
18、t many safety rules. Can you help them now? Try to tell them how to be safe on the way. Talk in pairs and try to match. 7 T: Its always good to be careful. Do you know these rules? S:Always cross the street at the zebra crossing. S: Never ride bikes on the driveway. T: If your answer is right, colou
19、r one star please. How many stars have you got? Who gets five stars? S: . T:You are the Security Guard.Acard for you! Congratulations! Try to help more people follow the traffic rules. 【设计意图设计意图:与课堂开头呼应,引导学生运用所学交通安全知识解决实际问题, 启发学生思考并增强交通安全意识。 】 Homework T: Todays homework: (1) Use your parentsmobile
20、phone to send a WeChat moment. “Be Safe on the Way”. Let more people follow the traffic rules. (2) Know more rules about “Road safety”. 8 T: Safety is as simple as ABCAlways Be Careful. So much for today, thank you very much. Bye-bye! 【设计意图设计意图:尝试写小短文能启发学生对道路交通安全进行更加深入的思考,从 而对故事的学习有所拓展和延伸。 让学生用当下流行的
21、发微信朋友圈方式进行写 作,不仅激发了学生的写作兴趣,还让学生真切体会到学以致用,影响更多的人 遵守交通规则,提高安全意识。 】 六、板书设计(见下页)六、板书设计(见下页) 七、教学反思七、教学反思 本节故事课是课本第二单元知识的拓展和延伸, 通过 Sam 等几个学生在开学 第一天等校车时的聊天来探讨如何保证上学路上的安全。纵观本节课,教学目标 基本达成,学生借助视频、图片能够听懂并理解故事,能够运用本节课所学的知 识与朋友简单交流道路安全规则。 本节课的教学思路清晰,环节紧扣,环节之间过渡自然。个人感觉以下几方 面做的比较好: 1、联系生活实际,注重情景创设 在课堂开始我联系学生实际生活设
22、置招募安全小卫士的情境, 从而将学生的 学习兴趣一下子激活了,让学生更乐于主动的参与到课堂学习中来。 2、体现任务型教学,增进师生间交流 围绕“争当安全小卫士”这一主线,我将整节课教学内容划分成五个 Test, 9 从基本语言知识到语言综合知识的运用,层层递进,以一种循序渐进的生活化的 学习程序,引导学生在做事中有目的地学习语言。同时加入学生自评,有效调动 了学生的学习积极性,让学生时时感受到老师对自己的关注。 3.渗透阅读策略,提高阅读技能 在学习故事过程中通过 TIPS 有目的地给学生渗透阅读策略,使学生掌握阅 读的技能和方法,逐步提高学生的阅读能力。 本节课的读后输出环节做得比较欠缺, 学生说的不够充分。 由于是借班上课, 对学生的已有知识水平不是很清楚,我将读后活动降低了一定难度,设计为同桌 谈论并连线。学生虽然对交通安全知识很清楚,都能将图片和对应的交通规则正 确连线,但是由于有关交通安全的词汇匮乏,英语表达还是有一定困难。因此可 以将此环节改为做对话,老师可给出一些例句帮助学生进行交流,这样学生会说 的更多,表达更充分。 此外本节课的时间分配把握的不是很好,整节课用时将近 28 分钟,读中学 习故事环节略显仓促,速度可以适当再放慢些,让学生说的再多一些,到后面的 输出环节学生也会更有话说。 以上是我个人的一点感受,不足之处还请各位专家、老师多多指正!谢谢!