冀教版(三起)六上Unit 4 Christmas-Lesson 20 Christmas Tree-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:80716).zip

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    • Lesson 20 Christmas Tree 教学素材.mp4
    • Lesson 20 Christmas Tree 课件.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案80716.doc--点击预览


冀教冀教2011课标版三年级起点六课标版三年级起点六年级上册年级上册 Unit 4 Christmas Lesson 20 Christmas Tree What is the man doing? put up a room put up a house put up a Christmas tree Reading Time 1. Read Part 1 silently.(默读第一部分。) 2. Underline how to put up a Christmas tree, then number. (划出装饰圣诞树的步骤并排序。) Yesterday my dad bought a Christmas tree! Lets put it up. Its fun. ( ) Now, we put our gifts under the tree. ( ) Then Im going to put Christmas things on the tree. ( ) First, Im going to put the lights on the tree. ( ) The star always goes on top! There! Its done! Its beautiful. Read and number. 1 2 3 4 Lets put up a Christmas tree! Jenny: Yesterday my dad bought a Christmas tree. Lets put it up! Its fun. Li Ming: First, Im going to put on Jenny: Then Im going to put on Now, we put our under Danny: always goes on top! There! Its done! Li Ming: Its beautiful. Role play First, three students make a group. (首先,三人为一组。) Then, practice acting out the dialogue! (然后,练习分角色表演对话!别忘了一起动手装饰圣诞树哦!) Lets put up a Christmas tree! Jenny: Yesterday my dad _ a Christmas tree. Lets put it up! Its fun. Li Ming: First, Im _ on Jenny: Then Im _ on Now, we _ our under Danny: always _ on top! There! Its done! Li Ming: Its beautiful. Lets put up a Christmas tree! Jenny: Yesterday my dad _ a Christmas tree. Lets put it up! Its fun. Li Ming: First, Im _ on Jenny: Then Im _ on Now, we _ our under Danny: always _ on top! There! Its done! Li Ming: Its beautiful. Tomorrow I am going to bring a star for the tree. Yesterday I brought a Christmas tree to my family. I often bring some lights for the Christmas tree. Tomorrow he _ to the park. Danny often _ to the bus stop. Yesterday he _ to school. walks walked is going to walk _ she _ some food. Mrs. Smith _ _ some gifts. _ she _ a scarf. often buys Yesterday bought Tomorrow is going to buy Lets talk! I often _. Yesterday I _. Tomorrow I _. OftenYesterdayTomorrow gowentbe going to. dodidbe going to do watchwatchedbe going to watch playplayedbe going to play dancedancedbe going to dance singsangbe going to sing buyboughtbe going to buy 你经常做些什么?昨天你经常做些什么?昨天 做了什么?明天又计划做了什么?明天又计划 做些什么呢?做些什么呢? Homework 1. Draw a Christmas tree and tell your parents how to put it up. (画一棵圣诞树,并向爸爸妈妈介绍怎样装饰它更漂亮!) 2. Make a survey: 冀教版六年级上册冀教版六年级上册 UnitUnit 4 4 ChristmasChristmas Lesson 20 Christmas Tree 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课教学内容为冀教版学英语六年级上册第四单元的第 20 课,是一 节语法课。 本单元围绕 Christmas 这一话题展开,讲述了李明要和 Danny、Jenny 以 及 Jenny 的家人一起过圣诞节。本单元旨在给学生介绍与西方文化中非常重 要的组成部分加拿大的圣诞节及其传统相关的基本词汇和表达方式。 本课时分为三个部分,Part 1 Lets put up a Christmas Tree!以对话的形式 介绍了如何装饰圣诞树,通过第一部分的学习,学生应能说出装饰圣诞树的 过程。Part 2 Lets do it!是写句练习,要求学生能写出一般过去时和一般将来 时两个时态的句子。Part 3 Walk, walked and be going to walk 通过对一般过去 时、一般现在时和一般将来时的对比,使学生继续加深对三种时态意义、结 构和功能的理解。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本课授课对象为小学六年级学生。小学六年级学生经过三年的英语学习 已经具备了一定的语言基础和知识储备,掌握了一定的学习策略,乐于在学 习中通过积极参与、小组合作习得语言并增长能力。 就本课学习而言,学生已有语言基础和背景知识包括:通过五年级上册 Unit 4 Jenny and Danny Come to China 以及本册 Unit 3 Winter in Canada 的学习, 学生能够认读、理解并运用 be going to结构;通过五年级下册 Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip?的学习,学生能够理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过 去的概念,能够听懂、会说、认读并书写 buy/bought,do/did,have/had,go/went,see/saw,eat/ate 的现在时和过去时 形式,并且能够识别动词变过去式的规则变化(词尾加 ed)。 本课的目标词汇 tomorrow(明天)在五年级上册第四单元 Lesson 22 Special Holidays in China 和五年级下册第三单元 Lesson 16 An Email Is Fast 中 出现;目标词汇 then(然后;接着)在五年级下册第一单元 Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost!中出现。在进行本课学习之前,学生对于 tomorrow 和 then 这两个目 标词汇应该能够听懂、会说和认读。对于学生来说,put up 是陌生结构,需 要重点突破。 另外,通过五年级下册 Unit 3 Writing Home 和 Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip?的学习,学生能够理解并运用 puton/under 结构。通过本册 Lesson 19 Christmas Is Coming 的学习,学生能够听懂、会说、认读和拼写 bring 的现在 时形式,但是对 bring 的过去时形式 brought 比较陌生。 背景知识方面,六年级学生已经掌握了一些关于节日介绍的相关词汇, 常见的节日短语表达法等。通过本册 Lesson 19 Christmas Is Coming 的学习, 学生已经了解了关于圣诞节的一些相关知识。这些都为本课的学习做好了铺 垫。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1. 语言能力语言能力 (1)学生能听懂、会说、认读、并书写下列词汇:tomorrow,then,put up。 (2)学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:Lets put up a Christmas tree! (3)学生能用英语描述装饰圣诞树的过程。 2. 文化品格文化品格 学生能进一步了解圣诞节文化,拓宽视野。 3. 思维品质思维品质 通过装饰圣诞树,提高学生的逻辑思维能力。通过观察、比较、分析等, 使学生思维的灵活性和敏捷性得到进一步锻炼。 4. 学习能力学习能力 通过区分和使用一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时,培养学生自主 观察、比较、分析、归纳总结的学习能力。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1. 教学重点教学重点 (1)学生能用英语描述装饰圣诞树的过程。 (2)通过自主观察、比较、分析、归纳,学生能区分和正确使用一般过 去时、一般现在时和一般将来时。 2. 教学难点教学难点 通过自主观察、比较、分析、归纳,学生能区分和正确使用一般过去时、 一般现在时和一般将来时。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls! My Chinese name is Zang Henan. But today you can call me Mr. Wood. Now stand up! Say hello to Mr. Wood! Ss: Hello, Mr. Wood! 【设计意图】简单的问候消除学生的紧张感,使学生自然地进入英语学 习状态。 Step 2: Lead-in T: Thank you! Im very happy to meet you! Yesterday I bought a special gift for you. Guess: What is it? Ss: A toy./A book. T: Good try! Look, its a Christmas tree!(教师从箱子里拿出 Christmas tree。)Today we are going to learn Lesson 20 Christmas Tree!(贴板书) 【设计意图】利用实物迅速导入本课话题。 Step 3: Presentation 1. Now watch a video and think about this question: what is the man doing?(观看视频,教授 put up) T: What is the man doing? 预设 1:S1: He is putting up a Christmas tree. T: Wonderful!Whats the meaning of “put up”? S1: 装饰。 T: Youre great! Now read Part 1 and number. 预设 2:学生说不出时。 PPT 出示装饰房间(put up a room)和装饰房子(put up a house)的图片。 T: He is putting up a Christmas tree. 教师示范,教读 put up(特别强调连读。)学生个别读。 【设计意图】观看视频,引出第一部分主题。同时解决难点 put up。 2. T: Yesterday(贴板书)Jennys dad bought(贴板书) a Christmas tree. How to put up a Christmas tree? Now read Part 1 and number. 学生默读课文第一部分。完成标序号练习。 T: How to put up a Christmas tree?(Which is No.1?) (在此环节,教师贴板书 First, am going to Then, am going to put Now, put Finally, goes) 【设计意图】学生自读课文,了解装饰圣诞树的步骤。 3. Listen and imitate. T: You did a good job. Now listen and imitate. 学生听音跟读的过程中,利用实物让学生理解 lights、Christmas things 和 gifts 的含义。 【设计意图】让学生接触纯正的英语发音,模仿困难音,使学生逐步掌 握难点发音,并对文本进行整体认知。 4. 给出支架,师生共同演示一次圣诞树的装扮。 T: Well-done! Now lets put up a Christmas tree! (选择两位学生,和老师一起进行角色表演,同时动手装饰圣诞树。) Step 4: Practice 1. Group work. T: First, three students make a group. Then, practice acting! Dont forget to put up your Christmas tree, OK? Now, begin! 学生三人为一组。练习分角色表演对话!同时动手装饰圣诞树。 2. Show time! (选择一组上台用实物展示。) 【设计意图】小组成员合作演示圣诞树的装饰过程,体验运用英语的乐 趣。 3. 呈现语法 (1)T: Christmas is coming! I bring some lights for the Christmas tree. Yesterday I brought a Christmas tree to my family. Tomorrow I am going to bring a star for the tree. 教师以表格形式呈现此部分语法项目。 (1)师生问答,完成表格 (2)引导学生进行如下口头练习: I often _. Yesterday _. Tomorrow _. 学生进行操练。 【设计意图】通过横向和纵向对比,让学生自主观察、比较、分析,感 悟、理解三种时态的不同。 (3)完成写作练习。 T: Great! Now can you write them down? Please finish Task 2. 在展台上展示学生作业,让学生齐读,改正错误。 Step 5: Conclusion T: OK, boys and girls, you did a very good job! Im going to draw a picture for you! 教师完成板书设计。 Step 6: Homework (1)Draw a Christmas tree and tell your parents how to put it up. (自己画一棵圣诞树,并向爸爸妈妈介绍怎样装饰它更漂亮!) (2)Make a survey: OftenYesterdayTomorrow My fatherreads bookswatched TVis going to work 板书设计板书设计 Time Who
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