外研版(三起)四上Module 3-Unit 1 What are they doing -ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:d01b3).zip

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外研版小学英语四年级上册 Module3 Unit1 What are they doing? -What are they doing? -Theyre swimming. -What are they doing? -Theyre playing football . -What are they doing? -Theyre listening to music. -What are they doing? -Theyre playing chess. -Theyre doing taijiquan. -What are they doing? -What are they doing? -Theyre rowing a dragon boat. -What are they drinking? -Theyre drinking soya milk . do doing theyre doing taijiquan play playing theyre playing chess row rowing theyre rowing a boat drink drinking theyre drinking soya milk Q1: What are the people doing in the park? Q2: What are the people doing on the lake? Q3: What are the men doing between the big trees? Q4: What are these girls drinking? pair work A:Hello,_.Its a nice day.Lets go to the park. B: OK! Lets go! A: Look,What are they doing? B: Theyre_. A: What are they doing? B: Theyre_. play chess do taijiquan row a dragon boat drink soya milk ing playing chess doing taijiquan rowing a dragon boat drinking soya milk - Theyre playing chess. Theyre rowing a dragon boat. Theyre doing taijiquan. Theryre drinking soya milk. - What are they doing? 2.draw a picture about your familys life and share it with your classmates next class. 1.read the text follow the tape Life is movement. (生命在于运动)生命在于运动) -voltaire 外研版小学英语四年级上册外研版小学英语四年级上册 Module3 Unit1 What are they doing? 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1、知识目标:在学完本课时之后,班级大部分学生能听、说、认读 单词 intresting,bus,lake,park,between,clock 及短语 play chess, do taijiquan, row dragon boat, drink soya milk 及重点句型 What are they doing? Theyre playing chess. 2、技能目标:在学完本课时之后,班级大部分学生能将所学知识运 用到实际生活中,学生的听说读写能力有所提高。 3、情感目标:培养学生的英语学习兴趣及小组交流合作精神。培养 学生热爱生活,热爱锻炼,发展个人兴趣爱好的品质。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 1、教学重点:单词词组 play chess, do taijiquan, row dragon boat, drink soya milk,以及句型 What are they doing? Theyre playing chess. 的教学 2、教学难点:现在进行时态的情景感知与理解;现在进行时的变换 形式。 三、教学方法三、教学方法 任务型教学法、交际语言教学法、合作教学方法 四、教学工具四、教学工具 PPT、图片、录音机 五、教学过程五、教学过程 step1、Warm up Play a game“whats missing” 以复习 Module2 中学过的短语,如:reading a book, taking pictures, listening to music, swimming, playing football 等。 设计意图:激发学生的英语学习兴趣,调动学生的积极性,同时复 习巩固 Module 2 的重点单词及短语:reading a book, taking pictures, listening to music, swimming, playing football。 step2、Presentation (1)教师展示图片,并针对照片与学生进行 free talk,主要围绕以下问 题:What can you see in the picture? How many people in the picture? What are they doing? Theyre swimming/playing football/listening to music呈现新句型 设计意图:借助旧知呈现新知,顺其自然地过度,同时培养学生口 语表达能力。 (2)在 PPT 上出示图片以呈现新单词及短语:play chess, do taijiquan, row dragon boat, drink soya milk 等,并让学生用句型“What are they doing? Theyre playing chess.”现在进行时谈论照片。 设计意图:呈现新单词及短语,音形意结合,词不离句,句不离词。 (3)播放课文录音三遍,学生听第一遍找出带有 ing 的短语及句子; 听第二遍回答以下问题 1.What are the people doing in the park? 2.What are the people doing on the lake? 3.What are the men doing between the big trees? 4.What are these girls doing? 学生听第三遍并跟读课文。 step3、Practice and consolidation (1)words practice:do a chant and then make a match “do doing theyre doing taijiquan. Play playing theyre playing chess Row rowing rowing a boat Drink drinking drinking soya milk” 教师示范 chant,然后学生 chant.结束后把短语和图片进行匹配。 设计意图:通过游戏的方式操练巩固新单词及短语,以调动学生的 积极性,让学生在做中学。 (2)sentences practice:make conversations according to the picture. 创设公园情景,组织对话,例如: -Yoyo,its a nice day.Lets go to the park. -Ok.Lets go ! -Look,what are they doing? -Theyre _. -What are they doing? -Theyre_. 教师先邀请一名学生进行示范,而后邀请两组学生进行情景对话。 设计意图:通过创设情景操练巩固新句型,在情景中感知,既能激 发学生兴趣又能巩固新知。同时能培养学生英语口语表达能力及提 高学生自信心。 (3)group work:全班同学分为四小组根据课文进行角色扮演,一人 扮演 Daming,一人扮演 Amy,其他人扮演乘客。 设计意图:培养学生合作精神,锻炼学生口语表达能力,进一步巩 固课文。 Step4、Summary Play a game-they do you guess 教师邀请两位同学上台,根据老师出示的图片进行表演,台下的同 学猜一猜“what are they doing?” 设计意图:通过游戏总结课文,轻松又愉悦。 Step5、Homework 1、listen to the tape and read the text follow the tape. 2、观察自己的父母及亲戚朋友,并把他们的生活情景画下来,在图 片下方予以英文介绍:例如:This is my mother.This is my father.Theyre playing chess. 设计意图:作业设计了听说作业及拓展作业,其一为了提高学生的 听说能力;其二为了将所学知识融入生活,运用于生活中。 六、教学反思六、教学反思 本堂课重点在于让学生听说、认读及运用 play chess, do taijiquan, row dragon boat, drink soya milk 词组,并学会结合 What are they doing? Theyre句型运用这些词组谈论介绍图片。四年级的学生上 课积极性高,课堂气氛活跃,学生参与度较高,因此课堂纪律比较 难把控。此外,学生的听读能力强,口语表达能力较弱,还有待加 强。 七、板书设计七、板书设计
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