外研版(三起)四上Module 3-Unit 1 What are they doing -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:a1aa5).zip

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Please say the words as quickly as you can. play football take pictures play basketball read a book swim listen to music sing watch TV ride a bike draw pictures fly a kite do morning exercises It is Sunday morning. It is Sunday morning. Hes singing. B:_ A: Hi . B: Hello . A:Look at this picture. Whats he doing? A: Hi . B: Hello . A:Look at this picture. Whats doing? Hes reading a book. B:_ A: Hi . B: Hello . A:Look at this picture. Whats doing? Shes listening to music. B:_ A: Hi . B: Hello . A:Look at . Whats doing ? Hes playing football. B:_ A: Hi . B: Hello . A:Look at . Whats ? Hes doing homework. B:_ It is Sunday afternoon. Lets get on the bus. the west park Look at the girl behind the tree. Whats she doing? Shes doing taijiquan. Look at the girl behind the tree. Whats she doing? Look at the people in the park. What are they doing? They are doing taijiquan. Look at the people on the lake. What are they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat. Look at the men between the big trees. What are they doing? They are playing chess. Look at these girls. What are they drinking? They are drinking soya milk. Lets chant: Do,do,do taijiquan.Theyre doing taijiquan. Play,play,play chess. Theyre playing chess. Row,row,row a boat. Theyre rowing a dragon boat. Drink,drink,drink milk. Theyre drinking soya milk. Lets chant: Do,do,do taijiquan.Theyre doing taijiquan. Play,play,play chess. Theyre playing chess. Row,row,row a boat. Theyre rowing a dragon boat. Drink,drink,drink milk. Theyre drinking soya milk. It is Sunday afternoon. 四组各派一名代表喊四组各派一名代表喊”Stop“, 然后全组做选中的动作,其他然后全组做选中的动作,其他 三组为他们照相并用英语问答三组为他们照相并用英语问答 。 Its Sunday evening. Watch a carton and answer. Where are Amy and Daming? They are on the bus. Listen, point and repeat. Read and match. Theyre rowing a dragon boat. Theyre playing chess. Theyre drinking soya milk . Theyre doing Taijiquan. A: Look at . A: look at and . What is heshe doing ? What are they doing? B: HeShe is . B: They are . Summary(我们今天都学了哪些内容?我们今天都学了哪些内容?) What are they doing? They are doing taijiquan. rowing a dragon boat. playing chess. drinking soya milk. 1.Read and write the new words and expressions three times. . ( (读、写单词、读、写单词、 短语三遍。)短语三遍。) 2.Work in pairs and show.(小组练习对话(小组练习对话 并展示)并展示) 3.收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行 为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他 们正在做什么?们正在做什么? 外研版英语四年级上册外研版英语四年级上册 Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing? Unit 1 What are they doing? 一、教学目标 1)知识目标:使学生能听懂会说单词:row, dragon, between, chess, soya milk; 句型 What are they doing? They are 2)语言技能目标: 谈论人们在公园的活动;描述正在发生的行为或动作。 3)能力目标:学生通过在创设的生活情境中交流,进而实现在真实的生活情景 中运用现在进行时展开简单的交流。 3)情感目标:通过本课的学习,使学生乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。 二、教学重点 1)重点:使学生能听懂会说单词:row, dragon, between, chess, soya milk;句型:What are they doing? They are 2) 难点:学生能熟练运用正在进行时询问不明白的场景,并进行说明。 三、教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片,录音机,stickers 等等。 VTeaching procedure(教学过程): Step 1 Warming-up(热身) 1.Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Emma! T:Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you, too. 2.Song: What are you doing? T: Before the class, Lets enjoy a beautiful song. Ok? Stand up, lets sing and dance. Step 2 Lead in(导入) T: Beautiful song. Youre so lovely. I love you. T: Look. Its Sunday morning. The sun is shining. The birds are singing in the tree(Ppt 展示情境太阳升起,鸟叫声音). Now listen and guess: Whats this?(Ppt 出现公交车喇叭声) S1:Its a car. T: Maybe. S2: Its a bus. T: You are so clever. A sticker for you. T: Lets get on the bus, OK? Ss: OK!(Ppt 出现卡通公交车的简短动画) T:Now we are arriving at somewhere. Look, Where are we now(Ppt 出现石河子西 公园的照片)? Step 3: Presentation(新课呈现) T: Its the west park. Now lets go inside, we can see lots of interesting things. T: Look at the girl behind the tree. Whats she doing? Guess。 Ss:Shes running./ Shes dancing./ Shes jumping. T: Oh, look. Shes doing taijiquan.(板书并教读 do taijiquan) T: What are they doing? T: What are they doing? Theyre doing taijiquan.(板书并教读) 用同样方法学习短语:row a dragon boat, play chess, drink soya milk 及句型 What are they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat/ playing chess/ drinking soya milk. Step4: Practise(练习) 1.Chant: Do, do, do taijiquan. Theyre doing taijiquan. Play, play, play chess. Theyre playing chess. Row, row, row a boat. Theyre rowing a dragon boat. Drink, drink, drink milk. Theyre drinking soya milk. 2. Ask and answer in pairs. T: Its Sunday afternoon. Lets look at the picture and talk about it. A: What are they doing. B: They are 3. Game: Taking pictures T: Because you did a very good job. So I will give you a reward.(Ppt 展示微信摇一 摇画面及音效) T: Whats the reward? Ss: You can play a game. 四组各派一名代表喊”Stop“,然后全组做选中的动作,其他三组为他们照相 并用英语问答。 Step 5. Text learning(课文学习) T: Time flies. Its Sunday evening now. Lets have a relax. Lets watch the cartoon. 1. Watch and answer questions. (1)What are the people doing in the park? (2)What are the people doing on the lake ? ( 3)What are the people doing between the tree? (4)What are the girls doing? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read together. Step 6. Extension(拓展) Lets do. Write the answers. Use the words in the box. A: Theyre taijiquan. B: Theyre a dragon boat. C: Theyre chess. D: Theyre soya milk. E: Theyre a bike. Step 6 Lets do a summary. What have we learnt today?(我们今天都学了什么,单词,句型都可以。) Step 7 Homework 1.Read and write the new words and expressions three times. (读、写单词、短语三 遍。 ) 2.Work in pairs and show.(小组练习对话并展示) 3.收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语 说说他们正在做什么? 教学反思: 本节课我设置了一个大情境:星期天一天的生活。从早上起来坐公交车去公 园,到中午在公园里玩并交谈,再到晚上回家看卡通(课文的配套动画) 。让学 生在一个真实的情景中学习语言。 开课我用了一首歌曲视频:What are you doing? 让学生边唱边跳,学生在歌 曲中营造了愉悦的学习氛围。紧接着,我设置了一起坐公交车去孩子们熟悉的 西公园的场景,设置情景,层层设疑,让学生猜测,在猜测中层层解惑。同时, 在语境中学习词汇,理解和体会其用法,学生对新单词和句型进行了初步的学 习。 练习部分我设计了三个活动。一、chant 环节对之前所学的词汇和重点句型 进行了总结。学生很喜爱并且易于接受。又一次对所学新词进行了巩固。二、 看图说话活动,此环节巩固和检测了所学内容。通过 ask and answer 的反馈, 大部分学生已经会说,会认这些新词,并且会运用新句型。三、游戏 Taking pictures 又一次激发了学生的学习兴趣,同时在游戏中运用所学知识。 最后总结环节,让学生自己总结今天所学内容。程度好的同学总结了新句 型,一般的同学总结了所学的单词,学生参与面广,每个人都学有所获。 本课中存在的问题有以下几点: 一、课文学习环节让学生带着问题去听,可以使学生全力以赴去关注所听所看 内容。但是教师没有考虑到四年级学生的接受能力,一次性提了四个问题,太 多了,可以分成两次完成,第一次看卡通后问一个问题,在听,跟读后再解决 剩下三个问题,效果会更好一些。
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