外研版(三起)五上Module 1-Unit 2 We bought ice creams.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:a0022).zip

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    • We bought ice creams. 学生任务单.docx--点击预览
    • We bought ice creams. 难句指导1.mp3
    • We bought ice creams.动画视频.swf
    • We bought ice creams.动画音频.mp3
    • We bought ice creams.课件.pptx--点击预览
    • We bought ice creams.难句指导2.mp3
    • We bought ice creams.难句指导3.mp3
    • 教案a0022.doc--点击预览


Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams. 1. Watch and choose(看动画,选择看动画,选择) This postcard is for (给)_. A.Sam B. Daming C. Amy 2. Watch and answer(看动画,回答问题)(看动画,回答问题) (1)Did Lingling meet John? _ (2)Did they buy ice creams? _ (3)Did they go home by bike? _ (4)Did Lingling drop her ice cream? _ 3. Read and fill in the blanks Dear Daming, Yesterday I _ to the park with Sam and Amy. We _ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We _ice creams. Then we _ home by bus. I _ to the bus. And I _ my ice cream on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry. Love, Lingling Dear Daming, Yesterday I _ to the park with Sam and Amy. We _ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We _ice creams. Then we _ home by bus. I _ to the bus. And I _ my ice cream on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry. Love, Lingling Dear Daming, Yesterday I _ to the park with Sam and Amy. We _ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We _ice creams. Then we _ home by bus. I _ to the bus. And I _ my ice cream on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry. Love, Lingling Dear Daming, Yesterday I _ to the park with Sam and Amy. We _ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We _ice creams. Then we _ home by bus. I _ to the bus. And I _ my ice cream on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry. Love, Lingling Dear Daming, Yesterday I _ to the park with Sam and Amy. We _ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We _ice creams. Then we _ home by bus. I _ to the bus. And I _ my ice cream on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry. Love, Lingling DearDear Daming,Daming, YesterdayYesterday I I _ toto thethe parkpark withwith SamSam andand Amy.Amy. WeWe _ JohnJohn inin thethe park.park. HesHes SamSam andand AmysAmys friend.friend. WeWe _ice_ice creams.creams. ThenThen wewe _ homehome byby bus.bus. I I _ toto thethe bus.bus. AndAnd I I _ mymy iceice creamcream onon JohnsJohns newnew shoes.shoes. I I waswas veryvery sorry.sorry. Love,Love, LinglingLingling Module 1 Unit2 We bought ice creams. Did you ? Watch and choose (看动画,选择) This postcard is for (给)_. B.Daming A. Sam C.Amy This postcard is for (给)_. B.Daming A.Sam Watch and choose(看动画,选择) C.Amy Watch and answer (1)Did Lingling meet John? (2)Did they buy ice creams? (3)Did they go home by bike? (4)Did Lingling drop her ice cream? Yes, she did. (1)Did Lingling meet John? (2)Did they buy ice creams? Yes, they did . (3)Did they go home by bike? (4)Did Lingling drop her ice cream? No , they didnt . They went home by bus. Yes , she did. Read and fill in the blanks Read and fill in the blanks went met bought wentrandropped Listen and imitate (听录音并且模仿) Listening tips: 1.有感情的跟读。 2.注意语音语调。 Yesterday /I went to the park/ with Sam and Amy. And I dropped my ice cream/on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry. Lets read! 1.个人读 2.小组读 Write a postcard A:Did you.? B:Yes, I /No, I play footballeat noodlesdo the homework watch TVplay basketballlisten to music Dear _, Yesterday I_ _ _ _ Love, _ Summary What have we learned today? (我们今天学习了什么?) Homework : Read the text 2 times. After class check your postcards again and send them to your friends. Module1 Unit2 We bought ice creams.教学设计教学设计 一、课题:We bought ice creams. 二、出处:外语教学与研究出版社(三年级起点)五年级上册 Module1 Unit 2 三、课型:听说课 四、课标分析 根据新英语课程标准,英语课程应该能够使学生通过学习英语 和使用英语,发展语言运用能力和人际交往能力,形成积极的情感态度 和有效的学习策略;并且能够使学生在学习和使用英语的过程中体验英 语丰富的文化内涵,了解中外文化的差异,形成初步的跨文化意识。同 时在英语学习教学的过程中,应该注重面向全体学生,关注每一个学生 的不同特点和学习差异。 在本课中,注重以学生为主体,从真实的生活情境中导入,为学生 搭建支架,使学生自觉融入到英语学习的中去,灵活运用多种教学方式 如图片、动画视频、小组合作、真实情景设置,引导学生在参与体验、 合作交流中,主动获取知识,提高语言运用能力,达成语言运用的目标。 并且在英语教学过程中,在从简单的日常交际口语中激发学生学习英语 的兴趣的同时,注重培养学生大胆自信乐观的性格,使学生养成合作的 意识。 总之本课的教学符合新英语课程标准的基本理念:注重素质教育, 体现语言学习对学生发展的价值;面向全体学生,尊重个体差异。整体 设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和特殊性。通过体验、发现、合 作、探究等方式进行英语学习,培养学生的学习策略、提高学生自主学 习的能力。 四、教材分析: 本课是外研社出版的新标准英语三年级起点五年级上册第一模块第 二单元We bought ice creams,主要通过学习 Lingling 的明信片内容, 来学习一般过去时的一般疑问句,并学会描述记录过去发生的事情。对 接下来继续学习过去式的疑问句起到了铺垫作用。本课的内容与孩子们 生活实际联系密切,有利于学生英语学习兴趣的激发和调动。在各种操 练、游戏活动中进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。 五、学情分析: 五年级的学生整体来说都比较活泼,大部分学生学习较积极,对学 习英语具有比较浓厚的兴趣。五年级的学生爱说,爱动,善于表达。他 们在四年级已经初步学习过一般过去时,对一般过去时的表达已有了初 步的了解。本模块的教学内容对学生来说贴近生活,容易被学生接受, 所做的活动与常用动词的过去时学生已经有所了解与掌握,这些都为本 模块的教学打下一定的基础。因此,考虑到本模块知识点的实用性,在 教学中尽量设置真实的情景,帮助学生轻松掌握教学内容,营造愉快的 学习氛围。 这节课我采用了图片、动画视频、小组合作、真实情景设置等方式, 带领学生进入一个轻松的英语学习氛围中,使学生很快的融入到了英语 学习中,从设置的真实英语情境中,轻松学习本课词汇句型,提高学生 认知、感知、实践运用语言的综合能力。同时激发了学习热情,也感受 到了本课中所蕴含的文化内涵。 六、重难点 教学重点:掌握句型 Did you ? Yes, /No , 并学会记录描述过去 发生的事情。 教学难点:学生能够运用一般过去时来询问和谈论发生过的事情。 七、教学准备 1教具准备: 图片、单词卡、课件、flash 动画、任务单 2课件准备:本课内容图片及相关的动画。 八、教学目标 (一)、知识目标: (1)能听、会说 Did you ?及其回答 Yes, /No ,.并学会描述记录 过去发生的事情。 (2)能听、说、认读单词 ran, love,并能正确拼写单词:ran, love 。 (二)、技能目标: 通过引导学生积极参与各项课堂教学活动,使学生养成动脑、动口、 动手的好习惯,指导学生熟练应用本课所学的语言和知识进行日常交际, 形成综合运用语言的能力。 (三)、学习策略目标: 通过小组合作、同学之间竞争等学习方式,鼓励学生积极与他人合 作,共同完成学习任务。 (四)、情感态度目标: 通过引导学生参与游戏等丰富多彩的教学活动,营造轻松愉快的教 学氛围,培养学生的学习兴趣,通过本课重点知识的学习培养其乐于感 知并积极尝试使用英语。 九、教学过程 Step1: Warming-up(热身)(热身)& Leading in 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. T: Last Sunday I listened to music. What did you do? Did you listen to music? S: Yes,/No, 讨论教师周末的活动,并询问学生,练习句型 Did you? 【设计意图】通过对话方式,创设轻松的学习氛围,练习句型Did you?及回答 Yes,/No,型,使学生尽快进入最佳的英语学习状态。 Step2: Text learning. T: Last Sunday I wrote a postcard. Look, this is my postcard. (出示教师上 周末写的明信片,以此引出 Lingling 的明信片) 1. Watch and choose. T: Our friend Lingling wrote a postcard too. Lets have a look.(出示 Lingling 的明信片) Now lets watch and choose. This postcard is for_. A. Sam B.Lingling C. Amy 请学生看完视频后回答。 展示课文中明信片图片,通过看视频对课文有个初步的整体感知。 2. Watch and answer. T: Lets watch and answer these four questions. (1)Did Lingling meet John? (2)Did they buy ice creams? (3)Did they go home by bike? (4)Did Lingling drop her ice cream? 学生通过看视频写出正确答案。(给几分钟) 1. Yes, she did. 2. Yes, they did. 3. No, they didnt .They went home by bus. 4. Yes, she did. 3. Read and fill in the blanks. T: Open your books, lets read activity 2 carefully and then fill in the blanks. 让学生两人交换任务单,互相检查答案。 再一起检查答案,引导学生一起读课文,了解课文具体内容。 Dear Daming, Yesterday I _ to the park with Sam and Amy. We _ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We _ice creams. Then we _ home by bus. I _ to the bus. And I _ my ice cream on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry. Love, Lingling Dear Daming, Yesterday I _went_ to the park with Sam and Amy. We _met_ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We _bought_ice creams. Then we _went_ home by bus. I _ran_ to the bus. And I dropped_ my ice cream on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry. Love, Lingling 在对答案时,将动词的原形及过去式板书,标出重点,并且为下面写自 己的明信片时提供帮助。 go- went meet-met buy-bought run-ran drop-dropped 讲解 love 并板书 【设计意图】通过听、看、读感知文章整体框架,了解文章具体内容, 并对具体内容做深入挖掘,了解课文整体脉络。 Step3: Reading Practice (朗读练习)(朗读练习) 1. Listen and imitate. (利用点读笔点读,先听录音后跟读,并解决跟读中遇到的长句朗读问 题以及句中情感问题) 重点跟读长句:Yesterday /I went to the park/with Sam and Amy. And I dropped my ice cream/on Johns new shoes. I was very sorry.(强调 very 的重读,体会其中含有的 感情色彩) 【设计意图】跟读环节可以教授学生关于朗读的学习策略,帮助学生纠 正语音和语调,针对长句重点讲解练习,并强调句中的感情色彩,培养 学生良好的语感。 2. Lets read! 学生选择一种方式朗读课文 3. Show 找学生起来读课文 【设计意图】通过自己读,集体读,等多种形式调动起学生朗读的积极 性,激发了学生朗读的兴趣,让学生感受真实的语言情境。 Step4: Consolidation (巩固)(巩固) T:We know Linglings postcard. Now lets write our own postcards. (通过 图片中展示的活动,引出重点句型 Did you?找学生反复操练这个句型) 同桌操练句型 Did you ? Yes, /No,讨论昨天做过的事情。 T: Now you can write a postcard to your friend.(利用板书上讲解一下如 何用过去式描述一下做过的事情,然后让学生落实到纸上写出来。) 找两至三名学生的明信片投放在大屏幕上,并领着学生 check 并改正错 误。 【设计意图】兴趣是最好的老师,通过交流讨论后展示,不仅活跃了课 堂气氛,而且能让学生在交流中学会描述过去的事情,同时将重点知识 通过写作的方式巩固内化,使学生熟练掌握所学知识并能运用到实践当 中去。 Step 5: Summary T: What have we learned today? 说说通过本节的学习你都学会了哪些知识呢?教师帮助补充。 【设计意图】复习总结本课的所学单词与过去时态的一般疑问句的问法, 并学会描述过去发生的事情。巩固所学。 Step 6: Homework 1. Read the text 2 times. (读课文三遍。) Dear_, Yesterday I _ _. Love, _ 2. After class check your postcards again and send them to your friends. 【设计意图】使学生熟练掌握课文的内容,并能够描述过去发生的事情, 并学会给他人寄明信片,让学生学会用学过的新知识运用到实际中去。 十、板书设计 Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams. go-went meet-met buy-bought run-ran drop-dropped love
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