外研版(三起)五上Module 3-Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father.-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e031b).zip

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DamingDaming tooktook a a photophoto ofof hishis father.father.学情分析学情分析 教材版本:教材版本:外研版(三年级起点)五年级上册 授课内容:授课内容:Module 3 Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. 第一课时 课型:课型:阅读课 执教:执教: 学生之前已经学过如何谈论过去的事情,但多限于对话形式。五年级开始 接触语篇,学生阅读能力较低,大部分学生还不懂得文本阅读的方法,针对孩 子已有的年龄特点和已有知识经验,我将充分利用微视频、多媒体等直观教具 进行教学,激发学生学习积极性,并通过指导性语言指导孩子学会寻找关键信 息,促进学生综合语言运用能力和心智的发展。 DamingDaming tooktook a a photophoto ofof hishis father.father.教材分析教材分析 教材版本:教材版本:外研版(三年级起点)五年级上册 授课内容:授课内容:Module 3 Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. 第一课时 课型:课型:阅读课 执教:执教: 本课选自外研版英语第五册,Module 3 Unit2. 本模块的主题是 Trip. 主要讲述 Daming 和他的爸爸去万里长城的旅游经历。本模块的语言功能是描述过去发生的事情。承接 Unit1 已 学会的第一人称对话式描述的基础上,继续展开话题,以第三人称转述过去发生的事情,对于 学生逐步形成短文阅读能力非常重要。 教学重点: 能够陈述过去的行为,增强短文阅读能力。 教学难点:能在具体的语境中正确、恰当地描述过去的行为。 Daming took a photo of his father.教学设计 【课标解读课标解读】 1、能在口语表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意。 2、在实际运用中体会一般过去时的表意功能。 3、就能日常生活话题作简短叙述。 4、在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。 5、积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 6、敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误。 【教材分析教材分析】 本课是新标准英语第五册 Module3 Unit2 的内容,主要讲述 Daming 和他的爸 爸去万里长城的旅游经历。本模块的语言功能是描述过去发生的事情。承接 Unit1 已学会的第一人称对话式描述的基础上,继续展开话题,以第三人称转述过去发生 的事情。 【学情分析学情分析】 学生之前已经学过如何谈论过去的事情,但多限于对话形式。五年级开始接触 语篇,学生阅读能力较低,大部分学生还不懂得文本阅读的方法,针对孩子已有的 年龄特点和已有知识经验,我将充分利用微视频、多媒体等直观教具进行教学,激 发学生学习积极性,并通过指导性语言指导孩子学会寻找关键信息,促进学生综合 语言运用能力和心智的发展。 【教学目标教学目标】 1、课前,借助微视频的反复观看与学习,认识五个特殊疑问词,尝试运用这 些疑问词进行简单交流。课中,能根据特殊疑问句的问答特点,通过自读找问答句、 互动交流的形式,能够自主学习文本,主动运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 2、借助多媒体、词卡、图片,通过师生交流、感知文本、尝试发音、替换练 习等方式,学生能够理解 mountain、arrive、wall 的意思,认识并学会运用单词 for、of、with、plant。 3、借助多媒体,通过教师介绍、学生尝试复述的形式,感知理解文本含义, 在教师、多媒体以及 I-pad 的引导帮助下,正确有感情地朗读课文,并通过关键短 语的提示,复述短文主要内容。 4、借助课中微视频及任务单,通过观看视频、做课堂检测的形式,学会如何 介绍自己的旅行,乐意和同学分享彼此的快乐。 【评价设计评价设计】 1、通过课前微视频观看的形式,达成教学目标 1。 2、通过多媒体、词卡、图片、师生交流、感知文本、尝试发音、替换练习等 方式,达成教学目标 2。 3、通过多媒体、教师介绍、学生尝试复述的形式,达成教学目标 3. 4、通过观看课中微视频完成任务单的形式,完成教学目标 4。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 词汇 arrive 的理解与运用。 能力:能通过关键信息来找到 who、when、where、how 的提问与回答理解文本 内容。学会介绍自己的旅行。 【教学过程教学过程】 课前:课前:观看微视频:认识特殊疑问词 when、where、how、what 的问答。 (设计意图:让学生在家通过反复观看,统筹认识并掌握特殊疑问词的问与答, 可以进行简单的日常交际运用。) 课中:课中: 一、Free talking T: Ok,boys and girls. Before our class, lets watch a video together. Do you remember this video? Last night, we watched it and did some exercises on the line. But some are right,some are wrong. Lets see them together. S:解答网上题目。 T: Look, what are they? (师拿出 wh 特殊疑问词) Yes, this is where/ when/ how/ what 学生说一个贴在黑板上一个 Good! You should use them to ask 2 or 3 questions to all of us. Can you try? Eg: S1:* where did you go? S2: I went to *. When did you go? S2: I went there *. 如果学生没有问到 what 或回答时没有说 take photos 使用方案一;如果有出 现回答 take photos 使用方案二: (1)T: What did I do? Do you want to know? Who can ask me a question? S1:What did you do? T: I took some photos. Look, here are some photos too.(图 123) (2) T: I know * took some photos. Look, here are some photos too.(图 123) (设计意图:针对课前的微视频的观看效果进行了解与掌握,完成教学目标 1,同时为下一步的文本学习打下基础。) T: Wow, so beautiful. But who took this photo?圈出照片 1 Lets listen and watch it carefully. 听看 activity1 动画 S: Daming。 T: Yes. Daming did. Did Daming take this picture ? John ask: Did Daming take this one too? 教师指着图二同时出现句子和 John 头像。 S: No. T: 课件出示玲玲头像和句子: Yes, Lingling answers: No, this is Daming. And I took it. Now lets listen and repeat.(头像句子出现,点击音频听并跟读。) Great! Lets read in roles. Girls you are Lingling. Boys you are the boy. Clear? You did a good job. (设计意图:通过 who 的提问自主找到答案并通过角色扮演的形式,提高其学 习中的乐趣,寓教于乐并为 part2 文本的进入埋下伏笔。) 二、Activity2 1、第一次听录音 T:We know Daming took this photo. Lingling took this one.(教师指图 一和图二) Who took this photo? (指图三) lets listen and answer. S: Daming. T: Yes, Daming took a photo of his father.(课件出示句子) 进行 of 的练习: 出示单词卡:pay attention to this word: of yes! One by one together. 练读短语 the meaning is: 一张爸爸的照片 图片替换的方式练习短语 a photo of his mother/ Amy/ Lingling/Daming/ his father So today well learn M3U2_教师手指板书引导生读标题: Daming took a photo of his father. (设计意图:通过特殊疑问词 who 的提问引领感知全文,并为之后的自主学习 课文如何使用特殊疑问词提问打下基础。 ) 2、读课文,提问题,自主问答 T: Great. Now please read the text by yourselves and try to ask and answer. You can use these words. (提示生可以根据黑板所提供的四个特殊疑问 词 where、when、what、how 进行提问) Ok please talk with your partner. 课件以超链接的方式展现出来,学生提问什么问题,进行点击学习。 (1)Where did they go? 一生问一生答 答对学生集体跟读 Pay attention to “the Great Wall”. Capital“G”and “W”. (2)How did they go there? 一生问一生答 答对学生集体跟读 Pay attention to “Badaling” Capital“B” (3)备案一:When did they arrive there? 一生问一生答 同时学习 arri ivearrived Please pay attention to “i”. i pronounced _. (学生尝试回答) yes,try to read this word. Who can try?(学生单独尝试,其他跟读) 拓展:They arrivedarrived there at _钟表图标 in the morning.(2 个) They arrivedarrived there at _. 钟表图标 pm 纠正 pm.是下午 in the afternoon 备案二:when did they go there? 一生问一生答,找到答语同时学习 arri ivearrived Please pay attention to “i”. i pronounced _. (学生尝试回答) yes,try to read this word. Who can try?(学生单独尝试,其他跟读) 拓展:They arrivedarrived there at _钟表图标 in the morning.(2 个) They arrivedarrived there at _. 钟表图标 pm 纠正 pm.是下午 in the afternoon (4)What did they do? 一生问一生答。 句子太长可以进行分割学习。 S:They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants. T: Yes, they took photos of the mountains.(课件呈现) 出示一座山图片 mountain one by one, together. 山脉图片 mountains T:Look at the mountains,it has beautiful flowers 课件出现 and green plants 课件出现 plant 出示单词卡片学习 男女操练 together So you can say: They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.图 4 学生进行填空 教师引导进行部分练习:beautiful flowers and green plants They took photos of the mountains Practice with your partner. S1 试读,其他跟读/最后齐读。 (设计意图:在课前特殊疑问词的掌握程度上,让学生学会自主学习、合作探 究,将课堂大胆放手给学生。完成教学目标 1 2。) 3、剩余文本处理。 T:Yes, the flowers and green plants are very beautiful. What about the Great Wall? Its very old and very long.(课件呈现) so(出示图) Daming and his father walked for one hour.(句子呈现) Pay attention to “for” 展示词卡 for 分排读。 And on the wall(图) there were lots of people.(句子) Are you clear? Ok! What about the Great Wall? So Are there lots of people?(学生整体读后个别尝试读其他跟读。 ) (设计意图:为了通过图片的方式帮助学生领会含义同时也鼓励学生大胆张开 嘴巴。完成教学目标 2) 三、Read the text 1. lets read and repeat together. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (用点读笔进行跟读) 2. Read by yourself. If you have some difficulties, you can use your ipad. 3. Read the text together. 4. Please look at the blackboard. There are some phrases. Lets try to retell. (集体复述,个人复述) (设计意图:为深化巩固对文本的理解与掌握,并且在复述环节中鼓励学生大 胆尝试,完成教学目标 3。) 四.微视频 1.T:Today, weve know Daming and his fathers trip. What about yours? How to introduce about your trip? Lets watch the mini video: (生看完微视频,完成任务单上任务) 提供关键词,进行选词填空。 (1.用上课文的四会词 2. 注重学生互评 3.通过 手机上传) Who write the text? Please read it for us. (设计意图:通过微视频的讲解让学生懂得如何介绍自己的旅行,尝试完成任 务单上所提供的介绍自己的一次旅行的任务。从而了解学生是否能够学会介绍自己 的愉快的旅行,在学习的同时也分享自己的旅行快乐,完成教学目标 4.) 五. summary Look at this picture. whats this? Yes, camera. Which word can you see? (设计意图:了解学生是否已牢固掌握或存在什么问题,以便于下节课的针对 性的进行再次巩固。) 六、 homework Yes, we know Daming and his fathers trip. So I hope you can read the text fluently and retell it. At the same time, I think you went to lots of places too. Next class, try to introduce about your trip during the May Day holiday. 板书:M3U2 Daming took a photo of his father. Where the Great Wall for How by bus of When at 10 oclock in the morning plant What took photos of the mountains with Who DamingDaming tooktook a a photophoto ofof hishis father.father.测评练习测评练习 教材版本:教材版本:外研版(三年级起点)五年级上册 授课内容:授课内容:Module3 Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. 第一课时 课型:课型:阅读课 执教:执教: 1. 针对学生课前观看微视频,完成在线测试题进行讲解。针对学生课前观看微视频,完成在线测试题进行讲解。 2. Watch a video and finish the exercese. Module3Module3 Unit2Unit2 课中自主学习任务单课中自主学习任务单 一、学习目标 通过 write a trip 活动,掌握如何介绍自己的旅行。 二、学习资源 Mini-class:My trip 三、学习方法 观看微视频My trip后,完成相应学习任务。 四、学习任务 请借助下面提供的短语,介绍你的假期旅行。请借助下面提供的短语,介绍你的假期旅行。 Where(地点): Qingdao / Yantai / Shanghai / the zoo When(时间): at 3 oclock in the morning /at 3 oclock in the afternoon /at half past 6 in the morning Activities(活动): took some photos /visited my grandma /went fishing / played with my friends Transport(交通方式): by bus /plane /ship /car /train Who(谁): father / mother /sister /brother /uncle View(风景):beautiful flowers /high mountains I went to _ last summer holiday. I went there with my _. We went there by_. We arrived there at _. We went to the supermarket and_. There were lots of people and _. We were very happy. 外研社外研社英语英语五年级上册五年级上册 ModuleModule 3 3 UnitUnit 2 2 Daming took a photo of his father. Who took this picture? A. B.C. The text (听音并跟读)(听音并跟读) Did Daming take this one too? No, this is Daming. And I took it. Daming did. Hes my friend. Who took this picture? Did Daming take this one too? No, this is Daming. And I took it. Daming did. Hes my friend. Who took this picture? (分角色朗读)(分角色朗读) The text Who took this photo? Who took this photo? Who took this photo? Daming took a photo of .his father 一张爸爸的照片一张爸爸的照片 a photo of_. Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for one hour.There were lots of people.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father. WhereHowWhenWhat Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for one hour.There were lots of people.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father. WhereHowWhenWhat The wall is very old and very long. They walked on the wall for one hour. There were lots of people. Listen, point and imitate. 跟读课文,注意模仿录音中的语音、语调跟读课文,注意模仿录音中的语音、语调 。 Your fingers:小手指指上小手指指上 ; Your eyes: 小眼睛放亮小眼睛放亮 ; Your mouth: 小嘴巴张开。小嘴巴张开。 Watch the mini video and finish the exercise on your paper. (观看微课观看微课 完成任务单完成任务单 ) 1.Read the text and next class try to retell. 2.Try to introduce about your trip during the National holiday. Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for one hour.There were lots of people.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father. Where did they go? Daming and his father went to at the weekend. the Great Wall Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for one hour.There were lots of people.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father. How did they go there? They went to Badaling by bus. Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for one hour.There were lots of people.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father. When did they there? They arrived there at ten oclock in the arrivearrived They arrived there at in the morning. They arrived there at . pm. arrive_go morning. Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for one hour.There were lots of people.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father. When did they there? They arrived there at ten oclock in the arrivearrived They arrived there at in the morning. They arrived there at . pm. arrive_ morning. Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for one hour.There were lots of people.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father. What did they do? photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants. They took They took photos of the mountains mountains beautiful flowers green plants _ _ with beautiful flowers and green plants. DamingDaming tooktook a a photophoto ofof hishis father.father.课标解读课标解读 教材版本:教材版本:外研版(三年级起点)五年级上册 授课内容:授课内容:Module 3 Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. 第一课时 课型:课型:阅读课 执教:执教: 1、能在口语表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意。 2、在实际运用中体会一般过去时的表意功能。 3、就能日常生活话题作简短叙述。 4、在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。 5、积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 6、敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误。
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