牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 6 Colours-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:91787).zip

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Unit6Unit6 Period 1:Story time What to learn Story time Read the story 读这个故事 Act the story 表演这个故事 Show myself 自我展示 How to learn 能认真倾听 能积极发言并声音响亮 能积极与同伴合作共同学习 Tip:你想得到几颗星?你想得到几颗星? I can play magic! 我会表演魔术哦!我会表演魔术哦! 3 2 1 Count down.请请倒倒数(数(3、2、1) little train (小火车) YangYang LingLing也会表演魔术!也会表演魔术! 你们想去看我你们想去看我 的表演吗?的表演吗? Yes or no? Lets go! (一(一路上我们将遇到各种任务,让我们一路上我们将遇到各种任务,让我们一 起完成吧!)起完成吧!) Magic eyes Look at my new skirt. Look at me. Its red. How nice! Tip:快速大声说出物品名或句子,当快速大声说出物品名或句子,当 看到炸弹时大声说:看到炸弹时大声说:“bomb嘭嘭!” What colour is my T-shirt? Its red. red, red, stop yellow, yellow, wait green, green, go Guess and say (猜和说) Lets go on! Little train, go! Go! Go! 猜猜Yang Ling的 道具是什么? A.a skirt B.a T-shirt Watch and choose看看选选看看选选 A.a skirt B.a T-shirt Watch and choose ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) Watch and tick 在看到的裙子下打在看到的裙子下打“ ” Read and answer What colour is it now? Its red and yellow. 和和 红黄相间的红黄相间的 Learning tips : red and yellow 红黄相间 red and green a色+b色 a b相间 红绿相间 瑞典瑞典 国旗国旗 A:What colour is it? B:Its 孟加拉国孟加拉国 国旗国旗 and I can say Lets chant: What, what, what colour? Orange, orange, its orange. What, what, what colour? Red, red, its red. What, what, what colour? Yellow, yellow, its yellow. What, what, what colour? Green, green, its green. 123 Listen and order 听录音,排序听录音,排序 What colour is it now? Tip:请指着魔法裙,大声说咒语请指着魔法裙,大声说咒语 : A:Look at my Its What colour is my now? B: Its A: What colour is it now? B: Its Pairwork(同(同桌练习对桌练习对话话 ) Look at my skirt. Its orange. Read after the tape. (跟录音读跟录音读) What colour is my skirt now? Its green. What colour is it now? Its red and yellow. Read together齐读齐读 Tip:来做小小配音员,注意模仿来做小小配音员,注意模仿 语音语调哦!语音语调哦! Try to dub试着配音试着配音 Try to act试着表演试着表演 Tip:请先准备,注意模仿请先准备,注意模仿 语音语调哦!语音语调哦! 颜 色色颜 我我颜 的世界五彩的世界五彩颜颜 ! What have you learnt today? (今天你学学 了什学 ?) Colours(颜色) -What colour is it ? (表示想知道某物是什么颜色) -Its(回答别人它是什么颜色) Patterns(句型): Topic(主题): Summary Red, yellow, green, orange, Lets go home! (让我们一(让我们一起回去起回去吧吧!天快黑了。)!天快黑了。) Tip:当唱到你的衣服颜色当唱到你的衣服颜色 时请起立大声唱!时请起立大声唱! Homework 1.Listen and read the story. 2.Act the story. 3.Talk about the colours of your friends clothes. 1 / 2 Unit6 第一课时随堂小练第一课时随堂小练 一、请选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. red B. blue C. colour ( ) 2. A. she B. my C. you ( ) 3. A. brother B. skirtC. cap ( ) 4. A. are B. am C. and ( ) 5. A. a B. an C. or 二、判断下列单词的中英文是否一致。一致的打“”,不一致的打“”。 ( ) 1. This is a skirt. 这是一件黄裙子。 ( ) 2. Its yellow. 它是黄色的。 ( ) 3. black and white 黑色的和白色的 ( ) 4. Would you like an egg? 你想要鸡蛋吗? ( ) 5. my cap 我的衣服 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. The skirt _ orange. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 2. What colour _ now? A. it is B. is it C. are you ( ) 3. Its red _ yellow. A. is B. its C. and ( ) 4. _ colour? A. What B. How C. Is ( ) 5. _ is wearing yellow today? A. HowB. What C. Who 四、连词成句。 1. is, it, blue (.) _ 2. colour, what, my, T-shirt, is, now (?) _ 2 / 2 参考答案 一、 1-5 CBACC 二、 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、 1-5 ABCAC 四、 1. It is blue. 2. What colour is my T-shirt now? 1 总课时数总课时数总计 5 课时备课时间备课时间2013-11-24 教学内容教学内容Unit6 Colours 本本课时数课时数第 1 课时授课时间授课时间 年级年级三年级三年级备课人备课人 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green, orange 2.能初步听懂 What colour is the/my/your,并且能用 Its 来回答。 3.进一步巩固 Look at the/my/your和表达赞扬的话 4.培养学生听说读写的英语综合运用能力 教学重点教学重点 难点难点 1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow, green, orange 2.能初步听懂 What colour is the/my/your,并且能用 Its 来回答。 教学准备教学准备 单词图卡,句卡,颜料和水杯,PPT,配套光盘,自制服装卡片 教教 学学 过过 程程二次备课 StepStep 1 1 GreetingGreeting StepStep 2 2 ReviewReview 1. What colour? T: Actually what colour is her T-shirt? (Point to the T- shirt.) Ss: Its yellow. * Learn: yellow. Read and spell the word. T: What colour? (Show some colourful chalks) Ss: Its .(red, yellow, green, blue, purple)(T gives the chalks to the Ss answered.) T: Look, heres a picture I drew before class. Can you help me to finish it? * Ask Ss to finish drawing a rainbow. T: Boys and girls, do you know whats that? Ss: Its a rainbow. T: Clever! 2. What colour is my .? T: The rainbow is colourful. Today we are going to talk about “colour”. Can you spell for me? * Ss read and spell “colour” together, T writes down the topic on the blackboard. T: Look, what colour is my coat? Ss: Its T: Can you show yourself? * Ask Ss to show individually: What colour is my .? Others try to answer quickly. StepStep 3 3 PresentationPresentation 1.Do a magic Red- Orange (Point) T: Look, what colour? Ss: Its orange.(Read) 2 * Ss read the word together. T: Yes, youre right. Can you spell it? * Learn: orange. Read and spell “orange”. 2. What colour is it? T: Its orange. T: Look, its a skirt. What colour is the skirt? Ss: Its orange. T: We also can ask “what colour is it?”. *Read: What colour is it?(连读) *T says “what colour”, Ss says “is it”. Then exchange to practice more. *Chant: Colour, colour, what colour? What colour is it? T says quickly then Ss says slowly. Otherwise exchange. *Practice in dialogue: A takes the orange card to ask: What colour is it? B: Its orange. A passes the card to B, and B do the same practice with next one, practice in a group two by two. 3. What colour is it now? T: Look carefully, its orange. But now what colour is it? * Read: now. Say: Now, now, what colour is it now? 4. yellow-green T: What colour is it now?(Point) Ss: Its green. * Learn: green. Read and spell green. StepStep 4 4 StoryStory timetime (1)a.教师出示 Yang Ling 的图片 T:Hello, boys and girls. Look at this girl. Whos she? S: Shes Yang Ling. T: Look at Yang Ling. Shes giving a magic show. Look at her skirt. S: It nice.Its great.How nice.Great. 复习第五单元赞扬别人的对话。 b.看动画,回答问题,教授句型和单词 T:Lets watch Yang Lings magic show. Before we watch it, I want to give you a question. 给学生问题:What colour is Yang Lings skirt at the beginning(在开始)? Its . 3 教师出示 What colour,并且教读 T:Please read with Miss Zhu. 学生看动画,看完动画后教师再出示问题,让学生试着回答问题 T:Do you catch the answer? What colour is Yang Lings skirt at the beginning(在开始)? S: Its orange . (2)听录音,回答问题,巩固 green T:Yang Ling has a question.Can you answer it? 教师出示 Yang Ling 和问题: What colour is my skirt now? 教师出示 now,并且教授单词 T:Who can try? 读单词:个别读,小组读 教师出示句子:What colour is my skirt now? 读句子:个别读,小组读,全班读 T:Now, lets listen to the tape T: Do you have the answer now? S:Its green. (3)看图,回答问题 T:What colour is it now? S:Its red and yellow. Learning tips: red and yellow 红黄相间 a 色+b 色 ab 相间 出示国旗: Our national flag : The stars are yellow,the flag is red. (4)跟录音读课文 T:Lets read after the tape. 让学生跟读录音。 (5)一起读课文 T:Lets read it togther. (6)Finish the exercises 出示课文图片 Look at my skirt. What colour is my skirt now? Its orange. Its green. What colour is it now? Its red and yellow. 每组读一幅图课文,再全班一起读。 StepStep 5 5 ActivitiesActivities Make a dialogue. 4 T: OK! So much for this. Dont care, its your turn. Take out your pictures you did before class(正反面不同色 的衣服卡片), and do a magic by yourselves. First a have one. T: Hello, *. S: Hello, Miss Zhu. T: What colour is it? S: Its . T: DengWhat colour is it now?(从背后翻另一颜色) S: Its . T: Oh, I see. * First let Ss make a dialogue with their desk mates, then ask several pairs to practice. StepStep 6 6 SummarySummary T: Good job! Now lets enjoy some nice pictures. Look at the .(trees/.) What colour is it? S: Its . T: What colour is it now? S: Its . * Show several pairs of pictures. T: So we should protect our world carefully. Then youll find that, world is colourful, life is colourful. Enjoy every day. Goodbye! Ss: Goodbye, Miss Zhu. StepStep 7 7 HomeworkHomework 1. Talk about colours in your life with your friends. 2. Read the story of Unit 6 with your partner, try to act. 板书设计板书设计教学评价及反思教学评价及反思 Unit 6 Colours A: Look at the B: It nice.Its great.How nice.Great. green orange A: What colour is the red yellow B: Its 5 总课时数总课时数总计 5 课时备课时间备课时间2013-11-24 教学内容教学内容Unit6 Colours 本本课时数课时数第 2 课时授课时间授课时间 年级年级三年级三年级备课人备课人 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.能熟练地听懂、会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green,orange。能初步听懂、 会拼读、会写单词 black, blue, brown,white 2.能熟练运用日常交际用语 What colour is the/my/your来并且能用 Its 来 回答。 3.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 教学重点教学重点 难点难点 1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词 black, blue, brown,white 2.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 教学准备教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程教学过程二次备课二次备课 Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1.Greeting 2.free talk 复习句型 Hi/Hello,Im Hes/Shes Hes/ Shes my friend. 3.Warm up a. magic eyes 复习上节课的单词和重点句型 教师出示不同衣物,让学生说颜色 T-shirt skirt jacket cap b. 教师做动作,学生猜词语 c.复习句型 Look at my 以及夸赞的四种方式 Its nice. How nice! Its great Great! d.T: Last lesson, we learnt some colours. Lets review them. 教师先出示颜色单词,拼读单词 教师再出示句型:What colour is my? 让学生回答问题:Its 学生两两搭档 操练句型 说出所见物体的颜色,复习 red orange yellow green 4.lets chant Step 2 Presentation 6 1.Review-Story time T:I love these colours. Do you like the colours, too? S:Yes,I do. 教师出示人物图片: Liu Tao, Wang Bing, Su Hai,Yang Ling. T:Whos he/she? S:Hes/ShesHes/Shes my friend. 最后出示 Yang Ling. T:Yang Ling is giving a magic show. (1)Read StoryStory timetime T:Now,lets read after the tape / together. 跟读录音,纠正语音语调。 (2)Retell-Story time Yang Ling is wearing(穿着)a nice skirt. Its orange .First(首先),the colour turns(变成) to green .At last(最 后), the colour turns(变成) to red and yellow . (3)lets try 2.教授新单词: white ,black, brown, blue (1)利用句型 what colour is it? Its学习颜色单词 (2)连线 填空 加以训练和巩固 Step 3 fun time 利用转盘学习新句型以及巩固颜色单词 Step4 cartoon time 1. 出示人物图片,学生观图思考 2. watch the cartoon 3. 呈现问题 4. watch the cartoon 5. 回答问题 6. read a. lets imitate b. read after the teacher c. read it together step4 summary The world is colourful. 世界是多彩的。 Lets make it more beautiful. 让我们将它变得更美丽。 Step 4 Homework 1.Sing the song after class. 2.Copy the words after class 3.Recite StoryStory timetime 板书设计板书设计教学评价及反思教学评价及反思 7 Unit 6 Colours green orange red yellow A: What colour is the white black B: Its brown blue 8 总课时数总课时数总计 5 课时备课时间备课时间2013-11-24 教学内容教学内容Unit6 Colours 本本课时数课时数第 3 课时授课时间授课时间 年级年级三年级三年级备课人备课人 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写 black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8 个颜色类单词 2.能准确使用 Look at my Its . What colour is my ? Its 3.正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引 导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。 教学重点教学重点 难点难点 正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导 和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。 教学准备教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT,鸡蛋 教学过程教学过程二次备课二次备课 Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting 2.Say a rhyme and sing a song Nice clothes Colour song 3.Free talk T:I like white. What colour do you like? S:I like Step 2 Warm up 1.复习颜色 a.让学生用多媒体来给黑白的彩虹涂色,复习颜色 black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue T: Look ,here is the rainbow. What colour is this rainbow now?(PPT 出示句型和单词 rainbow) S:Its black and white. 教师出示单词 black and white. but, there are some colours missing? Can you find the colours. 让学生用多媒体来给黑白的彩虹涂色,并且出示单词 red,orange,yellow,green,blue b.复习单词 brown T:Do we need brown? 直接出示单词 brown,并且拼读 2.复习 Story time a.导入 T: The colours are in our life everywhere. I like these colours. Look, our clothes are so colourful. Look at my skirt. My skirt is black. 教师出示 Look at my(服饰) My(服饰)is(颜色) 并且读句型。然后让学生根据自己的服饰进行练习。 b. Yang Ling is giving us a magic show. Lets read it togrther. 9 跟录音读,全班读。 3.Cartoon time. a.介绍故事人物 T:Look,our friends are coming.Who are they? S:They are(学生不会说就提醒)Bobby and Sam. b.故事情节介绍 T: They are gonging shopping. 出示问题:WhatWhat shopshop isis it?it?(它是什么店) Lets watch the cartoon together.(看动画) T(再次出示问题): What shop is it? Ss: Its an egg shop. T(出示鸡蛋):Look ,this is an egg. 教师出示 egg,教读单词。 (1)Read one by one (2)Read together (3)Read with the teacher b.对话单词和句子的理解 T:What is Sam asking(问)? 再看动画,然后出示句型:Would you like ? 解释并且教读句型 T:What is the cock saying? Learning tips: or 出示单词 or,解释并且教读单词(两者以上的选择才能用 or) c.让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么? d. Read after the tape e. Read together. f. Retell In the (morning/afternoon/evening),Bobby and Sam are going to an/a (egg/clothes) shop. Bobby like an egg. The cock(公鸡) ask them which(哪一种) (colours /shapes)of the eggs they would like? How interesting(有趣) the shop is! 让学生试着跟老师读这段文字,让学生学会复述故事,不会说的也 可以尝试用汉语去说。 Step 3 Homework 1.Read CartoonCartoon timetime after class 2.Try to tell the story time to your parents 板书设计板书设计教学评价及反思教学评价及反思 10 Unit 6 Colours green orange red yellow A: What colour is the white black B: Its brown blue 11 总课时数总课时数总计 5 课时备课时间备课时间2013-11-24 教学内容教学内容Unit6 Colours 本本课时数课时数第 4 课时授课时间授课时间 年级年级三年级三年级备课人备课人 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写 black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8 个颜色类单词 2.能准确使用 Look at my Its . What colour is my ? Its 3. 能熟练掌握字母 Rr Ss Tt 的听说读写能力 4.熟练地诵读歌谣“Colour song” 5.通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力 教学重点教学重点 难点难点 通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力 教学准备教学准备 卡片,PPT 教教 学学 过过 程程二次备课二次备课 Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, class. How are you? S: Im fine(well/good),thank you. 2.Say rhymes and sing songs a.Zip,zip,zipZip,zip,zip 通过这两首小诗让学生 b.PutPut onon youryour coatcoat c.NiceNice clothesclothes 回忆所学的服装类单词。 c.LookLook atat thethe moonmoon 通过这两首小诗复习句型 d.MyMy lovelylovely dolldoll Look at和 What can you see?为接下来的复习做准备。 Step 2 Warm up 1.Play a gamePuzzles (1)There are some clothes .Can you find them. 在方框中找出相应的单词,并且拼写完整。 skirt T-shirt cap jacket 1. skirt 2. T-shirt 3. cap 4. jacket 2.Im a good painter! What is RYB? R red Y yellow B blue What is RGB? R red G green B blue 分别出示单词 red ,yellow, blue,green,并且拼读单词。 1bskirtad 2T-shirtc 3hjiefcap 4mjacketn 13 通过这一环节,让学生再次复习颜色,增加颜色单词复习的趣味性。 blue+yellow = green red+ yellow = orange red+yellow+blue=black 分别出示单词:orange black,并且拼读单词。 (4)Brain storm Why cant the pandas take photos? 分别出示单词 black 和 white,并且拼读单词。 3.直接出示 brown,并且拼读单词 T:They are all clours. I have another colour here.Its the chocolates colour.What colour is this chocolate? 教师出示 What colour is this ? 学生跟读 Ss:Its brown. 直接出示 brown,并且拼读单词,注意渗透 ow 组合发音 4.CheckoutCheckout timetime T:Open your books.Please turn to Page 43. Listen to the tape.Try to colour and say,please. 教师出示句型 This is a Its 5.Play a game-FunFun timetime T:Lets have a fun.Look,this is a big turntable. 教师出示光盘 T:There are four clothes.Whats this? Ss:Its a 巩固 this 这个单词。 T:The hand will go around the turntable.When it stops,please try to ansewer Miss Zhangs question. 教师出示转盘问题,再次出示句型:What colour is this? eg: S1: What colour is this T-shirt? S2:Its red. 个别对话连词后,可以男生女生进行对话,可以邀请学生来操作大 转盘,提高学生参与课堂的积极性。 6.Sing a song-Colour song. 7.Letters learning. 结束完歌曲演唱后,比比那一组字母听得妙,记得牢,写得好。 a. 听写字母 b.写出字母左邻右舍 c.四线三格写字母 Because the pandas are black and white . 14 在学生做完每个练习后,教师都要做出相应的评价, 教师要对于字母从哪里开始起笔都要严格规定。 Step 3 Consolidation 1.完成补充习题 听力题不仅仅局限于补充习题教参上的要求,还可以让学生对于每 道题目说说自己的理解,发挥自己的想象力,编小故事。不会说的 就用汉语表达,尽量用英语说。 2. Ticking time 讲解两项要求,让学生自己评价。 Step 4 Homework 课后继续完成补充习题 板书设计板书设计教学评价及反思教学评价及反思 Unit 6 Colours A: What colour is the red yellow blue green B: Its orange white black brown 4 总课时数总课时数总计 5 课时备课时间备课时间2013-11-24 教学内容教学内容Unit6 Colours 本本课时数课时数第 5 课时授课时间授课时间 年级年级三年级三年级备课人备课人 教教 学学 目目 标标 1. .能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写 black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8 个颜色类单词 2.能准确使用 Look at my Its . What colour is my ? Its 3.能熟练掌握字母 Rr Ss Tt 的听说读写能力 4. 通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力 教学重点教学重点 难点难点 通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力 教学准备教学准备 卡片,PPT 教教 学学 过过 程程二次备课二次备课 Step 1 lead in 1.Sing a song-Colour song. 2.greetings Step2 prestation 补充习题讲解 板书设计板书设计教学评价及反思教学评价及反思 Unit 6 Colours A: What colour is the red yellow blue green B: Its orange white black brown
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