牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 8 Happy New Year!-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c4e39).zip

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period 2 ( ) Whats this? Its a_ _. A.New Year Party B.Birthday party Watch and choose:(看视频,做选择)(看视频,做选择) B birthday party.mp4 Task time: Finish the tasks, you can go to the birthday party! ( (完成任务才去得了!完成任务才去得了!) ) Task 1 Beginning(开始)(开始) (终点终点) Task one:A guessing game:(猜测游戏)(猜测游戏) 1.Whats this? Its a_. ball A guessing game:(猜测游戏)(猜测游戏) 2.Whats this? Its a_. car A guessing game:(猜测游戏)(猜测游戏) 3.Whats this? Its a_. robot A guessing game:(猜测游戏)(猜测游戏) 4.Whats this? Its a_. doll A chant:(一首诗)(一首诗) this, this,Whats this? ball, ball, Its a ball. that, that, Whats that? car, car, Its a car. Task 1 Task2 Beginning(开始)(开始) (终点终点) Task time: Finish the tasks, you can go to the birthday party! ( (完成任务才去得了!完成任务才去得了!) ) Tips: 看完以后,你能为动画片取个名字吗取个名字吗? _s birthday(谁的生日) Task two:Listen and answer( (听并听并回答回答) ) Watch and choose.( 观看并选择)观看并选择) What are Bobbys birthday presents? (礼物是什么?)(礼物是什么?) 123 4 _ and _. Watch and choose. (观看并选择) What are Bobbys birthday presents? (BobbyBobby的生日礼物是什么?)的生日礼物是什么?) 123 4 _ and _. A toy cara clown(小丑) boy down ? Does Bobby like the toy car? Bobby 喜欢玩具车吗? What can he say ? 他会说什么呢? Does Bobby like ? Bobby 喜欢弹簧玩具吗? ? What can Bobby say? Bobby 会说什么呢? Lets repeat:(有感情跟读(有感情跟读 ) 小组小组为单位,选择选择 一种喜欢的方式一种喜欢的方式读一 读课文。 Read in roles. (分角色读) Read one after one. (跟一个学生 读) Read together. (齐读) Lets read( (组内组内有感情朗读有感情朗读 ) ) Task2 Task3 (终点终点) Task time: Finish the tasks, you can go to the birthday party! ( (完成任务才去得了!完成任务才去得了!) ) Beginning(开始)(开始) Task three:Lets Dub( (配音配音) ) Task4 Task3 Task time: Finish the tasks, you can go to the birthday party! ( (完成任务才去得了!完成任务才去得了!) ) Beginning(开始)(开始) (终点终点) tips(建议): 1. 组内分角色演一演故事。 2. 注意模仿人物的神态和语气哦 ! Task four:Lets act (组内角色扮演)(组内角色扮演) 流畅流畅 流畅流畅 感情感情 流畅 感情 动作 Task4 Beginning(开始)(开始) Yes,we win ( 赢咯)赢咯) go to the party.mp4 when birthday,Mum is tired and great! 我们生日的时候,妈妈是最辛苦、伟大的! Share the true love between mummy and the baby Tadpoles mummy Mothers Day is coming!Mothers Day is coming! 母亲节即将到来母亲节即将到来 On the second Sunday in May. ( (母亲节在五月的第二个星期日母亲节在五月的第二个星期日). ). Mothers Day is coming!Mothers Day is coming! We usually send flowers. ( (我们通常送花我们通常送花). ). Mothers Day is coming!Mothers Day is coming! Make a card.( (或做一张贺卡或做一张贺卡) ) Mothers Day is coming!Mothers Day is coming! And kiss mummy.(还有亲亲妈妈(还有亲亲妈妈 ) 朋友过生日的时候,可以怎样祝 福他呢? 送礼物的时候可以说什么呢? 收到礼物的时候可以说什么呢? Check:检测反馈 Happy birthday! Its for you! / This is for you! Thank you! Make a card for your mum!Make a card for your mum! (给妈妈卡片表感谢)(给妈妈卡片表感谢) wish you Happy Birthdaywish you Happy Birthday!Happy everyHappy every! (祝你们生日快乐!每天快乐!)(祝你们生日快乐!每天快乐!) GoodbyeGoodbye! Retell the story. Retell the story.(复述故事)复述故事) HomeworkHomework 家庭作业家庭作业 3A Unit8 Happy New Year (Period 2) Rugao development zone experimental primary school Jackie Yang Teaching contents: Fun time&Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives: 1.Enable students to use sentence patterns to communicate with each other. 2.Enable students to listen , understand , read and act out Cartoon time well. 3.Improve their cooperative ability. 4. On birthdays, share love to mother. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1.Enable students to use sentence patterns to communicate with each other. 2.Enable students to listen , understand , read and act out Cartoon time well. Teaching procedures: Activity one: Warming up 1.Lead in a. sing a song together T: OK, class. First,lets sing a song“Happy New Year!”together. (PPT and do the action)T&Ss: T:So today,We are going to learn Unit8 Happy New Year!(Write on the blackboard) b.Watch and choose T: Look, Whats this? Its a .Lets Watch and choose. S1:Its a Birthday Party. T:Lets go to the party, OK? Ss: T:Look, Who is he? Listen.Are you ready? Go! 2.Task one a. a guessing game T:Whats this?Its a?Lets listen. S1:(Write on the blackboard) T:Yes. Its a.Its for you. S1:Thank you! b.say a chant T:(PPT and do the action)This, this,Whats this? Ss: Activity two:Presentation 1.Task two a.Listen and answer Activity one: Warming up 1.Lead in a. sing a song b. watch and choose 2.Task one a. a guessing game b. a chant b.Sing and answer T: (PPT)Who are they? Whose birthday today? Lets Listen and answer. S1: Bobbys birthday. b.Watch and choose T:What are Bobbys birthday presents? Lets watch and choose. S1: c. Lets repeat T&S: d. Lets read T:Lets read in groups. You can Ss: Activity Three:Practice 1.Task three a.Lets dub T:Who is Bobby? S1 T:OK,class. Lets dub. 2.Task four b.Lets act T:Now, first,Lets act in your group.Then,come here.Im Ss T:Well done, boys and girls! We win. Now,Lets go to her birthday party! Ss: T:OK,class. On birthdays, mothers are tired and great. Lets Watch. Ss: T: So, Mothers Day is coming. (Write on the blackboard) We can share love to Mum. Yes? (Write on the blackboard) Ss: We can(Stand up and do the action together) Lets check: a.朋友过生日的时候,可以怎样祝福他呢? b.送礼物的时候可以说什么呢? c.收到礼物的时候可以说什么呢? Homework: a.Retell the story.(复述故事) b.Make a card for your mum!(给妈妈卡片表感谢) c.Wish you Happy Birthday!Happy every!(祝你们生日快乐!每天快乐!) Activity Two: Presentation 1.Task two a.Listen and answer b.Watch and choose c. Lets repeat d. Lets read Activity Three: Practice 1.Task three a.Lets dub 2.Task four a. Lets read
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