牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me!-Story time-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:b011c).doc

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牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me!-Story time-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:b011c).doc_第1页
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1、译林英语译林英语 3AUnit5 Look at me -Story time 教案教案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap 2.能 初 步 听 懂 、 会 读 句 型 Look at, 并 且 能 用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 3.让学生能理解中西方对待赞美的差异。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap 2.能 初 步

2、听 懂 、 会 读 句 型 Look at, 并 且 能 用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 教学难点:教学难点: 能 初 步 听 懂 、 会 读 句 型 Look at, 并 且 能 用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 教学疑点:教学疑点: 本课时中,学生能够熟练地拼读这些单词吗,怎么样让在课堂上有效学习? 教学准备:教学准备:挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程:教学过程: Teaching steps: Step 一、Warm up Enjoy the song “Good morning

3、”. Step 二、Presentation (一)Teach and learn “nice, Its nice. How nice!” 过渡语:Hello, boys and girls. Look at this classroom. Its big and nice. (出示单词卡 片) 1.Teach nice. Read the word in groups. Yes,its nice.(出示句子卡片) 2.Chant: nice, nice, its nice . (配动作) There are some teachers in our class ,they are Miss

4、Cai,Miss Xu, Miss Chen, Miss Qian and Miss Wang. Lets say “Hello” to them. They are all nice. Yes? You can say “How nice !” 3.Teach “How nice!” (出示句子卡片) 4.Chant: nice, nice ,how nice ! 【设计意图】 :通过课前的对话,热身活动,活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生 的学习兴趣,使课堂教学以轻松活泼的形式开始。 (二)Teach and learn “Look at me” They know the teachers no

5、w, but they dont know who you are. Please introduce yourself with the pattern “Look at me. Im” 1.Teach“ Look at me.” (出示句子卡片) Here are some photos of you. When you see your photos ,please stand up and introduce yourself. 2.The students introduce themselves. Wow.You are so great. (出示单词卡片) 3.Teach “gr

6、eat” .Read it like this “great,great,you are great .” (二)Teach and learn “skirt, T-shirt, cap, jacket Look, this is my son. Hes Yu Xiaoqian. Lets say hello to Yu Xiaoqian. Lets enjoy some photos of him .(播放 PPT) Look, hes in a T-shirt. Hes in a jacket. Hes in a cap. Hes in a skirt. Hes so lovely. Le

7、ts learn the words together . 1.(板书单词) Teach and learn “T-shirt”. Read it row by row. 2. (板书单词) Teach and learn “skirt”. Read it in different tones. 3. (板书单词) Teach and learn “jacket”. Read it in groups. 4. (板书单词) Teach and learn “cap”. Game: Rock-paper-scissors. The winner should spell the word. (三

8、)Revise the words “skirt, T-shirt, cap, jacket” You are so great, praise yourselves like this: Great, great, Im great. (课件)Game: When you see the shining words, say it quckly. 【设计意图】 :用老师宝宝的照片将单词引出,让学生有一种新奇的感觉, 产生浓厚的兴趣,通过观察教师书写,尝试拼读单词,为以后的书写打下良好的 基础,符合学生的认知规律和心理年龄特点。通过视觉观察复习单词,训练学生 的快速记忆能力,调动了课堂气氛。

9、Step 三、Story time Look, whos she ? Yang Ling will go to a fashion show. So she is trying some clothes.But which one she will try.Lets watch a cartoon and tick the correct pictures on your exercise paper 1.Watch the cartoon. 2.Tick the correct pictures. What clothes does she wear? Lets check your ans

10、wers 3.板书贴图片 She looks nice.Shes so happy. What does she say. Lets read after the tape. 4.Does Mum like the clothes? Yes, how does Mum praise her clothes. Lets listen and match the pictures with the sentences 5.Check the answers. 6.Read the dialogue and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonatio

11、n . 7.Read in pairs. 8.Dub the dialogue. Step 三、Consolidation Yang Ling is ready for the fashion show. Do you want to join her ? Take out tour clothes and show it in group of four. Who wants to show us your clothes . Thanks for your performance. 【设计意图】 :语言教学要贯彻整体性原则, “句不离词,词不离句! ”单词 教学应放到句子中教学,对话中教学

12、,让学生学会应用新知,提高学生的听、说、 读、写能力。 Step 四、Summary Boys and girls. You did a good job. You have nice clothes. Are you happy ? How about these children. Look at her coat. Is it nice ?They are not nice. They are sad. After the party, Yang Ling and her friends will give their nice clothes to them. We can help

13、them too. Try your best to help the people in need. Our life will become better. 【设计意图】 :给学生一个舞台,让学生灵活运用所学知识,有助于学生巩 固所学知识,提高学生的记忆能力,培养学生对知识的创新能力,达到学以致用 的目的。 Step 五、Homework 1.Follow the tape and read the text 3 times . 2.Draw some clothes and try to praise your friendsclothes. 教学反思:教学反思: 小学英语对话教学的主要

14、任务是培养学生的口语交际能力。 本节课的主要目 标是学生能综合运用所学语言学会谈论有关时间的交际用语, 围绕这一话题进行 简单的交流。在本节课的教学过程中,笔者采用了以下的教学策略: 1.教材把握整体化 学习分层次展开,由词到句,由句到篇。注重整体感知和理解语篇,让学生带着 问题听对话录音; 通过观看动画, 再次感受对话内容并检测自己是否理解了对话; 通过跟读对话录音,模仿语音语调;通过自由朗读,掌握朗读技能;通过语言框 架和图片的提示,让学生复述课文、表演对话;并引导学生用本课所学的新句型 就对话内容进行描述。 2.情境创设一体化 本节课的教学始终围绕展示某人的衣服这一情境展开, 导入时笔者

15、通过与谈论杨 琳衣橱里的衣服和自己的衣服,渗透本课的语言知识点,重点学习本课的单词和 主要句型,并操练知识点,顺利过渡到课文对话的理解与学习;最后,通过时装 表演的形式拓展延伸,让学生对学习的知识有一个消化的过程,从而更好地培养 学生归纳、理解、运用所学知识的能力。 3.教学重点分散化 Look at my T-shirt/skirt/cap来展示自己的服装,并用 nice 和 great 赞扬别人,是 本课的学习重点。故事的理解及表演,是本课的难点,笔者设计了不同的活动: 在上课伊始的欣赏歌曲和头脑风暴中渗透;在模拟的的情景中学习,在表演中巩 固,在自编对话中运用,通过这些措施分散重点,循序渐进,稳步推进教学。 4.对话教学交际化 语言的基本功能是交际。本节课从上课伊始的师生对话到课文中的对话操练,再 到新授对话的表演,从自编对话到整合所学语言知识进行描述练习,最终达到运 用所学语言进行交际的目的。


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