人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 2 Colours!-C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:502d7).doc

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1、三年级上 Unit 2 Part C Story Time The analysis of the teaching contents: This unit is the second unit of Grade 3 and this lesson is part C, the last part of unit 2. The whole unit is about colours and common expressions. Ss in this class learnt relevant words and expressions of colours in both Grade 1 a

2、nd Grade 2. However, the teaching aims are quite different at that time. It will be not difficult for Ss to read and understand the new words and expressions.T should add extra teaching material about the meanings of different colours according to different cultures. The analysis of the students: Ss

3、 in Grade 3 have highly interests in learning English. Most of them are willing to take part in the learning activities in class. However, they cannot focus on studying for a long time. Besides, Ss have less knowledge reserve at this stage. Teaching aims and demands: 1. Ss will be able to understand

4、 and say the words about colours. 2. Ss will be able to understand and say the sentences “A/An . flower.” and ”XXX, look!”. 3. Ss can talk about flowers of different colours and catch someones attention by using what they learnt today. 4. Ss will compare the different meanings of different colours a

5、ccording to different cultures. Teaching key points 1. Ss will be able to understand and say the words red, green, yellow, blue, black,brown, white and orange. 2. Ss will be able to understand and say the sentences “ A/An . flower.” and ”XXX, look!” . 3. Ss can talk about flowers of different colour

6、s and catch someones attention by using what they learnt today. Teaching difficult points Singular and plural form of “flower” , The uses of the article “ a/an”. Teaching methods Task-based teaching methods Communicative approach TPR Teaching aids CAI, masks, paper garden and flowers Teaching time 3

7、5mins Teaching procedures StepsTeachers activitiesSsactivitiesPurposes Warm up1.Greeting with Ss. 2.Sing a song in both slow and fast speed. T: We have learnt so many colors before. Such as red, yellow,blue. . Do you remember the song about colors? Yes, that is I see something blue! Now, lets watch

8、the video and sing the song together. ( Play the song ) ( Stop the song ) T: Do you think the song is too easy for you? Lets sing it faster. ( Play the song at 1.5 times speed.) 3.Show the pictures of different items in different colours and ask Ss to point to particularly items according Ts instruc

9、tions. T: Who can find something BLUE? Point to something blue on the screen. 1. Greets. 2. Sing the song with the video normally at first and then speed up. 3. Come to the front and point to the screen as T asked. 歌曲引入增加趣味性。 调节演唱速度,更好地 吸引学生注意力并适当 增加演唱难度给学生以 挑战。 在图片中根据指令找出 相应颜色的物品,巩固 对于色彩单词的理解。 Step

10、sTeachers activitiesSsactivitiesPurposes Presentation1. T: This brown squirrel remains me our good friend from the text book, Zip! Zip the squirrel and his friend Zoom the bear are funny. Do you want to see their new story? Lets look at the picture first. 2. Listen to the gist. T: Who can you see in

11、 this picture? Where are they? What are they doing? Lets listen to the record. 3. Listen to the details. 4. Practice to read Picture 1 in pairs. T: Now you have 1 min to practice this dialog in pairs. After 1 min I will invite some of you to read for your classmates. 5. Invite 3 pairs to read the di

12、alog. 6. Practice to read Picture 2 in pairs. T: Now you have 2 mins to practice this dialog in pairs. After 2 mins I will invite some of you to read in front of the whole class. 7. Invite 3 pairs to read the dialog. 8. Ask Ss to predict the story. T: can you guess what will happen next? 1. Look at

13、the picture. 2. Listen and predict the story. 3. Listen again. 4. Read in pairs. 5. Show time. 6. Read in pairs. 7. Show time. 8. Predict and share ideas. 有图片中的棕色松鼠引 出故事的主人公 Zip, 自 然过渡到课本故事。 初听主旨大意。 精听细节。 将对话分为两部分,先 练读简单的第一部分, 给基础薄弱的部分学生 也有展示的机会,增强 学生自信心培养学生学 习兴趣。 练读较难的第二部分并 分角色朗读。可以由师 或者优秀生先示范。 预测故

14、事的后续,对保 护环境做出正确情感价 值观上的引导。开放式 答案,鼓励不同观点。 PracticeRole play 1. Show Ss a picture of garden on the screen and set a scene. Set the paper garden and flowers. 2. Ask Ss to act. 3. T and Ss evaluate the performance. 1. Lookat the screen. 2. Volunteer to act. 3. Evaluation 以角色扮演的形式进行 展示,教师评价与学生 互评相结合,鼓励学生

15、 发现同伴的优点,用合 理的方式指出同伴的不 足之处。 Production1. Talk about the meaning of colours. T: We learnt how to talk about colours this unit,but do you know the meanings of different colours? For example, when you see red, what well you think about? 2. Compare the different meanings in different cultural. Such as i

16、n China and in the UK. T: Look at these pictures, do you know what are they? 3. Summary. T: After knowing these different meaning of different colours, do you still remember what did we learn in this unit? Lets check this out. 1. Talk about their feelings. 2. Lookat thepictures and listen to Ts expl

17、anation. 3. Saythe colours name on the screen. 通过对比中英对相同色 彩的不同含义,了解文 化差异,扩展国际视野。 直观图片辅助理解。 复习本单元关于色彩的 单词,巩固记忆。 Homework1. Listen to the record and repeat Story Time. 2. Sing the song I See Something Blue to your parents. 3. Optional: Look for more different meanings of colours in different cultures.

18、 分层布置作业,巩固应 用和拓展相结合。选做 作业增加学生自主选择 性。 Blackboard design Teaching reflection 本节课属于阅读课的范畴,但由于内容较简单着重加强了听读的练习并扩展了相关文化背景知识。 在授课过程中,有五点与预设有所出入还需再进行调整。 1. 在预设时考虑到学生基础不同,特地将课文分为两部分,第一部分为简单的打招呼等日常对话, 第二部分才是设计单元核心词汇的内容。但实际生成过程中,本班学生的能力水平较高,第一部分 过于简单没有挑战性,完全可以合二为一共同练习。 2. 在预测故事后续内容时,受到自身英语词汇储备的限制,学生不能很好表达出自己的想

19、法。但是 可喜的是部分同学能够运用肢体语言辅助解释,比较有创意。下次有类似问题可以换种思路,请同 学课后画出后续故事,效果可能更好。 3. 在表演故事的过程中,有些同学 flower 单数复数容易混淆,a red flower 和 an orange flower 冠词 使用容易混乱,这些在预设中有考虑到,但实际上课时没能够强调的更清晰。 4. 在解释中英文化差异下色彩的不同含义时, 仅靠图片不容易帮助学生更好理解, 用汉语进行解释 又和纯外语授课的理念不符。不过,我觉得在低年级授课时还是可以适当使用中文辅助理解,毕竟 理解和兴趣对于低年级学生学习英文还是非常重要的。当然,如果我能够使用更容易理解的视频或 是动画等教学资源,可能不使用中文解释也能达到良好的教学效果。还是应该多注意平时教学资源 的收集与合理利用。 5. 板书还有改进空间。实际教学时过度依赖电子课件,忽视了板书的重要性。 Unit 2 ColoursPart C Story Time redblueyellowwhitebrownorangegreen


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