人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 4 We love animals-A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:70471).docx

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人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 4 We love animals-A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:70471).docx_第1页
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1、We LoveAnimals 教学设计 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 能熟练运用 Whats this?Its a . 进行交流.。 2. 能够能听说、认读 dog, duck, bear, pig, cat 等几种动物的名称。 3. 能根据图片和短文提示正确书写单词。 能理解并用正确的语音语调朗读对话.能够热爱大自然,珍爱野生动物 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 听说、认读 dog, duck, bear, pig, cat 等动物的名称,正确运用 Whats this?Its a . 三、课前准备:三、课前准备: 动物卡片、动物头饰、农场图片、磁条、PPT。 四、教学步骤:四、教学步骤

2、: . Warm-up 热身活动 1.Greetings 2.Oral pratice .Presentation 1. 教授 bear. 1)呈现春天的图片并播放小鸟的叫声说:Spring is a lovely season.In sping,theleavesbecomegreenandtheflowersare colourful.Therearesomebirdssingingintheforest.Some animals are awake from the winter. (设计意图:三年级小学生求知欲强,活泼天真,喜欢童话故事,创设故 事情景能够更好的调动学生学习英语的积极性

3、。 ) 2)呈现树下的一只小熊,说:Oh,whats this?引出 bear 并教读,吹气 球游戏巩固单词。 3)师问:Where is the bear?引导学生回答:Its on the pear.师说: Yes,its on the pear.bear,pear.Look at the bear.Its on the pear. 4)师说:The bear is lonely. He wants to make friends.So he leave the forest. (设计意图:设计孤单的小熊想走出森林交朋友的环节既能够自然的引出 新单词又能在无形当中引导学生们要友善。 ) 2

4、. 教授 pig, duck, cat,dog. 1)The bear walks to the farm .Its Old MacDonalds farm.Whats on the farm? Lets see. 师生齐唱歌曲 Old MacDonald 2)So many animals on the farm. The bear wants to make friends with them. He walks and walks.Oh ,whats this?Its a pig. 教读 pig,并用男女生读,分组读来巩固。 呈现一张猪的图片:Look at the pig.It is

5、big. 3)Now the bear and the pig are friends.He walks and walks. Oh ,what s this?Its a duck. 教读 duck,并用 Magic fingers 来巩固单词。 呈 现 一 张 卡 车 上 鸭 子 的 图 片 , 问 Where is the duck? It s in the truck.Duck, truck,look at the duck,its in the truck. 4) Now the bear and the duck are friends now.He walks and walks.

6、 Oh ,whats this?Its a cat. 教读 cat,并用开火车游戏巩固单词。 呈现一张猫的图片,说:Look at the cat.It is fat. 5) Now the bear and the cat are friends now.He walks and walks. Oh ,whats this?Its a dog. 教读 dog,并用大小声的游戏巩固单词。 呈现狗在圆木上的图片,问:Where isthe dog?Its on the log.Dog, log, look at the dog,its on the log. 3.Now lets play a

7、game (掰手腕) 1)dogPKPKcat 2)pigPKPKdog 3)catPKPKduck (设计意图:三年级的学生爱玩,好动,有意注意时间较短,利用各种游戏巩 固所学使课堂气氛达到高潮,也有效的巩固了教学目标。 ) 4.Nowtheyarefriends.Theyareplayinghappily.Suddenly,Old MacDonald is coming.They are hiding.Let s help Old MacDonald and find them.(小动物们听到 Old MacDonald 的脚步声纷纷藏了起来我们一起来 帮他找找吧。) T:Whats th

8、is? S: Its a cat. T:Whats this? S: Its a dog. T:Whats this? S: Its a bear. T:Whats this? S: Its a duck. T:Whats this? S: Its a pig. 5.Lets chant(2 遍 ) 6Lets talk 1)呈现 Wu Yifan 和 Mike 玩手影游戏的图片,说:Mike and Wu Yifan are playing hand magic.Lets play hand magic,too.I do and you guess . (老师表演学生猜,然后找几位同学表演,

9、其他同学猜。) 2)分别呈现四张对话图片,问:What are they talking?,在学生说出后呈现 句子内容。 3)整体呈现对话内容。 A齐读对话。 B师生分角色表演。 C选择几组同学分角色表演。 (设计意图:先引导学生观察图片猜测对话内容有效的是学生从之前游戏的激 动和兴奋中静下心来,仔细思考。利用师生分角色表演引导学生注意语音和语 调。 ) .Practice 2 人一组创编自己的对话。 A: Whats this? B: Its a A: Whats this? B: Its a A: Look, I have a bear. Its brown. B: Cool, I lik

10、e it! (cat,duck,tall,fat,yellow,small) .Consolidation 1.师呈现完整的农场图片,并介绍:Look!This is my farm. I have a bear. Itscute.Itsfat.Ihavea. It s.It s Ilovetheanimals. (cute,fat,yellow,small) 2.学生 6 人一组设计并介绍自己组的农场. This is our farm. We have a bear. Itscute. Its fat. We have a.Its. Its. We love the animals. (t

11、all,fat,yellow,small) (设计意图:英语教学是词不离句,句不离词,巩固所学之后鼓励学生动手涉 及自己的农场并用本节课及前两个单元所学内容来介绍,有效检查了学生所学 内容和语言表达能力。 ) 3.情感教育 播放 lovely animals 的视频后说:SO many lovely animals,but some of them are killed by humans.播放珍稀动物被屠杀的视频后,揭示主题: Animals are our friens.So we should love the animals. .Homework 1、 Listen and read what you learned today. 2、Design your own farm and talk about it with your parents.


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