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1、高中英语外刊阅读语法填空 1 1 塔利班重新执政,女性受教育权令人担忧 Why educating girls is even more important than people realise 为什么女孩受教育比人们意识到的更重要? The last time the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, they banned girls from going to school. This time they say they will allow them 1_(educate) within the limits of Islam. No one knows 2_

2、that means. As the men with guns in Kabul ponder whether to allow their female compatriots (同胞)to study, it is worth 3_(reflect) on why this matters so much. When girls learn how to read, write and do sums, they lead longer, 4_(healthy) lives. They are much less likely to become child brides or teen

3、age mums and are also less likely to suffer domestic violence(家庭暴 力). Educating girls is also 5_excellent way to reduce 6_(poor). Women 7_finish secondary school can expect to earn twice as much as those who never enter a classroom. A degree of financial independence, in turn, gives them more bargai

4、ning power in their relationships with fathers, brothers and husbands who might seek to push them around. The children benefit 8_(enormous): they are more likely to receive vaccinations( 疫 苗 ) and less likely to die before they grow up. Children 9_(bear) of educated mothers are much more likely to g

5、et a good education 10_(they), and use it to snag a good job. So are their children it is a virtuous circle. A recent study of eight emerging economies by Citigroup and Plan International concluded that making sure all girls finish secondary school would boost( 提高 ) GDP in those places by an average

6、 of 10% within a decade. Despite these benefits, many countries continue to neglect girls education. It is not just in Afghanistan that girls potential is being wasted. Keys: 1 to educate2 what3 reflecting4 healthier5 an 6 poverty7 who8 enormously9 born10 themselves 2 新调查:CEO 年薪 = 普通人一辈子收入的 9 倍 Amer

7、ican CEOs make 351 times more than workers. In 1965 it was 15 to one 美国 CEO 的收入是员工的 351 倍,而 1965 年这个比例是 15:1 Last week, the Economic Policy Institute, a nonpartisan thinktank(无 党 派智库 ), released a report on the increasing pay gap between chief executives and workers. The average CEO makes nearly nin

8、e times 1_ the average person will earn over a lifetime in just one year. Among the reports policy 2_(recommend) for reversing(扭转) skyrocketing pay for CEOs are raising the marginal tax rate (边际税率) on the ultra ( 超 级 的 )rich and penalizing companies with unacceptable CEO-to-worker pay ratios with hi

9、gher corporate taxes. Lets examine the feasibility(可行性) of both under Joe Bidens administration(管理). When Biden came into office, Trump 3_(cut) corporate tax rates and lowered rates on the ultra-wealthy to 4_ an extent that the 5_(rich) 400 people in the US paid a lower tax rate than any other group

10、 in the country. Biden, seeking to undo(消除) some of this pillaging(掠夺) of the public sphere(领域), has proposed raising corporate taxes and the top rates for individuals back to 39.6%. Biden has also stated that he will not increase taxes on those 6_(make) less than $400,000 meaning less than the top

11、2% of wage earners. This is 7_far cry from the popular policies Bernie Sanders proposed during the presidential primaries(总统初选). And it falls short of what is by far the cheapest and easiest solution to stimulating the economy and 8_(vast) reducing income inequality. Withthestrokeofapen,Bidencouldpr

12、ovidelife-changing 9_(finance) relief for one in eight people living in the US. Each day he chooses not to is further proof that Biden is keeping to his original promise to rich donors on the campaign trail: nobody has to 10_( punish). No ones standard of living will change, nothing would fundamenta

13、lly change. Keys: 1 what2 recommendations3 had cut4 such5 richest 6 making7 a8 vastly9 financial10 be published 3 为什么美剧的片头总是有很多“梗”? They dont make television opening sequences like they used to 电视剧片头,你变了 The opening sequences(片头) of television shows do several jobs at once. They must pay tribute(致敬)

14、 to the stars and set the tone for the episode to follow. Above all, they must entice ( 说 服 )the viewer 1_( commit) to the show for the next 30 minutes or more. For decades, networks thought the best way to do this was to create complex and 2_(cost) sequences. No one watching the ornate map unfoldin

15、g at the start of each episode of “Game of Thrones” in 2011, for example, would 3_(doubt) that it was a lavish(大型的,伟大的) production. It was “Girls”, 4_ had its premiere on HBO in April 2012, which took a different approach. Lena Dunhams comedy of millennial manners thumbed its nose at the industrys p

16、retensions with a sequence that consisted 5_ a single title card on screen for precisely seven seconds. With the rise of streaming services, viewers started consuming several episodes back-to-back, and the brevity of those seven seconds gained 6_(addition) cachet(说服力). In 2017 Netflix launched its “

17、skip intro”(跳过片头) function, 7_(enable) viewers to dispense with opening credits and get straight to the drama. The move was controversial. Purists(纯粹主义者) saw 8_ as an affront (冒犯)to the art and 9_(appreciate) of television; others were happy they no longer had to press fast-forward. Indeed, it may b

18、e 10_ opening credits are no longer necessary. But if elaborate sequences go for good, the desire for something more luxurious and mysterious may reappear. When they are done well, they can be as compelling(吸引人的) as short films. Keys: 1 to commit2 costly3 have doubted4 which5 of 6 additional7 enabli

19、ng8 it9 appreciation10 that 高中英语外刊阅读语法填空 2 1 车祸频发,特斯拉的“自动驾驶”将驶向何方? Tesla sells Full Self-Driving, but what is it really? 特斯拉售卖“完全自动驾驶”,但这究竟是什么? Over the years, Tesla owners 1_(pay) as much as $10,000 for the package(软件包), 2_(call) Full Self-Driving. FSD, which can be purchased as an extra on Tesla c

20、ars, is a collection of services that adds to Teslas Autopilot, the driver-assistance technology that government investigators are taking a look at after a string of(一系列) crashes. Critics say FSD has not lived up 3_itsname since its debut(亮 相) more than two years ago. The company is making promises

21、that other carmakers shrink from, and its 4_(customer) think their cars can do more on their own than they really can. Other automakers like Argo, Cruise and Waymo have been developing and testing autonomous vehicles for years. In each city, they begin by 5_(build) a detailed, 3D map. Tesla is takin

22、g a very different tack(策 略 ). The company and its chief executive, Elon Musk, believe that self-driving cars can navigate city streets without 3D maps. After all, human drivers do not need these maps; they need only eyes. Foryears,Teslahasarguedthatautonomousvehiclescan understand their surrounding

23、s 6_(mere) by capturing what a human driver would see as they speed down the road. That 7_( mean) the cars need only one kind of sensor: cameras. 8_(give) the speed of cameras and the limitations in the algorithms(算法) that analyze camera images, there are still situations 9_ such a setup cannot reac

24、t quickly enough 10_( avoid) crashes, said Schuyler Cullen, a computer vision specialist who oversaw autonomous driving efforts at the South Korean tech giant Samsung. Keys: 1 have paid2 called3 to4 customers5 building 6 merely7 means8 Given9 where10 to avoid 2 欠债超 3000 亿美元?地产巨头恒大深陷债务危机 Evergrande w

25、ent from Chinas biggest developer to one of its worst debtors 恒大集团从中国最大的房产开发商沦为财务危机最严重的负债方之一 The company owes hundreds of billions of dollars. Its creditors(债主) are circling. Its shares have taken a beating. But 1_anything forces a reckoning for Evergrande, a vast real estate(房地产) empire in China, i

26、t might be the 2_(nervous) of ordinary homebuyers. During the boom years, Evergrande was Chinas 3_(big) developer(开发商). As more people were lifted out of poverty, homebuyers put their money into property. 4_(feel) flush and eager to expand, Evergrande borrowed money to dabble( 尝 试 ) in new businesse

27、s like a soccer club, bottled water and, most 5_(recent), electric vehicles. Now homebuyers walked away, after reading headlines about the companys financial difficulties and complaints 6_construction delays. Today Evergrande owes more money than it can pay off. By one estimate, Evergrande owes more

28、 than $300 billion. Its stock price 7_(lose) three-quarters of its value in the past year and creditors are panicking. The company has started selling off parts of its corporate empire, but 8_(survive), Evergrande needs to keep selling its apartments. In public comments, Xu Jiayin, the 9_(found), ha

29、s pointed to the companys success in paying off some foreign and domestic investors, reducing debt that incurs interest to $88 billion from $130 billion late last year. But it still has unpaid bills from acquisitions(收购), land-use rights and contract liabilities(债务)10_ add up to hundreds of billions

30、 of dollars. Some lenders and business partners have taken it to court to try to freeze assets to get their money back. The companys problems have been building for years, but lenders, big investors and homebuyers alike are treating it as if it is about to fail. Keys: 1 if2 nervousness3 biggest4 Fee

31、ling5 recently 6 about7 has lost8 to survive9 founder10 that 3 零售业对电商巨头的绝地反击,能否顺利突破重围? How American retailers have adapted to the Amazon effect 美国零售商如何适应亚马逊效应? In 2017-19 all the talk 1_(be) of a retail apocalypse(零售业的 末 日 ). The fear was that a steady rise in e-commerce and Amazons relentless(不断的)

32、expansion into new products would drive traditional retailers towards 2_(extinct). Things have turned out rather 3_(different). The pandemic has certainly sped up the shift towards e-commerce sales. Nonetheless, the health of the non-Amazon retail industry looks 4_(good) than it once did. At $2.5trn

33、, for example, the market value of American listed retailers is 88% higher than at the start of 2018, while their total net debt burden has been easing since the end of 2019. Behind these numbers there are three types of fightback(反击) . First, the 5_(big) retailers have embraced (拥抱) the digital wor

34、ld. This week Walmart predicted that its global e-commerce revenues(收入) would reach $75bn for the full year (about 13% of the firms total sales). It has made abig push in hybrid(混合的) types of shopping that involve online activity but harness( 使 用 , 发 挥 ) its stores, such as click-and-collect(线上下单,线下

35、取货). The second fightback is from digital-only alternatives to Amazon. Many digital firms are operating in lucrative niches(有利可图的市场), from Instacart in grocery delivery 6_ Etsy in interactive shopping for artisanal goods. Finally, some brands are taking control of distribution. Nike stopped 7_(sell)

36、 directly on Amazon in 2019 and instead reaches consumers through its own apps and platforms. Its digital sales rose by two-thirds in the year to May, to 20% of the total. The wave of experimentation 8_(continue). For Americas indefatigableconsumers,andforitsworkers,thegoodnewsis 9_competition has led to a more innovative(创新性的) industry, rather than 10_ end of the world. Keys: 1 was2 extinction3 differently4 better5 biggest 6 to7 selling8 will continue9that10 the


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