人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 4I have a pen pal-A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-省级优课-(编号:f7af0).zip

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Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A Lets talk running listening to music swimming drawing reading books flying a kite Lets read! doing kungfu singing f r ie nd friend pen palJasmine She likes listening to music. Whats Jasmines ? hobby Listen to the music and say its name in chinese. Jasmine Flower Jasmine likes listening to the Chinese song Jasmine Flower. Thats interesting. A: B: What are Jasmines hobbies? She likes ing, and ing. runningclimbing mountains swimmingplaying basketball yhobbies ? ? Who is Zhang Pengs pen pal? ? Peter ( )Peter likes basketball. ( )Peter isnt tall. T F True or False. Watch and choose: What else are Peters hobbies? reading storiesclimbing mountains listening to musicsinging playing footballwatching TV doing kung fudrawing pictures playing sportsswimming Q1: What are Olivers hobbies? Q2: What are Zhang Pengs hobbies? Read and underline the key sentences. 读读一读读并划出关键键句。 Lets challenge! ? A:Who is your best friend? B:My best friend is A:What are her hobbies? B:She likes singing and listening to the music. Pair work: Talk about your best friend. A: Whos your best friend? B: He/ She is XXX. A: Is he/ she tall/short/thin/? B: Yes./No. He/ She is A: What are his/ her hobbies? B: He/ She likes _-ing 看看谁最棒! 1.Hobby what Jacks is ( 连词成句) 2.Peter likes drawing pictures.(对划线提问) 3.Mary likes reading stories everyday. (变为一般疑问句) A friend in need is a friend indeed. Homework : 1.Listen, imitate and recite the dialogue. 听音模仿并背诵诵整个对话对话 。 2.write an e-mail to your pen pal. 给给你的笔友写一封邮邮件。 信息技术与学科教学深度融合应用优秀课例 教学设计表 一、基本信息 学校 课名 unit 4 I have a pen pal教师姓名 学科(版本)新人教版六年级英语上册章节 part A 学时 1年级 六年级 二、教学目标 1.Knowledge aim:1 Ss can master words: Jasmine also hobby hobbies ;2master sentences: what are s hobbies? He /She likes 2.Ability aim :1 学生可以利用所学句型自如的谈论某人的爱好,2 理解对话内容,并且 能熟练的记诵对话内的重点句型。 3.Feeling aim :培养学生健康的,向上的个人爱好;让学生择友而交,近朱者赤近墨者黑。 三、学情分析 六年级2班大部分学生对学习英语积极性较高,在听,说,读,写方面能力较强,但是对语音 语调掌握不是很好。 四、教学重难点分析及解决措施 1.本课的重点单词是 Jasmine hobby hobbies also ;重点句型是what are s hobbies? He /She likes 解决措施:通过我的一个名叫 Jasmine 的笔友 引入,Jasmine likes Jasmine flowers,自然导入本课重点她的爱好是什么,让学生们对重点单词和重点句型印 象加深。 2.本课的难点是lets talk 里的对话内容。解决措施:通过六个步骤来解决这个难点。1. 提出三个问题来回答,通过听,解决第一个问题,2.通过自读课文解决第二,三个问题,3.模 仿原文逐句读课文;模仿原文中的语音,语调 4.快速跟读课文,提高学生的朗读能力。5.在 小组中进行小组合作练习对话,更加熟悉课文内容。6 通过 Lets challenge 环节,增加教学 难度,让学生复述课文内容。 五、教学设计 教学环节 起止时间 (”- ”) 教学内容信息技术手段应用及效果分析 导入 0 40 1.sing a song 2.read phrases 利用唱英文歌曲,和 听快节奏歌曲读短语的方法很好的激 发了学生学习英语的兴趣。 解决课内 重点单词 和句型 40-1818” 1.Jasmine flower 、also、hobby hobbies 2. what are s hobbies? He /She likes 通过绍自己的一个名叫Jasmine的 笔友巧妙的导入新课的学习,用ppt 图片介绍笔友的兴趣爱好: 通过听茉莉花这首歌曲学习 重点句型 :Jasmine likes Jasmine flower, Thats interesting. 呈现新知 1818” 3222 Lets talk 1. 通过模仿并逐句跟读原文内容; 纠正学生的语音,语调: 2. 通过课件展示Lets challenge的 内容,让学生根据难易程度选择 难度并且挑战,极大激发了学生 的学习兴趣。 小组合作 练习对话 32223719 Practice in pairs: Who is your best friend? Is he ? What are his/ her hobbies? He/She likes 通过畅言教学通的课文内容展示, 展示对话内容,更直观的呈现对话内 容。 做练习 3719-4011 做针对练习课件呈现练习题,强化知识记忆 注:参评教师也可以利用注:参评教师也可以利用“甘肃教学通甘肃教学通”流程化备课模块(备课流程化备课模块(备课 工具)进行备课,并导出教学设计。工具)进行备课,并导出教学设计。
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