人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 2 My schoolbag-A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:804f4).zip

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Unit2 My schoolbag A Lets spell PEP小学四年级英语上册 chantchant Lets chantLets chantLets chantLets chant I see a pig. The pig is big. The pig is pink. A big pink pig. I see a pig. A big pink pig. pigbig pinkis i i i /i/ /i/ /i/ Six big pigs sit in a tree. Tongue twister(绕口令) (六只大猪坐在树上) fivelike rice ninekite nice 好看的 Listen and repeat. Page 16 like kite five nine rice i i i /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ big pig fish six is it i i i /i/ /i/ /i/ i-e/ ai / /i / or /ai/ ? big kite /i / /ai/ fish like five six ierkk l nt n cM k i ddpg b t f s t g Lets play I can read.I can read. bike dike fike hike kike nike dine mine dive sive hite bite did git nid fit Lets read.Lets read. 154326 Page 16 Listen, circle and write. Page 16 Game. 帮单词宝宝找家. bitesitsix widediddivehittime i ai like kite five nine rice /ai/ 我们的发现: 字母i在字母组合i-e中发/ai/ 。 SummarySummary HomeworkHomework Read more words with your partners. Thank you !Thank you ! 1 教案设计教案设计 教学内容教学内容Unit2 A Lets spell 主备主备执教执教 学生情况学生情况 学生略有感知元音字母会有不同的发音,但如果真正正确区分还是很 有难度。 教学目标教学目标 1 1、 知识目标知识目标 1)感知并归纳 i-e 在单词中的发音规则。 2)能够读出符合 i-e 发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符 合 i-e 发音规则的单词。 2 2、能力目标、能力目标 进能够根据单词的读音拼写出 i-e 发音规则的单词。 3 3、情感目标情感目标 通过发现式学习方法,培养学生学习英语的兴趣及自信心。 教学重点教学重点 归纳 i 字母在单词中的发音规律;单词 five six big kite 的正确书写。 教学难点教学难点 1.容易与 i 的短音混淆。 2. 能够读出符合 i-e 发音规则的单词 课前准备课前准备 图片,单词,多媒体课件等。 预习提纲预习提纲 1. 找一找我们学过的含有字母 i 的单词; 2. 了解元音字母在不同的单词里发音的不同。 2 导入导入 一、Warm up : 1. Greeting. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Deng. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you ,too. T: How are you today ? Ss: Im fine. Thank you. And you ? T: Im fine, too. Thanks. 2. Free talk. T:Today I have a funny chant for you . Now lets chant it together. The whole class stand up. Ss: (The whole class say the chant) T: Thats good. The chant is so funny. Look, whats that ? T: Its a pig. T: Yes. Its a funny pig. What colour is it ? Ss: Its pink. T: Is it big ? Ss: Yes, it is. 二、Presentation 1. Review the pronounciation of letter i in Grade three. T: Yes. Its a big pink pig. Now lets chant: A big pink pig. (Teacher and students say the chant together.) T: Look at the words in the chant.(出示 chant 里面含有字母 i 的几个单词)Can you read them ? Now lets read them together. TSs: pig,pig,p-i-g,pig.(同法拼读其余三个单词:is,big,pink) T: OK. From these words, we can know letter i pronounce ? I,I,I, _.(让学 生补充) Ss: /i/i/i/. 2. 引入本课主要单词 five, like, rive, kite, nine 1)T: Look. How many pigs can you see in the tree?(出示一幅 6 只猪坐在树上的 图片) Ss: Six. T: Yes. These are six big pigs.Look.(出示绕口令)Can you read this tongue twister ? Ss: Six big pigs sit in a tree. T: Oh ! The biggest pig is missing. How many pigs in the tree now ? (利用动画效 果把最大的 pig 移走) Ss: Five. T: Yes. There are five pigs in the tree now.(出示单词 five)f-i _? Ss: /fai/ T: v ? Ss: /v/ five T: Good ! Read it again. Ss: (学生重复拼读一遍,然后教师抽查个别学生拼读单词) T: Youre great. Show me your fingers. Lets spell the word. 3 Ss: F-i-v-e, five. T: Now follow me, five,five,show me five.(actions) Ss: Five,five,show me five. (actions) 2)T: Boys and girls, do you like the five pigs? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, I do. They are so cute. I like them very much.(出示单词 like,教师指着 like 示意学生拼读) Ss: (同上方法操练单词) T: Now follow me, like,like,do you like ? (actions) Ss: Like,like,do you like ? (actions) 3.)T: Boys and girls, I like these pigs very much. But where is the biggest pig ?Look.(出示大猪猪吃饭的图片)The biggest pig is hungry. He wants to have some _.(学生补充说 rice,然后出示单词 rice) Ss: rice 然后同上方法操练单词 rice. T: Good. Follow me. Rice, rice, have some rice.(actions) Ss: Rice, rice, have some rice.(actions) 4)T: Look. The pig is full. Then he wants to fly the _. 学生补充说: kite.(出 示图片 kite,让学生说出 kite) Ss: Kite 教师示意学生拼读单词 kite Ss: /k/ /ai/ /kai/, /t/, /kait/ T: Great. How about Group 1? Can you read ? (教师示意 Group1 拼读,然后再 同法抽查其他的组) T: Wonderful. Follow me, kite, kite, fly the kite. Ss: Kite, kite, fly the kite. T: Good. Look at the kite. Is it _ ?(出示 nice 的单词,让学生自己读出来) Ss: nice (同上方法操练拼读 nice) T: Children, follow me, kite, kite, nice, nice, See the nice new kite.(actions) Ss: kite, kite, nice, nice, See the nice new kite. (actions) 5)T:Children, pay attention to the kite.What can you see on the kite ? Ss: I see nine. T: Yes. We can see a big number nine. (同上方法操练单词 nine) T: Follow me , nine,nine,with the big number nine.(actions) Ss: Nine,nine,with the big number nine.(actions) 3. 找出 i-e 组合的发音规律 T: Children, look at these words. Whats the same ? S1: 都有字母 i-e T: Good. All the words have letter I and letter e. Any more ? S2: 字母 i 的发音都是发/ai/. T: Yes. From these words , we can know letter i pronounce /ai/.i-e,_.(学生补 充说/ai/) 4 4.Read these words together. T: OK,children. Now lets read these words together. T/Ss:(师生齐读板书的 5 个单词) T: Now please open your book. Turn to page sixteen. Lets listen and reapeat. Ss:(听音跟读单词) 5. Chant. T: Children, we know the pigs are flying the kite. Theyre so happy. And they are singing the chant. Now lets sing the chant with them.(师生一起跟着录音唱歌 谣) Chant 结束后, T: Look at the chant, can you find out the words with letter i ? 学生个别回答,教师把含有字母 i 的单词标记出来。 T: Lets read them together. e.g. i-e,/ai/,nice,nice. Ss: i-e,/ai/,nice,nice. 6.总结字母 i 的两种不同发音。 T: (出示一堆含有字母 i 的单词)From these words, we can know letter I prounce /i/.i,i,i,_. (学生补充) Ss: /i/,/i/,/i/. 再出示一些含有 i-e 的单词同法总结 i-e 组合中 i 的发音。 三、Consolidation and extension 1. Judge the pronounciations. T: We are so happy singing with the pigs. Lets play a game with them. /i/ or /ai/ ? PPT 出示单词,学生判断字母 i 的发音,先整体,后个别抽测。 2. Read the words. T: Now lets play another game. Read the words as quickly as you can. 教师快速出示含有字母 i 的单词,学生快速地读出单词 的发音。 3. 小组合作利用词卡拼读单词。 T: You are so clever. Now I want to check you. 教师利用单词卡拼出一些含有字 母 i 但没有意义的单词,让学生快速地读出来,然后让学生利用子母卡小组拼 单词读单词。 T: OK. Lets play the game with your partners. 7 people a group. I will give you three minutes. Now you can begin. 学生分小组进行拼词读词的练习,教师走到学生旁边检查操练情况。 After three minutes T: OK. Time is up. One , two ,three. Ss:,然后坐好。 T: Now let me check your group. 教师用单词卡拼单词,学生以小组的形式快速 读出单词,读得好的加分奖励。 4. Read some words together. T: Children, some of did a good job. How about all of you? Now lets try to read.(PPT 出示一些含有字母 i 的单词,检查学生对字母 i 的两种不同发音是 否过关) 5 达标测评达标测评 四、Exercises. 1. Listen and number. T: Boys and girls, all of you did a good job. I like your voice. But I like your writing, too. Now lets do some exercises on your exercises paper. Please show me your paper.(教师示意学生拿出练习题,然后教师播放录音,学生进行练习,听完 后进行个别抽查讲评) 2. Listen, circle and write. T: Look at No. 2. Listen, circle and write. Please listen carefully.(学生听音选择后 还要在四线格拼写出单词,最后讲评。 ) 3. Game: 帮单词宝宝找家。 T: Boys and girls, it time for dinner now. The pigs want to have some rice again. But they should finish their homework. Can you help them ? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Please help the words find their house. /i/house or /ai/house ? 学生完成后抽查个别学生的答题情况,然后全班讲评。 小结小结 五、Homework. T: Boys and girls, what do you learn today ? 师生一起回顾本节课所学: Today we learn 最后总结小组得分,进行相应的奖励! 作业作业 1、Copy the words: five、like、rice、kite、nine 2、Read more words with your partner.(示意学生利用单词卡和自己的朋友们一 起拼读单词) 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 My schoolbag A Lets spell five like rice kite nine i /ai/ 教学反思教学反思 (或教学随笔或教学随笔) 大部分学生能按要求读出本课时含有字母 i 的单词,细心的学生 能留意到两种不同发音的单词的区别,但拼读的方法还是不能掌握, 还要再加强朗读训练。
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