人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 2 My schoolbag-C-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:10fc4).zip

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U n i t 2 S t o r y t i m e The schoolbag is so heavy. 重的 take out 拿出拿出 take - make - cake Take out, take out, take out your books. put away Put away, put away, put away your books. 放好,收拾放好,收拾 1. Whats in Zooms schoolbag? Answer the question: Scene 1: In the bedroom.(场景1:房间里) AB night light right all right Zoom is a polite(有礼貌的) child. wait rain tail What is in Zooms schoolbag? everything 每件事物 everyone 每个人 everyday 每天 Lets act it out!(Pair work 角色扮演) 评价机制: 1. 能声音响亮、流利地将台词说完整。 Good! 2. 能声音响亮、流利地将台词说完整,并配上恰当的肢 体动作。 Great! 3. 能声音响亮、流利地将台词说完整,配上恰当的肢体 动作,台词中有自己的创新。 Perfect! Scene 2: In the dining room.(场景2:饭厅里) Scene 3: On the way to school.(场景3:上学路上) Scene 4: In the classroom.(场景4:教室里) Why the cat is here?(为什么猫在 这?) If you are the teacher, you see a cat in the classroom. How do you feel? 如果你是老师,在教室里看到猫,你的感受是什么? 1. scare: (惊吓) Oh, a cat! Im scared. 2. doubt: (疑惑) Oh, a cat! Why the cat is here?! 3. surprise:(惊喜) 4. . Oh, a lovely cat! I like it. 1. Lets read the story. 2. Exercise: Fill in the blanks. Group work: Role play(角色扮演) A: Zoom B: Zooms mum C: Teacher Sheep D: Cat 评价机制: 1. 能声音响亮、流利地将台词说完整。 Good! 2. 能声音响亮、流利地将台词说完整,并配上恰当的肢 体动作。 Great! 3. 能声音响亮、流利地将台词说完整,配上恰当的肢体 动作,台词中有自己的创新。 Perfect! Custom makes all things easy. 好习惯使一切变得简单。 Be kind to your family. 对待家人要亲切宽容。 What do you learn? Homework: 1. Try to write the continuous story.(续写故 事。) 2. Say “Good night.” “Sweet dreams.” to your family. (向家人表达“晚安,好梦。”) Thank you! 1 课课 时时 教教 案案 责任人责任人: 学科:英语学科:英语 教学内容教学内容PEP 四上 Unit 2 My schoolbag Part C Story time 知知 识识 目目 标标 1. 复习巩固本单元重点语言知识句型 Whats in your schoolbag? An English book, 以及单词 English book, Chinese book, maths book。 2. 理解、朗读句子:Put away your book. Is everything in your schoolbag? Take out your books please. 能能 力力 目目 标标 1. 在教师的引导下理解课文意思。 2. 能跟录音模仿朗读课文,学生能用正确的语音语调流利朗读整个故事。 3. 能在动画、图片的帮助下听懂、读懂故事。 情情 感感 目目 标标 1. 通过本课学习,学生能增强对英语的学习兴趣,懂得英语与生活息息相 关。 2. 通过同桌合作与小组合作,培养学生相互帮助,团结合作的精神。 3. 通过趣味故事的阅读,学生养成自己收拾书包的习惯。学会与家人和睦 相处。 学学 习习 策策 略略 阅读技巧(任务驱动,带着问题阅读并找出关键词)、单词拼读学习法, 小组合作学习等。 文文 化化 意意 识识 了解外国家庭成员间日常问候语。 重点重点 1. 通过小故事理解 put away 和 take out 的意思。 2. 能读懂故事并掌握主要信息。 2 难点难点 1. 理解并且会读短语:Sweet dreams./ Good night./ All right. 2. 理解并且会读句子:Put away your books./ Is everything in your schoolbag?/ Take out your books. 3. 能用英语表演出小故事。 教教 学学 过过 程程设计意图设计意图 教学过程: Step 1. Warm up(3 mins): 1. Greeting: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Whats the weather like today? 2. Here, I divide you into 4 groups. You are group 1, group 2, group 3 and group 4. If you can watch and listen carefully, answer the questions and work with partners actively. You can get points. First of all, lets sing a song:“My schoolbag”. Are you ready? 3. Free talk: This schoolbag is so heavy. Heavy, heavy. Lets guess. Whats in the schoolbag? T: Good guess. Lets see. Ss: English book, maths book . . Step 2: Presentation: 1. Learn the phrase: take out (take a ss schoolbag) 和学生热情地打 招呼,调动学生 的情绪,拉近师 生距离,让学生 进入英语氛围。 运用歌曲调动课 堂氛围,复习本 单元重点单词。 从本单元的重点 单词相关内容中 提前突破小故事 中的重点单词与 词组。 3 Wow, the schoolbag is heavy too. Can you help me? So please take out your maths book/Chinese book. Youre so sweet. This is “take out, take out”(动作) Take out, take out. Take, t/t/ a-e/ei/ k/k/. Take out, please read it group by group. Show me your finger. Lets spell together. Lets chant. Take out, take out, take out your books. Try again. Look at the computer. Can you read? take, make, cake Now, I say, you do. Take out your pen/pencil/ ruler. 2. Learn the phrase: put away Look, your desk is so messy. Lets clean the desk. Put away your books. Who can do it quickly? Come on! This group can put away quickly. One point for you. Put away, put away. P/p/ u/u/ t/t/, ay/ei/, put away. This group, read it 2 by 2. Show me your finger. Lets spell together. Lets chant. Put away, put away, put away your books. Try again. 词汇是语言的三 大要素之一,是 表达语言意义的 重要媒介。在小 学英语教学中, 单词教学是一个 非常重要的环节。 本课教师通过 TPR、chant、大 小声等多种形式 呈现及操练单词, 让学生保持注意 力的高度集中。 4 Look at the picture, what a mess. Please help me put away the things. For example, (point to the Chinese book) put away the Chinese book. Can you try? Now, everything is in my bag. Is everything in your schoolbag? Zoom has a schoolbag too? Whats in Zooms schoolbag? Step 2. Presentation(1215 mins): Now, Listen to the audio, answer the question. Whats in Zooms schoolbag? 1. 回答猫:You have sharp eyes. 2. 只答课本:出图,Look, is tigers tail? Is dogs tail? Why the cat is in the schoolbag? Good guess. Youre so imaginative. Scene 1 bedroom (p13): Lets see what happen. T: Where are they now? Ss: In the bedroom. Is it in the morning or is it in the evening? A or B? How did you know that? So, before you sleep say good night to your family. Zoom says good night to his mum. He is a polite child. 第一遍听音,整 体呈现故事内容, 创设英语原声输 入的语言环境, 让学生初步感知、 理解故事大意。 布置听音任务, 让学生带着任务 去听音,渗透听 音技巧学会 从听力对话中提 取关键词。 新课标指出:关 注学生情感,营 造宽松、民主、 5 You should be polite to your family too. Now, say good night to me. Say good night to . Night, night. N/n/ igh/a/ t/t/. Can you read: light, right. Zoom is going to sleep. But look at the desk. What a mess. So his mum says: wait Zoom, put away your books. Follow me, wait, wait. W/w/, ai/e/,t/t/. Can you read: rain, tail Lets read it together. Wait, ready, go. Zoom puts away his books. Whats in Zooms schoolbag? I point, Ss say. Ss: Chinese book, maths book. This is Zooms bedroom. What can you see? Whats in Zooms bedroom? What color is it? Where is the cat? Its cute, right? Zoom and cat, they are good friends. Zoom puts all the books in his schoolbag. Is everything in his schoolbag? Everything, everything. Every, thing. Can you read? Now, listen and follow, imitate the pronunciation and 和谐的教学氛围。 引导学生向故事 主人公学习,做 个有礼貌的好学 生。 6 intonation. Here is the pair work. Lets act it out. Give you 2 minutes, work with your partner. Lets go. Scene 2: dining room(p4) Zoom gets up in the .(Ss). He is in the dining room. He is having breakfast. Whats on the table? Wheres the schoolbag? Zooms eating breakfast. His mum brings more bread and says: some more? Zoom is full.(action) Lets act, Im mum, youre Zoom. Who can try? Scene 3: on the way to school.(p5) Now, after eating the breakfast. Its time to .(Ss). Zoom says my schoolbag is so heavy. Lets read it together. Scene 4: in the classroom(p6) Where are they? What do you see in the classroom? Why here are three exclamation marks? Wheres the cat? Why the cat is here? You can answer the question in 通过 pair work 活动,加强了学 生的参与意识, 培养了学生的合 作能力,给学生 提供更多开口说 英语的机会,激 发学生表现欲。 7 Chinese. Step 3: Practice (7 mins) Read the story together. G1 is Zoom, G2 is mom, T is Teacher Sheep. Read the story. According to the hints, retell the story. Step 4: Production (5 mins): Heres the group work. Role play the story. Try to get more stars. Ok? Step 5: Elevate emotion (5 mins): What do you learn from this story? Custom makes all things easy. Be kind to your family. Step 6: Homework(2 mins): Try to write the continuous story. Say “Good night” and “Sweet dreams” to your family. Which group is the winner? Lets see. Group _ is the winner. Big hands to them. Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls. 通过 group work 活动,加强了学 生的参与意识, 培养了学生的合 作能力,激发学 生表现欲和创新 精神。 新课标指出:关 注学生情感,营 造宽松、民主、 和谐的教学氛围。 让学生养成良好 行为习惯,善待 家人。 8
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