人教PEP版四年级上册Recycle 1-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:d2b94).docx

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1、Pep3 recycle1 第一课时教案 1. 教学内容:read aloud 2. 教学目标: (1)能比较熟练的掌握关于书本和人物外貌的主要词汇和句型。 如: He is, He has。 (2)能够理解并比较有感情的朗读课文。 (3)能够比较自如地运用重点句型在有意义的情景中进行对话表演。 (4)能够学会提问,并用简单的学习策略 3. 教学重点:能在整体情境下将相关语言自然地进行滚动复现。 4. 教学难点:能用正确的语音语调流利地朗读课文,并能用语言描述人物特征,开展对话。 5. 课前准备: (1)多媒体课件 (2)关键问答句条及 Chenjie 和 John 的头饰 课堂对话练习纸 教

2、学步骤教学步骤 一、一、热身热身 1.chant 关于外貌的视频(Big,big,big,make your eyes big,) 2.I have some friends.Look,do you know?操练 I know. I dont know. Do you know the word?继续操练 I know. I dont know.猜单词引出(face,really,intelligent,English, notebook,dream)friend。 二、呈现与操练呈现与操练 第一部分:第一部分: 新授图 1 到图 3Whats in the bag?(贴板书) 1.Here

3、 comes two friends.John and Chen Jie go to school.Look at their bags ? Can you find the difference? Chen jies bag is small, and Johns bag is big.It looks HEAVY!观察对比陈洁和 John 的书包特点。 由 big 引出 Heavy-跟读 so heavy。 2.Whats in Johnsbag?(贴板书)带着问题看图 1 至图 3 的视频? Books-(13 books make John bag heavy) -What books

4、 are they? -How many English books(maths books,notebooks,storybooks)? -How many books together? -Thirteen books. 3.Do you have storybooks in you bag?-How many? 4.John has ten storybooks?Are they Johns storybooks?Whose books are these?带着问题,读图 1 到 图 3 Read the sentences from picture 1 to picture 3. -T

5、hey are Johns friends books. 5.由 friends 操练 ds 发音, dadshandsdads hands up 6.朗读指导。 出示图 1 至图 3 文本。 -第一遍跟读 Lets follow the audio. 要求:pay attention to (intonation 语调 fluency 流利,motion 有感情) 再读,抽读。 7.分角色朗读。 第二部分:第二部分:新授图 4-6Whos Johns friend? 1. Circle johns friends name.Whos Johns friend?自主阅读并划出 John 朋友的

6、名字。 Sandy White.Underline the sentences about Johns friend.请学生回答。 -Sandy White. Culture:西方人名字的名在前,姓在后。 2.Circle the key words about Sandy White. 思考方向:character 性格,ability 能力(phonics 拼读 speak,Speaks English well,中国小孩讲英文 -He speaks English well;老外讲中文 He speaks Chinese well),outlook 外貌,Job 职业 3. Can te

7、ll me more words about character,ability,outlook and job. 4.形成 chant,Here is a chant about Sandy White.First listen to me.Do you like this chant?Lets chant together!教师一遍,学生一遍 Sandy White,Sandy White Friendly,friendly,friendly. Sandy White,Sandy White Speaks English well. Sandy White,Sandy White Tall

8、,tall,tall. Sandy White,Sandy White Short hair,big eyes. 5.朗读指导。Good job!I like your chant!Lets read after the audio. 读一读,逐句跟读。指导朗读。有动作 Excellent!Do you like watching the video? 播放课件分男女做角色配音。 分角色表演课文,Now practice with your partner and act it out!抽若干组来表演整段,并评价。 第三部分: 1. 巩 固 与 拓 展 。 There are many pic

9、tures in the storybooks.Look at these pictures.Who are they?Bajie,Snow White,Harry Potter. 2.邀请学生和教师一起谈论 Snow White.I will be B.Who wants to be A? Lets talk A:Whats in your picture? B:Can you guess? He/she is. He/she has. He/she. A:I know.He/she is. 3.回归文本,情感延伸 What are the ten story books for? John

10、 meets Miss White.What does John say?Can you guess? Miss White 会说什么?猜测。What does Miss White say? John:Miss White,here you are./The books are heavy./So many story books./Your story books. Miss White:Thank you,John.They are for hope schools. The books are for the hope schools. Miss White is going to h

11、elp the children of hope schools. Miss white is friendly and kind. Remember:If you are kind,youll be happier than a king. Franklin 如果你是善良的,你会比国王更快乐! 美国总统富兰克林 4.I wrote a song,want to hear?Sing together! Ten storybooks,ten storybooks. For Hope Schools,for Hope Schools. If you are kind,youll be happie

12、r than a king. If you are kind,youll be happier than a king. I hope you always kind,and happy. 5.Assignment.These are your assignment (1)Follow the CD of page 22 and read it aloud. (2)Act it out with your partner. 板书设计: PEP3Recycle1 Whats in the bag?13 books Whos Johns friend?Sandy White. What are the ten story books for?For the Hope Schools.


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