人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there -A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:707c2).docx

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1、唯真唯善唯美 爱无形教无痕减负增效优质均衡 授课教师马俊兰授课内容Unit one How old are you? 学科英语时间2017.5.24 知识 与能力 目标 句型 1 能够听、说、读、写句型:How tall are you? Im 1.65 meters. Im taller/shorter than you. 2 能够在情境中恰当运用以下句型比较人、动物的外貌特征: How tall are you? Im How old are you? Im How long are you? Im 词汇 1 能够听、说、读、写单词:younger, older, taller, shor

2、ter, longer. 2 能够正确使用上述单词描述人或动物的外貌特征。 语音 1 理解形容词比较级的基本构成,即在词尾加-er. 2 理解形容词比较级所表达的意义。 教学重难点 教学重点 1 能够听、说、读、写单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer. 2 能够正确使用上述单词描述人或动物的外貌特征。 教学难点 1 理解形容词比较级的基本构成,即在词尾加-er. 情感态度、 文 化意识、 学习 1 了解一部西方童话故事所蕴含的内涵。 唯真唯善唯美 爱无形教无痕减负增效优质均衡 策略目标2 明白“寸有所长,尺有所短”的道理。 教学准备教学课件教具

3、教 学 过 程 教 Step1Warming up T:Hello boys, hello girls. Boys and girls, how are you? Today I bring you a special gift. Look! Whats this? Ss: Its a book. T:Yes, its a story book. Do you want to enjoy the book with me? Ok! Lets go. 播放 Giselle 被困的视频和录音。 T: Look! Giselle is trapped. She wants to go home. S

4、he needs help. This is her home. There is a long way to go.(奖励原则:We have to help her find the way to escape from the castle. We also have to build enough steps here for her to get home. Each colour stands for a group. Do you know your colour? Now lets go and untie the rope for Giselle.) Step2 Presen

5、tation 1 taller and shorter T: Oh!The door is locked. But there is a small hole here. Who can go in from here and untie the rope for her? (大 设计意图 热身, 用礼物 调起学生好 奇心。 通过视频和 音频播放故 事, 吸引学生 注意力, 提高 兴趣, 培养语 感。 利用图片将 大象、 长颈鹿 唯真唯善唯美 爱无形教无痕减负增效优质均衡 学 过 程 屏幕上同时跳出长颈鹿和大象说道:I can help.) T: There come a giraffe an

6、d an elephant. Can the giraffe go in from here? S1: No, he cant. He is too tall/big. T: Can the elephant go in from here? S2: No, he cant. He is too tall/big. T: Who can help? Look! There come a monkey and a mouse. (大屏幕上同时跳出猴子和老鼠说道:I can help.) Listen and find who can help. (播放老鼠和猴子的录音: The mouse: H

7、ow tall are you? The monkey: Im 50 centimeters. The mouse: Im 6 centimeters.) T: The mouse asked: How tall are you. Thats what we are going to learn today.(书写标题 How tall are you 并 带学生读两遍) T: How tall is the monkey? S: The monkey is 50 centimeters. T: 教授 centimeter 和 meter, 边教边将词条贴在黑板 上。 So the mouse

8、 said: You are taller than it. Im shorter than it. I can help. 屏幕上出示句子和比较级句型结构: You are taller than 和小洞进行 对比, 学生可 以更好地理 解和记忆新 单词 taller. 利用图片将 猴子、 老鼠和 小洞进行对 比, 学生理解 新单词 taller 以及句型: You are taller than it.Im shorterthan it. 唯真唯善唯美 爱无形教无痕减负增效优质均衡 it.Im shorter than it.A+be+adj(er)+than +B 教授句子两遍,并将句条

9、贴上黑板。 T: Can the mouse help? (呈现 Giselle 出逃的图片,回答 正确的小组爬一级台阶。) 2 taller and shorter T:Oh,look, there is a wall. Who can jump over the wall with Giselle? (屏幕上同时跳出斑马和长颈鹿:I can help.附带句型:A+be+adj(er)+than +B ) T:Who can help? S1: The giraffe can help? T: Why? S1: Because the giraffe is taller than the

10、wall. T: Lets check.(长颈鹿跌倒:Im 25 years. Im too old. Sorry.) So we need a young giraffe.(跳出一只黄色的年长颈鹿: Im young. I can help.) T: there comes a yellow giraffe. Can the yellow giraffe help? Why? S2: Yes, because the yellow giraffe is younger than the brown giraffe./ The brown giraffe is older than the y

11、ellow giraffe.(教授older和younger两个词, 并贴黑板) 拿出四张长颈鹿的图片贴在单词前后,学生根据图片 通过将长颈 鹿、 斑马与墙 进行对比, 巩 固所学新单 词 taller and shorter. 动画中的长 颈鹿动作滑 稽幽默让学 生在轻松愉 快的氛围中 理解故事、 单 词、句型。 唯真唯善唯美 爱无形教无痕减负增效优质均衡 重复句子:The yellow giraffe is younger than the brown giraffe. The brown giraffe is older than the yellow giraffe. T: Lets

12、see whether he can help or not?(出示 Giselle 出 逃的图片,回答正确的小组爬一级台阶。) 3 longer and shorter T: Look! Theres a river. We need a bridge. Who can help?(屏幕上同时爬出一条绿色的蛇和一条红色的 蛇:I can help.附带句型:A+be+adj(er)+than +B ,同 时闪现桥的宽度。) T:Who can help? S1: The red snake. T: Why? S1: Because the red snake is longer than t

13、he river.(出示 longer) The green snake is shorter than the river.(出示 shorter) T:Can the mouse help? (呈现 Giselle 出逃的图片,回 答正确的小组爬一级台阶。) Step 3 Practice 1 cross the maze T: Look! A maze. There are many doors in this maze. And on each door there is a question on it. If you give the right answer to it, the

14、 door would open. If you give the 用蛇当桥, 学 生在前面学 习的基础上 可以很好地 理 解 longer andshorter 的含义。 并能 更好地使用 句型 A+be+adj(er) +than +B描 述人和物。 利用头脑风 暴的方式进 行操练, 让学 唯真唯善唯美 爱无形教无痕减负增效优质均衡 wrong answer, the door will shut forever. 第一道门:两棵高低粗细不同的树。 答案:The apple tree is shorter than the pear tree. 第二道门:两只颜色和大小都不同的小鸟。 答案

15、:The blue bird is bigger than the yellow bird. 第三道门:一对高矮胖瘦不同的夫妻。 答案:The man is fatter than the woman. Giselle is finally home.(出示 Giselle 和父母团聚的照片) 2 Write a letter Two years later. Giselle miss everyone who helped her. She wrote a letter to thank all the animals and all of you. Do you want to read

16、her letter? Dear friends, Thank you for helping me. Now Im taller and heavier than 2 years ago. Im falling love with(爱上) reading. Today I want to share my favourite story with you. I hope you can like it. Yours, Giselle Get the students finish the following tasks after reading the story: Task 1 Line

17、 out the sentences with the pattern: A + be + 生在最快的 时间内找出 两个物体的 不同, 并用新 学句型 A+be+adj(er) +than +B进行 描述两个物 体或人物的 不同。 通过幻灯片 播放故事, 复 习拓展本课 所学重点句 型, 更让学生 明白寸有所 长, 尺有所短 唯真唯善唯美 爱无形教无痕减负增效优质均衡 adj(er) + than+ B Task 2 Read and repeat. Task 3 Write back to Giselle. Model: Dear Giselle, How time flies! Thank

18、 you for your story, I like it very much. You want to know something about me and my friends. Now let me tell you. Now, I am 2 years older than before. Before, I was short, so I couldnt ride my bike well. I am taller now, and I go cycling everyday. Before, my friend Wang Jia is 1 centimeter shorter

19、than me. But now she 1 centimeter taller than me. I am a little sad. I am stronger than before. How about you? Are you taller now? Yours, . 3 Show the works Call some students to the board and the others help them check the mistakes. Step 4 Conclusion and homework 1 Conclusion Today we read a story.

20、 In this story, Giselle met many 的道理。 写信的过程 就是把所学 知识内化后 输出的过程。 唯真唯善唯美 爱无形教无痕减负增效优质均衡 difficulties. Lets see who helped her overcame the difficulties and why they can help.老师引导学生在板书 的帮助下复述故事。 2 Homework Please tell this story to your friends or parents. 课堂反思 通过本节课的学习, 90%的学生能够听、 说、 读、 写单词: younger, older, taller, shorter, longer. 80%的学生能够在情境中恰当运用以 下句型比较人、动物的外貌特征:How tall are you? Im How old are you? Im How long are you? Im 通过这个故事孩子们明白当遇到困难时要勇敢面对, 积极采取行 动。也明白了“寸有所长,尺有所短”的道理。 备注:可在简案上批注、补充、勾画及修改。课堂亮点确实没有,写“无” 。改进建议、心得反思必须 要认真填写。


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