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Writing a summary A summary is a shortened version of a text containing only the key information. The aim is to present readers with a short, clear account(叙述) of the ideas in the text. What is a summary? Preparing to write 1. Select the key information Read the text carefully, looking up words you dont know. It is important to understand the whole sequence(顺顺序)of the argument. Ask yourself what the text is about. Think about the purpose of your summary and what your readers need to know. 2. Highlight the key information(the main ideas). Omit details such as examples, quotations(引语语), information in brackets, repetitions, and most figures(数字) and statistics(统计统计 数据). 3. Make notes on the key information in your own words. Writing the summary write a first draft(草稿) of your summary using the information your have selected. 1. Organize the ideas in your notes into a logical order. This need not be the same order as in the original text, but must show the same argument. 2. Condense(压缩压缩 ) the information where possible. 3. Express the ideas in your own words. This will usually be shorter than the original. Rewrite phrases in the text, but keep any key terms(词语词语 ) from the subject area. 4. Do not give your own opinion on the topic. Basic requirements 1. No comments Dont give your own opinion in your summary writing. 2. No details Omit detailed information, such as statistics,examples or dialogues. 3. No copying Dont copy the original sentences. Condense(缩缩写)sentences. 4. Coherence Use the shortest possible transitions,like so,but, however. 5. Number of words Write in about 60 words (60-80). 1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据所写概要的内容和语言初步确定其所 属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整 档次,最后给分。 3. 词数少于40和多于80的,从总分中减去2分。 4. 评分时,应主要从以下四个方面考虑: 对原文要点的理解和呈现情况; 应用语法结构和词汇的准确性; 上下文的连贯性; 对各要点表达的独立性情况。 (既有独立性,又与主题呼应) 概要写作的评分原则概要写作的评分原则 5. 拼写与标点符号的语言准确性的一个重要方面,评分 时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。 6. 如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一个档次。 增加评分原则: 7. 人称的一致性。(考生自己文章内人称要一致,变一次 扣1分,变两次扣2分) 8. 对原文依赖程度的判断。(使用原文个别单词不视为 抄写。) 评卷专家组指导意见评卷专家组指导意见 1.是否能找出要点,体现现考生阅读阅读 理解能力。 所以强调调要点。 2.是否能体现现要点,体现现学生语语言表达能力。 同时时强调调语言。 3.要点可以找到,但语言表达不易。 (初一学生也可以找到几个要点相关的词词,但很难难准 确地连贯连贯 地表达)。要点没有,肯定不行;要点全找 到了,不一定高分。 试评卷试评卷 要点1 主旨 要点2 要点4 第二档:7分 考生回忆考场作文考生回忆考场作文 要点1 要点4 要点2 要点3 主旨 Tips: Ways of condensation Use synonyms or synonymous phrases. 01 He was fluent in English. He had a very good command of English. Turn complex sentences into simple ones. 02 He received a welcome that was as cold as ice. He was _ welcomed. coldly Combine the sentences. 03 Hurry up _ youll miss the train. Hurry up. If you dont, youll miss the train. Replace direct speech with indirect speech. 04 Mary looked at Jerry disapprovingly and said, “You are talking dirty again, Jerry.” Mary asked Jerry not to talk dirty again. or/ otherwise Other examples of paraphrasing 同义词转换义词转换 everyday- ordinary their own systems for personal use-private systems no strong evidence-no clear proof ahead of time/ schedule 主动变动变 被动动或相反 名词变为动词词变为动词 with the rapid development of technology- technology is developing rapidly a heavy rain-rain heavily A 7.1-magnitude quake toppled houses, cut off power and first-aid materials supply in Yushu, Qinghai Province on Wednesday. Rescuers have set up more than 40 tents for survivors in the Gyegu Town, near the epicenter in the Tibetan AUtonomous Prefecture of Yushu in southern Qinghai. But the effort seems far less than enough for the area inhabited by some 100,000 people. Many people sought temporary shelters in buildings that remained unaffected by the tremor. A strong earthquake struck Yushu heavily on Wednesday. Though efforts like setting up tents have been made, they prove too limited for the vast area. Therefore, many survivors have to seek shelters all by themselves. The National Meteorological Station forecast on Wednesday that temperatures may hit minus 3 degrees Celsius at night and 15 degrees Celsius in the daytime in the coming days.The town will see strong winds and sunny weather in the coming days, providing favorable conditions for rescue operations. The town is located in a remote area in Qinghai the quake and ensuing landslides have damaged roads, causing great difficulties for rescuers and, especially, machines to enter the region. In addition, rescuers may get easily exhaused working at an altitude of above 4, 000 meters Despite the favorable weather forecast for Yushus rescue, there are still other great difficulties like its remote location, damaged roads, and high altitudes. Thousands of rescuers and medical staff are rushing to Yushu, bringing. The government, organizations, enterprises and individuals are offering donations of money and materials to the region. The good news is that more rescuers and materials are on the way to the disaster area. A 7.1-magnitude quake toppled houses, cut off power and first-aid materials supply in Yushu, Qinghai Province on Wednesday. Rescuers have set up more than 40 tents for survivors in the Gyegu Town, near the epicenter in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu in southern Qinghai. But the effort seems far less than enough for the area inhabited by some 100,000 people. Many people sought temporary shelters in buildings that remained unaffected by the tremor. In the yard of Yushus Sports Committee, nearly 1,000 people were sitting or lying on the ground in sheer darkness. Some wrapped themselves up with quilts taken out from the debris. Some brought their own tents and others turned on the lights of motorcycles. The National Meteorological Station forecast on Wednesday that temperatures may hit minus 3 degrees Celsius at night and 15 degrees Celsius in the daytime in the coming days.The town will see strong winds and sunny weather in the coming days, providing favorable conditions for rescue operations. The town is located in a remote area in Qinghai and the quake and ensuing landslides have damaged roads, causing great difficulties for rescuers and, especially, machines to enter the region. In addition, rescuers may get easily exhausted working at an altitude of above 4, 000 meters. Thousands of rescuers and medical staff are rushing to Yushu, bringing machines, disaster-relief materials and medicines to the quake-hit town. The government, organizations, enterprises and individuals are offering donations of money and materials to the region.
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