人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:6015e).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._Section B 1a—1e_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:6015e)
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    • 教案6015e.doc--点击预览
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Enjoy a video and answer : What do you think of the school rules? Section B Period 4 (1a-1e) Learning aims: To learn to use should + be allowed toto speak and discuss about what you are not allowed to do. To listen to the conversation and discuss the questions on page 53 with your classmates. Do exercise on page 1 by yourself. (完成学案第1面) 翻译官(导学案预习题): 1.上课迟到_ 2.和朋友一起学习_ 3.提前完成考试_ 4.担心 _ 5.严厉的制度_ 6.对某人太严格_ 7.补考_ 8.考试及格 _ 9.数学考试不及格_ get to class late pass the test worry about strict rules be too strict with sb. fail the math test take the test later finish the test early study with friends Do you ever ? do homework alone clean up your roomwatch TV on weekends get up late How often do you do these things? Write “A” for always, “U” for usually, “S” for sometimes and “N” for never. Do you ever 1. get to class late? 2. study with friends? 3. finish a test early? 4. worry about failing a test? 1a Do you ever get to class late? Student A: Yes, I sometimes get to class late. Group leader always , usually, often, seldom, never Student B:No, I never get to class late. 1b 1.What happened to Peter? He got up late in the morning. Then, he missed the bus. So he got to the school late, and the teacher didnt allow him to take the test. 2. Do you think Peter should be allowed to take the test later? Why? No, I dont. Because there are rules in school, and we should obey(遵守)(遵守)them. Listen and circle the things in 1a that Peter talks about. Do you ever 1. get to class late? 2. study with friends? 3. finish a test early? 4. worry about failing a test? 1c 1. Peter is going to _ a. take the test 2. He isnt allowed to _ b. pass the test 3. Peter wasnt allowed to _ c. fail a math test 4. He could _ d. take the test later 5. He should be allowed to _ e. get to class late. Listen again. Match these sentence parts. c e a b d 1d Listen again and answer questions. 1.Is Peter worried about his math test? 2.Did Peter get to school late? Why? 3.Is he allowed to be late for class? Yes, he is. Yes, he did. Because he missed the bus. No, he isnt. According to Peters problem, these three people have their own opinions(看法)(看法). What do you think of it? I dont agree. He should talk to the teacher after school. I think Peter should not be allowed to take the test later. Yes. I think his teacher will understand. Look at pictures and talk about some rules. get to class late Rule 1:We should not be allowed to get to class late. sleep Rule 2:We should not be allowed to sleep in class . Rule 3:We should not be allowed to eat anything in the classroom. eat anything Rule 4:We should not be allowed to listen to music in class. listen to music copy others homework Rule 5:We should not be allowed to copy others homework . use mobile phones Rule 6:We should not be allowed to use mobile phones . 1.We should not be allowed to get to class late. 2.We should not be allowed to sleep in class . 3.We should not be allowed to eat anything in the classroom . 4.We should not be allowed to listen to music in class . 5.We should not be allowed to copy others homework . 6.We should not be allowed to use mobile phones. Rules in our daily life(生活中的规则) Recently, we are building a national civilized city(创建创建全国文明城全国文明城) in Shiyan . In order to achieve our great dream, we should make some different kinds of rules in our daily life. Do you know the places that have rules? Each group can choose one of them. 2.public rules 3.dormitory rules 1.family rules 4. library rules 5.dining rules 公共场合规则公共场合规则 宿舍规则宿舍规则 图书馆规则图书馆规则 就餐规则就餐规则 家规家规 6. bus rules 公交规则公交规则 Summary 短语:短语:get to class late,fail the test,pass the test, take the test,be strict with 句型句型1.Do you think Peter should be allowed to take the test later? No, I dont agree./ I disagree. 2. I think parents should not be too strict with teenagers. 3.-Do you ever get to class late? -Yes, I sometimes get to class late. 语法语法情态动词的被动语态结构情态动词的被动语态结构should be allowed to. follow rules. break rules. 遵守规则遵守规则 违反规则违反规则 Living in the society, We have to we shouldnt 1.Write rules for your English class. 2.Preview the new words and expressions . Thank you for listening! 课题:新版新目标九年级课题:新版新目标九年级 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes? Section B (1a-1e) 教学设计教学设计 一、一、 【教材分析教材分析】 知识知识 目标目标 1. 学习并掌握下列单词和短语: take the test, fail a test, pass the test, fail the test , worry about ,strict rules, be strict with sb. 2. 理解并学会运用带有情态动词的被动语态。 能力能力 目标目标 3.能够运用被动语态谈论学校的规则,知道哪些是应该做的。 教教 学学 目目 标标情感情感 目标目标 4.通过本课的学习,使学生明白在学校什么是应该做的,什么是不应该做的,增强遵守纪律 的意识。同时,让他们明白应该在“十堰市的创文”活动中尽自己的一份力。 教学重点教学重点 正确使用被动语态,谈论生活中的规则。 教学难点教学难点 通过听说训练,提高听说能力。 教学方法教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法。 二、二、 【教学流程教学流程】 环节环节师生活动师生活动 I.I. Lead-inLead-in 导入导入 通过观看一段外国人谈论规则的视频,并回答问题,引 入新课。 Show a part of video and answer some questions to let the students aware of rules. II.II. PreparationsPreparations 准备准备 通过让学生翻译词组来了解学生的课前预习情况。 Make students translate some phrases to know something about their preview. III.III. PresentationPresentation 课堂呈现课堂呈现 1. 小组讨论,说说每天在学校都做什么事。讨论后完成 1a. 2. 根据 1a 所给出的答案,组内采访。 如:A:Do you ever get to class late? B:Yes, I sometimes get to class late. C:No,I never get to class late. 3.听力练习: (1) 听前:出示一系列图片,猜测故事情节,目的是引入 新词组,降低听力难度。 (2) 听中:听录音,圈出 1a 中彼得谈论的话题。 再听一次,完成 1d。 听最后一遍,回答几个问题。 (3) 听后:!e 小组讨论:Peter should be allowed to take the test later. Students need strict rules. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. 讨论后,进行对话展示,表达自己的观点。 IV.IV. ConsolidationConsolidation 巩固巩固 1.随机抽图片说规则,并对其进行简单评价。 We should not be allowed to get to class late. We should not be allowed to sleep in class . We should not be allowed to eat anything in the classroom . We should not be allowed to listen to music in class . We should not be allowed to copy others homework . We should not be allowed to use mobile phones. 2.小组活动 Group work: 根据本课所学知识,制定规则。 让学生巩固课文内容,锻炼语言运用能力。 Recently, we are building a national civilized city(创建全国文 明城) in Shiyan. In order to achieve our great dream, we should make some different kinds rules in our daily life. Do you know the places that have rules? Each group can choose one of them.() 1)family rules 2)public rules 3)dormitory rules 4)library rules 5)dining rules 6)bus rules V.V. SummarySummary 总结总结 根据教师提供的思路图,总结本课内容。 Summarize the important points in this class . VI.VI. HomeworkHomework 作业作业 1.Write rules for your English class. 2.Preview the new words and expressions . 3.选作:对某规则进行评述。 VII.Post-classVII.Post-class 教学后记教学后记 学生反应:在本节课中,大部分学生都能跟得上节奏。 总结得失: 教法改进: VIII.VIII.板书设计板书设计 BlackboardBlackboard design.design. Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B (1a1e) pass the test should be allowed to fail the test take the test later IX.PreparationsIX.Preparations 教学准备教学准备 多媒体,导学案 worry about the test the test take the test 九年级九年级 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B 1a1e (P53) 【Learning aims】 知识目标:知识目标:正确使用短语:fail a test, pass the test, strict rules, be strict with sb. 能力目标:能力目标:能够运用被动语态谈论学校的规则,知道哪些是应该做的。 情感目标:情感目标:使学生明白在学校什么是应该做的,什么是不应该做的,增强遵守纪律的意识。 学习策略:学习策略:通过在学校的实际情况沟通,让学生在训练中熟练掌握基本的被动语态和带有情态动词的 被动语态。 文化意识:文化意识:教育孩子要遵守规则在中西方文化中都占有重要地位。 【Key & difficult points】 能够运用被动语态谈论学校的规则,知道自己应该做什么。 【Learning【Learning procedure】procedure】 I. Pre-class 课前预习,写出下列词组: 1. 上课迟到_ 2.和朋友一起学习_ 3.提前完成考试_ 4.担心_ 5.严厉的制度_ 6.对某人太严格_ 7.补考_ 8. 考试及格_ 9.数学考试不及格_ II. While-class 1. 导入新课导入新课 How many school rules do you know? Can you obey these rules? What do you think of these school rules? 2. 教学过程教学过程 1. 小组讨论,说说每天在学校都做什么事。讨论后完成 1a. 2. 根据 1a 所给出的答案,组内采访。 如:A:Do you ever get to class late? B:Yes, I sometimes get to class late. C:No,I never get to class late. 3.听力练习: (1) 听前:出示一系列图片,猜测故事情节,目的是引入新词组,降低听力难度。 (2) 听中:听录音,圈出 1a 中彼得谈论的话题。 再听一次,完成 1d。 听最后一遍,回答几个问题。 (3) 听后:!e 小组讨论:Peter should be allowed to take the test later. Students need strict rules. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. 讨论后,进行对话展示,表达自己的观点 (4) Look and say (5)制定规则 3. 当堂检测当堂检测 根据首字母及汉语意思填空: 1. We all think he will f_ a test because he never works hard. 2. Im glad that I have p_ the exam. 3. As a student, we must be s_ in our study. 4. Dont w_, there is a little time left. 5. I _ (not think)he is a clever boy. 6. More trees should _(plant)to make our hometown beautiful. 7. Tom is not a_ to go out on school nights. 5. 小结及布置作业:小结及布置作业: . Post-class 我的收获我的收获 _.
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