人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section B 2a—2e-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:d058e).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._Section B 2a—2e_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:d058e)
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Section B Period 2 (2a 2e) Can you guess who she is? A. Miss Liu B. Miss Lius student support n& v 支持支持 get in the way of 挡挡的路;妨碍的路;妨碍 choice n.选择选择 enter v.进入进入 professional adj.专业的专业的/职业的职业的 policeman doctor actor nurse actress post man reporter singer engineer athlete computer programmer artist pilot cook driver teacher dancer writer musician guide boss scientist Whats your dream job? Do your parents support your dream? Whats the article mainly about ? A. A boys dream B. Parents worries C. Different opinions on making decisions between a boy and his parents Should I be allowed to make my own decisions? 5 1.Where is the passage probably from? A. A science magazine B. A teenager magazine C. A medical magazine D. A travel magazine 2.Match the main idea with each paragraph. Para1 (段落段落1) Para2 Para3 Para4 Liu Yus opinions Lead into(导入)导入) the topic Liu Yus parents opinions B B Para5 Read Paragraph1 and choose. A.Teachers B. Parents C. Teenagers Who might worry about teenagers success at school according to Para1? B B 2.Liu Yus parents let him practice running as often as he wants. 1.Liu Yu has never dreamt of being a professional runner. always wanted to be His parents wont allow him to train so much. 3.Liu Yus parents arent against running at all. F F TWe have nothing against running. dream of/about doing sth 梦想着做某事梦想着做某事 1. What does “this” refer to(指代)指代) ? A. He should be allowed to decide for himself. B. He doesnt really agree with his parents. C. He is serious about running. D. Its very important to work hard at school and enter university.进入进入 2. What is the meaning of “ be serious about” ? A. Do it just for fun B. Do it not for fun Its the only thing Ive ever wanted to do. Ive never wanted to do anything except it. 对对认真对待认真对待 1.Why do Liu Yus parents not allow him to practice running at night ? Because they think Liu Yu should study hard at night and he needs to spend more time on his homework. 1. Does Liu Yu agree with his parents at last? No, he doesnt. But Liu Yu still disagrees. 2.Whats the Chinese meaning of “Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream”? 只有那样,我才有机会实现我的梦想。只有那样,我才有机会实现我的梦想。 successspendchoosechance get believe otherserious professionachieve Liu Yu is a 15-year-old boy. He wants to be a _ runner. He is _ about running. But his parents always worry about his _ at school. They think running will _ in the way of his study. They think he should think about _ possible jobs. They think he should _ more time on his homework. They think his dream is hard to _. But Liu Yu disagrees . He think he should be allowed to make the _ himself. He _ himself. Only then will he have a _ to realize his dream. professional serious success get other spend achieve choicebelieves chance 1 10 9 8 7 6 2 4 5 3 Should Liu Yu hold on to his dream ? Why? talented(有天赋的)有天赋的) believe himself do what he enjoys more hard-working a hard dream to achieve a waste of time his parents knows him well 坚持坚持 “ Dear mommy, sometimes I dont do as you tell me, but I do study harder than before. I hope I will make some decisions for myself. I love you!” We should stick to(坚持)坚持)our dreams. If our parents dont support us , we should communicate better with them! Because they love us deeply. Write a letter to your parents to tell them what decisions you want to make for yourself and give your reasons. Dear Mum and Dad, _ _ _ _ Yours _ 1 Unit 7Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B (2a-2e) Step1: Greetings and lead into the topic. I T: Hello, boys and girls! Im Miss Liu. Im glad to have an English class with you. I hope you will do well in this class, will you? Ss: Yes, we will. T: Well done! Im new, so I want to know something about your life. (Lead into the topic if Ss can make their own decisions by asking some questions.) (设计意图:通过与学生开展对话,自然地复习这个单元所学的东西,并(设计意图:通过与学生开展对话,自然地复习这个单元所学的东西,并 且能非常自然地导入新课地学习)且能非常自然地导入新课地学习) II T: (Ask a boy to stand up.) Wow, this cute boy, could you stand up? (Then ask other Ss to look at him.) Your clothes are in fashion. Can you choose clothes for yourself? S1: Yes, I can. I can choose my own clothes. T: Oh, a lucky dog! T: ( Ask another student to stand up.) Oh, you look sleepy, did you play computer games last night? S2: Yes, I did. 2 T: Do your parents allow you to play computer games as much as you want? S2: No, they dont allow me to play on school nights at all. I think its kind of strict. T: I think your parents are right. Look, you are sleepy now. (设计意图:在与学生轻松愉快地交流中进入本课主题:你能否自己做决定。设计意图:在与学生轻松愉快地交流中进入本课主题:你能否自己做决定。 ) Step2 Lead into the new words by playing a guessing game. I Play a guessing game. T: Just now I knew something about you .Now I want to show you a photo about my life. ( Show the photo.) T: Can you guess who the girl is? ( A: Miss Liu B: Miss Lius student) Then make Ss guess and answer. S1: B, Miss Lius student. S2: I think its Miss Lius student. S3 : Maybe its Miss Liu. T: Great! Youre a magic guesser. Yes, its me. Its a photo when I was in 3 Grade9. So, from the photo you can know I wanted to be a professional dancer. But my parents didnt support me. They thought it would get in the way of study. I had no choice but to enter senior high, and now Im a teacher. II Lead the students to learn the new words. professional adj.专业的专业的/职业的职业的 support n& v 支持支持 get in the way of 挡挡的路;妨碍的路;妨碍 enter v.进入进入 choice n.选择选择 ( 设计意图:从照片引起学生地兴趣并自然地导入新单词设计意图:从照片引起学生地兴趣并自然地导入新单词) III Pair work. Ask student to practice a simple conversation of this topic. T: You read very well. Just now, I talked about my dream. Different people have different dreams. Now, I want to know yours. ( First ,ask a student to practice with the teacher.) T: This lovely girl. Whats your dream job? S1: I want to be a boss. / I dream of being a boss. Because I want to buy a big house for my family. T: A great dream. I hope you can achieve it. By the way ,do your parents support you? S1: Yes, they do. T: Wonderful, your parents must be your good friends. Now I want you to find a partner to practice a similar conversation. I will give you 3minutes. Then Ill ask some pairs to act out. Are you ready? Go! (A sample of the conversation.) 4 A: Whats your dream job? B: My dream job is being a singer. A: Do your parents support you? B: Yes, they do. / No, they dont. After 3 minutes, ask some pairs to show. Then the teacher make a conclusion and lead into the passage. (设计意图(设计意图: 通过简单的对话训练通过简单的对话训练,能让学生迅速掌握所学单词,并且为课能让学生迅速掌握所学单词,并且为课 文的学习做好铺垫。文的学习做好铺垫。 ) Step3: Presentation ( Lead into the passage.) T: You did a very good job. From your conversation, we know some of us are lucky to get parents support, while others are not. Today , we will learn a story about a boy. He may have the same problem as some of us. Now, please look at the picture and the title, can you predict what it is about? A. A boys dream B. Parents worries C. Different opinions on making decisions between a boy and his parents Ask Ss to answer. S1: I think its A. S2: B S3: C T: Each answer is possible. Now lets read through it and find more information about it. First, please number the paragraphs. Read the passage for 5minutes. And finish these twos tasks. 5 II Fast- reading(5 minutes) 1.Where is the passage probably from? A. A science magazine B. A teenager magazine C. A medical magazine D. A travel magazine 2. Match the main idea with each paragraph. Para1 Liu Yus opinions Para2 Lead into(导入)导入) the topic Para3 Para4 Para5 Liu Yus parents opinions After reading, ask Ss to answer and ask how they know the answers. T: You are creative! Now ,lets read paragraph by paragraph and know Liu Yu and his parents opinions. Step4 Careful-reading tasks. Read paragraph by paragraph. Read paragraph by paragraph. And finish different tasks. (1)Read Paragraph1 and choose. Who might worry about teenagers success at school according to Para1? A. Teachers B. Parents C. Teenagers (2)Read Para2 and mark T or F, and give your reasons. 1. Liu Yu has never dreamt of being a professional runner. 2. Liu Yus parents let him practice running as often as he wants. 6 3. Liu Yus parents arent against running at all. (2)Read Para3 and choose the right answers, then give your reasons. 1. What does “this” refer to(指代)指代) ? A. He should be allowed to decide for himself. B. He doesnt really agree with his parents. C. He is serious about running. D. Its very important to work hard at school and enter university. 2. What is the meaning of “ be serious about” ? A. Do it just for fun B. Do it not for fun (3)Read Para4 and answer, then give your reasons. 1.Why do Liu Yus parents not allow him to practice running at night ? (4)Read Para5 and answer, then give your reasons. 1. Does Liu Yu agree with his parents at last? 2.Whats the Chinese meaning of “Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream”? (设计意图:阅读教学突出阅读课的特点,通过层层深入的阅读活动,利(设计意图:阅读教学突出阅读课的特点,通过层层深入的阅读活动,利 用各种不同的方法,并且在每次回答完问题都问学生答案的出处,能让学用各种不同的方法,并且在每次回答完问题都问学生答案的出处,能让学 生学习阅读策略。生学习阅读策略。 Step5 After- reading task. Fill in the blanks with given words。 Check if the students have mastered the main idea of the passage. T: After reading the passage, have you got the main idea? Lets check by filling in the blanks with the given words. Change the forms if necessary. 7 success choose spend chance believe get serious other profession achieve Liu Yu is a 15-year-old boy. He wants to be a _ runner. He is _ about running. But his parents always worry about his _ at school. They think running will _ in the way of his study. They think he should think about _ possible jobs. They think he should _ more time on his homework. They think his dream is hard to _. But Liu Yu disagrees . He think he should be allowed to make the _ himself. He _ himself. Only then will he have a _ to realize his dream. ( 设计意图:通过短文填空的方式,结合今年中考英语的新题型,不仅能设计意图:通过短文填空的方式,结合今年中考英语的新题型,不仅能 让学生掌握课文大意,更能进一步训练学生的综合语言知识的运用能力。让学生掌握课文大意,更能进一步训练学生的综合语言知识的运用能力。) Step6 Group work. Have a discussion to understand it better. T: From the passage, we know Liu Yu and his parents have different opinions towards his dream. Now ,lets discuss in groups if he should insist on his dream. Ill give you 5 minutes and then you can show your ideas.( Then show some phrases to help them. 1. Should Liu Yu hold on to his dream ? Why? talented(有天赋的)有天赋的) believe himself do what he enjoys more hard-working a hard dream to achieve 8 a waste of time his parents knows him well (设计意图:这个环节是阅读的拓展和延伸,能进一步训练学生的思维,(设计意图:这个环节是阅读的拓展和延伸,能进一步训练学生的思维, 而不仅仅是局限于文章内容本身。而不仅仅是局限于文章内容本身。 ) Step 7 Project ( Write down and share.) T: You all have creative mind. Marvelous! In our daily life, we may have the same problems as Liu Yus. When we have disagreements with parents, what do you often solve it? ( Ask Ss to answer first.) S1: I may fight with them. T: Oh, I dont its a good way. S2: I may be angry. S3: I may send a short message to them. T: I think we may communicate more with them, do you think so? In this class , I want you to write down the words you want to say to your parents, and stick it on the board. Ill give you an example. Dear mommy, sometimes I dont do as you tell me, but I do study harder than before. I hope I will make some decisions for myself. I love you! Give them 3 minutes to write and then share it. Then the teacher make comments. T: We should stick to(坚持)坚持)our dreams. If our parents dont support us , 9 we should communicate better with them! Because they love us deeply. (设计意图:这俩个环节都是在理解文章的基础上,结合学生的实际,把所设计意图:这俩个环节都是在理解文章的基础上,结合学生的实际,把所 学内容运用到生活实际中来,同时渗透了情感教育。进一步升华了教学。学内容运用到生活实际中来,同时渗透了情感教育。进一步升华了教学。) Step 8: Homework T: You moved me a lot, my dear. Dont forget todays homework. Write a letter to your parents to tell them what decisions you want to make for yourself and give your reasons. Dear Mum and Dad, _ _ Yours _ Step9 Blackboard design. More communication, better understanding.
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