人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-(编号:30f24).zip

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Unit9 SectionA(3a-3c) 教案教案 教材分析教材分析 【本单元话题本单元话题】 本单元以“音乐和电影”为话题,以表达喜好为交际功能,重点在这些语境中学习和运用由 that, who, which 引导的定语从句。 【本单元重点掌握目标本单元重点掌握目标】 1.掌握由 that, who, which 引导的定语从句的用法。 2.能够用定语从句表达对音乐、电影等内容的喜好。 【教材内容拆分分析教材内容拆分分析】 本部分为阅读版块提供了一篇关于电影喜好的文章。 3a 要求学生从文中找出不同的电影类型及提及的电影名称; 3b 主要引导学生关注文中的细节; 3c 则是让学生根据短文信息,结合自己的实际回答问题,填写表格,为 Section B 部分的学习提供信息储备。 【通过本单元的学习学生需掌握哪些综合技能通过本单元的学习学生需掌握哪些综合技能】 1能够听懂带有定语从句的复杂句子。 2能在口语对话中熟练应用定语从句。 3能读懂对电影等事物的评论。掌握由 that/ who/which 引导的定语从句。 4. 通过对写作内容和写作方法的分析完成写作任务。 5. 通过对本单元语法的复习和巩固,学会归纳与总结。 6. 通过小组间的相互合作活动,增长知识,提高审美鉴赏能力。 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1.学习掌握下列词汇:down, dialogue, ending, documentary, drama, plenty, plenty of, shut, shut off, superhero, once in a while 2. 进一步熟练掌握 that / who/ which 引导的定语从句。 教学目标教学目标情感态度价值观目标情感态度价值观目标: 1. 使学生学会谈论自己的喜好。 2. 通过表达个人喜好,提高学生欣赏美的水平。 3. 激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情。 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 掌握本课时中出现的生词 down, dialogue, ending, documentary, drama, plenty, plenty of, shut, shut off, superhero, once in a while 2. 学会用 that/ who 引导的定语从句描述自己喜好 教学难点:教学难点: 学会用 that/which/who 引导的定语从句描述自己喜好。 建议教法建议教法以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用引导法和三步阅读教学法“导、读、练”完成相应阅读任务,学生通过自主探究和完成 任务相结合方式学习。 教学流程教学流程 (详见相应教学设计) 教学评价教学评价 1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。 2.读中通过不同的阅读策略完成任务,引导学生理解课文,提高了学生阅读理解能力,形成有效的阅读策略。 3.读后结合课文的理解和课文中出现的语言知识点,有助于把握整篇文章大意和巩固所学知识。 【本课时教学设计本课时教学设计】 步骤步骤过程过程措施(教师活动与学生活动)措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的目的持续性评价持续性评价 DELC4 1 预备与激活 先期知识 Step 1 Revision and warming up ( 3mins ) T: What kind of music do you like? Ss: I like/ prefer/ love music that T: What kind of groups do you like? Ss: I like/ prefer/ love groups that T: What kind of musicians do you like? Ss: I like/ prefer/ love musicians who T: What kind of movies do you like? Ss: I like/ prefer/ love movies that 创设情景,复习上节课所学知 识。谈论喜欢的电影类型,引 入本课关于电影的话题。 学生是否能用定语从句 表达喜好。 DELC5 2 获取新知识 Step2 Pre- reading (读前) (5mins) 1.Look at the picture and guess. What might the girls be doing? 2.Show students some pictures of different kinds of movies and present the types of movies. T:Lets look at some pictures and try to say the types of the movies: documentary comedy drama cartoon action movie scary movie 3.Let students choose different kinds of movies that they 1.引导学生看文中的图片并回 答问题,激发学生对阅读文章 的好奇和兴趣。 2.呈现表示不同类型电影的词 汇,为阅读作铺垫。 3. 给学生展示短文中涉及到的 学生是否能根据图片内 容猜测文章主旨大意。 Like and tell why, then show the information about the movies, let student know more about it. 电影的图片,帮助学生更好地 理解文章内容。 DELC6 3 深度加工知 识 Step 3 While- reading (读中) (22mins) 1.Work on 3a. Read the passage. Underline the different kinds of movies and circle the movies names. the different kinds of movies: comedies, cartoons, dramas, documentaries, action movies, scary movies the movies names: Man in Black, Kung Fu Panda, Titanic, March of the Penguins, Spider-Man 2.Read the passage and fill in the column. Kinds of movies Movie names Description(描 述) 3. Find out the relative clauses in the article and try to understand the meaning according to the context. 4. 1.培养学生快速阅读的能力。 2.让学生将教材内容整理成表 格,促进学生理解篇章内容, 了解文章架构。 3.找出文中的定语从句,让学 生联系上下文理解定语从句的 意义及用法。 1.学生是否学会分析信 息、处理信息的能力。 Task4.Read the 2nd passage and answer the questions,Then check the answers with the Ss. 1. What kinds of movies does the writer prefer to watch when he or she is sad or tired? 2. How does the writer feel after watching these movies? Task5.Read the 3rd passage and answer the questions, Then check the answers with the Ss. 1. What kinds of movies does the writer prefer to watch when he or she is sad or tired? 2. Why? Task6.Read the 4th passage and answer the questions, Then check the answers with the Ss. 1. Does the writer like scary movies? 2. When does he or she watch them? 4.通过回答问题完成细读任务。 DELC7 4 评价学生学 习 Step 4 Post- reading(读 后) (10 mins) 1. Let students find out the important words and expressions in 3a. They can ask the teacher for help. 2.Teacher explain the important and difficult language points. 3. Work on 3c. What kinds of movies do you like to watch? Complete the chart and give a report. 1.学生自己找语言知识点,锻 炼了学生自学能力。 2.学生运用定语从句进行演讲, 表达喜欢电影的类型,检测学 生对目标语言的掌握情况。 1.学生是否能归纳出本 课所学重点内容。 多数学生能够运用目标 语言完成任务。 When Im I like/prefer to watch movies that/which Examples(movie names) happy sad tired bored 4.Use the mind map to retell the passage in 3a. DELC8 5 检测及情感 升华 Step 5 Practice(5mins) 1. Excercises 2. Teachers words Life is like a box of chocolate; you never know what youre gonna get! 3. Homework According 3c, write a report about the result of Movies TypesInformation Feeling your group. What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can sing along with. I like music that I can dance to. I like music that isnt too loud. I prefer music that has great lyrics. I like music that helps me relax after a long week at work. What kind of groups do you like? I like groups that /which play quiet and slow songs. What kind of musicians do you like? I like musicians who play different kinds of music. I like musicians who write their own songs. What kind of movies do you like? I like movies that /which are funny. I prefer movies that /which give me something to think about. What are they doing? What kind of movies do you know? Action movie DramaScary movieCartoon Comedy Documentary What kinds of movies do you like?Why? documentary n. 纪录片纪录片 Documentaries I like _. I like movies that_. provide plenty of information. documentaries provide plenty of information. What kinds of movies do you like? comedy n. 喜剧喜剧 Comedies I like _. I like movies that_. cheer me up. comedies cheer me up. What kinds of movies do you like? drama n. 戏戏; 剧剧 What kinds of movies do you like? Dramas I like _. I like movies that_. make me feel even sadder .dramas make me feel even sadder cartoon What kinds of movies do you like? Cartoons I like _. I like movies that_. are interesting. cartoons are interesting. action movie Action movies I like _. I like movies that_. make me excited. action movies make me excited. What kinds of movies do you like? scary movie Scary movies I like _. I like movies that _. make me so scared. scary movies make me so scared. What kinds of movies do you like? Underline the different kinds of movies and circle the movie names. Skimming Men in Black Kung Fu Panda Titanic Spider-Man I underline _ and circle_ Dramas Documentaries Movies Comedies tragedies Action movies Scary movies Cartoons Science fictions March of the Penguins Task 1. Task2. Careful reading Kinds of movies Movie names Description(描述描述) _ or _ have _ _ and usually have _ _ _ _ _make me feel _ _ _ _ provide plenty of information about _ _ _ _dont need to think too much comedies Men in black Kung Fu Panda funny dialog a happy ending dramasTitanic even sadder documentaries March of the Penguins a certain subject action movies Spider-Man 1. What kinds of movies does the writer prefer to watch when he or she is sad or tired? He prefers movies that can cheer him up. For example, comedies and cartoons. Task4.Read the 2nd passage and answer the questions 2. How does the writer feel after watching these movies? Relaxed. 1. What kinds of movies doesnt the writer prefer to watch when he or she is down or tired? I dont watch dramas or documentaries. 2.Why? It makes me feel even sadder. I dont want to think too much. Task5.Read the 3rd passage and answer the questions 1. Does the writer like scary movies? Yes, he/ she does. Task6.Read the 4th passage and answer the questions 2. When does he or she watch them? He/ She watches them with a friend who isnt afraid of watching scary movies. Task7.Read the passage and find out the phrases 汉意汉意英语英语 1.坚持坚持 2.依赖依赖 3.使使振奋振奋 4.关闭关闭 5.拯救世界拯救世界 6.偶尔间或偶尔间或 7.提供大量信息提供大量信息 8.解决他们的问题解决他们的问题 stick to depend on cheer up solve their problems provide plenty of information After reading once in a while save the world shut off Work in groups Task8 What kinds of movies do you like to watch? Complete the chart and give a report. When Im I like watch movies that/which Examples (movie names) happy sad tired bored 3c3c Complete the sentences. 1. She likes classical music better than rock music.(同义句改写同义句改写) She _ classical music _ rock music. prefers to 2. The letter is from my sister. I received it yesterday. (合并成一句合并成一句) The letter _ I received yesterday _ from my sister. 3. How do you like the movie? (同义句改同义句改 写写) What do you _ _ the movie? that is think of Summary What have you found ? What have you learned ? What have you remembered ? Life is like a box of chocolate; you never know what youre gonna get! TeachersTeachers wordswords According 3c, write a report about the result of your group.
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