- 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands._Section B 3a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:e0002)
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Unit10Unit10 YouYou areare supposedsupposed toto shakeshake handshands Analysis of the teaching contents: Its a letter about Lin Yings exchange student life in France. Students need to grasp some important phrases and tell the differences between French and Chinese table manners and learn how to talk about youre supposed to do at the dinner table. Teaching objectives: 1.Knowledge objectives: 1) vocabulary: exchange , go out of ones way, make feel at home, teenage, granddaughter, behave, except, elbow ,gradually, get used to 2) Target language: Im very comfortable speaking French now. Youre not supposed to eat anything except bread. 2.Ability objectives: Be able to talk about customs and what youre supposed to do 3.Moral objective : Motivate students to know more about different countries table manners and tell them to do as the Romans do 4. Learning abilities: 1) Be able to grasp the basic structure of the letter. 2) Be able to use the reading strategies in their reading process. Teaching aids: Multi-media, flashcards Teaching methods: PWP , Task-based teaching Teaching key points: 1) Get specific information and have a better understanding of the letter by using the reading strategies. 2)To learn the differences between French and Chinese table manners. Teaching difficult points : 1)How to use the reading strategies. 2)How to write a letter to talk about Chinese table manners. Teaching procedures: .Warming-up & lead-in Play magic to arise students interest in this class. Tell students tissues are useful , especially when we are eating at the dinner table. Show one sentence on the screen to introduce the phrase be supposed to . 设计意图:通过让撕碎的餐巾纸复原这一魔术,调动学生的学习 热情,并导入到短语 be supposed to 的学习. .Pre-reading Show the photo of the textbook , and ask students to predict what may be mentioned in this letter. 设计意图:通过文本及图片的展示,培养学生阅读策略之文本预 测能力。 .While-reading 1. Ask students to read the whole letter quickly, then play the recording, students listen while reading. 设计意图:通过快速阅读及听录音,掌握文本大意。为下一步回 答问题作准备。 2. After listening,divide the students into two teams, show 6 question numbers on the screen, ask several students to answer the questions, they can choose any number of the question. If they get right answers, they can get 1 point for their groups each time. 设计意图:小组竞赛。通过展示 6 个交互式题号(6 个相对简单 的问题隐藏在题号下) ,学生可任选一题竞答,决出获胜小组。 增强答题趣味性,引导学生对文本的初略理解。 3. Ask students to read the first paragraph, and then underline the topic sentence. 设计意图:通过找主题句,培养学生阅读策略之总结能力,加深 对篇章的理解。 4. Read the first paragraph again and complete the mind map of the first paragraph. 设计意图:通过完成思维导图的填空,进一步深化学生对文本的 理解,同时思维导图的动态展示,也能帮助学生理解文本的框架 结构。 5. Read the second paragraph, then tell students to read the first two sentences ,and tell them these two sentences are a general introduction. Show the reading strategy, a general introduction is usually fallowed by specific details and examples. Then ask students to read the second paragraph again and answer how many examples are mentioned in Paragraph Two . Tell them we can find the answers by some key words or phrases. 设 计 意 图: 通 过 学 习 阅读策略之“总体介绍”,然后找出文中的例子, 引导学生学以致用,同时加深学生对文本结构的理解。 6. Play a short video and ask students to find out the girls improper behaviors according to the second paragraph. After watching it, show some screenshots from the video to remind students. Check the answers, tell students to use the expressions like She is not supposed to , or its impolite to . Show more pictures and ask students whatre the proper behaviors in France. Help students to say She is supposed to / She is expected to /She should to express their ideas. Make a conclusion: Things are very different from the way they are at home. 设计意图:通过播放课前录制有关餐桌仪的短片,让学生找出视 频中的不当举止并加以纠正。将阅读内容可视化、直观化,以期 增强学生的阅读乐趣,细化学生对阅读文本的理解,促进学生对 文本知识的迁移与内化。 .Post-reading 1.Show an e-mail from Mary who wants to know Chinese table manners. 设计意图:通过 email 出现动画创设情境,引出写作任务。 2.Ask students Do you know how to behave at the table in China. Show four pictures , students discuss first , then guide students to answer using Youre supposed/expected to or You should. Then show another four pictures and some key verbs. This time ,ask the to use Youre not supposed to or Its impolite to .Tell them all these are Chinese table manners. Say Things are really different ,so When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 设计意图:借助有关中餐礼仪的图片展示,引导、辅助学生运用 目标短语句式表达相关举止。为给 Mary 回复 email 作准备。 2.Ask students to write a letter to Mary .After they finished , ask one or two students to read their letters. 设计意图:通过写作训练,强化学生对目标语言的输出运用与内 化;通过阅读自己的回复,形成自我评价与同伴评价。 .Summary Summarize what we have learned in this class. 设计意图:总结所学内容,进一步加深学生对目标语言的识记与理 解。 .Homework 1. Read the article again. 2. Search for more different table manners between China and France. BlackboardBlackboard designdesign UnitUnit 1010 YoureYoure supposedsupposed toto shakeshake hands.hands. be comfortable doing sth get used to Youre not supposed to Its impolite to Youre supposed to You are expected to grand- daughter behave elbow gradually teenage exchange expect go out of ones way make feel at home Warming-up WhenWhen youryour handshands areare dirty,dirty, youyou areare supposedsupposed toto cleanclean themthem withwith thethe tissues(tissues( 纸巾纸巾 ). shouldshould / / bebe expectedexpected toto Pre-reading ReadRead thethe letterletter ,then,then choosechoose oneone questionquestion toto answeranswer. . 123 456 DidDid LauraLaura sendsend a a messagemessage toto LinLin Yue?Yue? WhereWhere is is LinLin YueYue ? ? DoesDoes LinLin YueYue enjoyenjoy stayingstaying withwith herher hosthost family?family? WhatsWhats LinLin YuesYues biggestbiggest challenge?challenge?WhoWho waswas thethe letterletter writtenwritten byby ? ?+2+2分分 While-readingWhile-reading ReadRead thethe firstfirst paragraphparagraph andand underlineunderline thethe topictopic sentence.(sentence.( 划出中心句划出中心句 ) ) mymy studentstudent exchangeexchange programprogram 1 1 havinghaving a a 3 3 timetime howhow nownow a a bitbit 2 2 whywhy HerHer hosthost familyfamily is is 4 4 TheyThey gogo outout ofof theirtheir wayway 5 5 teenageteenage granddaughtergranddaughter alwaysalways talkstalks toto herher 7 7 toto helphelp herher practice.practice. grandmothergrandmother learnedlearned howhow toto 6 6 resultresult ShesShes 8 8 speakingspeaking FrenchFrench now.now. wherewhere in in FranceFrance nervousnervous greatgreat reallyreally nicenice toto makemake meme feelfeel atat homehome in in FrenchFrench makemake ChineseChinese foodfood comfortablecomfortable beforebefore arrivingarriving therethere While-readingWhile-reading While-readingWhile-reading a a generalgeneral introduction(introduction( 总体介绍总体介绍 ) ) ReadingReading strategy(strategy( 阅读策略阅读策略 ): ): A A generalgeneral introductionintroduction ofof thethe topictopic is is usuallyusually followedfollowed byby specificspecific detailsdetails andand examples.examples. 对某一话题的总体介绍后通常有具体的细节和例子。对某一话题的总体介绍后通常有具体的细节和例子。 HowHow manymany examplesexamples areare mentionedmentioned in in ParagraphParagraph Two?Two? ListenListen toto thethe recording,recording, andand paypay attentionattention toto thethe examples.examples. While-readingWhile-readingPointPoint outout thethe girlsgirls improper(improper( 不合适的不合适的 ) ) behaviors(behaviors( 举止举止 ) ) accordingaccording to(to(依据依据 ) ) ParagraphParagraph Two.Two. SheShe is is supposedsupposed toto notnot ItsIts impoliteimpolite toto saysay I I amam full.full.eateat anythinganything withwith HerHer handshands exceptexcept breadbread putput breadbread onon thethe plateplate putput herher elbowselbows onon thethe tabletable cutcut it it upup andand eateat it it withwith a a forkfork thatthat waswas deliciousdelicious putput breadbread onon thethe tabletable SheShe shouldshould SheShe hashas toto expectedexpected toto TipsTips WhenWhen in in RomeRome , , dodo asas thethe RomansRomans do.do. 入乡随俗入乡随俗 ThingsThings areare veryvery differentdifferent fromfrom thethe wayway thethe areare atat home.home. Post-readingPost-reading Post-readingPost-reading DoDo youyou knowknow howhow toto behavebehave atat thethe dinnerdinner tabletable in in ChinaChina ? ? YouYou areare supposedsupposed toto YouYou areare expectedexpected toto YouYou shouldshould YouYou areare notnot supposedsupposed toto ItsIts impoliteimpolite toto ChineseChinese tabletable mannersmanners (餐桌礼仪(餐桌礼仪 ) SummarySummary HomeworkHomework 1.Search1.Search forfor moremore differencesdifferences betweenbetween ChineseChinese andand FrenchFrench tabletable manners.manners. 2.Write2.Write a a letterletter toto MaryMary andand talktalk aboutabout ChineseChinese tabletable mannersmanners . . ThanksThanks forfor listeninglistening !