人教版九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.-Section B 2a—2f-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:42868).doc

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人教版九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.-Section B 2a—2f-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:42868).doc_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.-Section B 2a—2f-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:42868).doc_第5页
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1、教材分析 本课时文章介绍中学生李文在学习、生活方面的过去与现在的不同。 训练学生阅读短文,能够根据上下文的理解猜单词词组的含意,培养学生 阅读技巧。 学情分析 进入初中生活阶段,学生们的身体和心里都在悄然发生变化。他们普 遍关注自己的外貌、性格特征和心里的感受。通过本文学习要求父母关注 孩子成长,学生学会换位思考理解父母。使学生明白事物是不断变化的, 从而培养学生积极健康的心态。 教学目标 知识与能力 目标 1.掌握本课生词和短语;influence, seldom, proud, be proud of, absent, fail, boarding school, in person, e

2、xactly, pride, take pride in 2.能掌握以下重难句子: Li Wens unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations. She advised them to talk with their son in person. They take pride in everything good that I do. 阅读理解本课内容,完成 2a-2e 各项任务。 继续掌握 used to 的用法

3、。 找一找自己的问题,学会分析与总结,让自己变得更好。 过程与方法 目标 1.运用亲身体会;根据上下文猜测生词含义。 2.本节课为阅读课,通过读前预测,读中通过找关键词 总结段落大意和根据上下文猜测词意等阅读技能的培养提升 学生的阅读理解能力。同时读后的口语活动设计将帮助学生 内化文章结构和语言并在语境中使用语言,培养综合的语言 运用能力。 情感态度与 价值观目标 学习换位思考理解父母。 使学生明白事物是不断变化的, 培养学生积极健康的心态。同时我们的社会要注意关爱留守 儿童。 教学重难点 重点 1.掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。根据上下文猜测生词 含义。 2.阅读理解本课内容,获得相关信息,提

4、高学生们的综 合阅读能力,完成 2a-2f 各项任务。 难点 1.根据上下文猜测生词含义。 2.阅读理解本课内容,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综 合阅读能力。 教学策略与设阅读教学中通过读前预测, 读中寻找关键词抓住段落大意和上下文还 计说明 原句子并猜测词意的阅读技能的培养提升阅读理解能力。 教学过程 教学环节 (注明每个 环节预设的 时间) 教师活动学生活动设计意图 一、 导入(启发 探究 5 分 钟) Step1. Show some pictures about the left-behind children. Ask : what do you think of the childr

5、en? Step2. Show a picture of a student and a teacher. Tell students that the boy is Li Wen. Hes a 15-year-old boy whose parents are working in the city. And the teacher is talking to him about his study. Look at the title of the passage and predict the problems he might have. e.g. S1. He used to bre

6、ak the school rules. S2: He used to hate studying and fail his exams. S3:Heusedtofightwithhis classmates. Now lets work on 2c Let students read the passage quickly and find out the problems that Li Wen used to have. Before reading 1.Students answer : They are poor; they miss their parents, they feel

7、 lonely and so on. 2. Now discuss the question with their partnerandguess theproblemshe might have. Fast Reading Work on 2c Read the passage 通 过 欣 赏 图片,让同 学 们 感 受 留 守 儿 童 的 生 活 艰 辛。引出文 章 的 主 人 公李文。 猜出Li Wen 过 去 的 问 题。为阅读 文章铺垫。 整 体 把 握 文章。找出 二、 Reading:交 流(合作探 究20 分 钟)学习课 文 Check the answers with the

8、 students. 1.felt lonely and unhappy 2.became less interested in studying 3.was absent from classes 4.failed his examinations 5.was shy and not able to make friends quickly 6.wanted to leave the school Step 3: T: Now lets work on 2b. First, tell students to read the sentences and make sure they know

9、 the meanings of all the sentences. Then read the passage again and try to put the sentences into the correct places in the passage. A. They had a long talk B. Now Li Wen has really changed C. However, things began to change a few years ago D. His teacher was worried about him 2. Give some good ways

10、 to the students. e.g. Paragraph 1: C指导: 由上文 “当他小时候, 他很少惹麻烦, 他的家人和他在一起生活” , 以及下文 “他 的父母搬到城市里去找工作,他很想念他 们而且觉得很孤独和不开心” ,可知李文 的生活发生的变化,故应选 C。 Step 4 again and try to underline the problems that Li Wen had. Careful Reading Read the passage and put the sentences A-D in the correct places. Careful Reading

11、 Li Wen 的 问题 着重培养 阅读技能 读懂每段 大意把 A-D 句子添入 中。 1.Tell students that they have to use the clues from the passage to help them guess the meanings of the words in the box. Make sure students know what to do. 2.Let students make sentences with each word. 指导: 1. influence 对比李文的父母外出 找工作前后李文的行为和思想表现;再由 下文“他变得

12、对学习不感兴趣、逃课、考 试不及格”等情况的出现,可知是李文不 高兴的情绪“影响”了他的学业。故 influence 一词应意为“影响” Absent 由上下文“他对学习不再感 兴趣” 、 “他考试不及格” ,以及关键词 classes,可以推测 “他经常缺课” ,可 知 absent 意为“缺席,不再” boarding school: 由上文 “ he was absent from classes and failed his examinations 和 Li Wens parents made the decision”可知其父母送其去了一所 寄宿制学校。 in person: 由下

13、文 “His parents took a 24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride to get to Li Wens school.” ,可知其 父母费如此大的周折赶回家来,就是因老 师的建议 “亲自和他们的儿子进行交谈”, 故可推测 in person 意为“亲自地” 。 Step 5: Read the second paragraph, and guess the meanings of the words. Make sentences with each word. Careful Reading read the whole passage car

14、efully and then answer the questions . Discuss the answers in pairs. 培养阅读 技能通过 单词所在 上下文句 子猜测单 词含义。 三、 总结 (引 深探究8 分钟) 四、能力提 升(8 分钟) Letstudentsreadthewholepassage carefully and then answer the questions below: 1. Why did his parents move to the city? 2. From what time did Li Wen become less intereste

15、d in studying? 3.Did Li Wens parents live far from him? How do you know? 4.Whatdid his parentsdecide to do ? 5.HowdidLiWenbehaveafterthe communication with his parents? Step 6 Ask students to read the phrases and words in the box of 2e. Then complete the passage with the proper forms of them. Check

16、the answers together. Step 7: T: Through the study of this passage, we know that Li Wen changed at last. Ask: 1. What changed him? Do you know? 2. Do you know what they talked about in the conversation? Workingroupsoffour,makea conversation between them, and role-play it. Post reading 1.Work on 2e s

17、tudents fill in the blanks and read the short passage Post reading Students answer the question. Role-play the conversation . 阅 读 文 章 从 细 节 到 整 体 理 解 文 章 主 旨 大意。 阅读微技 能:学习语 言知识。 通过小组 表演达到 深化文章 主题的目 的,通过这 一环节的 学习,锻炼 了学生的 阅读能力 和口语表 达能力以 及语言组 织能力。 同时进行 德育教育。 课堂小结 2 分钟 本节课通过阅读短文,能够根据上下文的理解猜单词词组的含意,学会 阅读

18、技巧。同时明白事物是不断变化的,学会换位思考,理解父母,从而培 养形成积极健康的心态。 布置作业 1 分钟 Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance, personality and hobbies. Then talk with a partner about your changes. 板书设计 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B 2a-2d Pa1: Li Wens family changedseldom Pa2: Li Wens school li

19、fe changedfail Pa3:Li Wen is the pride of his familyexamination Pa4:Now Li Wen is a good student 教学反思 1. 在阅读教学中,培养学生从细节到整体把握文章,同时注意微技能培训。 本节课以培养学生猜词能力为主要阅读策略。同时兼顾听说读写技能。 2. 本节课我比较满意,学生能把句子填写到文中,正确率几乎百分之百。 在猜词意技能方面,学生联系上下文找句子猜词意句子找的准确。 3. 根据课文内容进行德育教育,通过角色扮演不仅使学生的阅读能力得到 提高而且提升了学生的口语表达能力以及语言组织能力。 4从学生的作业和课后谈话我了解到学生本课学习效果好。 作文书写灵活运 用阅读短文中经典句子。自身变化模仿课文写作,同时有自身独到见解。


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