人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:10f1d).doc

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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:10f1d).doc_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:10f1d).doc_第4页
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1、Unit 13Section B 3aSelf check 教学目标教学目标 1.以环境保护为话题,以建议信的形式描述污染现状,并提出保护环境的建议。 2.词汇和常用表达: I think that We should / could I suggest 3、写作策略: 1.构思的策略:利用绘图的方式组织写作思路。 2.语篇衔接的策略:在写作时,借助关联词、连接性副词、以及一些介词和短语等 对上、下文进行有效的连接和过度,确保行文的流畅。 4、情感态度: 在谈论污染现状,探讨有效的环保措施的过程中,增强学生们爱护环境、保护地球的意识。并要让 学生们坚信只要人们能用积极的态度、 采取有效的措施,

2、 我们人类一定有能力解决严峻的环境问题。 教学过程教学过程 Step I. Before-writing activities 1. Watch a video At the beginning of the class, show a short video “The Wonder of Nature” to the students. After watching, ask the Ss what they see in the video. T: What have you seen in the video? S1: Ive seen blue sky, clean water, an

3、d beautiful snow mountains. S2: Ive seen colorful flowers, green grass, and clear spring. S3: Ive seen lovely animals living happily in the beautiful nature. T: What a wonderful world the earth has given us! But some people dont take care of our earth very well. Our earth is now facing many problems

4、. Do you know what the biggest problem is? Ss: Pollution. T: What kinds of pollution do you know? Ss:Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution 2. Discussion. Show the Ss some pictures of some kinds of pollution, and ask them to describe the pollution, find out the reasons, and

5、give possible ways to cut down the pollution according to what they have learned in Unit 13. T: Ive got some pictures of some kinds of pollution. Watch each group of pictures carefully and find out: What is the problem? What is causing the problem? What should we do to cut down the pollution? In ord

6、er to give the Ss an example, the teacher can lead the Ss to talk about the first kind of pollution together. T: What kind of pollution is it? Ss: Its water pollution. T: What is the problem? Ss: The river is _ rubbish and dead fish. T: What is causing the problem? Ss: People are throwing _and some

7、factories are putting _ into the river. T: What should we do? Ss: We should ask the_ to _ the factories. Everyone should help to _ the river. For the rest kinds of pollution, ask the Ss to talk in pairs. 3. Finish a passage with blanks.来源来源:学科网学科网 ZXXK (1) After the Ss finish talking about the pollu

8、tion, show a passage about the environmental protection with some blanks.Ask the Ss to finish the passage with proper words and phrases. (2) Check the answers. Then ask the Ss to read the whole passage for consolidation. (3)After reading, ask the Ss to match the main idea for each paragraph. _Paragr

9、aph 1:A. Introduce the pollution on the earth. _Paragraph 2:B. Call on all the people to take action together. _Paragraph 3:C. Describe three kinds of pollution and show the ways to cut them down. (4) Check the answers. Then ask the Ss how they find out the main idea for each paragraph. Lead the Ss

10、to realize: “Our earth used to be very beautiful, but now it is facing serious pollution.” is a topic sentence. “The rivers are badly polluted.” “And the land is also polluted.” “Of the three kinds of pollution, the air pollution is the worst.” show three kinds of pollution clearly and logically. “I

11、f everyone can take action, our world will become better and even more beautiful!” is a sentence to be used to show wishes. Show Writing strategyHow to narrate the things in a proper order: “You can use some conjunctions, adverbs, preposition phrases to connect the details together. Step II. While-w

12、riting activities 1. Discussion. (1)After talking about the pollution on the earth, ask the Ss to talk about the environment in Zaozhuang in pairs. *Which parts in our city have a nice environment? Why are they nice? *Which parts need to be improved? Why? At the same time, show two groups of picture

13、s: beautiful Zaozhuang and pollution in Zaozhuang to help the Ss finish the discussion. (2) Choose two or three pairs to show the results of the discussion. While the Ss show their discussion, the teacher can write down some key words or phrases on the blackboard in order to help the Ss to finish to

14、days composition later. Show Writing strategy-Mapping: You can use a map to organize your writing ideas. 2. Write (1)Tell the Ss: You have got some wonderful ideas to improve the environment in Zaozhuang. You had better let more p eople know them. One man can help us to ask more people to take actio

15、n to improve the environment in Zaozhuang. He is our mayor. Why not write a letter to him? (2)Give the Ss the writing requests. (3)Give the Ss about ten minutes to write the composition. Step III. Post-Writing activities 1. Check (1)After a ll the Ss finish writing, put one students composition on t

16、he projector. Lead the Ss to check the composition together according to the following evaluation scale. Choose several Ss to evaluate the composition item by item in the evaluation scale. (2)Then, ask the Ss to check their partners composition according to the above evaluation scale, andcorrect any

17、 mistake they find out with red pens. (3)Ask the Ss what they think of their classmates composition and why. In this way, the Ss learn to make comments. 2.Wish. Tell the Ss: Although Zaozhuang is facing some serious environmental problems, Im sure with the mayors help, if more people like you can ta

18、ke action, Zaozhuang will become even more beautiful. Step IV. Exercises: the end-of- class test I. Write different forms of the words. Then add more to each group. v.n.n.adj.adj.n.adj.adv. pollutefamedifferentslow act woodimportantwide protect sciencesudden来源:Zxxk.Com inspirehealthreal buildsouth c

19、reatecare II. Math each statement with the grammar structure.来源:学科网 ZXXK StatementGrammar The river used to be so clean.来源:Zxxk.ComPresent progressive We have seen many changes in the environment.Modal verbs People should take public transportation more.Passive voice The river is polluted by factories.used to The air pollution is getting worse and worse.Present perfect. Step V. Homework来源来源:学科网学科网 ZXXK 1. If the composition hasnt been finished, finish it. ( ) 2. Think about what we can do at home to protect our environment and share your ideas with your classmates.( )


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