人教版九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-部级优课-(编号:90ea8).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 1 How can we become good learners _Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+素材)_部级优课_(编号:90ea8)
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热身和打招呼部分:热身和打招呼部分: Greetings: (T: Good morning, my little ladies and gentlemen(鞠躬表示礼貌)! Ss: Good morning, Mr. Liu! T: Now, look at this picture. 第一部分:导入(话题一:愚公)第一部分:导入(话题一:愚公) 导入环节建议多一些活动让学生互动:最好 individual 第一张:T: Do you know anything about this old man? Who is he? Ss: Yu Gong. (如果学生已经说出来: 愚 公,那么老师说 Who is he?就成了废话,老师可以说:Yes, you are right. He is Yu Gong.) T: Do you know his story? (这里可以多些师生互动,多来几组师生互动)(学生已经说出愚公移山了,What did he do?也 就成了废话)What did he do? Ss: He moved the mountains with his sons and grandsons. (老师还可以问:Why did he move the mountains, 让学生更多地说说愚公移山的故事,哪怕是一句、二句都可以。) T: What do you think of this story? (通过这些问句交流可以与学生开始展开互动。 ) Ss: . 如果学生回答不出来,老师引导:Is the story interesting?(此处用一般疑问句,又容易回答,还能拓 展开来的句子提醒学生,不用选择疑问句,太限制学生思维了) Is Yu Gong silly? Ss 会回答一般疑问句的。 老师在此可以重复学生的回答(You think)(也可以这样:学生回答 its interesting, 老师可以说: Maybe you can say I think its interesting, I believein my opinionas far as I know),期待有一个清晰的语言表达。 (避免 Yes, 可以用:isnt it?) (让学生单个回答,可以有这个手势:老师举手并说”Who can tell me?”) 这个环节老师最好还要引导学生有更多的语言输入。比如:think、believe、if、Im sure 等的语言输入。 接着老师夸奖学生(T: You have different ideas on the same thing. You are great!老师竖起大拇指称赞学生) 第二张:T: Wang Ming and Claudia are also talking about the story of Yu Gong. What do they think of the story? Do they have the same ideas? listen! (开始播放听力) (听力放完)T: Do they have the same ideas? Ss: No! T: What do they think of the story? (手势、表情、停顿)Open your books, and look at page42 2d. Lets have a group discussion. Read the conversation/dialogue, find the information and fill in the chart. 2 minutes. Go(打枪手 势)! (下面的用语 Lets check the answers 可以调整为:Lets look at the chart.) ideas about the story Wang Ming 1. The story is really interesting.(注意学生 interesting 的发音),用正确的方式纠正学生的发 音。 2. Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem. 3. The story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard! 4. Yu Gong kept trying and didnt give up.(注意学生 kept 的发音) ideas about the story Claudia 1. Yu Gong is a little bit silly. 2. It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain. 3. There are many other ways to solve a problem. For example, he could build a road. Thats better and faster than moving a mountain! 2 分钟以后询问学生:T: What does Wang Ming think of the story? What did he say? Ss: T: He also gives detailed explanations. What did he say? 依次类推询问 How about Claudia? What does Claudia think of the story? T: Different people have different ideas on the same thing. When I read the story of Yu Gong, I also have my own ideas. Look at it, Lets read my ideas together with me.(范文老师要和学生一起读) 老师学生一起朗读完后, 老师问:T: You are clever, can you find some rules? 目的是让学生自己发现规律并总结,老师同时需要板 书结构词。如果学生总结不出来,老师代替总结并提醒学生注意表述的逻辑性。 (T:Pay attention to the Red Words: first, next, finally. If you have more than one idea, you have to express your ideas logically. 老师在此一定要板书结构词) So, today we are going to talk about this(手指向标题页). How can we express our ideas?(老师要读出标题,点题作用)(标题的停留时间太短了) (老师的评价语不要太夸张,也不要过于频繁。取消 Super!的表扬,例如:小组或集体,用 good job! 个人想法好,用 you have a good idea! 个别句子好,用 you have a good sentence! 板书:First, Next, Finally 要大写,不能随意,要规范。 ) 第二部分:话题二(开校园超市)第二部分:话题二(开校园超市) T: Look, there is going to be a supermarket in our school. Someone suggests opening the supermarket. Is it good? What do you think of the suggestion? Do you agree to open a supermarket in our school? If you agree, what do you say? 开展学生的 brainstorm(口头上集思广益),同理类推 T: If you disagree, what do you say? T: Wow, some say “agree”, some say “disagree”. Lets have a group discussion. List your ideas in the chart. Did you get this chart? Ss: Yes! T: OK, the words and expressions here may help you. 3 minutes. Go! 3 分钟后,T: Time to give a report. ( 老师示范下:I agree! N0.1No.2NO.3 ) T: like this. You read it by yourself, OK? 同理去让其他同学,自己来朗读自己的文章。 T: You are super/great! T: Time to put your ideas together and make it into an article. Write it down on this paper. T: Do you understand? 8 minutes. Go! (如果问到学生是否开商店,Is it good? Is it bad? 学生们出现一边倒,都同意了怎么办?老师可以追问一 句,Do all of you say”yes”, all of you? 防止学生都随大流,如果学生依然说 Yes, 老师就追问:Why? 先让 学生说出观点,老师不随意亮观点,老师只讲典型的,让学生认真想想再进行讨论。T: I dont have the same ideas with you. I think,这时候再亮明老师的观点,问学生:Do you agree?/ Is it right? Yes? Ss: yes!) 八分钟后,通过展示台展示学生作品并批改。 ideas about the suggestion agree 1. 2. 3. 4. ideas about the suggestion disagree 1. 2. 3. 4. 先展示一位写作较好的学生作品,估计学生会写得很好,但有可能是缺乏逻辑性。老师可以现场批改, 指导学生引入逻辑词来表述个人观点。 (这里注意:展示 2、3 个典型最好,1 个太少,first, next, then 等 不要出现地太早。 )T: A good article! But if you put these logical words into your article, I believe it will be much better. 此处要用到投影: 此时,老师呈现自己的作品(老师的范文尽量避开:agree、disagree. 可 以是 I think its a good idea/ a little bit) 。T:I also have my own ideas about this suggestion, lets see.(老 师自己朗读出来.) T: Read together, OK? 呈现老师作品,指导学生用好逻辑词,T: So you know how to express your ideas logically, Yes? Ss: Yes! T: So, I suggest giving you another two minutes to rewrite or correct your article, OK? Ss: OK! T: Go! 并要求学生再给 2 分钟重写(rewrite), 然后接着展示 4-6 人作品。T: Time is up, just stand up and read your article. 第三部分:话题三(拖堂)第三部分:话题三(拖堂) 老师故意做看表姿势,T:Wow! How time flies! We dont have enough time to share all of our articles. Well (停顿一下), I always want to teach you more, you know, but I sometimes delay the class.(切换到拖堂话题的画 面)T: You know: delay the class(呈现短语的汉意画面)? Ss: 拖堂。 T: You are fantastic! What do you think of my delaying the class? What do you want to say if I delay the class?(老师可以加入:Is it good?/right?/suitable?来询问学生) (该部分,老师向全班展开集体互动,进行集体讨论,以口头讨论、提醒为方式) 如果学生不说或者不会表达生词,老师顺势引导: 下面这段要考虑一下:下面这段要考虑一下: 一方面:Do you think delaying the class is good? Why or why not? Do you need to take breaks? Do you need to prepare for the next class? T: What else do you have to do during breaks? Do you need to go to WC? Do you need to eat or drink something? Do you need to go to the teachers office? Ss: 另一方面:Teachers will teach us more. 下面这段也有考虑一下:下面这段也有考虑一下: If I delay the class, do you have enough time to go to WC? Can you take good breaks? Do you have enough time to get to the teachers office? Can you buy your bread; drink your water to relax. Prepare for the next class. Is it good for your to keep healthy? But I will teach you more. 互动讨论完毕后,老师布置学生开始写。 Now, 3 minutes for you to write down your ideas logically, and then express it to me. Go! 展示完毕 1-2 人学生观点,老师即刻收回内容,准备布置作业。(假设学生没有用上逻辑词,在展示第一 位学生作品时,老师可以提示他:first, next,) T: Its a pity that time is limited. We dont have enough time to share our writing. So here is my email address. Please send your writing to my email after class. I will read and think carefully about your ideas. And that is your todays homework. T: Thank you! Goodbye, everybody! Ss: Goodbye! Yu Gong Liu Sir Wang Ming Anna listening Wang Ming Anna listening Wang Ming Anna Wang Ming ideas about the story 1. 2. 3. 4. Anna ideas about the story 1. 2. 3. 1. The story is really interesting. 2. Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem. 3. The story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard! 4. Yu Gong kept trying and didnt give up. 1. Yu Gong is a little bit silly. 2. It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain. 3.There are many other ways to solve a problem. For example, he could build a road. Thats better and faster than moving a mountain! Group discussion I think it is really interesting and educational. First, Yu Gong was brave and hard-working. He kept trying and never gave up. Next, I believe that the mountains wont grow, they will be moved away one day. Finally, Im sure that the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if I work hard! So, I dont think Yu Gong was a little bit silly, he was a clever man instead. How can we express our ideas? (如何表述我们的观点) Objectives in this class 1.写作技能目标: 学完本节课,学生学会自由地发表自己的观点;学生学会以篇 章形式并有逻辑性地表达自己的观点。 2.过程与方法目标: 在学生思维品质方面,学生敢于提出个人见解,并学会用批判 性思维分析问题,达到语言沟通、交流的效果。通过集思广益、 小组合作、讨论、展示、示范等活动方式,学生在课堂活动中积 极参与,气氛活跃,充分展示写作训练的成果。 3.情感态度价值观目标: 通过本节课的学习,学生学会有批判性地、有逻辑性地表达自 己的观点,建立批判性思维的意识。 open a supermarket in our school Group discussion: Do you agree to open a supermarket in our school? list your ideas(列出你的想法) agree ideas about the suggestion 1. 2. 3. . disagree ideas about the suggestion 1. 2. 3. . agreedisagree hungry, food, snacks, thirsty, drinks, in our school yard, near our classroom, easy to buy school things, safe, no need to go out junk food, unhealthy, study, be bad for, waste money, expensive, rubbish, plastic bags(塑料袋) Word Bank I dont think its a good idea to open a supermarket in our school. First, the junk food is bad for my health. Sometimes, I cant listen to the teacher carefully in class because Im thinking about buying something to eat. Next, it will waste my money. I should save the money because my parents are not easy. Then, the things I bought are usually more expensive than those out of my school. Finally, some students like to throw the plastic bags everywhere. It will be dirty. So I believe if there is going to be a supermarket in our school, Im sure the students will be crazy. delay the class 拖 堂 ? ? 我想多教 你们知识 /dle/ My email: 1 How Can We Express Our Ideas? 一、教学目标: 1.写作技能目标: 学完本节课,学生学会自由地发表自己的观点;学生学会以篇章形式并有逻辑性地表达自己的观点。 2.过程与方法目标: 在学生思维品质方面,学生敢于提出个人见解,并学会用批判性思维分析问题,达到语言沟通、交流的 效果。通过集思广益、小组合作、讨论、展示、示范等活动方式,学生在课堂活动中积极参与,气氛活 跃,充分展示写作训练的成果。 3.情感态度价值观目标: 通过本节课的学习,学生学会有批判性地、有逻辑性地表达自己的观点,建立批判性思维的意识。 二、教学重、难点: 1.教学重点: 学生勇于发表自己对同一个人或者同一件事物的观点,学生能够以篇章形式并有逻辑性地表达自己的观 点;学生愿意创新,学会用批判性思维分析问题。 2.教学难点: 1)逻辑性词汇的恰当引入时机。 2)批判性思维的合理引导。 3)小组讨论、合作学习及成果展示等环节的科学性安排。 三、教具准备: 实物展示台、PPT、课堂量表、幻灯片切换笔或者无线鼠标。 四、教学流程: Step one: Greetings T: Good morning, my little ladies and gentlemen! Ss: Good morning, Mr. Liu! T: Sit down, please! Ss: Thank you! T: Youre welcome! 设计思路:配合肢体语言,与学生良性互动,为学习内容的推进做好兴趣和自信方面的调动。 预期目标:师生互相问好,以良好的情绪,激发学生兴趣,促进学生自信心的树立。 Step two: Lead-in (Topic one: the story of Yu Gong/ Yu Gong moves a mountain) T: Now, look at this picture. Do you know anything about this old man? Ss: Yu Gong. T: Yes, you are clever. He is Yu Gong. T: Do you know his story? Ss: Yes. T: Who can say something about it? S1: He moved the mountains. S2: He has many children. S3: The Gods helped him out. Ss: T: What do you think of his story? S1:Its interesting. T:Maybe you can say “I think its interesting, I believein my opinionas far as I know” If you want to express your ideas, you can say: think its I believein my opinionas far as I knowor any other ways can you say? S1: I agree. S2: I disagree S3: Im sure that S4: it is + adj.+ to do S5: T: So I ask you again: What do you think of this story and how do you like Yu Gong. 2 Ss:. T: You have different ideas on the same thing. You are great! Just now, some students said” the story is interesting”, some students said “its ”. Different people have different ideas. (Lead students into the listening part) Wang Ming and Claudia are also talking about the story of Yu Gong. What do they think of the story? Do they have the same ideas? Listen! T: Do they have the same ideas? Ss: No! T: What do they think of the story? Open your books, and look at page42 2d. Lets have a group discussion. Read the conversation/dialogue, find the information and fill in the chart. 2 minutes. Go! Two minutes later:T: What does Wang Ming think of the story? What did he say? Ss: T: He also gives detailed explanations. What did he say? Ss: Then, how about Claudia? What does Claudia think of the story? T: Lets see whether you are right or wrong? ideas about the story Wang Ming 1. The story is really interesting. 2. Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem. 3. The story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard! 4. Yu Gong kept trying and didnt give up. ideas about the story Claudia 1. Yu Gong is a little bit silly. 2. It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain. 3. There are many other ways to solve a problem. For example, he could build a road. Thats better and faster than moving a mountain! T: Different people have different ideas on the same thing. When I read the story of Yu Gong, I also have my own ideas. Look at it, Lets read my ideas together with me. T: Pay attention to the red words and blue words. I can use different ways to express my ideas, I also use logical words. Do you know how to write? Ss: Yes. T:So, today we are going to talk about this: How can we express our ideas? 设计思路:让学生更多地说说愚公移山的故事,哪怕是一句、二句都可以, 引导学生会用 I thinkI believeIm sure thatI agree/ disagree it is +adj.+ to do sth 等能够表达个人观点的词汇或者句型结构, 充分进行语言输入。由听力部分:Wang Ming 和 Claudia 对愚公移山故事持不同意见,引出 different people have different ideas。由老师的范文,引出本堂课的写作话题。 预期目标:通过这些问句交流可以与学生开始展开互动。这个环节老师最好还要引导学生有更多的语言 输入。比如:think、believe、if、Im sure 等的语言输入。启发学生敢于提出个人见解,并学会用批判性 思维分析问题,达到语言沟通、交流的效果。引出本堂课的写作话题自然、顺畅。 Step three: topic two (open a supermarket in our school) T: Look, there is going to be a supermarket in our school. Someone suggests opening the supermarket. Is it good? Ss: Yes! (此处,容易出现学生的观点往一边倒的现象) (如果问到学生是否开商店,Is it good? Is it bad? 学生们出现一边倒,都同意了怎么办?老师可以追问一 句,Do all of you say” yes”, all of you? 防止学生都随大流,如果学生依然说 Yes, 老师就追问:Why? 先 让学生说出观点,老师不随意亮观点,老师只讲典型的,让学生认真想想再进行讨论。T: I dont have the same ideas with you. I think,这时候再亮明老师的观点,问学生:Do you agree?/ Is it right? Yes? Ss: yes!) T: What do you think of the suggestion? Do you agree to open a supermarket in our school? If you agree, what do you say? 开展学生的 brainstorm(口头上集思广益),同理类推 T: If you disagree, what do you say? 3 T: Wow, some say “agree”, some say “disagree”. Lets have a group discussion. List your ideas in the chart. Did you get this chart? Ss: Yes! T: OK, the words and expressions here may help you. 3 minutes. Go! Three minutes later, T: Time to give a report. Who can share with us? ideas about the suggestion agree 1. 2. 3. 4. ideas about the suggestion disagree 1. 2. 3. 4. Ss: 检测 4 组左右,试探学生的观点是否广泛、是否有创意。 T: You are super/great! T: Time to put your ideas together and make it into your writing. Write it down on this paper. 6 minutes. Go! 6 minutes later,通过展示台展示学生作品并批改。(展示 2-3 位学生作品) T: A good article! But if you put these logical words into your article, I believe it will be much better. 此处要用 到实物展示台: 此时,老师呈现自己的作品(老师的范文尽量避开:agree、disagree. 可以是 I think its a good idea/ a little bit) 。T:I also have my own ideas about this suggestion, lets see. T: Read it together with, OK? 呈现老师作品,指导学生用好逻辑词,T: So you know how to express your ideas logically, Yes? Ss: Yes! T: So, I suggest giving you another two minutes to rewrite or correct your article, OK? Ss: OK! T: Go! 并要求学生再给 2 分钟重写(rewrite your writing or correct your writing with your desk mate), 然后接着展示 4-6 人作品 (学生自己朗读自己的作品)。 设计思路:开校园超市有利有弊,老师引导学生开展讨论和小组合作认真进行分析,避免出现学生的观 点一边倒的现象。写作过程中老师的范文发挥着示范、引领作用,学生在展示与互批的实践中,初步学 会以篇章形式并有逻辑性地表达自己的观点。 预期目标:通过集思广益、小组合作、讨论、展示、示范等活动方式,学生在课堂活动中积极参与,气 氛活跃,充分展示写作训练的成果。学生学会有批判性地、有逻辑性地表达自己的观点,建立批判性思 维的意识。学生初步学会在半开放式的条件下,以篇章形式并有逻辑性地表达自己的观点。 Step four: topic three (delay the class) 老师故意做看表姿势,T:Wow! How time flies! We dont have enough time to share all of our writing. Well (停顿一下), I always want to teach you more, you know, but I sometimes delay the class.(切换到拖堂话题的画 面)T: You know: delay the class(呈现短语的汉意画面)? Ss: 拖堂。 T: Is it good?/right?/suitable? (该部分,老师向全班展开集体互动,进行集体讨论,以口头讨论、提醒为方 式) 如果学生不说或者不会表达生词,老师顺势引
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