人教版九年级Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:65435).zip

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I think that are delicious! Unit 2 Which is your favorite festival? And why? Revision: What can you think of when we mention (提到提到) the Mid-Autumn Festival ? mooncakesdesserts inin thethe shapeshape ofof a a fullfull moonmoon New words: 月亮 admireadmire thethe moonmoon 赏月赏月 traditiontradition 传统传统 laylay outout 摆放 getget togethertogether a full moon ChangeChange a a traditionaltraditional folkfolk storystory 民间的;民俗的民间的;民俗的 She is flying up to the moon. Hou Yi He is shooting down the sun. DidDid sheshe stealsteal magicmagic medicine?medicine? v.v. 偷;偷窃偷;偷窃stealsteal stolestole stolenstolen 1.Whats the main idea of the passage ? A. How the Mid-Autumn Festival comes from. B. How the people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. C. A story about Hou Yi and Change. 快读文章,快读文章, 迅速获取文章大意或中心思想。迅速获取文章大意或中心思想。 2. How do the people celebrate the Mid- Autumn Festival? admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families. By 1. What do mooncakes look like? What meaning do they carry? They are in the shape of a full moon on Mid-Autumn Festival. They carry peoples wishes to the families they love and miss. 锁定问题,抓关键。锁定问题,抓关键。 2. How many people are mentioned in the folk story? Four 的形状的形状 a goddess Pang Meng tried to steal the medicine Goddess thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine Change refused to give Pang Meng the medicine and drank it all Hou Yi became light and flew up to the sky. planned to drink the medicine with his wife. shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth Read Para. 2 and find What they did. Put the events in the correct order. TheThe keys:keys: 3b3b _Pang Meng tried to steal the medicine. _A goddess thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine. _Change refused to give Pang Meng the medicine and drank it all. _Hou Yi shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth. _Hou Yi was very sad and watched the moon at night, and wished his wife could come back _As a result, Change became light and flew up to the sky. _ Hou Yi planned to drink the medicine with his wife. 1 5 7 6 3 2 4 Long long time ago, there were 10 suns. Hou Yi _ the nine suns, and became the hero for all the people. shot down A _ gave him _ medicine to thank him. goddessmagic Why is the medicine magic? _ drank this could _ Whoever live forever Hou Yi planned. However, a bad man_Pang Meng tried to _ the medicine. called steal Change _ to _it _ him and _ it all. refused givetodrank Change became very _ and _ _ to the moon. lightflewup Hou Yi was _ sad _ he _ _ her name to the moon. so thatcalledout One night, he found that the moon was _ bright and round _ he could see his wife there. He quickly _ _ her fruits and _ in the _. so that laidoutdesserts garden After that, people started the _ of _ the moon and _ mooncakes _ their families. traditionadmiring sharing with The story of Change is one of traditional _ stories about Mid-Autumn Festival. Change was Hou Yis wife. Hou Yi _ _the nine suns and got some _ _ from a goddess. Pang Meng, a bad man, tried _ _ the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. But Change _ to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and _up to the moon. One night, Hou Yi found that the moon was _ bright and round_he could see his wife. He quickly _ _her favorite food and wished that she could come back! folk magic medicine to steal refused so shot down that laid out flew Fill in the blanks and complete the story. The story of Change is one of traditional _ stories about Mid-Autumn Festival. Change was Hou Yis wife. Hou Yi _ _the nine suns and got some _ _ from a goddess. Pang Meng, a bad man, tried _ _ the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. But Change _ to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and _up to the moon. One night, Hou Yi found that the moon was _ bright and round_he could see his wife. He quickly _ _her favorite food and wished that she could come back! folk magic medicine to steal refused so shot down that laid out flew Retell(复述)(复述) the story. WhatsWhats thethe meaningmeaning ofof “ “FullFull Moon,Moon, FullFull FeelingsFeelings” ”? 圆圆的月亮,满满的情思。圆圆的月亮,满满的情思。 月满,情浓。月满,情浓。 Besides Change and HouYi, do you know any other traditional folk stories about the Mid-Autumn Festival? Zhu Yuanzhang and Moon Cake Uprising Wu Gang Cuts the Laurell lrl 1.Retell how the Mid-Autumn Festival comes from. 2. Read the passage “Full Moon, Full Feelings ” again, and write down your ”full feelings” about Mid-autumn Day. (About 100 words) Homework (二选一二选一) In small groups, prepare to act out the story of Change in English . Act it next lesson. 必做:必做: 选做:选做: 1. Fill in the blanks and complete the story. The story of Change is one of traditional _ stories about Mid- Autumn Festival. Change was Hou Yis wife. Hou Yi _ _the nine suns and got some _ _ from a goddess. Pang Meng, a bad man, tried _ _ the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. But Change _ to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and _up to the moon. One night, Hou Yi found that the moon was _ bright and round_he could see his wife. He quickly _ _her favorite food and wished that she could come back! 2.Work in groups to write a short play script according to the story of Change and act it out. 教学 目标 A t the end of this class, students will be able to 1) improve reading ability. 2) understand and know about the reasons of the Mid-Autumn Festival and relative stories 3) respect Chinese traditional culture and love it. 重点 Improve reading ability.难点 Retell the folk story 教学步骤 Step1 Revision Lead- in. Review the festivals that were learned last class and let students talk about their favorite one and their reasons. Have students guess which festival is my favorite to lead out today s topic. Step2 Reading 1. Pre- reading, lead students to talk about what they know about the festival and teach the new words and phrases with the help of some pictures. 2.While-reading (1) Skimming Find out the answers to the following questions. 1)Whats the main idea of the passage ? 2) How do the people celebrate the Mid- Autumn Festival? (2) Scanning 1)What do mooncakes look like? What meaning do they carry? 2) How many people are mentioned in the folk story? (3) Detailed reading 1)Show the pictures of the four people in the story and have students find what they did. a. became light and flew up to the sky. Pang Meng b. tried to steal the medicine Change c. shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth d. planned to drink the medicine with his wife. Goddess e. refused to give Pang Meng the medicine and drank it all Hou Yi f. thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine 2). Ask students to finish the task in 3b 3. Post-reading (1) Fill in the blanks to complete the story of Change with the help of pictures (2)Retell the story using some key words given (3)Show students some other stories about Mid-autumn Festival. Step 3 Homework 必做必做 In small groups, prepare to act out the story of Change in English . Act it next lesson. 选做选做 1.Retell how the Mid-Autumn Festival comes from. 2. Read the passage “Full Moon, Full Feelings” again, and write down your “full feelings” about Mid-autumn Day. (About 100 words) 板 书 设 计 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious Reading Full moon Full feelings 教 学 反 思 本节课教学目标按计划 顺利完成,但学生在主 动站起回答问题方面不 是十分理想,今后教学 中应注意激发这方面的 积极性。
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