人教版九年级Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!-Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:42005).zip

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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (Section B 2a-2b) 一、单项选择 1. We all want to make friends with the boy because he is _ to others. A. polite B. impolite C. unfriendly D. rule 2. Do you know _? A. how long will she be away B. how long she will be away C. how often will she go there D. how often she will go there 3. Today, Wechat becomes very popular, and more and more people like to use it to _ each other. A. depend on B. communicate with C. hang out with D. fight to 4. Many boy students think math is _English. - I agree. Im weak in English. A. much difficult than B. less difficult than C. more difficult than D. so difficult as 5. Excuse me, could you help me carry the heavy box? - _. A. Yes, sure B. No, I couldnt C. Of course not D. It doesnt matter 二、按要求完成句子 1. “Where are you going?”I asked Mike. (改为含宾语从句的复合句) I asked Mike _ _ _ _. 2. We think it is a good idea. (改为否定句) We _ _ _ a good idea. 3. Traveling by subway is very convenient for us. (改为同义句) _ very _ for us _ _ by subway. 4. Could you tell me where I can buy a newspaper?(改为同义句) Could you tell me _ _ _ a newspaper? 5. The shop opens at 8:00 in the morning.(就划线部分提问) _ _ the shop open in the morning? 三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. You should learn how to speak in the _ (polite) way. 2. To be _ (indirect) or less _ (direct) sounds more _ (polite) 3. Could you _ (possible) tell me the way to the childrens home? 4. Im _ (real) sorry to trouble you again. 5. Your _ (express) depend on how well you know the person you are speaking to. Unit3Unit3 CouldCould youyou pleaseplease telltell meme wherewhere thethe restroomsrestrooms are?are? SectionSection B B 2b2b Marta a Global volunteer teacher Are you going to join the program again? If so, I do hope you are in my class again! Warming-up I m sorry Zoey is not able to be my assistant in the classroom, however I would like to have a student by my assistant. I will need someone who is personal, has excellent speaking skills and I rested in working with me. If this is you, please contact me. Thank you. Good speaker wanted! How will you communicate with a foreigner? politely or directly? pre-reading What polite words do you know? While-reading Pra1Pra1 Pra2Pra2 Pra3Pra3 It is not enough to just ask a question correctly. We also need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help. MakeMake politepolite requestrequest Step1 Skimming (5mins) (find the topic sentence of each paragraph.) Usually polite questions are longer. Pra4Pra4 It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. Good speakers change the way they speak in different situations. Read the article again and answer the following questions: 1. What is it important to know when you visit a foreign country? 2. How do good speakers change the way they speak in different situations? 3. What expressions do polite questions include(包括)包括)? 4. Why do we have to learn to use the right language in different situations? Step2 Scanning (5mins) 1.What1.What is is it it importantimportant toto knowknow whenwhen youyou visitvisit a a foreignforeign country?country? It is important to know how to ask for help politely. 2.2. HowHow dodo goodgood speakersspeakers changechange thethe wayway theythey speakspeak inin differentdifferent situations?situations? The expressions they use might depend on whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other. 3.3.WhatWhat expressionsexpressions dodo politepolite questionsquestions include(include(包括)包括)? ? “Could you please?” “May I ask?” “Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me.” “Im sorry to trouble you, but” 4.Why4.Why dodo wewe havehave toto learnlearn toto useuse thethe rightright languagelanguage inin differentdifferent situationssituations? ? This will help you communicate better with other people. Visit a foreign country (pra1) Direct question: “Where are the restrooms?” Polite request: “Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?” Both of the questions are c_. Sounds l_ polite. It is not e_ to just ask a question c_.nough orrect ess orrectly Step3 Careful reading _ _ _ Find all the direct questions and polite requests from the passage. DirectDirect questionsquestions : Where_ are the restroom? When_is the school trip? Peter, _tell me your e-mail address. PolitePolite requests:requests: C_ you p_ tell me_ E_ me, Mr. West. Do you know _ Peter, _tell me your e-mail address? where the restrooms are? when the school trip is? could you please DirectDirect questions:questions: Where are the restroom? When is the school trip? Peter, tell me your e-mail address. ouldlease xcuse 2.To tell true or false (para2-3) 1.The expressions they use might depend on whom they are talking with and how well they know each other. 2. It is not right to ask direct questions to your classmates if you dont know them well. 3. You can say direct questions to your teachers because it might sound more polite. 4. We dont need to spend time leading to a request when we first to say a stranger. T T F F 3.Fill in the blanks (para4) It It mightmight seemseem m_m_ difficultdifficult to to speakspeak p_thanp_than d_.d_. However,However, it it is is i_i_ to to learnlearn howhow to to useuse thethe rightright l l _in_in d_situations.d_situations. ThisThis willwill helphelp youyou c_c_ betterbetter withwith otherother People.People. or or e e olitelyolitely irectlyirectlymportantmportant anguageanguageifferentifferent ommunicateommunicate politepolite manymany directdirect differencedifference communicationcommunication importanceimportance languagelanguage Task 1 Pair work (Make requests using the words given.) post-reading e.g. 1.buy a magazine /a bookstore on third floor/ a shop assistant :Could you please tell me where I can buy a magazine? :Theres a bookstore on the third floor. Sure. There is a bank on Green Street. 2. Change some money / a bank on Green Street/ a stranger Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can change some money? OK. Here you are. 3. Pass the salt/ at home/ your brother Will you pass the salt to me ? Well, it begins at 9:00 am. 3. class begins / at 9:00 am / Marta Marta, would you mind _ _ telling me when the class begins? In your letter, you should: introduce yourself say how happy you will be politely ask for more information: When is she arriving? Which hotel will she stay? How long will she stay in kunming? When could you meet? How could you help with ?( car? food?/ travel around?) thank Marta for giving you the chance. Task2 Write a polite letter to Marta use the following expressions to help you: *My name is . and Im from *Ill be a helper for you when. *Id like to know about . Could you please? Would you mind? *I would like to thank you for *Im looking forward to your reply. Dear Marta, Ill be happy to be your assistant when you are in Kunming. Im _ from _. Id like to know more information about your schedule (计划). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Yours faithfully, _ First, I wonder _ so that I can pick you up. Then could you please tell me_and_? If its possilbe, would you like to _? Please let me know_. I would like to thank you for giving me the chance and I look forward to your reply. : What are good speakers? InIn differentdifferent situations,situations, youyou cancan choosechoose andand useuse suitablesuitable languagelanguage basedbased onon culturalcultural knowledgeknowledge. ThankThank YouYou 一、整体设计思路: 这篇阅读材料围绕两个核心礼貌语言(language hospitality)和不同场合得体的语言使用 (language appropriacy)的探究归纳。本节课主要在学习语言的同时提升学生使用语言的礼 貌意识和得体性意识,理解语言交流上文化的差异性,并会用准确得体的宾语从句写申请函。 二、Teaching aims: 1. language aims: a. To make students know about the polite expressions in English; b. To enable students understand how to use proper language in different situations with different people; c. To let students know how to write with polite expressions. 2. Emotion aim: to make Ss know the importance of proper communication with different people in different situations. 三、Teaching focus and difficulties :1. To help Ss understand the reading materials and learn about the strategies of skimming, scanning and mind-mapping. 2. To enable Ss to propose polite requests with wh- questions. 四、Teaching procedures: . Warming-up The teacher leads in the topic “Good speaker wanted!” by choosing a good speaker for the volunteer teacher Marta. . Pre-reading How will you communicate with a foreigner? Politely or directly? What polite words do you know? (激活学生的思考,对即将阅读的材料有提前预设) . While-reading Step1 Skimming (5mins) (Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.) Paragraph 1 It is not enough to just ask a question correctly. We also need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help. Paragraph 2 Usually polite questions are longer. Paragraph 3 It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. Paragraph 4 Good speakers change the way they speak in different situations. Step2 Scanning (5mins) Task 1 Read the article again and answer the following questions: 1. What is it important to know when you visit a foreign country? 2. How do good speakers change the way they speak in different situations? 3. What expressions do polite questions include(包括)? 4. Why do we have to learn to use the right language in different situations? Task 2 Find all the direct questions and polite requests from the passage. Direct questions Polite questions Where are the restrooms? Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? When is the school trip? Excuse me, Mr. West. Do you know when the school trip is? Peter, tell me your e-mail address. Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address? Step3 Careful reading (read paragraph by paragraph) Paragraph1 When you visit a foreign country Direct question Polite request: “Where are the restrooms?” “Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?” Sounds less polite. Both of the questions are correct 2.To tell true or false (para2-3) a. The expressions they use might depend on whom they are talking with and how well they know each other. (T) b. It is not right to ask direct questions to your classmates if you dont know them well.(T) c.You can say direct questions to your teachers because it might sound more polite. (F) d. We dont need to spend time leading to a request when we first to say a stranger.(F) 3.Fill in the blanks (para4) communication importance language polite many direct difference It might seem m_ difficult to speak p_than d_. However, it is i_ to learn how to use the right l _in d_situations. This will help you c_ better with other People. . Post reading Task 1 Pair work (Make requests using the words given.) e.g. 1.buy a magazine / bookstore on third floor/ shop assistant :Could you please tell me where I can buy a magazine? :Theres a bookstore on the third floor. 2. Change some stamps/ bank on Green Street/ stranger 3. Pass the salt/ at home/ your brother 4. class begins/ at 9:00 am/ Marta Task2 Write a polite letter to Marta In your letter, you should: introduce yourself say how happy you will be politely ask for more information: When is she arriving? Which hotel will she stay? How long will she stay in kunming? When could you meet? How could you help with ?( car? food?/ travel around?) thank Marta for giving you the chance. use the following expressions to help you: *My name is . and Im from *Ill be a helper for you when. *Id like to know about . Could you please? Would you mind? *I would like to thank you for *Im looking forward to your reply. Dear Marta, Ill be happy to be your assistant when you are in Kunming. Im _ from _. Id like to know more information about your schedule (计划). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Yours faithfully, _
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