人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section A 2a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:20a42).zip

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The earth is polluted. air pollution The factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke. n. 煤炭煤炭 water pollution noise pollution There are more cars on the road. 2a Listen to the interview. Circle the kinds of pollution that Jason and Susan talk about. A. land pollution B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollution 2b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. The air is badly polluted because there are _ on the road these days. 2. Factories that burn coal also _ the air with a lot of black smoke. more cars pollute 3. There is also too much rubbish and waste. People _ things every day. 4. People are also littering in _ like parks. This is turning beautiful places into ugly (丑陋丑陋) ones. are throwing away public places Complete the sentences according to the dialogue. 1. I _ _ _ able to see stars in the sky, but now I cant see them clearly. 2. The air _ _ really _ around there. 3. People are also _ in the public places. 4. The factories that burn _ also _ the air with a lot of black smoke. used to be has becomepolluted littering coal pollute Use the information in 2a and 2b to role-play conversations between Jason and Susan. 2c The air has become really polluted around here. Im getting very worried. Yes, I used to be able to see stars in the sky. The problem is that What should we do to save the earth? Turn off the lights when you leave a room. stop riding in cars recycle books and paper 2d Read 2d and complete the chart. PollutionWays to solve the problem air pollution waste pollution take the bus, subway or ride a bike instead of driving bring a bag to go shopping never take wooden(木头的木头的) chopsticks or plastic forks when buying takeaway food throw rubbish in the bins Jason and Susan, what are your ideas for solving these problems? Yeah, or ride a bike. There are other advantages (优点优点) of bike riding. Its good for health and it doesnt cost (花费花费 ) anything! Well, to cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. Great ideas! What about waste pollution? Me, too. Also, I never take wooden chopsticks or plastic (塑料塑料) forks when I buy takeaway ( 外卖食物外卖食物) food. I use the ones at home. Mmm, I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping can help. I started doing that a year ago. And remember to throw rubbish in the bins and keep public places clean and beautiful for everyone. So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future! 1. Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything! cost v. 花费;使付出花费;使付出 指花费金钱,主语通常是物。指花费金钱,主语通常是物。cost的过去的过去 式和过去分词均为式和过去分词均为cost。 e.g. The new shirt cost Mr Wang 200 yuan. 王先生花了王先生花了200元买了新衬衫。元买了新衬衫。 How much does the new computer cost? 新电脑花了多少钱?新电脑花了多少钱? take, spend, pay pay B. cost; spend C. pay; spend D. spends; pay The earth is badly polluted. Please make a poster and think of what we can do. 1. Copy the new words and remember them. 2. Read the listening materials of 1b, 2a. UnitUnit 1313 WereWere tryingtrying toto savesave thethe earth!earth! SectionSection A A 2a-2d2a-2d 环节环节 1 1: 课前自学准备课前自学准备 Step1Step1:明确课标要求:明确课标要求 重点单词重点单词 coal,coal, ugly,ugly, advantage,advantage, cost,cost, wooden,wooden, plastic.plastic. 重点短语重点短语 cutcut down,down, insteadinstead of,of, makemake a a difference,difference, leadlead to.to. 重点句式重点句式 1.1. TheThe airair hashas becomebecome reallyreally pollutedpolluted aroundaround here.here. 2.Well,2.Well, toto cutcut downdown airair pollution,pollution, wewe shouldshould taketake thethe busbus oror subwaysubway insteadinstead ofof driving.driving. Step2.Step2.课前自主学习课前自主学习 课前预习:课前预习: 写一写写一写 1.1.煤煤 coalcoal 2.2.丑陋的丑陋的 uglyugly 3.3.优点优点 advantageadvantage 4.4.花费花费 costcost 5.5.木制的木制的 woodenwooden 6.6.塑料塑料 plasticplastic 译一译译一译 1.1.减少减少 cutcut downdown 2.2.代替代替 insteadinstead ofof 3.3.起作用;有影响起作用;有影响 makemake a a differencedifference 4.4.过去常常过去常常 usedused toto 5.5.通往导致通往导致 leadlead toto 背一背背一背 1.1.这附近的空气真的被污染了。这附近的空气真的被污染了。 TheThe airair hashas becomebecome reallyreally pollutedpolluted aroundaround here.here. 2.2.为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘公汽或地铁,而不开车。为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘公汽或地铁,而不开车。 ToTo cutcut downdown airair pollution,pollution, wewe shouldshould taketake thethe busbus oror subwaysubway insteadinstead ofof driving.driving. 环节环节 2 2:教学课堂展示:教学课堂展示 Step3Step3:教学互动探究:教学互动探究 新课导入:新课导入:TheresTheres moremore andand moremore pollutionpollution inin thethe worldworld now,now, suchsuch asas noisenoise pollution,pollution, airair pollution,pollution, waterwater pollutionpollution andand soso on.on. IsIs therethere anyany pollutionpollution inin youryour hometown?hometown? PleasePlease discussdiscuss withwith youryour partner.partner. 【完成教材完成教材 2a2d2a2d 的教学任务的教学任务】 1.1.要求学生翻开课本要求学生翻开课本 P98P98。播放第一遍录音,完成。播放第一遍录音,完成 2a,2b2a,2b 的听力任务。的听力任务。 2.2.要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。 3.3.听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求 若干学生给出自己的答案,以巩固对听力内容的理解。若干学生给出自己的答案,以巩固对听力内容的理解。 (1)(1) TheThe airair hashas becomebecome reallyreally pollutedpolluted aroundaround there.there. (2)I(2)I usedused toto seesee thethe starsstars clearly.clearly. (3)People(3)People areare alsoalso litteringlittering inin publicpublic places.places. 4.4.大声朗读听力材料。大声朗读听力材料。 5.5.播放听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用播放听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用 2a,2b2a,2b 信息谈论空气污染情况,信息谈论空气污染情况, 然后邀请然后邀请 2323 名同学当堂表演,看谁的表现最佳。名同学当堂表演,看谁的表现最佳。 6.6.两人一组练习两人一组练习 2d2d 的对话,并让的对话,并让 2323 组同学当堂表演。组同学当堂表演。 7.7.教师根据学生的理解对其重难点进行讲解。教师根据学生的理解对其重难点进行讲解。 【语法提要语法提要】 1.cost1.cost costcost 作动词,意为花费,它的主语只能是物,不能是人。作动词,意为花费,它的主语只能是物,不能是人。 辨析:辨析:take,take, spend,spend, costcost 与与 paypay 四者均用作动词,表四者均用作动词,表“花费花费” ,但其用法却大不相同。具体区别如下表:,但其用法却大不相同。具体区别如下表: 1)1) taketake 多表示花费时间,常用于多表示花费时间,常用于 itit takestakes sb.sb. somesome timetime toto dodo sth.sth. 这一这一 句型中,其中句型中,其中 itit 作形式主语。作形式主语。 e.g.e.g. ItIt usuallyusually takestakes meme 4040 minutesminutes toto cookcook thethe dinner.dinner. 2)2) spendspend 多表示花费时间和金钱,主语通常是人,常用于多表示花费时间和金钱,主语通常是人,常用于 sb.sb. spend(s)spend(s) somesome timetime / / moneymoney onon sth.sth.和和 sb.sb. spend(s)spend(s) somesome timetime / / moneymoney (in)(in) doingdoing sth.sth. 两种句型。两种句型。 e.g.e.g. DavidDavid spentspent 2,0002,000 yuanyuan onon thethe newnew machine.machine. MyMy fatherfather spendsspends anan hourhour (in)(in) readingreading thethe newspapernewspaper everyevery day.day. 3)3) costcost 多表示花费金钱,主语通常是物,常用于多表示花费金钱,主语通常是物,常用于 sth.sth. cost(s)cost(s) (sb.)(sb.) somesome money.money.句型。句型。 e.g.e.g. TheThe newnew dressdress costcost LindaLinda 8080 yuan.yuan. 3)3) paypay 多表示花费金钱,主语通常是人,常用于多表示花费金钱,主语通常是人,常用于 sb.sb. pay(s)pay(s) somesome moneymoney forfor sth.sth.句型。句型。 e.g.e.g. TommyTommy paidpaid 2020 yuanyuan forfor hishis breakfastbreakfast yesterday.yesterday. 2.2. SoSo together,together, ourour actionsactions cancan makemake a a differencedifference andand leadlead toto a a betterbetter future!future! makemake a a differencedifference (to)(to) 表示表示( (对对)产生影响或作用产生影响或作用 e.g.e.g. LearningLearning EnglishEnglish wellwell cancan makemake a a differencedifference toto youryour future.future. 学好英语会对你的前途有影响。学好英语会对你的前途有影响。 insteadinstead ofof 作介词短语,意为作介词短语,意为“代替代替; ;而不是而不是” ,后面常跟名词、代词或,后面常跟名词、代词或 v.ingv.ing 形式。形式。insteadinstead ofof doingdoing sth.sth.意为意为“代替做某事代替做某事” 。 例句:例句:SheShe wentwent toto schoolschool insteadinstead ofof stayingstaying atat home.home. 她没有待在家里而她没有待在家里而 是去上学了。是去上学了。 辨析:辨析:insteadinstead ofof 与与 insteadinstead insteadinstead ofof 介词短语,其后可跟名词、代词或介词短语,其后可跟名词、代词或 v.-ingv.-ing 形式形式 WeWe cancan taketake a a busbus toto workwork insteadinstead ofof driving.driving. 我们可以坐公交车而不是我们可以坐公交车而不是 开车去上班。开车去上班。 InsteadInstead 副词,常位于句末,位于句首时,其后有逗号副词,常位于句末,位于句首时,其后有逗号 HeHe didntdidnt reply.reply. Instead,Instead, hehe leftleft thethe room.room.他没回答,反而离开了房间。他没回答,反而离开了房间。 【问题探究问题探究】 ( ( )1.)1.HowHow muchmuch isis thethe ticketticket toto CentralCentral Park?Park? A A one-wayone-way ticket_$40,ticket_$40, andand youyou can_can_ anotheranother $20$20 forfor a a round-trip.round-trip. A.A. costs;costs; paypay B.B. cost;cost; spendspend C.C. pay;pay; spendspend D.D. spends;spends; paypay ( ( )2.)2. WeWe wentwent toto climbclimb mountainsmountains _going_going shopping.shopping. A.A. insteadinstead B.B. insteadinstead ofof C.C. preferprefer toto D.D. taketake thethe placeplace Step4Step4:课堂学以致用:课堂学以致用 ( )1.Maria1.Maria watchwatch TV,TV, butbut nownow sheshe listeninglistening toto music.music. A.A. usedused to;to; isis usedused toto B.isB.is usedused to;to; usedused toto C.C. usedused to;to; usedused toto D.isD.is usedused to;to; usedused toto ( )2.Everyone2.Everyone shouldshould playplay a a partpart inin thethe environment.environment. A.A. protectprotect B.B. protectsprotects C.C. protectingprotecting D.D. protectedprotected ( )3.We3.We shouldshould bebe grateful(grateful(心存感激的心存感激的) ) forfor whatswhats rightright insteadinstead of_aboutof_about whatswhats wrong.wrong. A.A. complaincomplain B.B. complainscomplains C.C. complainingcomplaining D.D. complainedcomplained 环节环节 3 3:课堂反馈总结:课堂反馈总结 Step5Step5:课堂达标检测:课堂达标检测 布置作业:教师引导学生课后完成本课时对应练习,并预习下一课时内容。布置作业:教师引导学生课后完成本课时对应练习,并预习下一课时内容。 Step6:Step6:课后教学反思课后教学反思 本课时通过听、说、读、写训练让学生对污染的词汇及其相关的语言知识本课时通过听、说、读、写训练让学生对污染的词汇及其相关的语言知识 有了初步的掌握,并能听懂和表达有关污染的现象、导致污染的原因及治理措有了初步的掌握,并能听懂和表达有关污染的现象、导致污染的原因及治理措 施。施。 教学过程中老师的疑问:教学过程中老师的疑问: 教师点评和总结:教师点评和总结: 20182018 年年 5 5 月月
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