人教版九年级Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:010a3).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7._Section A 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:010a3)
    • 3A-3C.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案010a3.docx--点击预览
    • 歌曲.mp3
    • 结束曲.mp3


How time flies! We have studied together for three years in our school. 3232 Wewillgraduatefromjunior high in a month. Do you have any special memories? We have so many special memories during three years life. going hiking Before you read: Prediction(预测预测). the writer remembers Task 1: Skimming.(寻读寻读) 1.Check if your preditions are true. Underline the activities that the writer remembers about his or her life in junior high. While you read: running when the lunch bell rings training for sports day starting the first day in Grade 7 slowly making some new friends helping each other with homework preparing for festivals going to New Years parties I remember trying to be on time for morning readings learning English 2、Can you answer the questions quickly? 1.What kind of writing is this? 2. What is the main subject of this writing? 3. Who do you think the writer is? This writing is a poem. The main subject is the writers memories of junior high school life. The writer is a junior high student who will graduate soon. things land year class rings _ _ school flowers _ _ _ fear pass understand cool teachers Read the poem again. Write the words that rhyme(押韵押韵) with the words below. Task 2 Scanning.(跳读跳读) 阅读小贴士:可根据下文或关键词推断文中隐含的意义。阅读小贴士:可根据下文或关键词推断文中隐含的意义。 Task 3:Careful reading. How does the writer feel about the following experiences ? experiences/memories feelings 1trying to be on time for morning readings 2running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings 3training for sports day 4starting the first day in Grade 7 5slowly making some new friends 6helping classmates with home work 7preparing for art festivals 8going to New Years parties 9learning English hard/difficult hungry tired,proud shy happy good happy excited challenging (困难而有趣的,富于挑战困难而有趣的,富于挑战 性的性的) Task 4:Read the poem after the tape. (加深理解,体会作者深情) Please read the poem with emotion(情感情感). After you read:Show yourself. Give a little speech 亲爱的同学们,初中生活转瞬即亲爱的同学们,初中生活转瞬即 逝,在毕业来临之际,你一定有很多逝,在毕业来临之际,你一定有很多 话想对帮助过你的老师和同学说吧!话想对帮助过你的老师和同学说吧! 请把你想说的话写下来,这将是你一请把你想说的话写下来,这将是你一 生永远值得珍藏的回忆!生永远值得珍藏的回忆! Tips: 1.Who do you want to thank? 2.Why? 3.What do you want to say to him/her before graduation? * 回首,回忆,回顾回首,回忆,回顾 按时,准时按时,准时 晨读晨读 克服恐惧克服恐惧 为艺术节准备为艺术节准备 1. look back at 2. on time 3. morning readings 4. overcome fear 5. prepare for art festivals 弄得一团糟弄得一团糟 是是的时候了的时候了 离校离校 沉住气;保持冷静沉住气;保持冷静 友好又贴心的老师们友好又贴心的老师们 美好的记忆美好的记忆 6. make a mess 7. Its time to 8. leave school 9. keep ones cool 10. kind and caring teachers 11. wonderful memories 一一课课一一得得 必做:有感情的朗诵这首小诗。 选做: 完善你的毕业感言。 Unit143a-3c 教学设计 一 教材分析 这堂课是人教版 Unit14 Section3a-3c Iremember,内容来自本册书的最后一 个单元,因此本单元在整册书中起着总结与归纳的作用,教师应运用好这一功 能,循序渐进地展开教学。本单元的话题“初中生活”与学生紧密相关,是学 生成长过程中必不可少的一个阶段,而 SectionA 通过谈论初中毕业生的在校时 光,在语言上让学生回顾加深对已学时态、句式及固定搭配的理解运用,在情 感上让学生珍惜初中学段的美好时光。 二 教学思路 本篇文章是一首优美的诗歌,是一名即将毕业的学生对初中生活片段难忘 的回忆,因此创设真实的情境,引发学生共鸣尤为重要,教师开篇通过一组图 片展示了学生们在过去的这一年中学习生活的场景,极大地激发了学生的学习 积极性,拉近了和学生们的距离,较好的和新文章进行了自然的衔接。 在本课呈现环节,教师开展头脑风暴,说出关键话题词 I remember, 让学生 快速回想自己初中生活的回忆,学生们畅所欲言,为新课的呈现作了较好的铺 垫。然后让学生找出文章押韵词,跟着录音读诗歌,接着又邀请学生们跟着音 乐朗读,让学生在不断阅读中对诗歌有了初步的认识,同时对作者表达的思想 感情产生了共鸣,课堂的情感渗。 三 学习者分析 九年级的学生已经学完初中阶段常见的各种时态,可充分运用一般过去时和一 般将来时来描述初中生活和展望未来生活。教师需要根据学生对已有时态的掌 握程度,提示学生在描述过程中注意各时态之间的自然衔接,准确把握各时态 的时间状语。初中生活是学生最感兴趣的话题之一,学生对这一话题也最为熟 悉,教师只需结合课本听说练习,让学生自编对话并独立成文。 四 教学方法 情境创设法、口语交际法:通过创设毕业派对的情境以及大量的对话练习,使 学生在具体的语言环境中感受初中生活在各时态中的运用。
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