北京版三年级上册UNIT SEVEN WHEN IS THANKSGIVING -Lesson 23-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:60076).zip

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Holidays date e food activities y others Chinese New Year Christmas Day National Day Halloween Mid-Autumn Festival Dragon Boat Festiaval HOlidaysHOlidays Christmas Day National Day Halloween Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese New Year Dragon Boat Festival New Years Day Thanksgiving Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, National Day, New Year and Chinese New Year Can you tell me some information (信息)about ? Thanksgiving is in November. Chinese New Year is a big holiday. Thanksgiving is on the 4th Thursday of November. It is the birthday of our great motherland. Can you tell (告诉) me ? Our National Day is on October 1st. It is the birthday of our great motherland. 郭悦琳 On National Day, my mother, my sister and I went to ChiFeng by train. We had a good time there. I went to the zoo with my dad on October 4th. I fed the goat and the rabbit . I took photos with a cow. 索珺涵 In the morning of National Day in Beijing, a lot of people go to Tiananmen Square to see the flag- raising ceremony. 慕浩然 After the flag-raising ceremony, 10,000 doves flew up into the sky. It means peace and good wishes. 王梓童 When National Day is coming, we can take photos with our national flag. 宋思雨 1. When _ ? Long live the motherland is National Day 2. What can we say to our motherland? Its in October. Its on October 1st. On this holiday, we can make and eat zongzi. Do you know ? The Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese calendar. 蔡佑成 People want to remember Qu Yuan on this day. 王圣杰 People often make zongzi and have zongzi on this day. 孟一同 People have dragon boat races on this day. 梁木林 On the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese calendar 1. When_? is Dragon Boat Festival Its the biggest (最大 )holiday in China. Can you tell me ? Chinese New Year is in January or February. 张桥泊 魏君诚 In the evening before the Chinese New Year, families get together and have a big meal . We often make Jiaozi and have them around midnight. 蔡明宣 At twelve oclock, people usually set off fireworks and have a happy time. 张歆 On the first day of the New Year, people get up early and put on their new clothes to Pay New Year s Call. 申依山 For Children, the happy thing is to get lucky money. It means good luck in the new year. 黄文志 1. When is ? 2. Do you like Chinese New Year? Why? 静夜思 李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Do you know ? Mid-Autumn Festival 静夜思 李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 It is on the 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese calendar. 苏伊萱 It is in the middle of autumn. 姚梦奇 Rabbit is a toy for Mid- Autumn Festival . Its a traditional handicraft (传统的手工艺品) in Beijing. 蔡佑如 孙琪格 On that day, families get together and eat moon cakes and fruits. The moon cakes are round and look like the moon. We call them yuebing. 董瑞 In the evening or at night, people enjoy the bright full moon. 尹一航 朱雅琪 On that day, people usually go back home to have family reunion. It is on the 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese calendar. 苏伊萱 Halloween is on October 31st. 白崇赫 On Halloween, children dress up at night. They knock on the doors and say “Trick or treat” from house to house. 耿琳琳 The children put on masks and scared costumes on Halloween. 米步正 bat witch black cat ghost monster 刘雅心 董宇航 vampire mummy pirate skeleton Children like to make pumpkin lanterns for the holiday. Its also called “jack-o-lantern”. 刘俊豪 Santa comes with gifts for children. Can you tell me ? Christmas Day is on December the 25th. It is the birthday of Jesus(耶稣稣). 张倚乐 徐辰 Christmas Eve is the evening before Christmas Day. People have apples. Christmas presents. 圣诞礼物 Christmas tree Santa Claus Christmas stocking reindeerChristmas gifts bells 陈芳滔 On that day, people decorate Christmas tree and prepare gifts. 冯佳禾 冯家禾 At Christmas Eve, chridren put their stocking on their bed. They want to get gifts from Father Christmas. 曾一帆 People eat Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, Christmas biscuits, Christmas lollies, and Christmas Turkey. 王梓玉 课题:课题: Unit 7 When is Thanksgiving? ( 北京版北京版 版第版第 五五 册)册) 一、教学内容:一、教学内容: 北京版英语三年级上册第七单元 Unit 7 When is Thanksgiving ? Lesson 23 二、教材分析:二、教材分析: 本课为一节新授课。学生之前学习过 Christmas 等节日词汇和简单的节日问候语,也 有一些节日的亲身体验,但学生对 Halloween 和 Thanksgiving 的掌握只限于听说过,并 无过多的了解。所以课文对话的学习,对学生来说并无难度;此外对于课文中的两个问 句:Dop you know? 和 Can youe tell me ?在节日拓展环节反复应用,学生也在自然习 得中掌握它们的用法。对于本课的主要句型,因为学生以前接触过,所以在本课的设计 中,我采用的是通过节日拓展后学生自问自答的方式,达到学生熟练掌握的教学目的。 三、学情分析:三、学情分析: 三年级五班的学生思维活跃,乐于思考,敢于发言。但因积累这一主题的知识不是 很多,所以在一定程度上限制了他们的表达。为此课前根据学生的喜好,制定了交流的 小主题,教师辅以文字的支持。 四、教学目标:四、教学目标: 1能够听、说和认读 Thanksgiving 等节日名称词汇。 2. 学生能够用“Can you tell me ? Sure. Do you know ? When is ? Its .”问 答所知道的节日名称和其所在的月份时间。 3能够准确朗读和理解课文 4培养学生对中国传统文化的热爱,激励学生了解西方国家的节日,体验中西方节 日不同的美。 五、教学重点:五、教学重点: 1能够听、说和认读 Thanksgiving 等节日名称词汇。 2. 学生能够用“Can you tell me ? Sure. Do you know ? When is ? Its .”问 答所知道的节日名称和其所在的月份时间。 3能够准确朗读和理解课文 六、教学难点:六、教学难点: 学生能够在节日拓展环节收获更过多有关的节日的信息。 七、教学准备:七、教学准备: 课件,节日服装和道具,词卡 八、教学流程:八、教学流程: (一)Lead in (二)Presentation (三)Production (四)Sum up (五)Homework 九、教学过程:九、教学过程: (一)Lead in 1. T: Look at the pictures and guess what we are going to talk about. -Holidays 【设计意图:通过学生观察,直接引出本课主题设计意图:通过学生观察,直接引出本课主题 holidays】holidays】 2. T: What holidays are they? 【设计意图:复习八个节日的名称,并通过图片帮助学生获取不同节日的相关信息设计意图:复习八个节日的名称,并通过图片帮助学生获取不同节日的相关信息】 3. T: Today lets try to know more about the holidays. (二)Presentation 1. T: Do you like holidays? Can you ask some Qs about them? Ss:What do people do? What do people have? When is ? Do you like ? 2. T: If you want to talk about holidays, you can talk about the date, the food, the activities and others, just like clothes, color, drink, like or dont like and so on. 3. T: In our book, Yangyang and Sara are talking about the holidays. How many holidays are they talking? What holidays are they? - Ss just listen and then check. 4. T: Lets listen and watch. Can you tell me some information about Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, National Day, New Year and Chinese New Year - Ss watch and listen again. 5. T: Do you know the day of Thanksgiving? 6. Ss follow the computer to read. Ss look at the books and read it by themselves. One group one sentence. 7. T: Just now we talked about some holidays simply. Do you want to know more information about the holidays? Now lets share our research. (三) Production 1. National Day (1) T shows a riddle and Ss guess what holiday it is. (2) Ss share the information about National Day. 【设计意图:通过小组分享,班级其他学生了解到了国庆节的相关信息。设计意图:通过小组分享,班级其他学生了解到了国庆节的相关信息。 】 (3) Summary: Ss try to ask a question beginning with “when” and then Ss answer together. T: What can we say to our motherland? 【设计意图:通过问题,检测学生的掌握情况,并为学生搭建用英语表达自己活动设计意图:通过问题,检测学生的掌握情况,并为学生搭建用英语表达自己活动 的平台。的平台。 】 2. Dragon Boat Festival (1) T: I like National Day. But my favorite holiday is another one. Look at the riddle. Do you know what holiday is my favorite? (3) Ss share the information about Dragon Boat Festival. (4) T: Wang Junyan and Zhang Ruixuan are talking about the festival. Lets listen What they are talking. (5) Summary: Ss try to ask a question beginning with “when” and then Ss answer together. T: What can we eat and what can we do? 【设计意图:通过多种形式,帮助学生了解端午节。设计意图:通过多种形式,帮助学生了解端午节。 】 3. Chinese New Year (1) T shows a riddle and Ss guess what holiday it is. (2) Ss share the information about Spring Festival. (3) Summary: T: When is Chinese New Year? Do you like Chinese New Year? Why? 4. Mid-Autumn Festival (1) T: After talking about Chinese New Year, lets enjoy another one. Look at the Chinese poet. Which holiday is it? (2) Ss say the Chinese poet together. (3) T: Lets welcome Group Four to share their report. (4) Summary: Mid-Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival in China. When is Mid- Autumn Festival? 5. Halloween (1) T: Just now we talked about 4 Chinese holidays. Now lets enjoy two Western holidays. Please enjoy an English song. Which holiday is it? (2) T: Lets welcome Group one to tell us more about the festival. (3) Summary: Today is Oct.19th. About two weeks later, well have Halloween. Maybe we can have a small party at that day. 6. Christmas Day (1) T shows a riddle and Ss guess what holiday is it. (2) T: Group Six want to celebrate the holiday with you. Lets welcome! (3) Summary: Christmas is the biggest holiday in Canada, America and other western countries. Its just like our Chinese New Year. When is Christmas Day? What do people say to friends? 【设计意图:通过小组的分享,让学生们了解六个重要节日的主要信息,拓宽学生设计意图:通过小组的分享,让学生们了解六个重要节日的主要信息,拓宽学生 的视野。此外,用要糖果、唱歌等方式来激发学生的参与热情,提高听讲效率。的视野。此外,用要糖果、唱歌等方式来激发学生的参与热情,提高听讲效率。 】 (四)Sum up 1. T: After listening, which holiday do you like best? Why? 3. T: We should like our own holidays, because we are Chinese. And we can also enjoy western holidays. 【设计意图:教育学生要热爱自己国家的节日,同时也要积极地去欣赏西方的节日,设计意图:教育学生要热爱自己国家的节日,同时也要积极地去欣赏西方的节日, 体验中西方节日不同的美。体验中西方节日不同的美。 】 (五)Homework 1. Read and recite the dialogue. 2. Make a poster about the holiday. 十、板书设计:十、板书设计: 十一、设计特色十一、设计特色 1. 通过节日信息拓展活动,巧妙地将学生的已知和新知融合到一起,既复习了旧知 识,又充分地学习了新知。 2. 小组呈现节日信息的方式多样,有利于提高学生们的听讲兴趣。
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