北京版五年级上册UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE MID-AUTUM FESTIVAL -Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:20272).zip

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Unit 3 Can you tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival? Lesson9 ? What are moon cakes, Lingling? ? When do you eat it? ? What are moon cakes, Lingling? ? ? What are moon cakes, Lingling? They are round cakes. We call them yuebing. We eat it on the Mid-Autumn Festival. When do you eat it? When is the Mid-Autumn Festival,Lingling? Its on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. A 农历八月十五 B 农历五月初八 the Mid-Autumn Festival calendar 公历201年 月 公历201年 月 农历八月 九月 农历农历 八月十 五 公历历10月4日 the Chinese calendar 农历 八月十 五 The fifteenth daythe eighth month of 农历 八月十 六 The sixteenth daythe eighth month of Its on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. Can you tell me more about it? The whole family gets together. The whole family gets together.We eat moon cakes and fruits, The whole family gets together.We eat moon cakes and fruits, and enjoy the bright full moon. The whole family gets together. We eat moon cakes and fruits, and enjoy the bright full moon. full not full bright not bright Enjoy the moon Enjoy the music Enjoy the movie The whole family gets together.We eat moon cakes and fruits, and enjoy the bright full moon. Unit 3 Can you tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival? Lesson9 Read the dialogue Group work: talk about the Mid Autumn Festival The Lantern Festival The Lantern Festival The Lantern Festival The Dragon Boat Festival QuYuan The Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival The Double Ninth Festival The Double Ninth Festival 八月十五 The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival Can you tell me more about Festivals in China? Can you tell me more about Festivals in China?(选词填空) On the Mid -Autumn Festival ,the whole_ (family/ friend) gets together. we eat _ (moon cakes/zongzi )and fruits, and _(enjoy /juice) the bright full moon. I like moon cakes, They are_( round /ground) ,We call them yuebing. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat zongzi. People have _(dragon boat /horse) races. Homework: 一、Listen and read the dialogue at home. 二、 lets get to know other festivals in China.(上网查阅相关资料) 1 教学基本信息 课题Unit 3 Can you tell me more about the Mid Autumn Festival? Lesson9 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 地方课程 学科英语学段: 高年级年级五年级 相关领域话题 festival 平板电脑在英语教学中的应用 教材书名:书名:义务教育教科书小学英语 出版社:出版社:北京 出版日期出版日期:2014 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准 (2011 年版)倡导教学中设计探究式的学习活动,学生通过独立 自主地发现问题、收集与处理信息、表达与交流等探究活动,使语言能力与学习能力 得到培养与锻炼。通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式提升学生的思维品质。 基于上述理念,在开展本课的教学活动时,以对会话内容自主设疑为起点,学生通 过问题探究、合作学习、自主表达等方式,逐步理解本课内容 the Mid Autumn Festival 的相关知识,并且能够自主学习探索中国其他传统节日的知识。在教师指导 下,学生通过感知,体验,实践与合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。 教学背景分析 3 一、教材分析一、教材分析 北京版小学英语五年级上册教学内容以在情境中会话的形式综合复现已学话 题语言为主。教学内容综合性强,涉及广泛。本课为第九册第三单元 Unit 3 Can you tell me more about the Mid Autumn Festival? Lesson9 第一课时。本单元的核心 话题是 festival 的表述,和第一单元谈论个人喜好、第二单元谈论要求和请求联系不 大。本节课话题是学习初步介绍传统节日的特色饮食、相关活动等,如中国的传统节 日 the Mid Autumn Festival 。 还有中国其他传统节日 the Double ninth Festival, the Lantern Festival ,the Dragon Boat Festival 的初步了解。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 从学生生活经验角度来看,他们了解中国的传统节日 the Mid Autumn Festival , the Double Ninth Festival, the Lantern Festival ,the Dragon Boat Festival,只是不能用英语进行交际。从语言水平来看,学生在五年级以前接触过节 日话题如下:在二年级上册 Its Christmas Day 这一单元,学生初步了解了新年 (New Year) 、圣诞节(Christmas)等节日;在三年级上册学习了日期的表达方法,如 序数词(131)、月份(112)等;在三年级下册,学生学习了英语国家特色食物及 中国特色饮食,如 biscuits, chocolates, jiaozi, noodles; 在三年级学生已经接 触过有关节日这一话题,如五一劳动节(May Day) 、儿童节(Childrens Day)、国庆 节(National Day)等大家熟悉的节日及表达相关的活动,如“We are going to visit the Great Wall.”都为本单元的学习奠定了基础,而本单元侧重中西方的重要 传统节日,特别是中国传统节日的日期是按照农历指定的,与公立日期时不一样的, 使学生进一步了解中国传统文化。本节课话题是学习初步介绍传统节日的特色饮食、 相关活动等,如中国的传统节日 the Mid Autumn Festival 是重点,还有中国其他 4 传统节日 the Double Ninth Festival, the Lantern Festival ,the Dragon Boat Festival 的初步了解。 教学手段:教学手段:多媒体课件,PPT 提供语言支持学生 平板电脑。 技术准备:技术准备:多媒体 教学目标(内容框架) 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能够正确理解对话内容,获取课文中的相关信息,正确朗读课文,并能够尝试 简要复述课文,谈论节日。 2. 能够认读、理解:autumn ,moon cake, family, fruits ,round. enjoy bright full Festival 等词语,并能在交际活动中运用。 3. 能够在情境中听懂、会说交际用语。运用“When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?” “Its on ”进行提问和回答,并能够在情境中与他人交流节日话题。 4.能够利用平板电脑朗读对话,并且初步了解中国传统节日, the Double Ninth Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival 和 the Lantern Festival 的表 达; 5、激发学生对中国传统文化的兴趣,热爱祖国文化。 教学重点:教学重点: 能够正确理解并且朗读对话内容,能够在情境中正确运用功能句型“When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?” “Its on ”进行提问和回答,并能够在情境中与他人 交流节日话题。 教学难点:教学难点: 能够在情境中正确运用功能句型“When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?” “Its on ”以及中国传统节日日期的表达方法。 教学过程(文字描述) 三分钟演讲,导入话题 三分钟演讲 导入主题 7 一、课前三分钟导入话题一、课前三分钟导入话题(5 分钟分钟) 1、 Greeting T: Hello boys and girls. How are you ? Ss: Im fine ,thank you . T: Who is our little teacher? Ss: Ime. 2、3 Min Show 学生利用平板电脑播放幻灯片介绍自己。 Myself Hello, My names _.I am_. I am agirl ( boy). I like dog s and I like swimming, My favorite color is green. My favorite food is zongzi . My favorite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival, I like English, and I like our English teacher Cathy. She is a good teacher,I am a good girl ( boy). Do you love me? Thank you! T:You did a good job. A sticker for you. Thank you. 学习课文,提取信息 介绍中国传统节日 学习对话 提取关键信息 介绍中秋节活动 活动 1:利用平板电脑朗读 对话,复习谈论中秋节话题 活动 2:小组活动介绍中秋 节 活动 3:利用平板电脑学习 中国其他传统节日的表达方 式。 拓展、提升、总结 给 Mike 介绍中秋节,利用 平板电脑拍张上传介绍文字。 提升主题,总结板书 布置作业 8 2、 揭示本课话题:We know her favorite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival, We eat zongzi on that day.Do you like zongzi? I like zongzi ,but I like yuebing better.教师出示实物 月饼 When do we eat yuebing ?学生 可能说中文中秋节,也许会说英文 the Mid-Autumn Festival。 Today,lets Talk about our traditional Chinese Festival the Mid-Autumn Festival. T: What do you know about the Mid-Autumn Festival?(学生自由回答) 3、 Today,lets get know more about our traditional Chinese Festival the Mid-Autumn Festival. 二、二、学习对话,提取信息(学习对话,提取信息(1515 分钟)分钟) 1.观察图片思考问题观察图片思考问题 T: Look at the picture. Who can you see? Yes ,Our friends Lingling and Sara, They are talking about festival, What festival do the talk about? Listen ! 2. 整体播放第一遍整体播放第一遍 根据学生的回答板书本课主题:the Mid-Autumn Festival 3. 学习对话学习对话 (1)学习图片)学习图片 1 引导学生观察图 1 T: Sara is from America ,she doesnt know the Mid-Autumn Festival, so she ask s Lingling some questions .What questions ?Lets look. Where are they now? in the kitchen What are they doing? making moon cakes. Does Sara know the moon cakes.? No, She asks Lingling two questions, look (:出示二个问题 )Can you answer? Open your books find these answers.学生尝试读答案 播放无文字第一段 T:Listen: 7 What does Sara want to know? What is yuebing? When do we eat yuebing?利用课件理解 Round moon cake 播放有文字第一段,简单复述第一幅图。 T: Look at the blackboard. Lets talk about picture1. (2)学习图片)学习图片 2 播放课件播放课件 T: Sara is from America. She doesnt know anything about the Mid-Autumn Festival. Its our festival. Lets tell Sara more about this festival. 播放无文字第二段 T:When is the Mid-Autumn Festival? 帮助学生解决难点内容,用图片支持,按意群理解与朗读句子,分散难点。 再次播放第二段 T:What do we do on this day? Can you tell Sara more about it? 通过呈现多种图片,创设情景,帮助学生理解对话内容。完善板书。如出示全家一起 吃饭的图片,帮助学生理解“The whole family gets together” ;出示月饼的图片,帮助 学生理解“moon cake” ;出示满月图片,帮助学生理解“the bright full moon” 。 (3)听力巩固,整体输入,模仿跟读)听力巩固,整体输入,模仿跟读 教师播放完整对话,请学生跟读。 Watch and listen Have them repeat 加强对学生的朗读指导,如读长句子、停顿、意群等。 (4)朗读对话,巩固所学。 要求学生自己朗读完整对话,提出问题。 三、三、巩固对话,谈论中秋节(巩固对话,谈论中秋节(9 9 分钟)分钟) 1.学生利用 IPAD 朗读对话,提取信息。 Can you read the dialogue with the IPAD? 纳米盒 2.group work: Talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival T; Lets talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival.教师指着板书引导学生复述对话内容。 Now ,You can tell Sara more about the Mid-Autumn Festival. Talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival in your group. Show 2students 四、利用四、利用 IPADIPAD 学习中国其他节日(学习中国其他节日(1010 分钟)分钟) 1. 学生利用 IPAD 自学中国其他传统节日 T:Now Sara wants to know more about our traditional Chinese Festival. I will show you some beautiful pictures about festival. Let enjoy them!(课件播放四个节日图片有声音解释) 学生欣赏 T:Can you read these festivals? 7 Now ,read these festivals in your IPAD? 学生利用纳米盒学习节日表达 教师课件出示节日名称,检测学生学习成果。 2.拓展练习 Make a new dialogue (提前准备作业纸) Can you tell me more about Festivals in China?(选词填空) On the Mid -Autumn Festival ,the whole_ (family/ friend) gets together. we eat _(moon cakes/zongzi )and fruits, and _(enjoy /juice) the bright full moon. I like moon cakes, They are_( round /ground) ,We call them yuebing. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat zongzi.People have _(dragon boat /horse)races. 五、 作业 Homework(1 分钟) 1.Listen and read the dialogue at home. 2. lets get to know other festivals in China.(上网查阅相关资料) 板书:板书: Unit3 Can you tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival?(Lesson9) Moon cakes In the Chinese calendarthe Mid-Autumn Festival The whole family We eat And enjoy The fifteenth day of the eighth month 7 Mini ShowMini Show 吕博阳吕博阳 Hello,MyHello,My name is name is LvLv BoyangBoyang, , I am I am eleven, eleven, I am a girl.I am a girl. I like dogs and I like swimming. My favorite color is green. My favorite Festival is the Dragon Boat Festival.My favorite food is Zongzi. I like English, and I like Our English teacher MissFeng.She is a good teacher , I am a good girl. Thank youThank you ! No pains,no gains. I believe I can do. the bright full moon moon cakes Can you tell me more about Festivals in China?(选词填空) On the Mid -Autumn Festival ,the whole_ (family/ friend) gets together. we eat _(moon cakes/zongzi )and fruits, and _(enjoy /juice) the bright full moon. I like moon cakes, They are_( round /ground) ,We call them yuebing. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat zongzi.People have _(dragon boat /horse)races. Can you tell me more about Festivals in China?(选词填空) On the Mid -Autumn Festival ,the whole_ (family/ friend) gets together. we eat _(moon cakes/zongzi )and fruits, and _(enjoy /juice) the bright full moon. I like moon cakes, They are_( round /ground) ,We call them yuebing. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat zongzi.People have _(dragon boat /horse)races.
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