北京版一年级上册UNIT FIVE I CAN SING-Lesson 17-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:30c54).zip

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    • 教案30c54.docx--点击预览


Unit 5 I Can Sing Lesson 17 Lets chant! Warm-up Lead-in(part 1) Listen and watch Ask and answer: What can do ? I can sing. I can sing. I can dance. I can sing. I can dance. I can jump. I can sing. I can dance. I can jump. I can run. Lets learn! sing sing sing , I can sing. dance dance dance, I can dance. jump jump jump, I can jump. run run run, I can run. Fun-time Lead-in(part 2) Listen and watch Ask and answer: What can do ? I can fly. I can fly. I can fly a kite. I can fly. I can fly a kite. I can drive a car. I can fly. I can fly a kite. I can drive a car. I can swim. Lets read Practice Lets read! 1.turn to page 42(打开书42页)。 2.point and Say(指读)。 Practice More friends, more happiness! 朋友越多,快乐越 多! A New Friend. Practice Momo has something to say Practice Can you say something to Momo? Hello, Momo! My name is _. I can _. I can _. Lets play together. Practice Lets play together! Momo has a task(任务) for you. Practice Lets play together! A duck Practice Lets play together! A frog Practice Lets play together! A panda Practice Lets play together! A cock Practice Lets play together! A turtle Practice Lets play together! dance Practice Lets date! If you have time and will be friends with me, we can play in Binshui Park this Saturday. (如果你有时间,也愿意和我成为朋友,我们可以周六在滨水公园一起玩) Practice Lets do a summary! summarize Homework 1. Listen and read the dialogue in P42. (听读42页对话) 2. Record a short video of self-introduction. (录一段自我介绍的视频) 3. Lets play together in Binhe Park this Saturday. homework UnitUnit 5 5 I I CanCan SingSing LessonLesson 1717 教学基本信息教学基本信息 课题 Unit5 I Can Sing Lesson17 学科英语 学段:小学低段年级一年级 教材义务教育教科书北京出版社一年级英语上册一年级起点 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准明确了英语课程工具性和人文性的双重性质,因而指明了英语课 程作为一门不可获取的学科的同时,还要求了学生能通过英语课程提高综合语言运用能力, 发展自主学习能力,从而形成良好的意志品格和正确的价值观。本课设计以课程标准 为指导,坚持“以学生为中心”的思想设计教学任务。在教学过程中强调学生主体参与意 识,增加学生英语学习乐趣,激发学生英语学习热情,鼓励学生主动学习、积极思考。为 学生营造轻松的课堂氛围,鼓励学生大胆开口讲英语,逐步培养学生的思维和综合语言能 力。 教材分析教材分析 本课使用教材为义务教育教科书北京出版社一年级英语上册 (一年级起点) ,本套 教材共有 6 个单元,每个单元 4 课,前三课为新授课,第四课为单元复习课。 本课是第五单元第一课。第五单元的话题主要是围绕 ability,与学生生活实际紧密相 关。学生在生活中,经常会和同龄人交往、交流,而在这个过程中,学生在一起玩耍、一 起运动。因此有礼貌、有自信地表达自己能做什么,询问对方能做什么、并发出合理邀请 是很重要的。本节课主要学习如何表达自己能够做什么,并初步渗透询问对方能够做怎么。 本节课为 lesson17 的第一课时,主要处理 Listen and say 和 Lets act 两个板块。本课 对话情景分为两部分,第一部分为两个小朋友和他们的动物朋友在公园里玩,四位主人公 分别用 I can 来表达自己能够做什么; 第二部分为两人来到湖边,遇到新的朋友:小鸟 和小鱼,对于自己能够做的事情进行新的表达。通过创设情景帮助学生理解、学习主要句 型“I can .”的同时,倡导学生积极展现自己的能力,并培养他们“朋友越多、越快乐” 的情感价值观。本节课涉及到的动词和动词短语分别为: sing, dance, jump, run, fly, fly a kite, drive a car, swim ; 主要句型为“I can.” 。 学情分析学情分析 本班共有学生 36 名,对英语学习有着强烈的热情。在前四个单元中,学习的话题都 为打招呼和问候语,大部分学生能够熟练掌握,并能积极思考、乐于参与、渴望表达。本 节课所学动词及动词短语包括:sing, dance, run, jump, fly, fly a kite, drive a car 等,所学句型 为“I can.” 。通过课前韵律操的唱跳,班级中有 6 名学生能够比较熟练使用“I can .”来 表达自己能做的事情,有 15 名同学对于本课涉及到的”run, jump, dance” 掌握的不错。 前期教学状况、问题及对策:前期教学状况、问题及对策:该年龄段学生以形象思维为主,好奇、好动、善于模仿, 学生年龄较小,有意注意时间较短,因此在教学方法上采用唱跳、图片、游戏相结合的综 合手段进行直观教学。在本堂课中也会适宜地树立课堂常规,规范一年级新生课堂纪律; 另外大部分学生的词汇量不够,因此在表达过程中受到局限,本堂课也会适当地扩展学生 关于课外活动的词汇。 教学方式与手段教学方式与手段 教学方式:教学方式:师生交流、生生交流、两人合作交流等,让学生在课堂学习、交流中初步运用 英语语言进行交际。 教学手段:教学手段:多媒体课件、图片、单词卡片、视频技术准备 技术准备技术准备 自制课件、自制单词卡片、网络视频资源、自制小视频及音频 教学目标教学目标 本课结束后,学生能够: 1. 听说、认读、理解动词和动词短语 sing、dance、jump、run、 fly、 fly a kite、 drive a car、 swim; 2. 理解并运用句式:“I can .”来在适当的情境中表达自己能够做什么; 3. 敢于展现自己的能力、 乐于去和新朋友交流,并体会到“more friends, more happiness.” 教学重点、难点教学重点、难点 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学活动设计意图时间 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 听说、认读、理解动词和动词短语 sing、dance、jump、run、 fly、 fly a kite、 drive a car、 swim; 2. 理解并运用句式:“I can .”来在适当的情境中表达自己能够做什么; 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 理解并运用句式:“I can .”来在适当的情境中表达自己能够做什么; 2. 敢于展现自己的能力、 乐于去和新朋友交流,并体会到“more friends, more happiness.” 板书设计板书设计 Unit 5 I Can Sing Lesson 17 can sing and drive a car can fly can dance and fly a kite can swim can jump can run Warm-up and lead in 1. Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, Flora! T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, and you? T: I am fine, too. Thank you! 2. warm-up: T: lets chant and dance together. Ss: OK! 3. lead in: T: wow, you can do so many things, I am proud of you! Now, lets see what our friends can do. Ss look at the picture. 通过网络视频 资料让学生唱 跳英文歌,感 受英文韵律的 同时,引出本 课主题,激发 学生学习兴趣 和英语思维, 在歌曲中 渗透“I can.” 的句型为本节 课内容做铺垫。 4 New language learning Picture 1: T shows a picture to Ss. T: Look! Our friends are playing in the park, can you tell me who are they? Ss: Maomao, Guoguo, Lala and Kate. T: Now I have a task for you. Lets watch the video and after the video, please tell me what they can do, ok? Ss: ok! Ss watch and listen. 通过读图创设 情境,增加学 生学习英语的 趣味性。 通过问题的设 置复习旧识引 出新知。 通过大量不同 形式的练习, 增加词汇学习 的乐趣。使学 生能够将词汇 和词组快速掌 16 T: What can Maomao do? Ss: Maomao can sing. (practice the word “sing”) T: Wat can Guoguo do? Ss: Guoguo can dance. (practice the word “dance”) T: Now, lets make these words into a chant. Ss: sing sing sing, I can sing; Dance dance dance, I can dance; Jump jump jump, I can jump; Run run run, I can run. Picture 2: T shows another picture to Ss. T: Look, Maomao and Guoguo come to a lake, they meet some new friends. Who do they meet? Ss: little bird and little fish. T: If you meet some new friends, what can you say? Ss: hello, hi, good morning T: now lets listen to the video and find what they are talking about. Ss listen and watch. T: OK, boys and girls. Now who can tell me what does the bird say? 握并能够应用。 通过 chant 的练 习,进一步巩 固所学词汇。 通过跟读视频, 使学生能够体 会原汁原味的 英文语音语调, 并进行模仿。 通过指读练习, 培养学生读书 的规范性,并 帮助学生认识 词句。 Ss: I can fly. (practice the sentence) . Lets read 1. Watch the video and repeat. 2. Point and read. (P42 listen and say) Practice T: lets look at the picture again. Are our friends happy? Ss: yes! T: Why are they so happy? Ss: Because they play together. T: Yes! They are happy because they play with their friends. So lets remember “more friends, more happiness”. Activity 1: A New Friend T: Today I will introduce you a new friend. Look, this is my daughter momo. She has sth to say. Ss watch a video of momo. T: Now can you tell me how old is momo ? What can momo do? Ss: momo is 7years old. Momo can . T: Can you say sth to momo? 通过情景的创 设, 帮助一年 级学生认识到 朋友的重要性, 并鼓励学生多 交朋友。 通过新朋友的 介绍,帮助学 生巩固 I can 这个句型。 16 Activity2:Lets play together T: Look! Momo laughs so naughty. Now, she has a task for you. Maybe the task is difficult, can you take the task? Ss: yes! Ss do the animal simulation show. 通过比较有意 思的模仿动物 的动作,进一 步检验学生对 于本节课重点 词汇的掌握情 况,也帮助学 生再一次复习 本课主要内容。 Summary T: Momo has sth to say, lets listen to her. Mo:wow, you are so good! My mum says you are good boys and girls, she loves you! So I want to be friends with you. This Saturday, lets play in binhe park, OK? Ss: OK! T: Now lets review what we have learned today. Ss: 通过新朋友的 小视频,肯定 学生在这节课 的表现。 新朋友的邀请, 再次渗透了 “朋友多,快 乐多”这一认 识。 通过总结,帮 助学生梳理本 节课所学知识。 4
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