北京版二年级上册UNIT FOUR THERE ARE MANY ANIMALS-Lesson 14-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:c13f1).zip

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教材版本:义务教育教科书 北京版 学段学科:小学英语 年 级:二年级上册(一年级起点) 微课名称:Unit4 There are many animals Lesson14 Lets act Lesson14 Lets act Pet shopPet shop I like cats and dogs. I like dogs and birds. cats rabbits tigers dogs foxes lions giraffes zebras Do you like ? Do you like cats? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I like too. I like dogs too. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like ? Do you like rabbits? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I like . I like foxes. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like ? Do you like tigers? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I like too. I like lions too. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like ? Do you like giraffes? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I like. I like zebras. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. catsrabbitsfoxeslionszebras a rabbita cata liona foxa zebra 1 1 2,3,4many2,3,4many-s/es-s/es Have a try!Have a try! 试一试试一试 ducks beespigsdogselephants cats birds peacocks Good night!Good night!Good night!Good night! Good-bye!Good-bye! Thank you very much. Next lesson: animal words 第 1 页 共 5 页 附件: Unit4Unit4 ThereThere areare manymany animalsanimals LessonLesson 1414 创新整合点 本课是义务教育教科书(北京版)小学英语二年级上册(一年级起点)Unit4 There are many animals Lesson14 的教学。通过谈论图片、观看视频,帮助学生复习 13 课对话,加 深对 big animals 和 small animals 的理解。通过插入视频、图片、音频,帮助学生解本 课对话的内容,并跟读对话。利用白板的显隐功能,在 “找朋友”游戏中学习动物单词, 跟随录音朗读更准确地学习单词发音。整节课充分利用白板软件教学,学生学习效果显著。 教材分析 本课是义务教育教科书(北京版)小学英语二年级上册(一年级起点)Unit4 There are many animals Lesson14 的教学。对话部分涉及 Do you like ? Yes, I do. I like ,too.学生已经接触过类似的句型,理解不难。 学情分析 二年级 1 班共有 36 名学生,他们从一年级开始学习英语。大部分学生有良好的英语基础, 学习积极性很高,喜欢英语活动,乐于表现,但也有一小部分学生不主动表达。 本课是关于动物的内容,学生已经多次接触过动物话题,积累了很多动物单词:cat, duck, dog, fox, lion, monkey, panda, rabbit, tiger,并能在图片的帮助下认读单词。Do you like? Yes,I do.已经接触过。对单词的复数形式理解有难度。 教学目标 1 能够用“Do you like?”询问他人喜爱的动物和肯定应答“Yes, I do. I like ,too.”并表述自己还喜欢其他动物。 2能认读和运用 thin、fat 描述本课所学动物 rabbit, fox, lion, zebra 并进行交流。 3了解名词复数,并初步建立复数概念。 4能主动和朋友、同学谈论自己喜欢的动物。 教学环境与准备 需要播放白板课件 HiteBoard v2.0.9.20121217 及视频 WMA 文件 教学过程 Step1Step1 Warm-upWarm-up 1.过渡: Today, we will learn Unit4 There are many animals Lesson14. Read together.(生 齐读课题) Last lesson, we learned Lesson13. PPT:L13 的图 1 用笔圈出 Who are they? (Lingling and Maomao) Where are they? 第 2 页 共 5 页 What animals does Lingling like? (Lingling likes small animals.) What animals does Maomao like? (Maomao likes big animals.) What are the big animals? 视频展示大型动物图片 zebra , giraffe, bears, lion, tiger, hippo, elephant 边看边说动物名字 They are big, strong, terrible. What are the small animals? 视频展示小型动物图片 rabbit, cat, mouse, fox, dog, birds, fish, panda, 边看边说动物名字 They are small , cute . Step2Step2 ListenListen andand saysay Part1 理解 pet 1.过渡:Sometime people put small animals as pets. Do you know pets? 出示文字及图片 What animal can be pets? 指图说动物 2. Do you like pets? Lets sing a song about pet.-I have a pet. 3. 联系生活实际 Do you like the song? Do you like pets? I have a pet. Its a white cat. Its lovely. Its my friend. Do you have a pet? What animal is it? 4. 总结并进行情感教育 Pets are our friends. We must take care of them. Part2 讨论图片,整体感知 1过渡:PPT:出示对话图片 Look,this is a pet shop. Yangyang and Guoguo like pet. So they go to the pet shop. 2. 讨论: 随着学生说用笔圈出来 3. 整体感知: Yangyang and Guoguo like pets. Guess, what animals does Yangyang like? What animals does Guoguo like? 看动画 Part3:学习第一幅图 出示第一幅图动画 第 3 页 共 5 页 导语:Yangyang likes cats and dogs. Lets listen what do they say. 1. 理解 baby 播放视频 They see baby cats. Do you know baby? 出示单词 baby 总结:Baby can be a little child or a little animal. 2. 对比学习 thin fat 继续播放视频,Oh, they are thin. 肢体动作表示 thin fat 用 thin fat 描述动物、人物。 关注 in 发/in/, th 发/ in, pin, sin, tin, win, 3. 跟读对话 4. 扮演师生-生生 师戴 Guoguo 头饰:Do you like cats, Yangyang? 引导学生 Yes,I do. 板书:Do you like cats? Yes,I do. I like dogs. Change. I am Yangyang, you can ask. 引导学生 Do you like cats, Yangyang? Part4 学习第二幅图 过渡:We know Yangyang likes cats and dogs. Now they go to another room. Does Guoguo like dogs? Lets watch. 1. 看动画回答 Does Guoguo like dogs? 2. Does Guoguo like birds? How many birds does Guoguo have? 3. 跟读 4师 Yangyang 头饰:Do you like dogs, Guoguo? 引导学生 Yes,I do. I like birds,too. Change. I am Guoguo, you can ask. 引导学生 Do you like dogs,Guoguo? Part 5 1. Look at books.跟读 1 次 2. All of girls ,you are Guoguo. All of boys, you are Yangyang. 分角色读一次 3. Who want to be Yangyang? Guoguo? 个人展示 Step3Step3 LetsLets actact part1. 1.故事:捉迷藏,学习动物单词 过渡: they go to a forest. Look,Lala is here. There are many animals in the forest. They are playing a game - hide and seek. Lala dont find other friends. Lets help him. 在找动物的过程中学习单词听单词。 Part 2. 唱歌,进一步提升兴趣。 导语:You can help Lala. You are so clever. They are so happy. Look, a cat is singing. Lets sing together. 第 4 页 共 5 页 Part 3. 读书 导语:Are you happy? Yes, they are happy, too. PPT: 显示天渐渐黑了 But, its dark . Lala must go home. PPT: 显示和动物们分开。Please say goodbye to them. 带领学生向每个动物再见 Goodbye, rabbits. PPT:显示 Maomao 的屋(6 页第二幅图)Now, Lala is at home. Maomao and Lala are Maomaos room. PPT:显示他们在看书 What are they doing? What are they reading? animals book. Lets read together, OK? 一起读书。 Part 4总结并尝试读一读 观察这两排单词有什么特点? 在英语中,在单词结尾加 s/es 来表示单词的复数形式。 用笔书写s/es Part 5. 使用动物书,练习对话。 (1)Maomao and Lala read books. They are talking about animals. Guess, what are they talking about? 学生猜测对话内容。 (2)出示 (3)学生两人一组谈论 (4)展示 Step4 homework 教学反思(黑体、小四) 1、在游戏“捉迷藏”中学习动物单词,学生为了帮助 Lala 找到动物朋友,通过观察树上 的小尾巴,小耳朵,认真寻找小动物。在找朋友过程中学习单词,通过跟随录音朗读更准 确地学习单词发音。 2. 翻唱歌曲,进一步提升兴趣。在熟悉的两只老虎音乐伴奏下,填上 Do you like.? Yes, I do. I like .,too. Yes, I do. 欢快的节奏带领孩子进入动物聚会,学生特别敢 兴趣。既激发学生的兴趣,又第二次认读单词。 3.跟 Lala 读书活动,进一步巩固单词。与动物朋友再见是第三次说出单词,考察了学生 对单词的记忆。与 Maomao,Lala 一起看书过程中再次认读,并在此基础上归纳动物名词复 第 5 页 共 5 页 数形式,并尝试读一读,不仅加深学生的理解,更增加了一些新的动物朋友,扩展学习内 容。
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