人教PEP三年级上册:Unit4 We love animals B Let’s learn-教案.doc

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1、PEPPEP 三年级英语上册三年级英语上册 Unit4Unit4 WeWe lovelove animalsanimals Part B Lets learn Lets do 教材分析教材分析 本课时是 pep 小学三年级英语上 Unit4 We love animals 的第五课时。 动物是学 生所喜爱并熟悉的一个话题。本课时的学习任务是听、说、认读六个单词 zoo, bird,monkey,tiger,elephant,panda,会表演五个相关的动物,并掌握句型 Whats that?Its a 学情分析学情分析 本课时的教学对象是小学三年级学生。他们刚接触英语,对英语充满好奇心 和学习

2、热情。他们活泼好动,争强好胜,表现欲强,能在充满趣味的教学中较好 地完成教学任务。他们爱玩爱动,注意力集中的时间较短。因此,需要教师进行 科学的引导,合理地设计形式多样的活动来吸引孩子们的注意,调动孩子们的积 极性,增强孩子们的学习兴趣。 教学目标教学目标 知识目标知识目标 1 能够听、说、认读 zoo,bird,monkey,tiger,elephant 和 panda。 2 掌握句型 Whats that?会用 Its a(an)正确应答。 能力目标能力目标 1.能听懂指令,并在指令下正确表演。 2.能根据自己的喜好,运用所学句型进行交际。 情感目标情感目标 培养学生对动物的热爱,懂得保护

3、动物。 教学重点教学重点 让学生在形式多样的活动中听、说、认读新词,灵活运用新句型。 教学难点教学难点 a 和 an 的正确运用。 教学方法教学方法 视听法,全身动作反应法,游戏法 教学准备教学准备 动物头饰,动物贴片,白板课件。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings. 2. Have a race. 3. Sing a song :“Old MacDonald”.(Show on the white board) 4. Aguessing game T: Look at me. Quack! Quack! Whats this? 设计意图:通过师生问候,增

4、进感情,也为之后情景表演做好适当的准备。分设计意图:通过师生问候,增进感情,也为之后情景表演做好适当的准备。分 组比赛形式为学生持续学习增添动力。唱歌活跃了课堂气氛,又复习巩固了旧组比赛形式为学生持续学习增添动力。唱歌活跃了课堂气氛,又复习巩固了旧 知。竞猜游戏的设置,既是对歌曲的延伸,又是对新知的热身,为导入新知做知。竞猜游戏的设置,既是对歌曲的延伸,又是对新知的热身,为导入新知做 好铺垫。好铺垫。 Step 2 Presentation 1. zoo T:Children,do you like animals? I like them very much .Today , the wea

5、ther is fine. Im going to the zoo. Lets go to the zoo,OK? Ss:Great! T:Now,follow me. Zoo, zoo,zoo.Go to the zoo. T:Look at the zoo. You see so many animals. They are so lovely. Do you want to know their English names? You can ask me “Whats that?” Then Ill tell you.Lets go and have a look. 2. bird T:

6、Look! Ss: Whats that? T:Oh!Its a bird. Follow me. Bird, bird, bird.Act like a bird. Ss: do the action with teacher.Then do it group by group. Assessment.(The best group can get a “bird” card.) T: Do you like the bird? Ss:Yes, I like it. T:Lets say goodbye to Miss Bird. 3. monkey T:look!Its so funny.

7、 Ss:Whats that? T:Its a monkey.Follow me.Monkey,monkey.Act like a monkey. Ss do the action.Then ask some students to act like the monkey Assessment.(The best student can get a “monkey” card for their group.) T: Do you like the monkey?Lets say goodbye to Mr. Monkey. 4. tiger T: Look! Ss:Whats that? T

8、: Its a tiger. Tiger, tiger.Act like a tiger. Drill the word by action. Then choose the best group for performance. Assessment.(The best group can get a “tiger” card.) T: Do you like the tiger?Lets say goodbye to Mr Tiger. 5. elephant T:Wow! Its so big! It has a long nose. Ss:Whats that? T:Its an el

9、ephant.An an an. An elephant. T: Follow me.Elephant,elephant.Act like an elephant. Drill the word by action. Assessment.(The best group can get an “elephant” card.) T: Do you like the elephant?Lets say goodbye to Mr Elephant. 6. panda T:Look! Its fat. Its black and white. Ss:Whats that? T: Its a pan

10、da. Panda, panda. Act like a panda. Ss do the action with teacher. Then do it group by group. Assessment.(The best group can get a “panda” card.) T: Do you like the panda? Ss:Yes, I like it. T:Lets say goodbye to Miss Panda. 设计意图:通过设计去动物园的活动,激发了学生的学习热情。想知道动物的设计意图:通过设计去动物园的活动,激发了学生的学习热情。想知道动物的 英文名称的任

11、务驱动,使学生的学习具有明确的目的性。带着动作操练让学生英文名称的任务驱动,使学生的学习具有明确的目的性。带着动作操练让学生 体验到玩中学的乐趣。同时渗透了学习方法的指导,让学习变得轻松自如。拟体验到玩中学的乐趣。同时渗透了学习方法的指导,让学习变得轻松自如。拟 人化的称呼,增进学生和动物之间的感情,烘托了本课的主题。人化的称呼,增进学生和动物之间的感情,烘托了本课的主题。 Step 3 Practice 1. Read the animalsnames. T: Can you read their names?(Teacher points to the animal words on th

12、e white board.) Ask some students to read the words. Assessment. T: Whats that?(Teacher points to the animal pictures on the white board.) Ask some students to answer . Assessment. 2. Look and match. T: Wonderful!Who can match the pictures with the right words? Ask one student to show on the white b

13、oard. Assessment. 2. Lets learn. First, listen and repeat . Then,practice in groups. Role play. Assessment. 3. Game: Who am I ? Teacher acts like the animals. Guide the students to guess. 4. Lets do T: Can you act like the animals? Now,lets do! First,listen and repeat. Then,do after the teacher. Pra

14、ctice group by group. T:Lets do together. Assessment. 设计意图:通过设计不同的活动,让学生在反复的操练中,有效地巩固新知。设计意图:通过设计不同的活动,让学生在反复的操练中,有效地巩固新知。 师生互动,生生互动,人机互动得以有效地实施,让多媒体资源有效地辅助我师生互动,生生互动,人机互动得以有效地实施,让多媒体资源有效地辅助我 们的教学,使我们的课堂高效而有活力。及时有效的评价,激发了学生的学习们的教学,使我们的课堂高效而有活力。及时有效的评价,激发了学生的学习 兴趣,活跃了课堂。兴趣,活跃了课堂。 Step4 Consolidation.

15、 1. Game:Help the little chick jump the river.(Choose the right words with the right animals.) T: Boys and girls, lets play a game! Look! The little chick wants to jump the river. Can you help? Ask one student to play the game. The other students answer the question:“Whats that?” Assessment. 2.Game:

16、Welcome the animals. T:Animals are our friends. They are so lovely. Today, some animals come to our school. They are in our classroom now. Lets welcome. T:First, lets welcome Miss Bird.(一生头戴小鸟头饰上场) Miss Bird:Hello, Im Miss Bird. Ss:Hello,Miss Bird. Nice to meet you. Miss Bird:Nice to meet you,too. T

17、hen, Mr Tiger,Mr Elephant,Mr Panda and Mr Monkey come to the front one by one. 3.Sing a new song:“HelloAnimals” T:Oh,we are so glad to see the animals. Lets sing a song.The tone just like the song: “Hello,Sarah! Do,oh,do.” 设计意图:小鸡过河的游戏让学生体验到成功的愉悦,又巧妙地巩固了新知。设计意图:小鸡过河的游戏让学生体验到成功的愉悦,又巧妙地巩固了新知。 欢迎动物的场景游

18、戏,让学生滚动复习了之前学习的内容,凸显了语言的交际欢迎动物的场景游戏,让学生滚动复习了之前学习的内容,凸显了语言的交际 功能。改编歌曲,让学生在美好的体验中感受动物的可爱,为主题的升华做好功能。改编歌曲,让学生在美好的体验中感受动物的可爱,为主题的升华做好 有益的铺垫。有益的铺垫。 Step5 SummaryMoralMoral educationeducation 1.T:Today, we are glad to see the animals. Now,letcall their names loudly. This is bird. This is monkey. This is p

19、anda. This is tiger. This is elephant.(五个动物 演员站成心形) They are so lovely .So we should love them. Lets say together:“We love animals” (边说边做手语). T: Great!You are so lovely. Its time to go back to the zoo. Lets say goodbye to the animals.(动物演员谢幕) 2.Congratulations for the best group. 设计意图:模拟让动物走进孩子们的生活,

20、使品格教育油然而生,让我们的英设计意图:模拟让动物走进孩子们的生活,使品格教育油然而生,让我们的英 语课堂民主而又和谐。心形排列和手语表演烘托出爱护动物的主题,使学生的语课堂民主而又和谐。心形排列和手语表演烘托出爱护动物的主题,使学生的 情感得到升华,首尾得到自然地呼应。情感得到升华,首尾得到自然地呼应。 Step 6 Homework 1 Draw the animals you like. 2.Act like the animals to your parents. 设计意图:画出学生喜欢的动物并表演,拓展了学用空间,体现了学以致用的设计意图:画出学生喜欢的动物并表演,拓展了学用空间,体

21、现了学以致用的 理念。理念。 Blackboard Design Unit4 We love animals zoo 设计意图:心形板书,直观明了,利于突出主题,解决重难点。设计意图:心形板书,直观明了,利于突出主题,解决重难点。 教学反思教学反思 整节课,我坚持让学生在活动中体验学习的快乐。所以我精心设计了多种整节课,我坚持让学生在活动中体验学习的快乐。所以我精心设计了多种 丰富多彩的活动,将活动贯穿于每一个教学环节,将课堂与生活紧密相连,让丰富多彩的活动,将活动贯穿于每一个教学环节,将课堂与生活紧密相连,让 学生在说、唱、演、做中来感知语言、实践语言,让学生在参与、交流、合作学生在说、唱、演、做中来感知语言、实践语言,让学生在参与、交流、合作 中体验学习的成功与喜悦。体现了以生为本,学以致用的理念。中体验学习的成功与喜悦。体现了以生为本,学以致用的理念。 birdtiger pandamonkey elephant


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