Unit 3 How many -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:e1026).zip

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The second period l Lets count 让我们数一数让我们数一数 onethreetwofourfivesix seven eight nine tentwelveeleven 6 5 12 1 2 11 9 10 4 7 8 3 6 5 12 1 2 11 9 10 4 7 8 3 How many pandas? 多少? thirteen girl bird Lets count 6 5 12 1 2 11 9 10 4 7 8 3 6 5 12 1 2 11 9 10 4 7 8 3 fourteen 6 5 12 1 2 11 9 10 4 7 8 3 6 5 12 1 2 11 9 10 4 7 8 3 l fifteen Find the rule thirteen fourteen fifteen four sixteen 16six eighteighteen ninenineteen 18 19 seven seventeen17 Try to say Conlude the rule 规律:由个位数词尾 加上teen构成十位数 。 th re e fiv e eight 总结规律 Lets play If you see a number, read it out. 如果你看到了一个数字,请把它读出 来并表演出来。 If you see a thunder, please say “Oh, no! ” 如果你看到了一个闪电,请说“Oh, no!” 。 twelve fourteen thirteen sixteen nineteen eight fifteen one eleven three10 Story time Who are they? They are Mike,Liu Tao,Helen and Yang Ling. What are these? What are those? How many? Watch the cartoon and answer the question. Watch and match 看动画,连一连 Watch and match 看动画,连一连 Watch and match 看动画,连一连 sticker 贴纸贴纸 How many toy cars does Mike have? Listen and answer How many stickers does Helen have? Thirteen. Fifteen. Tip: 用用How many 来询问别人拥有多少物品。来询问别人拥有多少物品。 Mike有多少辆玩具车 ? Helen有多少张贴纸? How many .s do you have? 你有多少.? I have . 我有. fifteen stickers. thirteen toy cars. eleven apples. Pair work 同桌对话 Lets read Lets read Read and find Task:自读课文,找出文中以自读课文,找出文中以CanCan开头开头 的句子。联系上下文的句子。联系上下文, ,猜一猜它们是什么猜一猜它们是什么 意思意思 ? ? Can I have a look? 我可以吗? Can I have one? Yes./ Sure. 当然 我可以 吗? 看一看 要一个 can 能能 have a look 看一看看一看 Lets read Lets read sure 当然当然 very 非常非常 1. 数字数字1319 2. 当你想知道对方有什么,可以问:当你想知道对方有什么,可以问: 3. 当你想询问对方拥有物品的数量时,可以问:当你想询问对方拥有物品的数量时,可以问: 4. 当你想看一看对方东西,征求意见时可以说:当你想看一看对方东西,征求意见时可以说: Summarize总结总结 本节课你学到了哪些知识?本节课你学到了哪些知识? thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen What do you have? Do you have a/an/any? How many s do you have? Can I have a look? Homework 1.Read the story after the tape more than five times 听录音,模仿朗读至少五遍。 2.Spell and remember the numbers from 1to19 拼读数字1到19 ThankThank youyou 四 年级年级 英语 学科教案学科教案 第 3 单元 课题: How many? 第 2 课时 总第 个教案 【教学内容教学内容】 Story time 【教学目标教学目标】 (一)知识目标(一)知识目标 1通过查阅单词表、查字典、猜测词义等方式听懂、会说、会读单词: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sticker, can, sure。 2. 感知句型:How many . do you have? Can I . ?及其回答 Sure. /Yes. /OK. Do you have.? What do you have? 并能简单运用这些句型。 3. 能够理解对话,并且可以流利地朗读对话,并能将对话内容大方的表 演出来。 (二)能力目标(二)能力目标 1. 能够用正确地语音语调去朗读对话,复述对话。 2. 能够结合对话中所学的语言,改编对话。 (三)情感目标(三)情感目标 1. 能够在阅读过程中慢慢培养乐于分享的良好品德。 【教学重点教学重点】 1. 在阅读的过程中,掌握六个新单词:thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sticker, can, sure。 2. 感知 How many . do you have? Can I . ? What do you have?句型,并 能简单运用句型。 【教学难点教学难点】 1. 能够用正确地语音语调去朗读对话,复述对话。 2. 通过有步骤地阅读掌握对话,并能运用所学语言改编对话。 【教学准备教学准备】 录音机,单词卡片等。录音机,单词卡片等。 【课前先学课前先学】 1. Learn the new words by yourselves. 查阅单词表和字典,写出以下单词的中文意思,并跟着磁带读一读: thirteen_ fourteen _ fifteen _ sticker _ can _ sure _ very_ 2. Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions. 听录音,试着回答以下问题? Q1: What does Mike have? How many? 麦克有什么呢?有多少呢? Q2: What does his sister Helen have? How many? 他的妹妹海伦有什么呢? 有多少呢? 二次备课 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1. Preparation 1. Sing a song: Do you like purple grapes? 2. Free talk 通过与学生对话复习前一课所学知识并引出新的课题。 (1) 师问生答 T: Do you like grapes? Do you have a book? Do you have a toy car? Do you like apples? (2) 生问师答 T: OK, but Im sorry. I dont have apples. I have something else(有其他东西). Do you want to know? You can use “What do you have ?” to ask. 教授新句子 What do you have ? T: I have some sweets. (拿出糖) T: Boys and girls, guess how many sweets do I have? 讲 how many,引出课题 Unit3 How many? Step2. Presentation & Practice Pre-reading 1. T: Look at my sweets. How many sweets do I have? One, two,three.twelve. (边拿边数,和学生一起数) 复习单词 1-12,尤其是 twelve。 T: I have 12 sweets here in my left hand, and one more in my right hand, so how many sweets do I have now? 学生可以用中文回答,此时新授单词 thirteen,以同样方法教 fifteen。 (告 知他们若表现好,糖果就是奖励) 2. T: I have some sweets, but I dont have toy cars. Do you have any toy cars? While-reading 1. Watch the cartoon T: Mike also has many toy cars. He and his friends are talking about them. Listen, what are they talking about? 看动画,回答问题: Q: How many toy cars does Mike have? A.Thirteen B.Fourteen C. Fifteen Learning tips: three-thirteen four fourteen five -fifteen 让学生看这三组单词的共同点是什么,初步发现“十几”的规律。文化渗透:文化渗透: 中西方数字的差异。中西方数字的差异。 之后跟读,纠正发音问题及语音语调。 2. T: Listen, what are the girls talking about? 听录音,以简单的提问检测学生理解情况: Q1: Does Helen have any toy cars? No, she doesnt. Q2: What does she have? 教授新词 sticker Q3: How many stickers does she have? 教授新词 fifteen A.Thirteen B.Fourteen C. Fifteen Learning tips: three-thirteen four fourteen five fifteen 再次再次观察“十几”的规律,出示另几个单词,让学生试着读,猜意思。 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 除 13、15、18,剩下的四个单词都有相同的规律,让学生初步记忆这些单 词。 3. Read and try to match 学生分成小组一起阅读对话,完成连线。成绩好的学生帮助后进生,培养 学生的团结合作能力。并预防后进生在这个环节中懒得思考答案。 Im I have fifteen nice stickers thirteen beautiful toy cars 完整的句子: Im Mike. I have thirteen nice toy cars. Im Helen. I have fifteen beautiful stickers. 4. T: Helen has fifteen stickers, Yang Ling likes them and wants to have a look, what does she say? 自读对话,学习句型 Can I have a look? T: I have some stickers, too. Do you want to have a look? Ss: Yes. T: So what can you say? (教师提示 Can I have a look?) 5. T: Yang Ling wants to have a sticker, so what does she say to Helen? What does Helen say? 教学生 Can I have one? 还可以用 Sure 回答,并进行操练。 Step 3. Production 1. Read the story. 1) Read after the tape. 2) Read in roles. 2. Try to retell the story. 根据图片及提示复述课文。 Step 4. Progress After-reading 1. Make a dialogue 如: A: Do you have.? B: Yes, I do. A: How many do you have? B: I have . A: Can I have one? B: Sure. A: Thanks./Thank you. 2. Summary 1)复习单词 数字类的单词(十几的数字表达规律) 2)复习句型 3)复习课文 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit 3 How many? What do you have? three-thirteen four -fourteen How many do you have? five -fifteen I have Can I have a look? Can I have one? Yes./Sure. 【作业布置作业布置】 1. Read the story. 2. Try to tell this story to your friend. 3. Copy the new words three times and recite them. 【教后反思教后反思】
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