Unit 8 Dolls-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:f0356).zip

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What body parts can you hear? 你能听到歌曲中唱到哪些身体部位? Lets listen. Lets learn. hair eyes ears nose mouth Lets chant. Nose, nose, my nose is small. Eyes, eyes, my eyes are big. _ , _ , my _ is _ . _ , _ , my _ are _ . Lets watch. Whose doll is it? 这是谁的娃娃? Whose doll is it? 这是谁的玩具娃娃? Lets watch. Lets say. What do you think of this doll? 你觉得这个娃娃怎么样? Shes_ . 杨玲和苏海是怎样描述 doll的? Listen and choose 1. Her hair is _. 2. Her eyes are _. 3. Her nose _ small. A. short B. long A. big B. small A. are B. is Listen and choose听一听,选一选。 Lets read.读一读课文P50,找一找。 Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose and mouth are small. Listen and choose Look at our doll. Shes beautiful. Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose and mouth are small. Listen and read.听一听,读一读。 Lets say. 四人一组说一说 。 How is the boys doll?男孩们的娃娃怎么样? Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His Look at the doll. His His This is our doll. His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. But his mouth is big. His ears are big too. This is our doll. His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. His ears are big too. But his mouth is big. . . . . . . . . . Lets read. Look! Hes a king now! Cool! Look! Hes a king now! Cool!. Lets read. ? Lets read. Lets discuss. Can you say more sentences about dolls? 你还能说出更多介绍玩具娃娃 的句子吗? Lets play. Lets play. 听一听,猜一猜。 Lets play. 听一听,猜一猜。 1、不让其他小组看到你们信封 里的娃娃。 2、四人一组,合作描述信封里 娃娃的特征,让其他同学猜一猜 。 Who is he/ she? Lets play. . Her/ His.is . Her/ His.are. . HOMEWORK 1. Read story time three times.(读课文三遍。) 2. Introduce your doll to your friends. (向你的朋友介绍你的玩具娃娃。) 教学设计教学设计 学校学校班级班级四(四(5 5)人数人数 4141 学科学科英英 语语课题课题UnitUnit 8 8 DollsDolls (PeriodPeriod 1 1)日期日期 2014.12.42014.12.4 一、教学内容一、教学内容: : Unit8 Story time (第一课时) 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、通过歌曲的学习,能掌握表示五官特征的词汇 eye, hair, nose, mouth , ear 的意义及读音,并能在句 型中正确使用。 2、通过师生交流,学生能掌握形容词 big,small, long, short 的意义,读音。并能用来准确描述 五官特征。 3、通过文本的学习,学会准确使用句型“HisHer isare.”来描述娃娃或其他人物的特征。 4、学生能够用一段话有序地对娃娃或人物进行描述,增强运用所学英语进行日常交流的能力。 三、制定依据(教材、学情分析)三、制定依据(教材、学情分析) 1、教材分析:本课所在的单元的主题是“Dolls” ,核心的教学围绕“描述人的外貌”展开。主体句 型为“HisHer isare.” 。对人物的五官描述这一话题接近学生的日常生活,学生对于语段的意 义理解是相对简单的,这些都是在说学生看得见,听得懂的话题,可以让学生言之有物。在第七单元 的 Cartoon time 里已经出现过 Her tail is long.这一句型,这与本课的主要教学句型的结构是相同的, 在本单元再次出现,便于学生进行知识的迁移。本课教学的难点有五官类名词单复数,可数名词与不 可数名词形式和使用的区别, be 动词在句中的正确使用,这些都是学生学习的重点年,在本册教材 中的第一、二、三、五单元虽有接触,但依旧是学生本课时学习的难点。而物主代词 her,his 是首次 出现,学生在意义上会与 she, he 混淆,在教学上需要重点突破。 2、学生分析:本班学生共四十一人,是本学期教师新接任教学的班级。学生的共同特点是:(1)有 三分之二的学生性格比较外向,在课堂上愿意发表自己的观点,在日常课堂中养成了在教师的指导下 尝试围绕话题进行互动的习惯。小组活动中学生会进行分工,有序表达。 (2)学生们在日常教学中非 常喜欢英语的歌曲和儿歌,通过这种方式积累了一定量的课外词汇。本课的形容词 big, small, long, short,以及表示五官特征的词汇 eye, hair, nose, mouth , ear,hand, toe, face 学生中比较优秀的已经能进 行口头输出,但是作为本课的教学目标,教师依旧需要在读音上再次巩固,让全体学生读正确、熟练 地表达。 (3)对于语篇文本的学习,约有三分之一的学生不满足于书本的素材,会增加自己所学的语 言进行交流。 (4)有四分之一的学生会倾听,但怯于当众表达,特别是对于有思维挑战的语言,害怕 出错,不敢主动交流。特别是本课的词汇容量大,句子结构新,语言知识点易出错,更加会造成这样 现象。 四、教学重点和难点:四、教学重点和难点: 1、表示五官特征的词汇 eye, hair, nose, mouth , ear,形容词的 big,small, long, short,物主代词 her,his 的意义和读音。 2、be 动词 is, are 在句型“HisHer isare.”与名词单复数,不可数名词搭配时的正确使用。 3、使用更为丰富的语言有序介绍人物特征的方法。 五、教学准备五、教学准备: ppt, 学生练习材料 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Warm-up& Pre- reading 1. Greetings 2. Enjoy a song: “My eyes, nose, mouth, ears” Listen to the song and try to answer the questions “What body parts words can you hear?” New words teaching: eye, hair, nose, mouth , ear 3. Try to say something about own appearance 4. Say a chant. Nose, nose, my nose is Eyes, eyes, my eyes are 1. Greetings 2. Sing and say happily. Learn the new words hair, nose, eye, mouth, ear 3. My is My are 4. Make a new chant. 用歌曲和韵律 歌谣活跃课堂 气氛,融入英 语的学习,并适 时进行新授的 词汇教学,过程 中动态生成基 本句型结构 用儿歌巩固所 学词汇句型, 也为后续学习 做铺垫 Step 2 While- reading 1. Talk about the pictures. (1)Show a picture of dolls Today we are going to talk about dolls. (2)Show a picture of the story time. Watch and answer: Whose doll is tit? 2. Talk about the girls doll. (1)What do you think of the doll? (2) How does Yang Ling describe her dolls? Write the key sentences on the blackboard. (3)Listen and tick Her hair is(long/short) Her eyes are (big/small) Her nose small.(are/is) Discuss: How to use is and are. (4) Can you say something about the girl doll?. (1)Theyre dolls. Try to say some thing about one of the dolls. This is Shes (2) Watch and answer: (1)Shes (2) Read and find the answer . Read the key sentences on the blackboard. (3)Listen and tick (4) Say something about the girl doll. Read the short passage. 整体感知文本 的主题信息 通过独立阅读 文本发现所学 的功能性句型, 教师带领学生 学习新句型 通过听的形式, 再次感受文本, 发现文本中介 绍的娃娃的细 节特征,并讨 论其中 be 动词 的准确使用。 再次感知文本, 更熟悉了解如 何来介绍娃娃 3. Talk about the boy doll. (1) How is the boys doll? Look at the doll. His His (2)Read the dialogue. Guess What does “king”mean? (1)Work in groups. (2)Read and answer 学生通过小组 活动,尝试着 用前一个环节 中学习的语言 结构来描述男 玩具娃娃,实 现知识的迁移, 同时渗透新词 的理解方式 Step 3 Post- reading 1. Read the whole story. 注意语音语调语气的模仿。 2.Summary Can you say more sentences about the doll? 3. Play a game:What doll is it? 1. Read it after the tape. . 2.Disscus in two.(学生可以补充 以前学过的句型) 3. Play the game: Look at Shes/Hes Her/His is/are She/He can 学生整体朗读 文本,再次进 行语言熟练化 掌握。 课堂小结,及 时反馈,适度 拓展。 任务驱动,反 馈学生达成目 标的情况 Homework 1. Listen to the story time and read it three times. 2. Introduce the doll to my friends or parents. 板书设计板书设计 Unit 8 Dolls Look at / This is nose Look at the doll. Hes/Shes mouth Her/His is hair big/smal/long/short eye Her/His are ear 教学反思教学反思 学生生成的资源
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