Unit 7 How much -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:60c5e).docx

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Unit 7 How much -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:60c5e).docx_第1页
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Unit 7 How much -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:60c5e).docx_第2页
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Unit 7 How much -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:60c5e).docx_第3页
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Unit 7 How much -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:60c5e).docx_第4页
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Unit 7 How much -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:60c5e).docx_第5页
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1、4AUnit 7 How much? (Song time & Checkout time) 教学目标:教学目标: 1.通过小组合作表演交流,学生能复习本单元学习的 Story time内容。 2.能有节奏的歌唱“The clothes shop” ,并能创编新歌曲或韵律诗。 3.通过抢答活动,复习单元四会单词 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, fan, umbrella, shoes, socks 以及 Story time板块内容。 4.通过小组合作、思考及联想, ,能掌握谈论价格的相关句式,并能在情境 中创编对话。 5.通过 Charity Sale 的情境创设

2、,联系本单元知识,能运用数字谈论物品的 价格,熟练使用 Can I help you? Id like How many would you like? How much is it?/are they? Its / Theyre yuan. 等句型进行购物。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能在创设的义卖情景中谈论价格,熟练使用 Can I help you? Id like How much is it?/are they? Its / Theyre yuan. 等句型进行购物。 2.复习本单元四会词汇 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.fan, umbrella, sh

3、oes, socks. 3.掌握谈论价格的相关句式,并能在情境中创编对话。 教学难点:教学难点: 1.能在创设的义卖情景中谈论价格,熟练使用 Can I help you? Id like How much is it?/are they? Its / Theyre yuan. 等句型进行购物。 2. 掌握谈论价格的相关句式,并能在情境中创编对话。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1.Sing a songHello T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Do you like singing? S:Yes. T:Here is a s

4、ong for you. Lets sing and follow. (学生起立,边唱边做) T:Do you like this song? S: Yes! T:Great! Today, well go on learning Unit7 How much? (带读标题) 2.Good news Boys and girl,I have some good news for you now. This year, we have a new sister school. (PPT播放视频) Look! It is in the mountain. The children in this

5、school dont any nice classroom or desks. They dont have enough food or nice clothes, just a few old books. T:What can we do for them? S:. T: Good ideas! Lets have a charity sale for them. Step 2 Charity Sale We need some volunteers to help do the charity sale. How can we choose the volunteers? Look,

6、 a good volunteer must have four abilities. What are they?(带学生读技能名称) (1)I can speak (2)I can advertise. (3)I can understand. (4)I can win. Do you want to be the volunteers? S: Yes! T: If you can do well in these tasks, you can raise more money for your group.(在任务中表现突出,可为小组筹得更多善款) Task1: I can speak.

7、 T:Are you ready? Go go go! Wonderful! Our friends are having a charity sale too. Look at the picture.(出示课文图片) Who are they? S:. What did they talk? 1.Act the story time Try to act the story in group of 4. You can choose picture1/2,or picture3/4. If you can choose all the pictures, that will be bett

8、er! (学生表演课文,道具、头饰) T:Great! I think you can speak very well. 2.Summary What kind of language did they use? (先请学生总结义卖所用句型,学生可适当补充,再分类: salesman & buyer) Task2: I can advertise. 1.T: Well done! At the charity sale, we can use these sentences to sell things. But, what can we sell?(ppt 出示) T: I have a p

9、en. I can sell it. What about you ? S: I have. 2.T: We have so many things to sell, how can we advertise them? T: Look, I can sell things like this. Listen.(T:chant 加上动作) T: Do you want to advertise things like me? (1)Read lyrics by yourselves (2) Lets chant. Follow me sentence by sentence (T边做动作边 c

10、hant,S拍手跟唱) 3. Great! You can advertise in a chant now. Or you can sing like that! If you can sing, you can sing with it.(唱且加上拍手动作) 4.T: Well done. Do you want to advertise more things? Look, I want to sell the fruit, so I have made a new one:The fruit shop. Lets chant together.(歌谣带生读一遍,拍手说歌谣) T: Ca

11、n we try the fruit on? S:No. We can just buy them all. What do you want to advertise? Maybe a toy shop or a stationery shopWork in two and make a new song or chant with your partners. The _ shop Red_ and _ Blue _and _ They are very _, they are very _. You can buy them all. T: When you finish, you ca

12、n stand up and practice the new song or chant in pairs.(S 创编好后起立练一练) a. (Whats the song about?) b. 请一组展示唱一唱 T: Great! You can advertise things at the charity sale. Congratulations. Task3:I can understand. T: Can you understand what they want to buy and the price? See, our friends also want to join i

13、n the charity sale. Who? And, what are they talking about? Lets listen Lets check your answers. (Q1) T:How much is it? S: It is . yuan T:Great!so we choose . (Q2/Q3) T: Who can ask the price? S: How much .? Pay attention:(板书) teen-thirteen ty-thirty(对比带读) T: Congratulations! You can understand the p

14、rice very well. Task4:I can win. Now, its the final round! T:Are you ready? Go, go,go! Lets have our charity sale now. 1. Watch a video(学生示范视频) What should we do at the charity sale? Lets watch! 2. Do you want to have a charity sale like them? (每组选出一名 volunteer)First, each group chooses one voluntee

15、r. Congratulations! You are the volunteers today! (贴纸) Can you win at the charity sale? If you can sell the most things, youll win and be the best volunteer today. All the things are sold on the desk. Choose the thing you like in groups and pay for it. (准备四个种类收纳盒,四个志愿者下台) 3. 选出最佳志愿者 T:Wow,all the th

16、ings were sold out! How much did we get ? (四个小组共同,志愿者事先计算价格,选出最佳志愿者) We have .yuan. Well done! You win! You are the best volunteer today! 4. Summary T: We have lots of money now.We can use the money to buy more things for them! Whats more, to help more children in poor areas,we can hold the charity

17、sale every year! 5.Homework: (1)Practice in groups, finish the charity sale (2)Write down your dialogue (3)Share your feelings about the charity sale with your friends and family. OK!So much for today, thank you for your cooperation! Goodbye boys and girls! Design: Unit 7 How much? VolunteerBuyer Can I help you? Id like,please. What would you like? How much is it/are they? The is/ are. (nice/cool/beautiful)! Itsyuan./ Theyre yuan. What about? Would you like.? Anything else? How many would you like? Yes,please./No,thank you.


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