Unit 6 At the snack bar-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:91686).zip

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Unit 6 At the snack bar Mr Orang Mr Orang 看到词组或句子就大声读出来!看到词组或句子就大声读出来! 看到看到图片图片说说 Yummy! Quick response 快速反应快速反应 a sandwichtwo cups of teasome riceAnything else? What would you like? a glass of milksome noodlesId like a cake.some juice some fish 一些鱼肉一些鱼肉 Menu 菜单菜单 Food Drinks Welcome to my snack bar. Id like a pie. Theyre all very nice. Id like some rice. What would you like? What would you like? What would you like? What would you like? What would you like? Id like a /an_. Id like some _. Theyre all very _. 两人一组,创编歌谣。两人一组,创编歌谣。 cake juice yummy Im hungry. Me too. Watch and order 看动画,给图片排序看动画,给图片排序 a b c de Watch and order 看动画,给图片排序看动画,给图片排序 a b c de adecb Bobby would like_. Sam would like_. 看图回答看图回答:What would Bobby and Sam like? some fish an egg Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. Id like an egg. happy Yes. Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. scared害怕 Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?我能帮你吗?=What would you like? smile 微笑微笑 Be polite. 有礼貌有礼貌 你认为你认为Mr Orang 是个好服务员吗?是个好服务员吗? SamSam 会说什么呢?会说什么呢? What a big egg! Reading time Im hungry. Me too. Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. Id like an egg. Yes. Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. Can I help you?What a big egg! (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) 1.I can read the story correctly. (我会准确地读故事!我会准确地读故事!) 2.I can act out the cartoon vividly. (我能生动地把动画表演出来!我能生动地把动画表演出来!) 3.I can act out the cartoon vividly with own ideas. (我能加上自己的语言并且生动地把动画表演出来!我能加上自己的语言并且生动地把动画表演出来!) 3 3人一组,表演对话。人一组,表演对话。 你能给故事续编个结局吗?你能给故事续编个结局吗? Mr Orang和和Sam、Bobby开了个玩开了个玩 笑笑 Sam和和Bobby吃掉了食物,离开了。吃掉了食物,离开了。Mr Orang把垃圾放在了盒子里,把垃圾放在了盒子里, 拿到厨房去清洗。拿到厨房去清洗。 他的朋友们正在帮忙。他的朋友们正在帮忙。 你能说说这张图片的信息吗? Mr Fox Mrs Fox MrMr FoFox x, , cancan youyou seesee thethe bobox x? ? I I cancan seesee thethe bobox x BehindBehind MrsMrs FoFox x. . Yes,Yes, yes,yes, fox box x fix (维修 ) next (下一个 ) ks 你能说出更多含有字母你能说出更多含有字母“ “x” ”并发音并发音 / /ksks/ /的单词吗的单词吗 ? ? taxi (出租车 ) books looks cakes clocks snacks 今天你学到了什么?今天你学到了什么? TestTest youyou(考考你考考你 ) 购物时可以怎么说?购物时可以怎么说? What would you like? Can I help you? Id like,please. Anything else? What about ? Would you like? Yes,please./No,thanks. Its /Theyre nice/yummy. Welcome to my snack bar. . 2-4人一组,创编对话。人一组,创编对话。 (一人扮演(一人扮演Mr Orang,其余扮演顾客)其余扮演顾客) Healthy food 健康食品健康食品 Junk food 垃圾食品垃圾食品 Eat well, eat healthy. 合理饮食,健康饮食!合理饮食,健康饮食! 1. Read and act cartoon time. 朗读并表演cartoon time。 2. Do some exercises. 完成提优完成提优P50:一。一。 Homework UnitUnit 6 6 AtAt thethe snacksnack barbar (Period3Period3:RhymeRhyme time/Cartoontime/Cartoon time/time/ SoundSound timetime) 1、教学目标: 1.能正确诵读歌谣:并学会创编小诗。 2.能流利地朗读 cartoon 并正确理解文意,能与同学合作表演 cartoon。 3. 能听懂、会说、会读字母 x 在单词中的发音 二、教学重难点: 1.能流利朗读并表演 cartoon。 2.能听懂、会说、会读字母 x 在单词中的发音 3、教学准备:ppt 课件 4、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. T:Today,lets meet a new friend,Mr Orang.( 跟读,板图) 2. Say hello to Mr Orang. 3. Game T:Mr Orang has a snack bar.Its very beautiful.Lets go to the snack bar,OK? But at first,Mr Orang wants to play a game with us.If you did good job,we can go. Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn the new word:fish 2. Rhyme time T:You did good job.Now lets go to Mr Orangs snack bar. Look at the menu. Theres a lot of food and drinks at the snack bar. What would you like?(T-S1-S2-S3-T) S3:What would you like? T:Id like a pie.Id like some rice.Theyre all very nice. T:This is a beautiful rhyme.Its name is (板书) Read after the tape Make a new rhyme 3. Cartoon time We are at the snack bar.Our friends are coming.Who are they? (听音回答,板书:Bobby,Sam) Read after the tape(P1) Sam and Bobby are hungry.So they come to the snack bar.What happens to them?(看动画,给图片排序) Q:What would Bobby and Sam like?(看图片回答问题并板书) Read after the tape(P2,P3) Learn:Heres a snack bar. Learn:Can I help you? T:Mr Orang gives Sam the egg.Its very big. What a big egg! Read after the tape(P4) T: Look at Sams fish.What will Sam say?(P5) Read cartoon time and act it in groups Give cartoon an ending 4. Sound time a.T:Look at my ending. (ppt)Who are they? Learn:Mr Fox ,Mrs Fox b.Ss say something about the picture c.Learn sound time Read after the tape Read the words: box,fox 体会发音:x/ks/(板书) Ss say more words:six,sixteen. Learn more words:taxi,fix,next,books,look.(生总结规律) Step 3 Consolidation 1.T:Today we learn a lot with Mr Orang. Now,Mr Orang wants to test you.(生总结学到的内容) 2. Make a dialogue 3. 情感教育 Step 4 Homework 1. Read and act cartoon time. 2. Do some exercises.(提优 P50:一) 板书设计: Unit6 At the snack bar What would you like? Can I help you? Id like some fish. Id like an egg. X/ks/ box fox six sixteen
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